X3D Example Archives: Basic, Student Projects

Pinball Table Model

Student Projects are interesting and fun!

These are interesting scenes authored by X3D students who have taken the X3D for Web Authors Further contributions are welcome. Be sure to follow the X3D Scene Authoring Hints for reasonably consistent descriptions, metadata, layout and naming conventions within each model scene.

  42 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
   AllenDutton Allen Dutton Laser scan by Cyberware
   AllenDuttonVillage Allen Dutton Village Primitive village. Move mouse over the hut roofs to see a demonstration of sensors and interpolators
   Chair Chair A chair for a room, modeled as a Prototype for reuse.
   Chess8Levels Chess 8 Levels Multi-layered Chess Board in 3 dimensions.
   ComputerKeyboard Computer Keyboard A computer keyboard for the control panel in the CVN bridge control. The buttons animated to be pushed in when touched.
   DeadReckoningComparisons Dead Reckoning Comparisons Compare different dead-reckoning algorithms to see relative effects of velocity and acceleration on animation smoothness.
   Desk Desk A reusable desk prototype - click on drawers to open/shut.
   DeskLamp Desk Lamp A file decribing a desk lamp
   DirtBike Dirt Bike Simple dirt bike model.
   DraggingSphere Dragging Sphere A sphere that drags its tail around a box in the XY-plane
   DuttonVillage Dutton Village Primitive village. Move mouse over the hut roofs to see a demonstration of sensors and interpolators
   FishingLure Fishing Lure Unique fishing lure ("If it were any more real, I would actually be fishing"). Final project for introductory X3D course.
   FormulaOneRaceCar Formula One Race Car A FormulaOne Race Car running in a predefined path
   HomeAquarium Home Aquarium Student project showing a small aquarium.
   HomeInCreteGreece Home In Crete Greece Something Special My Home Villa In Crete Greece
   IkeaBeadToy Ikea Bead Toy X3D example Model of an ikea bead toy. It has intense extrusions and animation
   IkeaBench Ikea Bench X3D example Model of an Ikea Bench
   IkeaBlueChair Ikea Blue Chair X3D example Model of an Ikea Blue Chair
   IkeaGreenChair Ikea Green Chair X3D example Model of an Ikea Green Chair
   IkeaRockingHorse Ikea Rocking Horse X3D example Model of an Ikea Rocking Horse
   IkeaTable Ikea Table X3D example Model of an Ikea Table
   KeyboardEightyEightKeys Keyboard Eighty Eight Keys Eight-eight key keyboard, extrapolated from VRML Sourcebook Figure 24.4, including animation of key movements coordinated with sounding of key when touched.
   Laetitia Laetitia Rendered woman's body model, created using 3d Studio Max and then translated into X3D and VRML.
   LaetitiaSprints Laetitia Sprints An animation of human body modeled and animated in 3d Studio Max environment and then translated into x3d environment.
   LaetitiaWithDvdController Laetitia With Dvd Controller An animation of human body modeled and animated in 3d Studio Max environment and then translated into X3D environment. Instead of using 'mesh deformation' like in LaetitiaSprints.x3d (by using Character Studio's physique modifier), which was not modular and compact enough for x3d environment, I used this time 'segmented animation' approach: 1- At first we divided up the body into segments such as head, upperarm and forearm... 2- Then we linked each segment to a segment of biped skeleton such as head to bip-Head, forearm to bip-Forearm... (Biped is a pre-built skeleton structure in 3d Studion Max) 3- After that we could create the walking animation by using biped's animation features. 4- We hid all of the biped segments and then did some tweaks on the body at vertex level to fix the breaking points during the animation. 5- It was ready to be exported into VRML and then to be translated into x3d. To have it work properly in x3d environment, we had to add new routes connecting interpolators with nodes. (except all SCALE-INTERP's and some SCALE-ORI-INTERP's) 6- Then we had to fix the main position interpolator (Laetitia-POS-INTERP) by defining new keyValues. (Adding new translation values to its transform node doesn't help anything at all.) 7- Finally we deleted unnecessary interpolators from the file... After that we added DVDController and WaypointControler to have more control of the path she walks...
   LaserPrinter Laser Printer How a laser printer works
   PinballTable Pinball Table A pinball table with some ball animations.
   PlayRoom Play Room X3D example Model of a Play room
   ProjectileInterpolatorArena Projectile Interpolator Arena A projectile motion application which displays range and max height values accoding to Vi and theta inputs. Calculations for drag force with air density are also taken into account.
   ProjectileInterpolatorPrototype Projectile Interpolator Prototype A proto which simulates x-y plane projectile motion.
   ProjectileSliderBarPrototype Projectile Slider Bar Prototype A generic slider bar prototype. Colors, size of the bar and name are changable.
   PropellerControlPanel Propeller Control Panel Controller buttons and slider for a propeller.
   Room Room A simple room containing protoype instances for chair, desk lamp, wall clock, etc.
   StealthHelo Stealth Helo A sort of Stealth Helo I designed and created.
   SweetHome Sweet Home Model of one of the housing types in La Mesa Housing Area.The model is mostly in scale.
   SweetHomeFullDetail Sweet Home Full Detail Model of one of the housing types in La Mesa Housing Area. The model is mostly in scale.this file contains the detailed version of the model.
   SweetHomeLowDetail Sweet Home Low Detail Model of one of the housing types in La Mesa Housing Area. The model is mostly in scale.this file does not contain the detailes.
   Torch Torch Example torch using MovieTexture and flickering lights.
   Trebuchet Trebuchet Working model of a 14th century Trebuchet Catapult.
   WallClock Wall Clock A file describing a wall clock
   WallLamp Wall Lamp A reusable wall lamp: prototype using an inverted cone with embedded PointLight.
   WaterTower Water Tower A simple water tower, produced as a MV4204 class project. Total height 25m.

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.