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<title>Table B2 of ISO/IEC 19774-1:201x — Annex B Feature points for the human body</title>
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<p class="HeadingPart">Humanoid animation (H-Anim)<br>
Part 1: Architecture</p>
<p class="AnnexHeadingBottom"><a name="FeaturePointForTheHumanBody"></a>Annex B</p>
<p class="AnnexType">(informative)</p>
<p class="AnnexHeadingBottom">Feature points for the human body</p>
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<h1><img class="cube" src="../Images/cube.png" alt="cube"> <a name="General"></a>B.1 General</h1>
<h2><a name="Introduction"></a>B.1.1 Introduction</h2>
<p>This annex specifies a list of surface features on the body that can be used for a
variety of purposes. </p>
<h2><a name="Topics"></a>B.1.2 Topics</h2>
<p><a href="#t-topics">Table B.1</a> lists the major topics in
this annex.</p>
<div class="CenterDiv">
<p class="TableCaption"><a name="t-topics"></a>Table B.1 — Topics</p>
<table class="topics" summary="Topics">
<li><a href="#General">B.1 General</a>
<li><a href="#Introduction">B.1.1 Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#Topics">B.1.2 Topics</a></li>
<li><a href="#FeaturePoints">B.2 Feature points</a> </li>
<li><a href="#FeaturePointsOnTheHumanBody">
Figure B.1 — Feature points on the human body</a></li>
<li><a href="#t-topics">Table B.1 — Topics</a></li>
<li><a href="#t-FeaturePoints">Table B.2 — Feature points</a> </li>
<p> </p>
<h1><img class="cube" src="../Images/cube.png" alt="cube"> <a name="FeaturePoints"></a>B.2 Feature points</h1>
<p>These <a href="glossary.html#HAnimfeaturepoint">feature points</a> are specified using <span class="Object">Displacer</span> nodes
whose <i>name</i> field is the H-Anim name of the feature point and whose <i>coordIndex</i> field
contains a single value that is the index of the vertex which corresponds most
closely to the feature point.</p>
<p><a href="#FeaturePointsOnTheHumanBody">Figure B.1</a> and
<a href="#t-topics">Table B.1</a> are derived from that used in the
ISO 7250 and the CAESAR project (see <a href="bibliography.html#[CAESAR]">[CAESAR]</a>),
with the H-Anim list of Site objects modified to match the conventions used in the
rest of this International Standard listed in the right hand column.</p>
<p>ISO 7250 contains a widely used set of human measurement points that together are are
traditional univariate measures, commonly used in anthropometric surveys.
<a href="#t-FeaturePoints">Table B.2</a> contain lists of feature points that are
three dimensional points which have no equivalent or overlap of measurement
items in ISO 7250-1 and were instead derived from a 3D anthropometric study, the
CAESAR project.
There are a few common anatomically derived terms that are
common to H-Anim, CAESAR and ISO 7250. These common terms have the following ISO
7250 identifications:</p>
<ol class="AlphaEnumerate">
<li>2.2.1 acromion,</li>
<li>2.2.5 cervicale,</li>
<li>2.2.18 metacarpal,</li>
<li>2.2.19 sellion, and</li>
<li>2.2.30 tragion.</li>
<p>Some application may use the definitions of these terms from ISO 7250.</p>
<p>The positions of the H-Anim feature points are indicated in
<a href="#FeaturePointsOnTheHumanBody">Figure B.1</a>
using the position index in the middle column of
<a href="#t-FeaturePoints">Table B.2</a>.</p>
<div class=CenterDiv>
<a name="FeaturePointsOnTheHumanBody"></a>
<img src="../Images/landmarks.png" alt="landmark feature points">
<p class="FigureCaption">Figure B.1 — Feature points on the human body</p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p class=TableCaption>
<a name="t-FeaturePoints"></a>Table B.2 — Surface Feature points</p>
<table summary="Table B.2 — Feature points">
<th>Landmark name</th>
<th>Position index</th>
<th>H-Anim Site name</th>
<td valign="top">
<p>Rt. Infraorbitale</p>
<p>Lt. Infraorbitale</p>
<p>Rt. Tragion</p>
<p>Rt. Gonion</p>
<p>Lt. Tragion</p>
<p>Lt. Gonion</p>
<p>Rt. Clavicale</p>
<p>Lt. Clavicale</p>
<p>Rt. Thelion/Bustpoint</p>
<p>Lt. Thelion/Bustpoint</p>
<p>Rt. 10th Rib</p>
<p>Rt. ASIS</p>
<p>Lt. 10th Rib</p>
<p>Lt. ASIS</p>
<p>Rt. Iliocristale</p>
<p>Rt. Trochanterion</p>
<p>Lt. Iliocristale</p>
<p>Lt. Trochanterion</p>
<p>10th Rib Midspine</p>
<p>Rt. PSIS</p>
<p>Lt. PSIS</p>
<p>Waist, Preferred, Post.</p>
<p>Rt. Acromion</p>
<p>Rt. Axilla, Ant</p>
<p>Rt. Radial Styloid</p>
<p>Rt. Axilla Post</p>
<p>Rt. Olecranon</p>
<p>Rt. Humeral Lateral Epicn</p>
<p>Rt. Humeral Medial Epicn</p>
<p>Rt. Radiale</p>
<p>Rt. Metacarpal Phal. II</p>
<p>Rt. Dactylion</p>
<p>Rt. Ulnar Styloid</p>
<p>Rt. Metacarpal-Phal. V</p>
<p>Lt. Acromion</p>
<p>Lt. Axilla, Ant</p>
<p>Lt. Radial Styloid</p>
<p>Lt. Axilla Post</p>
<p>Lt. Olecranon</p>
<p>Lt. Humeral Lateral Epicn</p>
<p>Lt. Humeral Medial Epicn</p>
<p>Lt. Radiale</p>
<p>Lt. Metacarpal-Phal. II</p>
<p>Lt. Dactylion</p>
<p>Lt. Ulnar Styloid</p>
<p>Lt. Metacarpal-Phal. V</p>
<p>Rt. Knee Crease</p>
<p>Rt. Femoral Lateral Epicn</p>
<p>Rt. Femoral Medial Epicn</p>
<p>Rt. Metatarsal-Phal. V</p>
<p>Rt. Lateral Malleolus</p>
<p>Rt. Medial Malleolus</p>
<p>Rt. Sphyrion</p>
<p>Rt. Metatarsal-Phal. I</p>
<p>Rt. Calcaneous, Post.</p>
<p>Rt. Digit II</p>
<p>Lt. Knee Crease</p>
<p>Lt. Femoral Lateral Epicn</p>
<p>Lt. Femoral Medial Epicn</p>
<p>Lt. Metatarsal-Phal. V</p>
<p>Lt. Lateral Malleolus</p>
<p>Lt. Medial Malleolus</p>
<p>Lt. Sphyrion</p>
<p>Lt. Metatarsal-Phal. I</p>
<p>Lt. Calcaneous, Post.</p>
<p>Lt. Digit II</p>
<p>no equivalent</p>
<p>no equivalent</p>
<p>no equivalent</p>
<p>Chest depth rear</p>
<p>Body depth rear</p>
<p>Chest breadth</p>
<p>Chest breadth</p>
<p>Shoulder (bideltoid) breadth</p>
<p>Shoulder (bideltoid) breadth</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<p>no name given</p>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<td valign="top">
<p>vertex (skull-tip)</p>
<p>rear center at midsagittal plane+</p>
<p>buttocks standing wall contact point+</p>
<p>l_chest at at midsagittal plane+</p>
<p>r_chest at at midsagittal plane+</p>
<p>l_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip (l_thumb_distal_tip)+</p>
<p>l_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip (l_index_distal_tip)+</p>
<p>l_carpal_distal_phalanx_3_tip (l_middle_distal_tip)+</p>
<p>l_carpal_distal_phalanx_4_tip (l_ring_distal_tip)+</p>
<p>l_carpal_distal_phalanx_5_tip (l_pinky_distal_tip)+</p>
<p>r_carpal_distal_phalanx_1_tip (r_thumb_distal_tip)+</p>
<p>r_carpal_distal_phalanx_2_tip (r_index_distal_tip)+</p>
<p>r_carpal_distal_phalanx_3_tip (r_middle_distal_tip)+</p>
<p>r_carpal_distal_phalanx_4_tip (r_ring_distal_tip)+</p>
<p>r_carpal_distal_phalanx_5_tip (r_pinky_distal_tip)+</p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
<p> . </p>
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