<html><body>Dear Friends, Stakeholders and Members of TS,<br/><br/>On Thursday and yesterday, my employer gave me the chance to attend a training about the standards and the eco system of mission critical broadband communication (a term of the 3GPP - third generation partnership project).<br/><br/>Among others, I was reminded about the major advantages of standardized interfaces.<br/><br/>For some vendors and users, the development of international standards might appear to be an endeavour that does not pay off, but<br/><br/>At least:<br/><br/>1) the overall size of the cake increases in most cases<br/>2) standardized interfaces and data formats have usually a longer lifetime than proprietary ones<br/><br/>Just to remind you<br/><br/>Have a nice week<br/>Yours CP/V<br/><br/>--<br/>Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android Mobiltelefon mit GMX Mail gesendet.</body></html>