X3D Example Archives: Basic, Units


Unit statements can redefine the base units of length/angle/force/mass values in an X3D scene from meters/radians/newtons/kilograms to other units of interest.

These examples demonstrate use of the X3D Units statements proposed for X3D version 3.3. Unit statements define conversion factors from default units in order to simplify the creation of content using minimal data translation. The original proposal provides further detail.

  12 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
   NoUnitBacteria No Unit Bacteria Units component example
   NoUnitClamidomonas No Unit Clamidomonas Units component example
   NoUnitTable No Unit Table Units component example for a simple room table
   UnitBacteria Unit Bacteria Units component example
   UnitChair Unit Chair Units component example for a chair
   UnitClamidomonas Unit Clamidomonas Units component example
   UnitCup Unit Cup Units component example for a drinking cup
   UnitDisk Unit Disk Units component example for a computer disk
   UnitMonitor Unit Monitor Units component example showing simple computer monitor
   UnitSaturn Unit Saturn Units component example for planet Saturn
   UnitTable Unit Table Units component example for a simple room table
   UnitUranus Unit Uranus Units component example for planet Uranus

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.