<p dir="ltr">Andreas wrote:<br>
> - many will see x3d just as static 3d content (Shape) format to be imported into a webgl canvas controlled by three.js or exported from blender<br></p>
<p dir="ltr">That's where I hope tools like d3.js will take off with dynamic x3d, similar to dynamic html. Rather than the view determining the data, the data determines the view. Does anyone have code for spawning dynamic protoinstances? That's where we need to head. Think of tables that expand and contract to fit data, even though they may be paginated. You can also think of hordes of monsters. Yes, I realize there should be limits. The question is, does the limit go in the view or in the data or both? How high should the limit be?</p>
<p dir="ltr">We should also show variations on a theme. This may be where web components fail and protos succeed. <br></p>
<p dir="ltr">John </p>