<html><head></head><body><div style="font-family: Verdana;font-size: 12.0px;"><div>Hi all,</div>
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<div>In the last few hours and days I saw so many positive, motivating e-mails here, so I am thinking now:</div>
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<div>"Should I or should I not?".</div>
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<div>I mean: "Should I write an e-mail, too?".</div>
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<div><u><strong>On the one hand</strong></u>:</div>
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<div>I have nothing to offer. The SrrTrains v0.01 project is still missing some important architectural gimmicks, before I could suggest to take the X3D prototypes and define some new X3D nodes from them.</div>
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<div>First I would need a bunch of users/supporters, before I could do that.</div>
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<div>Additionally, I am mainly interested in the networking and simulation issues, but not in the sophisticated graphics.</div>
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<div>The demo models I am creating are not really "pretty" or "impressive". They are just "functional" example applications of my experimental what-I-call "framework".</div>
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<div><u><strong>On the other hand</strong></u>:</div>
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<div>Still I have a some downloads of the SRR Framework (<a href="http://simulrr.sourceforge.net">simulrr.sourceforge.net</a>) every month - unfortunately without any feed back - are some of the downloaders available here at this mailing list? I don't know. Maybe you can give me a hint and some feed back.</div>
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<div>Although I cannot provide a finished framework yet, the concepts seem to be stable now - would be interesting to discuss them here - anybody interested? - we could try to improve the framework and make it more meaningful.</div>
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<div>First question: why do I stick to BS? A: it's just my laziness, I cannot afford the rebase to another X3D Player / MU System if I'm alone.</div>
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<div>Second question: why don't I support HLA/DIS, but I stick to the Network Sensor? Why standardized protocol at all? A: it's again my laziness. I cannot afford to start the project from the scratch again, if I'm alone.</div>
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<div>Third question: why should you join the project? A: I cannot answer this.</div>
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<div>All the best</div>
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<div>Yours Christoph</div>
<div>A distant friend of the community</div></div></body></html>