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Humanoid animation (H-Anim)

Annex A


Nominal body dimensions and levels of articulation

--- H-Anim separator bar ---

cube A.1 General

A.1.1 Introduction

This annex specifies the nominal body dimensions and levels of articulation necessary to ensure that humanoids are interchangeable.

A.1.2 Topics

Table A.1 lists the topics for this annex.

Table A.1 — Topics

cube A.2 Levels of articulation

Some types of humanoid animation are independent of the body's actual dimensions. For example, tilting the head to a specific angle shall have the same effect on any humanoid that has a skullbase Joint object.

However, some animations will be dependent on the lengths of individual segments or on the ratios of the segment lengths. For example, touching the tip of the finger to the tip of the nose will require a knowledge of the body's dimensions.

The following tables provide suggested placements for the joint centres for each Joint object, and for the placement of Site objects that are used as end effectors. Any humanoid that is built to these dimensions will be able to share animations with any other humanoid built to these dimensions. Humanoids that are sized differently, but which use the same ratios of segment lengths, may be able to share certain animations provided that the application adjusts the animation values accordingly.

Since many applications may not need the full set of joints, the following tables have been arranged into four “Levels of Articulation” (LOA). Building to a particular LOA ensures that the humanoid will be compatible with animations and other humanoids built to the same (or higher) LOA.

Suggested body dimensions and levels of articulation are provided for information only and are not required by the H-Anim specification.

The source examples of each LOA that are listed after the tables contain no actual geometry, except for diamonds at the Joint object centres in some examples. They are provided as sample source code only.

cube A.3 Level of articulation zero

A.3.1 Definition

LOA Zero supports the HumanoidRoot Joint object only. This is the minimum legal H-Anim humanoid. Table A.2 specifies the default centre for the HumanoidRoot Joint object. Table A.3 specifies the default translations for the sites of LOA Zero.

Table A.2 — LOA Zero: Default Joint object centre

Joint object Default centre
HumanoidRoot 0.0000 0.8240 0.0277

Table A.3 — LOA Zero: Default Site object translations

Site object Default translation
skull_tip 0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
sellion 0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
r_infraorbitale -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
l_infraorbitale 0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
supramenton 0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
r_tragion -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
r_gonion -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
l_tragion 0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
l_gonion 0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
nuchale 0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
r_clavicale -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
suprasternale 0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
l_clavicale 0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
r_thelion -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
l_thelion 0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
substernale 0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
r_rib10 -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
r_asis -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
l_rib10 0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
l_asis 0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
r_iliocristale -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
r_trochanterion -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
l_iliocristale 0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
l_trochanterion 0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
cervicale 0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
rib10_midspine 0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
r_psis -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
l_psis 0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
waist_preferred_post 0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
r_acromion -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
r_axilla_ant -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
r_radial_styloid -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
r_axilla_post -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
r_olecranon -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
r_humeral_lateral_epicn -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
r_humeral_medial_epicn -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
r_radiale -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
r_metacarpal_pha2 -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
r_dactylion -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
r_ulnar_styloid -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
r_metacarpal_pha5 -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
l_acromion 0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
l_axilla_ant 0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
l_radial_styloid 0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
l_axilla_post 0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
l_olecranon -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
l_humeral_lateral_epicn 0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
l_humeral_medial_epicn 0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
l_radiale 0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
l_metacarpal_pha2 0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
l_dactylion 0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
l_ulnar_styloid -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
l_metacarpal_pha5 0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
r_knee_crease -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
r_femoral_lateral_epicn -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
r_femoral_medial_epicn -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
r_metatarsal_pha5 -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
r_lateral_malleolus -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
r_medial_malleolus -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
r_sphyrion -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
r_metatarsal_pha1 -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
r_calcaneous_post -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
r_digit2 -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
l_knee_crease 0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
l_femoral_lateral_epicn 0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
l_femoral_medial_epicn 0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
l_metatarsal_pha5 0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
l_lateral_malleolus 0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
l_medial_malleolus 0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
l_sphyrion 0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
l_metatarsal_pha1 0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
l_calcaneous_post 0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
l_digit2 0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
crotch 0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
r_neck_base -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
l_neck_base 0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
navel 0.0069 1.0966 0.1017

A.3.2 Examples

A.3.2.1 LOA Zero:  Example source in VRML

#VRML V2.0 utf8 eMpTyWorlds V3.29.70

PROTO Humanoid [
 exposedField    SFVec3f    center       0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode     humanoidBody          [ ]
 exposedField    MFString   info         [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     joints       [ ]
 exposedField    SFString   name         ""
 exposedField    SFRotation rotation     0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f    scale        1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation scaleOrientation      0 0 1 0
 exposedField    MFNode     segments     [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     sites        [ ]
 exposedField    SFVec3f    translation           0 0 0
 exposedField    SFString   version      "200x"
 exposedField    MFNode     viewpoints            [ ]
 field           SFVec3f    bboxCenter            0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f    bboxSize     -1 -1 -1
 Transform {
  center           IS center
  rotation         IS rotation
  scale            IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation      IS translation
  children [
   Group {
    children IS humanoidBody 
   Group {
    children IS viewpoints

PROTO Joint [
 exposedField SFVec3f    center    0 0 0
 exposedField MFNode     children           []
 exposedField SFRotation limitOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    llimit    []
 exposedField SFString   name      ""
 exposedField SFRotation rotation           0 0 1 0
 exposedField SFVec3f    scale     1 1 1
 exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    stiffness          [1 1 1]
 exposedField SFVec3f    translation        0 0 0
 exposedField MFFloat    ulimit    []
 Transform {
  center IS center 
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale 
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

PROTO Segment [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     centerOfMass      0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFNode      coord    NULL
 exposedField    MFNode      displacers        []
 exposedField    SFString    name     ""
 exposedField    SFFloat     mass     0 
 exposedField    SFVec3f     momentsOfInertia  1 1 1
 field           SFVec3f     bboxCenter        0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f     bboxSize          -1 -1 -1
 Group {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  bboxCenter IS bboxCenter
  bboxSize IS bboxSize
  children IS children
  removeChildren IS removeChildren

PROTO Site [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     center            0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFString    name     "" 
 exposedField    SFRotation  rotation          0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     scale    1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation  scaleOrientation  0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     translation       0 0 0
 Transform {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  removeChildren IS removeChildren
  center IS center
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

DEF humanoid Humanoid {
 humanoidBody [
  DEF hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint {
   name           "HumanoidRoot"
   center         0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
   children [
    DEF hanim_sacrum Segment {
     name           "sacrum"
     children [
      DEF hanim_skull_tip Site {
       name         "skull_tip"
       translation    0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
       children [
      DEF hanim_sellion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #1
       name         "sellion"
       translation    0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #2
       name         "r_infraorbitale"
       translation    -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #3
       name         "l_infraorbitale"
       translation    0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
       children [
      DEF hanim_supramenton Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #4
       name         "supramenton"
       translation    0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #5
       name         "r_tragion"
       translation    -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #6
       name         "r_gonion"
       translation    -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #7
       name         "l_tragion"
       translation    0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #8
       name         "l_gonion"
       translation    0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
       children [
      DEF hanim_nuchale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #9
       name         "nuchale"
       translation    0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #10
       name         "r_clavicale"
       translation    -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
       children [
      DEF hanim_suprasternale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #11
       name         "suprasternale"
       translation    0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #12
       name         "l_clavicale"
       translation    0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #13
       name         "r_thelion"
       translation    -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #14
       name         "l_thelion"
       translation    0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
       children [
      DEF hanim_substernale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #15
       name         "substernale"
       translation    0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #16
       name         "r_rib10"
       translation    -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #17
       name           "r_asis"
       translation    -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #18
       name           "l_rib10"
       translation    0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #19
       name           "l_asis"
       translation    0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #20
       name           "r_iliocristale"
       translation    -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #21
       name           "r_trochanterion"
       translation    -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #22
       name           "l_iliocristale"
       translation    0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #23
       name           "l_trochanterion"
	   translation    0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
       children [
      DEF hanim_cervicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #24
       name         "cervicale"
       translation    0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
       children [
      DEF hanim_rib10_midspine Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #25
       name           "rib10_midspine"
       translation    0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #26
       name           "r_psis"
       translation    -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #27
       name           "l_psis"
       translation    0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
       children [
      DEF hanim_waist_preferred_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #28
       name           "waist_preferred_post"
       translation    0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #29
       name         "r_acromion"
       translation    -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #30
       name         "r_axilla_ant"
       translation    -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #31
       name         "r_radial_styloid"
       translation    -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #32
       name         "r_axilla_post"
       translation    -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #33
       name         "r_olecranon"
       translation    -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #34
       name         "r_humeral_lateral_epicn"
       translation    -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #35
       name         "r_humeral_medial_epicn"
       translation    -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #36
       name         "r_radiale"
       translation    -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #37
       name         "r_metacarpal_pha2"
       translation    -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #38
       name         "r_dactylion"
       translation    -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #39
       name         "r_ulnar_styloid"
       translation    -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #40
       name         "r_metacarpal_pha5"
       translation    -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #41
       name         "l_acromion"
       translation    0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #42
       name         "l_axilla_ant"
       translation    0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #43
       name         "l_radial_styloid"
       translation    0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #44
       name         "l_axilla_post"
       translation    0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #45
       name         "l_olecranon"
       translation    -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #46
       name         "l_humeral_lateral_epicn "
       translation    0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #47
       name         "l_humeral_medial_epicn"
       translation    0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #48
       name         "l_radiale"
       translation    0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #49
       name         "l_metacarpal_pha2"
       translation    0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #50
       name         "l_dactylion"
       translation    0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #51
       name         "l_ulnar_styloid"
       translation    -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #52
       name         "l_metacarpal_pha5"
       translation    0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #53
       name           "r_knee_crease"
       translation    -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #54
       name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
       translation    -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #55
       name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
       translation    -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #56
       name           "r_metatarsal_pha5"
       translation    -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #57
       name           "r_lateral_malleolus"
       translation    -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #58
       name           "r_medial_malleolus"
       translation    -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #59
       name           "r_sphyrion"
       translation    -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #60
       name           "r_metatarsal_pha1"
       translation    -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #61
       name           "r_calcaneous_post"
       translation    -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #62
       name           "r_digit2"
       translation    -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #63
       name           "l_knee_crease"
       translation    0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #64
       name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
       translation    0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #65
       name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
       translation    0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #66
       name           "l_metatarsal_pha5"
       translation    0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #67
       name           "l_lateral_malleolus"
       translation    0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #68
       name           "l_medial_malleolus"
       translation    0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #69
       name           "l_sphyrion"
       translation    0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #70
       name           "l_metatarsal_pha1"
       translation    0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #71
       name           "l_calcaneous_post"
       translation    0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #72
       name           "l_digit2"
       translation    0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
       children [
      DEF hanim_crotch Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #73
       name           "crotch"
       translation    0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #74
       name           "r_neck_base"
       translation    -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #75
       name           "l_neck_base"
       translation    0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
       children [
      DEF hanim_navel Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #76
       name           "navel"
       translation    0.0069 1.0966 0.1017
       children [
    }     # end hanim_sacrum Segment
  }     # end hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint
 joints [
  USE hanim_HumanoidRoot
 segments [
  USE hanim_sacrum
 sites [
  USE hanim_skull_tip, 
  USE hanim_sellion, USE hanim_r_infraorbitale, 
  USE hanim_l_infraorbitale, USE hanim_supramenton, 
  USE hanim_r_tragion, USE hanim_r_gonion, USE hanim_l_tragion, 
  USE hanim_l_gonion, USE hanim_nuchale, USE hanim_r_clavicale, 
  USE hanim_suprasternale, USE hanim_l_clavicale, 
  USE hanim_r_thelion, USE hanim_l_thelion,
  USE hanim_substernale, USE hanim_r_rib10, USE hanim_r_asis, 
  USE hanim_l_rib10, USE hanim_l_asis, USE hanim_r_iliocristale, 
  USE hanim_r_trochanterion, USE hanim_l_iliocristale, 
  USE hanim_l_trochanterion, USE hanim_cervicale, 
  USE hanim_rib10_midspine, USE hanim_r_psis, USE hanim_l_psis, 
  USE hanim_waist_preferred_post, USE hanim_r_acromion, 
  USE hanim_r_axilla_ant, USE hanim_r_radial_styloid, 
  USE hanim_r_axilla_post, USE hanim_r_olecranon, 
  USE hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_radiale, USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2, 
  USE hanim_r_dactylion, USE hanim_r_ulnar_styloid, 
  USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5, USE hanim_l_acromion,
  USE hanim_l_axilla_ant, USE hanim_l_radial_styloid,
  USE hanim_l_axilla_post, USE hanim_l_olecranon, 
  USE hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_radiale, USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2, 
  USE hanim_l_dactylion, USE hanim_l_ulnar_styloid, 
  USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5, USE hanim_r_knee_crease, 
  USE hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5, USE hanim_r_lateral_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_r_medial_malleolus, USE hanim_r_sphyrion, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1, USE hanim_r_calcaneous_post, 
  USE hanim_r_digit2, USE hanim_l_knee_crease, 
  USE hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5, USE hanim_l_lateral_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_l_medial_malleolus, USE hanim_l_sphyrion, 
  USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1, USE hanim_l_calcaneous_post, 
  USE hanim_l_digit2, USE hanim_crotch, USE hanim_r_neck_base,
  USE hanim_l_neck_base, USE hanim_navel
 version "200x"
 name "humanoid"
 info [
  "authorName=Matthew T. Beitler"
  "authorEmail=beitler@graphics.cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org"
  "copyright=Copyright 1999-2003, Matthew T. Beitler"
  "humanoidVersion=JointCenters 200x, LOA0"
    AUTHOR IS INCLUDED.  This humanoid scene graph is provided
    'as-is' and without warranty of any kind, express, implied
    or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of
    merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."

DEF JointCenters_WorldInfo Group
 children [
   title "HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA0"
   info [ "
     HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, Level-Of-Articulation 0
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author name:
       eMpTy (a.k.a. Matthew T. Beitler)
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author email:
       beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author homepage:
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Compliance Date:
       August 12, 2003
     HANIM 200x Compliance Information:
     Construction Info (joint centers):
      The joint centers of this figure are based on the 
      work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for
      Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of
      Pennsylvania.  The original document which these
      joint centers are based on can be found at:

 headlight TRUE
 speed 1.5
 type ["EXAMINE", "ANY"]

A.3.2.2 LOA Zero example with diamonds at Joint centres

#VRML V2.0 utf8 eMpTyWorlds V3.29.70

PROTO Humanoid [
 exposedField    SFVec3f    center       0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode     humanoidBody          [ ]
 exposedField    MFString   info         [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     joints       [ ]
 exposedField    SFString   name         ""
 exposedField    SFRotation rotation     0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f    scale        1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation scaleOrientation      0 0 1 0
 exposedField    MFNode     segments     [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     sites        [ ]
 exposedField    SFVec3f    translation           0 0 0
 exposedField    SFString   version      "200x"
 exposedField    MFNode     viewpoints            [ ]
 field           SFVec3f    bboxCenter            0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f    bboxSize     -1 -1 -1
 Transform {
  center           IS center
  rotation         IS rotation
  scale            IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation      IS translation
  children [
   Group {
    children IS humanoidBody 
   Group {
    children IS viewpoints

PROTO Joint [
 exposedField SFVec3f    center    0 0 0
 exposedField MFNode     children           []
 exposedField SFRotation limitOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    llimit    []
 exposedField SFString   name      ""
 exposedField SFRotation rotation           0 0 1 0
 exposedField SFVec3f    scale     1 1 1
 exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    stiffness          [1 1 1]
 exposedField SFVec3f    translation        0 0 0
 exposedField MFFloat    ulimit    []
 Group {
  children [
   Transform {
    center IS center 
    children IS children
    rotation IS rotation
    scale IS scale 
    scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
    translation IS translation
   Transform {
    translation IS center
    children [
     Shape { 
       IndexedFaceSet {
        coord Coordinate {
         point [ 
          0 0.01 0, -0.01 0 0, 0 0 0.01, 
          0.01 0 0, 0 0 -0.01, 0 -0.01 0 
        coordIndex [ 
         0, 1, 2, -1, 0, 2, 3, -1, 0, 3, 4, -1, 0, 4, 1, -1,
         5, 2, 1, -1, 5, 3, 2, -1, 5, 4, 3, -1, 5, 1, 4, -1 
        creaseAngle 0.5
       Appearance { 
         Material { diffuseColor 1 1 0 } 

PROTO Segment [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     centerOfMass      0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFNode      coord    NULL
 exposedField    MFNode      displacers        []
 exposedField    SFString    name     ""
 exposedField    SFFloat     mass     0 
 exposedField    SFVec3f     momentsOfInertia  1 1 1
 field           SFVec3f     bboxCenter        0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f     bboxSize          -1 -1 -1
 Group {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  bboxCenter IS bboxCenter
  bboxSize IS bboxSize
  children IS children
  removeChildren IS removeChildren

PROTO Site [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     center            0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFString    name     "" 
 exposedField    SFRotation  rotation          0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     scale    1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation  scaleOrientation  0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     translation       0 0 0
 Transform {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  removeChildren IS removeChildren
  center IS center
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

DEF humanoid Humanoid {
 humanoidBody [
  DEF hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint {
   name           "HumanoidRoot"
   center         0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
   children [
    DEF hanim_sacrum Segment {
     name           "sacrum"
     children [
      DEF hanim_skull_tip Site {
       name         "skull_tip"
       translation    0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
       children [
      DEF hanim_sellion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #1
       name         "sellion"
       translation    0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #2
       name         "r_infraorbitale"
       translation    -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #3
       name         "l_infraorbitale"
       translation    0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
       children [
      DEF hanim_supramenton Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #4
       name         "supramenton"
       translation    0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #5
       name         "r_tragion"
       translation    -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #6
       name         "r_gonion"
       translation    -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #7
       name         "l_tragion"
       translation    0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #8
       name         "l_gonion"
       translation    0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
       children [
      DEF hanim_nuchale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #9
       name         "nuchale"
       translation    0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #10
       name         "r_clavicale"
       translation    -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
       children [
      DEF hanim_suprasternale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #11
       name         "suprasternale"
       translation    0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #12
       name         "l_clavicale"
       translation    0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #13
       name         "r_thelion"
       translation    -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #14
       name         "l_thelion"
       translation    0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
       children [
      DEF hanim_substernale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #15
       name         "substernale"
       translation    0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #16
       name         "r_rib10"
       translation    -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #17
       name           "r_asis"
       translation    -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #18
       name           "l_rib10"
       translation    0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #19
       name           "l_asis"
       translation    0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #20
       name           "r_iliocristale"
       translation    -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #21
       name           "r_trochanterion"
       translation    -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #22
       name           "l_iliocristale"
       translation    0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #23
       name           "l_trochanterion"
	   translation    0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
       children [
      DEF hanim_cervicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #24
       name         "cervicale"
       translation    0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
       children [
      DEF hanim_rib10_midspine Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #25
       name           "rib10_midspine"
       translation    0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #26
       name           "r_psis"
       translation    -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #27
       name           "l_psis"
       translation    0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
       children [
      DEF hanim_waist_preferred_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #28
       name           "waist_preferred_post"
       translation    0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #29
       name         "r_acromion"
       translation    -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #30
       name         "r_axilla_ant"
       translation    -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #31
       name         "r_radial_styloid"
       translation    -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #32
       name         "r_axilla_post"
       translation    -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #33
       name         "r_olecranon"
       translation    -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #34
       name         "r_humeral_lateral_epicn"
       translation    -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #35
       name         "r_humeral_medial_epicn"
       translation    -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #36
       name         "r_radiale"
       translation    -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #37
       name         "r_metacarpal_pha2"
       translation    -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #38
       name         "r_dactylion"
       translation    -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #39
       name         "r_ulnar_styloid"
       translation    -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #40
       name         "r_metacarpal_pha5"
       translation    -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #41
       name         "l_acromion"
       translation    0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #42
       name         "l_axilla_ant"
       translation    0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #43
       name         "l_radial_styloid"
       translation    0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #44
       name         "l_axilla_post"
       translation    0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #45
       name         "l_olecranon"
       translation    -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #46
       name         "l_humeral_lateral_epicn "
       translation    0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #47
       name         "l_humeral_medial_epicn"
       translation    0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #48
       name         "l_radiale"
       translation    0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #49
       name         "l_metacarpal_pha2"
       translation    0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #50
       name         "l_dactylion"
       translation    0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #51
       name         "l_ulnar_styloid"
       translation    -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #52
       name         "l_metacarpal_pha5"
       translation    0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #53
       name           "r_knee_crease"
       translation    -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #54
       name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
       translation    -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #55
       name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
       translation    -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #56
       name           "r_metatarsal_pha5"
       translation    -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #57
       name           "r_lateral_malleolus"
       translation    -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #58
       name           "r_medial_malleolus"
       translation    -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #59
       name           "r_sphyrion"
       translation    -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #60
       name           "r_metatarsal_pha1"
       translation    -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #61
       name           "r_calcaneous_post"
       translation    -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #62
       name           "r_digit2"
       translation    -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #63
       name           "l_knee_crease"
       translation    0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #64
       name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
       translation    0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #65
       name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
       translation    0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #66
       name           "l_metatarsal_pha5"
       translation    0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #67
       name           "l_lateral_malleolus"
       translation    0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #68
       name           "l_medial_malleolus"
       translation    0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #69
       name           "l_sphyrion"
       translation    0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #70
       name           "l_metatarsal_pha1"
       translation    0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #71
       name           "l_calcaneous_post"
       translation    0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #72
       name           "l_digit2"
       translation    0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
       children [
      DEF hanim_crotch Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #73
       name           "crotch"
       translation    0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #74
       name           "r_neck_base"
       translation    -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #75
       name           "l_neck_base"
       translation    0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
       children [
      DEF hanim_navel Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #76
       name           "navel"
       translation    0.0069 1.0966 0.1017
       children [
    }     # end hanim_sacrum Segment
  }     # end hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint
 joints [
  USE hanim_HumanoidRoot
 segments [
  USE hanim_sacrum
 sites [
  USE hanim_skull_tip,  
  USE hanim_sellion, USE hanim_r_infraorbitale, 
  USE hanim_l_infraorbitale, USE hanim_supramenton, 
  USE hanim_r_tragion, USE hanim_r_gonion, USE hanim_l_tragion, 
  USE hanim_l_gonion, USE hanim_nuchale, USE hanim_r_clavicale, 
  USE hanim_suprasternale, USE hanim_l_clavicale, 
  USE hanim_r_thelion, USE hanim_l_thelion,
  USE hanim_substernale, USE hanim_r_rib10, USE hanim_r_asis, 
  USE hanim_l_rib10, USE hanim_l_asis, USE hanim_r_iliocristale, 
  USE hanim_r_trochanterion, USE hanim_l_iliocristale, 
  USE hanim_l_trochanterion, USE hanim_cervicale, 
  USE hanim_rib10_midspine, USE hanim_r_psis, USE hanim_l_psis, 
  USE hanim_waist_preferred_post, USE hanim_r_acromion, 
  USE hanim_r_axilla_ant, USE hanim_r_radial_styloid, 
  USE hanim_r_axilla_post, USE hanim_r_olecranon, 
  USE hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_radiale, USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2, 
  USE hanim_r_dactylion, USE hanim_r_ulnar_styloid, 
  USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5, USE hanim_l_acromion,
  USE hanim_l_axilla_ant, USE hanim_l_radial_styloid,
  USE hanim_l_axilla_post, USE hanim_l_olecranon, 
  USE hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_radiale, USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2, 
  USE hanim_l_dactylion, USE hanim_l_ulnar_styloid, 
  USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5, USE hanim_r_knee_crease, 
  USE hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5, USE hanim_r_lateral_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_r_medial_malleolus, USE hanim_r_sphyrion, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1, USE hanim_r_calcaneous_post, 
  USE hanim_r_digit2, USE hanim_l_knee_crease, 
  USE hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5, USE hanim_l_lateral_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_l_medial_malleolus, USE hanim_l_sphyrion, 
  USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1, USE hanim_l_calcaneous_post, 
  USE hanim_l_digit2, USE hanim_crotch, USE hanim_r_neck_base,
  USE hanim_l_neck_base, USE hanim_navel
 version "200x"
 name "humanoid"
 info [
  "authorName=Matthew T. Beitler"
  "authorEmail=beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org"
  "copyright=Copyright 1999-2003, Matthew T. Beitler"
  "humanoidVersion=JointCenters 200x, LOA0"
    AUTHOR IS INCLUDED.  This humanoid scene graph is provided
    'as-is' and without warranty of any kind, express, implied
    or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of
    merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."

DEF JointCenters_WorldInfo Group
 children [
   title "HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA0"
   info [ "
     HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, Level-Of-Articulation 0
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author name:
       eMpTy (a.k.a. Matthew T. Beitler)
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author email:
       beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author homepage:
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Compliance Date:
       August 12, 2003
     HANIM 200x Compliance Information:
     Construction Info (joint centers):
      The joint centers of this figure are based on the 
      work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for
      Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of
      Pennsylvania.  The original document which these
      joint centers are based on can be found at:

 headlight TRUE
 speed 1.5
 type ["EXAMINE", "ANY"]
--- H-Anim separator bar ---

cube A.4 Level of articulation One

A.4.1 Definition

LOA One specifies a typical low-end real-time 3D hierarchy. Table A.4 specifies the default centres for the joints of LOA One. Table A.5 specifies the default translations for the sites of LOA One.

Table A.4 — LOA One: Default Joint object centres

Joint object Default centre
HumanoidRoot 0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
sacroiliac 0.0000 0.9149 0.0016
l_hip 0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001
l_knee 0.1040 0.4867 0.0308
l_ankle 0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736
l_midtarsal 0.1086 0.0001 0.0368
r_hip -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029
r_knee -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318
r_ankle -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766
r_midtarsal -0.0801 0.0000 0.0368
vl5 0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776
skullbase 0.0044 1.6209 0.0236
l_shoulder 0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387
l_elbow 0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682
l_wrist 0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583
r_shoulder -0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325
r_elbow -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620
r_wrist -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521

Table A.5 — LOA One: Default Site object translations

Site object Default translation
l_middistal_tip 0.1354 0.0016 0.1476
l_metatarsal_pha5 0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
l_metatarsal_pha1 0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
l_digit2 0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
l_lateral_malleolus 0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
l_medial_malleolus 0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
l_sphyrion 0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
l_calcaneous_post 0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
l_knee_crease 0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
l_femoral_lateral_epicn 0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
l_femoral_medial_epicn 0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
r_middistal_tip -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450
r_metatarsal_pha5 -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
r_metatarsal_pha1 -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
r_digit2 -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
r_lateral_malleolus -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
r_medial_malleolus -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
r_sphyrion -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
r_calcaneous_post -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
r_knee_crease -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
r_femoral_lateral_epicn -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
r_femoral_medial_epicn -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
skull_tip 0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
sellion 0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
r_infraorbitale -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
l_infraorbitale 0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
supramenton 0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
r_tragion -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
r_gonion -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
l_tragion 0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
l_gonion 0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
nuchale 0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
l_hand_tip 0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491
l_metacarpal_pha2 0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
l_dactylion 0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
l_ulnar_styloid -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
l_metacarpal_pha5 0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
l_radial_styloid 0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
l_olecranon -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
l_humeral_medial_epicn 0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
l_radiale 0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
l_humeral_lateral_epicn 0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
r_hand_tip -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427
r_metacarpal_pha2 -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
r_dactylion -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
r_ulnar_styloid -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
r_metacarpal_pha5 -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
r_radial_styloid -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
r_olecranon -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
r_humeral_medial_epicn -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
r_radiale -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
r_humeral_lateral_epicn -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
r_clavicale -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
suprasternale 0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
l_clavicale 0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
r_thelion -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
l_thelion 0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
substernale 0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
r_rib10 -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
l_rib10 0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
cervicale 0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
rib10_midspine 0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
waist_preferred_post 0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
r_acromion -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
r_axilla_ant -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
r_axilla_post -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
l_acromion 0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
l_axilla_ant 0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
l_axilla_post 0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
r_neck_base -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
l_neck_base 0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
navel 0.0069 1.0966 0.1017
r_asis -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
l_asis 0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
r_iliocristale -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
r_trochanterion -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
l_iliocristale 0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
l_trochanterion 0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
r_psis -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
l_psis 0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
crotch 0.0034 0.8266 0.0257

A.4.2 Examples

A.4.2.1 LOA One example source in VRML

#VRML V2.0 utf8 eMpTyWorlds V3.29.70

PROTO Humanoid [
 exposedField    SFVec3f    center                0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode     humanoidBody          [ ]
 exposedField    MFString   info                  [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     joints                [ ]
 exposedField    SFString   name                  ""
 exposedField    SFRotation rotation              0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f    scale                 1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation scaleOrientation      0 0 1 0
 exposedField    MFNode     segments              [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     sites                 [ ]
 exposedField    SFVec3f    translation           0 0 0
 exposedField    SFString   version               "200x"
 exposedField    MFNode     viewpoints            [ ]
 field           SFVec3f    bboxCenter            0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f    bboxSize              -1 -1 -1
 Transform {
  center           IS center
  rotation         IS rotation
  scale            IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation      IS translation
  children [
   Group {
    children IS humanoidBody 
   Group {
    children IS viewpoints

PROTO Joint [
 exposedField SFVec3f    center             0 0 0
 exposedField MFNode     children           []
 exposedField SFRotation limitOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    llimit             []
 exposedField SFString   name               ""
 exposedField SFRotation rotation           0 0 1 0
 exposedField SFVec3f    scale              1 1 1
 exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    stiffness          [1 1 1]
 exposedField SFVec3f    translation        0 0 0
 exposedField MFFloat    ulimit             []
 Transform {
  center IS center 
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale 
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

PROTO Segment [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     centerOfMass      0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFNode      coord             NULL
 exposedField    MFNode      displacers        []
 exposedField    SFString    name              ""
 exposedField    SFFloat     mass              0 
 exposedField    SFVec3f     momentsOfInertia  1 1 1
 field           SFVec3f     bboxCenter        0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f     bboxSize          -1 -1 -1
 Group {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  bboxCenter IS bboxCenter
  bboxSize IS bboxSize
  children IS children
  removeChildren IS removeChildren

PROTO Site [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     center            0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFString    name              "" 
 exposedField    SFRotation  rotation          0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     scale             1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation  scaleOrientation  0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     translation       0 0 0
 Transform {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  removeChildren IS removeChildren
  center IS center
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

DEF humanoid Humanoid {
 humanoidBody [
  DEF hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint {
   name           "HumanoidRoot"
   center         0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
   children [
    DEF hanim_sacroiliac Joint {
     name           "sacroiliac"
     center         0.0000 0.9149 0.0016
     children [
      DEF hanim_l_hip Joint {
       name           "l_hip"
       center         0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001
       children [
        DEF hanim_l_knee Joint {
         name           "l_knee"
         center         0.1040 0.4867 0.0308
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_ankle Joint {
           name           "l_ankle"
           center         0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736
           children [
            DEF hanim_l_midtarsal Joint {
             name           "l_midtarsal"
             center         0.1086 0.0001 0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_middistal Segment {
               name           "l_middistal"
               children [
                DEF hanim_l_middistal_tip Site {
                 name           "l_middistal_tip"
                 translation    0.1354 0.0016 0.1476
                 children [
                DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #66
                 name           "l_metatarsal_pha5"
                 translation    0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
                 children [
                DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #70
                 name           "l_metatarsal_pha1"
                 translation    0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
                 children [
                DEF hanim_l_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #72
                 name           "l_digit2"
                 translation    0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
                 children [
              }     # end hanim_l_middistal Segment     
            }     # end hanim_l_midtarsal Joint
            DEF hanim_l_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "l_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #67
               name           "l_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #68
               name           "l_medial_malleolus"
               translation    0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #69
               name           "l_sphyrion"
               translation    0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #71
               name           "l_calcaneous_post"
               translation    0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
               children [
            }     # end hanim_l_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_l_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_l_calf Segment {
           name           "l_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_l_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_l_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_l_thigh Segment {
         name           "l_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #63
           name           "l_knee_crease"
           translation    0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #64
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #65
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
           children [
        }     # end hanim_l_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_l_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_r_hip Joint {
       name           "r_hip"
       center         -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_knee Joint {
         name           "r_knee"
         center         -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_ankle Joint {
           name           "r_ankle"
           center         -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766
           children [
            DEF hanim_r_midtarsal Joint {
             name           "r_midtarsal"
             center         -0.0801 0.0000 0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_middistal Segment {
               name           "r_middistal"
               children [
                DEF hanim_r_middistal_tip Site {
                 name           "r_middistal_tip"
                 translation    -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450
                 children [
                DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #56
                 name           "r_metatarsal_pha5"
                 translation    -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
                 children [
                DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #60
                 name           "r_metatarsal_pha1"
                 translation    -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
                 children [
                DEF hanim_r_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #62
                 name           "r_digit2"
                 translation    -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
                 children [
              }     # end hanim_r_middistal Segment
            }     # end hanim_r_midtarsal Joint
            DEF hanim_r_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "r_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #57
               name           "r_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #58
               name           "r_medial_malleolus"
               translation    -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #59
               name           "r_sphyrion"
               translation    -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #61
               name           "r_calcaneous_post"
               translation    -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
               children [
            }     # end hanim_r_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_r_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_r_calf Segment {
           name           "r_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_r_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_r_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_r_thigh Segment {
         name           "r_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #53
           name           "r_knee_crease"
           translation    -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #54
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #55
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
           children [
        }     # end hanim_r_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_r_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_pelvis Segment {
       name           "pelvis"
       children [
      }     # end hanim_pelvis Segment
    }     # end hanim_sacroiliac Joint
    DEF hanim_vl5 Joint {
     name           "vl5"
     center         0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776
     children [
      DEF hanim_skullbase Joint {
       name         "skullbase"
       center       0.0044 1.6209 0.0236
       children [
        DEF hanim_skull Segment {
         name         "skull"
         children [
          DEF hanim_skull_tip Site {
           name         "skull_tip"
           translation    0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
           children [
          DEF hanim_sellion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #1
           name         "sellion"
           translation    0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #2
           name         "r_infraorbitale"
           translation    -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #3
           name         "l_infraorbitale"
           translation    0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
           children [
          DEF hanim_supramenton Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #4
           name         "supramenton"
           translation    0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
             children [
          DEF hanim_r_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #5
           name         "r_tragion"
           translation    -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #6
           name         "r_gonion"
           translation    -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #7
           name         "l_tragion"
           translation    0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #8
           name         "l_gonion"
           translation    0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
           children [
          DEF hanim_nuchale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #9
           name         "nuchale"
           translation    0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
           children [
        }     # end hanim_skull Segment
      }     # end hanim_skullbase Joint
      DEF hanim_l_shoulder Joint {
       name         "l_shoulder"
       center       0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387
       children [
        DEF hanim_l_elbow Joint {
         name         "l_elbow"
         center       0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_wrist Joint {
           name         "l_wrist"
           center       0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583
           children [
            DEF hanim_l_hand Segment {
             name         "l_hand"
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_hand_tip Site {
               name         "l_hand_tip"
               translation    0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #49
               name         "l_metacarpal_pha2"
               translation    0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #50
               name         "l_dactylion"
               translation    0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #51
               name         "l_ulnar_styloid"
               translation    -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #52
               name         "l_metacarpal_pha5"
               translation    0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
               children [
            }     # end hanim_l_hand Segment
          }     # end hanim_l_wrist Joint
          DEF hanim_l_forearm Segment {
           name         "l_forearm"
           children [
            DEF hanim_l_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #43
             name         "l_radial_styloid"
             translation    0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
             children [
            DEF hanim_l_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #45
             name         "l_olecranon"
             translation    -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
             children [
            DEF hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #47
             name         "l_humeral_medial_epicn"
             translation    0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
             children [
            DEF hanim_l_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #48
             name         "l_radiale"
             translation    0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
             children [
          }     # end hanim_l_forearm Segment
        }     # end hanim_l_elbow Joint
        DEF hanim_l_upperarm Segment {
         name         "l_upperarm"
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #46
           name         "l_humeral_lateral_epicn "
           translation    0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
           children [
        }     # end hanim_l_upperarm Segment
      }     # end hanim_l_shoulder Joint
      DEF hanim_r_shoulder Joint {
       name         "r_shoulder"
       center       -0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_elbow Joint {
         name         "r_elbow"
         center       -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_wrist Joint {
           name         "r_wrist"
           center       -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521
           children [
            DEF hanim_r_hand Segment {
             name         "r_hand"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_hand_tip Site {
               name         "r_hand_tip"
               translation    -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #37
               name         "r_metacarpal_pha2"
               translation    -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #38
               name         "r_dactylion"
               translation    -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #39
               name         "r_ulnar_styloid"
               translation    -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #40
               name         "r_metacarpal_pha5"
               translation    -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
               children [
            }     # end hanim_r_hand Segment
          }     # end hanim_r_wrist Joint
          DEF hanim_r_forearm Segment {
           name         "r_forearm"
           children [
            DEF hanim_r_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #31
             name         "r_radial_styloid"
             translation    -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
             children [
            DEF hanim_r_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #33
             name         "r_olecranon"
             translation    -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
             children [
            DEF hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #35
             name         "r_humeral_medial_epicn"
             translation    -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
             children [
            DEF hanim_r_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #36
             name         "r_radiale"
             translation    -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
             children [
          }     # end hanim_r_forearm Segment
        }     # end hanim_r_elbow Joint
        DEF hanim_r_upperarm Segment {
         name         "r_upperarm"
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #34
           name         "r_humeral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
           children [
        }     # end hanim_r_upperarm Segment
      }     # end hanim_r_shoulder Joint
      DEF hanim_l5 Segment {
       name           "l5"
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #10
         name         "r_clavicale"
         translation    -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
         children [
        DEF hanim_suprasternale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #11
         name         "suprasternale"
         translation    0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #12
         name         "l_clavicale"
         translation    0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #13
         name           "r_thelion"
         translation    -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #14
         name           "l_thelion"
         translation    0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
         children [
        DEF hanim_substernale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #15
         name         "substernale"
         translation    0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #16
         name           "r_rib10"
         translation    -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #18
         name           "l_rib10"
         translation    0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
         children [
        DEF hanim_cervicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #24
         name         "cervicale"
         translation    0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
         children [
        DEF hanim_rib10_midspine Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #25
         name           "rib10_midspine"
         translation    0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
         children [
        DEF hanim_waist_preferred_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #28
         name           "waist_preferred_post "
         translation    0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #29
         name         "r_acromion"
         translation    -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #30
         name         "r_axilla_ant"
         translation    -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #32
         name         "r_axilla_post"
         translation    -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #41
         name         "l_acromion"
         translation    0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #42
         name         "l_axilla_ant"
         translation    0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #44
         name         "l_axilla_post"
         translation    0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #74
         name           "r_neck_base"
         translation    -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #75
         name           "l_neck_base"
         translation    0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
         children [

        DEF hanim_navel Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #76
         name           "navel"
         translation    0.0069 1.0966 0.1017
         children [
      }     # end hanim_l5 Segment
    }     # end hanim_vl5 Joint
    DEF hanim_sacrum Segment {
     name           "sacrum"
     children [
      DEF hanim_r_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #17
       name           "r_asis"
       translation    -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #19
       name           "l_asis"
       translation    0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #20
       name           "r_iliocristale"
       translation    -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #21
       name           "r_trochanterion"
       translation    -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #22
       name           "l_iliocristale"
       translation    0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #23
       name           "l_trochanterion"
	   translation    0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #26
       name           "r_psis"
       translation    -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #27
       name           "l_psis"
       translation    0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
       children [
      DEF hanim_crotch Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #73
       name           "crotch"
       translation    0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
       children [
    }     # end hanim_sacrum Segment
  }     # end hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint
 joints [
  USE hanim_HumanoidRoot, USE hanim_sacroiliac, 
  USE hanim_l_hip, USE hanim_l_knee, 
  USE hanim_l_ankle, USE hanim_l_midtarsal, 
  USE hanim_r_hip, USE hanim_r_knee, 
  USE hanim_r_ankle, USE hanim_r_midtarsal, 
  USE hanim_vl5, USE hanim_skullbase, 
  USE hanim_l_shoulder, USE hanim_l_elbow, 
  USE hanim_l_wrist, USE hanim_r_shoulder, 
  USE hanim_r_elbow, USE hanim_r_wrist
 segments [
  USE hanim_l_middistal, USE hanim_l_hindfoot, 
  USE hanim_l_calf, USE hanim_l_thigh, 
  USE hanim_r_middistal, USE hanim_r_hindfoot, 
  USE hanim_r_calf, USE hanim_r_thigh, 
  USE hanim_pelvis, USE hanim_skull, 
  USE hanim_l_hand, USE hanim_l_forearm, 
  USE hanim_l_upperarm, USE hanim_r_hand, 
  USE hanim_r_forearm, USE hanim_r_upperarm, 
  USE hanim_l5, USE hanim_sacrum, 
 sites [
  USE hanim_l_middistal_tip, USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5, 
  USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1, USE hanim_l_digit2, 
  USE hanim_l_lateral_malleolus, USE hanim_l_medial_malleolus,  
  USE hanim_l_sphyrion, USE hanim_l_calcaneous_post,  
  USE hanim_l_knee_crease, USE hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn,  
  USE hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_r_middistal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5, USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1,  
  USE hanim_r_digit2, USE hanim_r_lateral_malleolus,  
  USE hanim_r_medial_malleolus, USE hanim_r_sphyrion,  
  USE hanim_r_calcaneous_post, USE hanim_r_knee_crease,  
  USE hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn,  
  USE hanim_skull_tip, USE hanim_sellion, USE hanim_r_infraorbitale,
  USE hanim_l_infraorbitale, USE hanim_supramenton,
  USE hanim_r_tragion, USE hanim_r_gonion, USE hanim_l_tragion,
  USE hanim_l_gonion, USE hanim_nuchale, USE hanim_l_hand_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2,  USE hanim_l_dactylion,  
  USE hanim_l_ulnar_styloid, USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5,  
  USE hanim_l_radial_styloid, USE hanim_l_olecranon,  
  USE hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_l_radiale,  
  USE hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_hand_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2, USE hanim_r_dactylion,  
  USE hanim_r_ulnar_styloid, USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5,  
  USE hanim_r_radial_styloid, USE hanim_r_olecranon,  
  USE hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_r_radiale,  
  USE hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_clavicale,  
  USE hanim_suprasternale, USE hanim_l_clavicale,  
  USE hanim_r_thelion, USE hanim_l_thelion, USE hanim_substernale,  
  USE hanim_r_rib10, USE hanim_l_rib10, USE hanim_cervicale,  
  USE hanim_rib10_midspine, USE hanim_waist_preferred_post,  
  USE hanim_r_acromion, USE hanim_r_axilla_ant,  
  USE hanim_r_axilla_post, USE hanim_l_acromion,  
  USE hanim_l_axilla_ant, USE hanim_l_axilla_post,  
  USE hanim_r_neck_base, USE hanim_l_neck_base, USE hanim_navel,
  USE hanim_r_asis, USE hanim_l_asis, USE hanim_r_iliocristale,  
  USE hanim_r_trochanterion, USE hanim_l_iliocristale,  
  USE hanim_l_trochanterion, USE hanim_r_psis, USE hanim_l_psis,  
  USE hanim_crotch
 version "200x"
 name "humanoid"
 info [
  "authorName=Matthew T. Beitler"
  "authorEmail=beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org"
  "copyright=Copyright 1999-2003, Matthew T. Beitler"
  "humanoidVersion=JointCenters 200x, LOA1"
    AUTHOR IS INCLUDED.  This humanoid scene graph is provided
    'as-is' and without warranty of any kind, express, implied
    or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of
    merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."

DEF JointCenters_WorldInfo Group
 children [
   title "HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA1"
   info [ "
     HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, Level-Of-Articulation 1
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author name:
       eMpTy (a.k.a. Matthew T. Beitler)
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author email:
       beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author homepage:
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Compliance Date:
       August 12, 2003
     HANIM 200x Compliance Information:
     Construction Info (joint centers):
      The joint centers of this figure are based on the 
      work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for
      Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of
      Pennsylvania.  The original document which these
      joint centers are based on can be found at:

 headlight TRUE
 speed 1.5
 type ["EXAMINE", "ANY"]

A.4.2.2 LOA One example with diamonds at Joint centres

#VRML V2.0 utf8 eMpTyWorlds V3.29.70

PROTO Humanoid [
 exposedField    SFVec3f    center                0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode     humanoidBody          [ ]
 exposedField    MFString   info                  [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     joints                [ ]
 exposedField    SFString   name                  ""
 exposedField    SFRotation rotation              0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f    scale                 1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation scaleOrientation      0 0 1 0
 exposedField    MFNode     segments              [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     sites                 [ ]
 exposedField    SFVec3f    translation           0 0 0
 exposedField    SFString   version               "200x"
 exposedField    MFNode     viewpoints            [ ]
 field           SFVec3f    bboxCenter            0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f    bboxSize              -1 -1 -1
 Transform {
  center           IS center
  rotation         IS rotation
  scale            IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation      IS translation
  children [
   Group {
    children IS humanoidBody 
   Group {
    children IS viewpoints

PROTO Joint [
 exposedField SFVec3f    center             0 0 0
 exposedField MFNode     children           []
 exposedField SFRotation limitOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    llimit             []
 exposedField SFString   name               ""
 exposedField SFRotation rotation           0 0 1 0
 exposedField SFVec3f    scale              1 1 1
 exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    stiffness          [1 1 1]
 exposedField SFVec3f    translation        0 0 0
 exposedField MFFloat    ulimit             []
 Group {
  children [
   Transform {
    center IS center 
    children IS children
    rotation IS rotation
    scale IS scale 
    scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
    translation IS translation
   Transform {
    translation IS center
    children [
     Shape { 
       IndexedFaceSet {
        coord Coordinate {
         point [ 
          0 0.01 0, -0.01 0 0, 0 0 0.01, 
          0.01 0 0, 0 0 -0.01, 0 -0.01 0 
        coordIndex [ 
         0, 1, 2, -1, 0, 2, 3, -1, 0, 3, 4, -1, 0, 4, 1, -1,
         5, 2, 1, -1, 5, 3, 2, -1, 5, 4, 3, -1, 5, 1, 4, -1 
        creaseAngle 0.5
       Appearance { 
         Material { diffuseColor 1 1 0 } 

PROTO Segment [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     centerOfMass      0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFNode      coord             NULL
 exposedField    MFNode      displacers        []
 exposedField    SFString    name              ""
 exposedField    SFFloat     mass              0 
 exposedField    SFVec3f     momentsOfInertia  1 1 1
 field           SFVec3f     bboxCenter        0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f     bboxSize          -1 -1 -1
 Group {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  bboxCenter IS bboxCenter
  bboxSize IS bboxSize
  children IS children
  removeChildren IS removeChildren

PROTO Site [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     center            0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFString    name              "" 
 exposedField    SFRotation  rotation          0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     scale             1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation  scaleOrientation  0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     translation       0 0 0
 Transform {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  removeChildren IS removeChildren
  center IS center
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

DEF humanoid Humanoid {
 humanoidBody [
  DEF hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint {
   name           "HumanoidRoot"
   center         0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
   children [
    DEF hanim_sacroiliac Joint {
     name           "sacroiliac"
     center         0.0000 0.9149 0.0016
     children [
      DEF hanim_l_hip Joint {
       name           "l_hip"
       center         0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001
       children [
        DEF hanim_l_knee Joint {
         name           "l_knee"
         center         0.1040 0.4867 0.0308
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_ankle Joint {
           name           "l_ankle"
           center         0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736
           children [
            DEF hanim_l_midtarsal Joint {
             name           "l_midtarsal"
             center         0.1086 0.0001 0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_middistal Segment {
               name           "l_middistal"
               children [
                DEF hanim_l_middistal_tip Site {
                 name           "l_middistal_tip"
                 translation    0.1354 0.0016 0.1476
                 children [
                DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #66
                 name           "l_metatarsal_pha5"
                 translation    0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
                 children [
                DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #70
                 name           "l_metatarsal_pha1"
                 translation    0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
                 children [
                DEF hanim_l_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #72
                 name           "l_digit2"
                 translation    0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
                 children [
              }     # end hanim_l_middistal Segment     
            }     # end hanim_l_midtarsal Joint
            DEF hanim_l_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "l_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #67
               name           "l_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #68
               name           "l_medial_malleolus"
               translation    0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #69
               name           "l_sphyrion"
               translation    0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #71
               name           "l_calcaneous_post"
               translation    0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
               children [
            }     # end hanim_l_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_l_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_l_calf Segment {
           name           "l_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_l_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_l_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_l_thigh Segment {
         name           "l_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #63
           name           "l_knee_crease"
           translation    0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #64
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #65
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
           children [
        }     # end hanim_l_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_l_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_r_hip Joint {
       name           "r_hip"
       center         -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_knee Joint {
         name           "r_knee"
         center         -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_ankle Joint {
           name           "r_ankle"
           center         -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766
           children [
            DEF hanim_r_midtarsal Joint {
             name           "r_midtarsal"
             center         -0.0801 0.0000 0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_middistal Segment {
               name           "r_middistal"
               children [
                DEF hanim_r_middistal_tip Site {
                 name           "r_middistal_tip"
                 translation    -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450
                 children [
                DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #56
                 name           "r_metatarsal_pha5"
                 translation    -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
                 children [
                DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #60
                 name           "r_metatarsal_pha1"
                 translation    -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
                 children [
                DEF hanim_r_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #62
                 name           "r_digit2"
                 translation    -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
                 children [
              }     # end hanim_r_middistal Segment
            }     # end hanim_r_midtarsal Joint
            DEF hanim_r_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "r_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #57
               name           "r_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #58
               name           "r_medial_malleolus"
               translation    -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #59
               name           "r_sphyrion"
               translation    -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #61
               name           "r_calcaneous_post"
               translation    -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
               children [
            }     # end hanim_r_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_r_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_r_calf Segment {
           name           "r_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_r_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_r_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_r_thigh Segment {
         name           "r_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #53
           name           "r_knee_crease"
           translation    -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #54
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #55
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
           children [
        }     # end hanim_r_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_r_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_pelvis Segment {
       name           "pelvis"
       children [
      }     # end hanim_pelvis Segment
    }     # end hanim_sacroiliac Joint
    DEF hanim_vl5 Joint {
     name           "vl5"
     center         0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776
     children [
      DEF hanim_skullbase Joint {
       name         "skullbase"
       center       0.0044 1.6209 0.0236
       children [
        DEF hanim_skull Segment {
         name         "skull"
         children [
          DEF hanim_skull_tip Site {
           name         "skull_tip"
           translation    0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
           children [
          DEF hanim_sellion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #1
           name         "sellion"
           translation    0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #2
           name         "r_infraorbitale"
           translation    -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #3
           name         "l_infraorbitale"
           translation    0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
           children [
          DEF hanim_supramenton Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #4
           name         "supramenton"
           translation    0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
             children [
          DEF hanim_r_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #5
           name         "r_tragion"
           translation    -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #6
           name         "r_gonion"
           translation    -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #7
           name         "l_tragion"
           translation    0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #8
           name         "l_gonion"
           translation    0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
           children [
          DEF hanim_nuchale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #9
           name         "nuchale"
           translation    0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
           children [
        }     # end hanim_skull Segment
      }     # end hanim_skullbase Joint
      DEF hanim_l_shoulder Joint {
       name         "l_shoulder"
       center       0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387
       children [
        DEF hanim_l_elbow Joint {
         name         "l_elbow"
         center       0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_wrist Joint {
           name         "l_wrist"
           center       0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583
           children [
            DEF hanim_l_hand Segment {
             name         "l_hand"
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_hand_tip Site {
               name         "l_hand_tip"
               translation    0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #49
               name         "l_metacarpal_pha2"
               translation    0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #50
               name         "l_dactylion"
               translation    0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #51
               name         "l_ulnar_styloid"
               translation    -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #52
               name         "l_metacarpal_pha5"
               translation    0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
               children [
            }     # end hanim_l_hand Segment
          }     # end hanim_l_wrist Joint
          DEF hanim_l_forearm Segment {
           name         "l_forearm"
           children [
            DEF hanim_l_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #43
             name         "l_radial_styloid"
             translation    0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
             children [
            DEF hanim_l_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #45
             name         "l_olecranon"
             translation    -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
             children [
            DEF hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #47
             name         "l_humeral_medial_epicn"
             translation    0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
             children [
            DEF hanim_l_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #48
             name         "l_radiale"
             translation    0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
             children [
          }     # end hanim_l_forearm Segment
        }     # end hanim_l_elbow Joint
        DEF hanim_l_upperarm Segment {
         name         "l_upperarm"
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #46
           name         "l_humeral_lateral_epicn "
           translation    0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
           children [
        }     # end hanim_l_upperarm Segment
      }     # end hanim_l_shoulder Joint
      DEF hanim_r_shoulder Joint {
       name         "r_shoulder"
       center       -0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_elbow Joint {
         name         "r_elbow"
         center       -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_wrist Joint {
           name         "r_wrist"
           center       -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521
           children [
            DEF hanim_r_hand Segment {
             name         "r_hand"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_hand_tip Site {
               name         "r_hand_tip"
               translation    -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #37
               name         "r_metacarpal_pha2"
               translation    -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #38
               name         "r_dactylion"
               translation    -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #39
               name         "r_ulnar_styloid"
               translation    -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #40
               name         "r_metacarpal_pha5"
               translation    -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
               children [
            }     # end hanim_r_hand Segment
          }     # end hanim_r_wrist Joint
          DEF hanim_r_forearm Segment {
           name         "r_forearm"
           children [
            DEF hanim_r_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #31
             name         "r_radial_styloid"
             translation    -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
             children [
            DEF hanim_r_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #33
             name         "r_olecranon"
             translation    -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
             children [
            DEF hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #35
             name         "r_humeral_medial_epicn"
             translation    -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
             children [
            DEF hanim_r_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #36
             name         "r_radiale"
             translation    -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
             children [
          }     # end hanim_r_forearm Segment
        }     # end hanim_r_elbow Joint
        DEF hanim_r_upperarm Segment {
         name         "r_upperarm"
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #34
           name         "r_humeral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
           children [
        }     # end hanim_r_upperarm Segment
      }     # end hanim_r_shoulder Joint
      DEF hanim_l5 Segment {
       name           "l5"
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #10
         name         "r_clavicale"
         translation    -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
         children [
        DEF hanim_suprasternale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #11
         name         "suprasternale"
         translation    0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #12
         name         "l_clavicale"
         translation    0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #13
         name           "r_thelion"
         translation    -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #14
         name           "l_thelion"
         translation    0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
         children [
        DEF hanim_substernale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #15
         name         "substernale"
         translation    0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #16
         name           "r_rib10"
         translation    -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #18
         name           "l_rib10"
         translation    0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
         children [
        DEF hanim_cervicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #24
         name         "cervicale"
         translation    0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
         children [
        DEF hanim_rib10_midspine Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #25
         name           "rib10_midspine"
         translation    0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
         children [
        DEF hanim_waist_preferred_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #28
         name           "waist_preferred_post "
         translation    0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #29
         name         "r_acromion"
         translation    -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #30
         name         "r_axilla_ant"
         translation    -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #32
         name         "r_axilla_post"
         translation    -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #41
         name         "l_acromion"
         translation    0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #42
         name         "l_axilla_ant"
         translation    0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #44
         name         "l_axilla_post"
         translation    0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #74
         name           "r_neck_base"
         translation    -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #75
         name           "l_neck_base"
         translation    0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
         children [

        DEF hanim_navel Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #76
         name           "navel"
         translation    0.0069 1.0966 0.1017
         children [
      }     # end hanim_l5 Segment
    }     # end hanim_vl5 Joint
    DEF hanim_sacrum Segment {
     name           "sacrum"
     children [
      DEF hanim_r_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #17
       name           "r_asis"
       translation    -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #19
       name           "l_asis"
       translation    0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #20
       name           "r_iliocristale"
       translation    -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #21
       name           "r_trochanterion"
       translation    -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #22
       name           "l_iliocristale"
       translation    0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #23
       name           "l_trochanterion"
	   translation    0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
       children [
      DEF hanim_r_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #26
       name           "r_psis"
       translation    -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
       children [
      DEF hanim_l_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #27
       name           "l_psis"
       translation    0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
       children [
      DEF hanim_crotch Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #73
       name           "crotch"
       translation    0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
       children [
    }     # end hanim_sacrum Segment
  }     # end hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint
 joints [
  USE hanim_HumanoidRoot, USE hanim_sacroiliac, 
  USE hanim_l_hip, USE hanim_l_knee, 
  USE hanim_l_ankle, USE hanim_l_midtarsal, 
  USE hanim_r_hip, USE hanim_r_knee, 
  USE hanim_r_ankle, USE hanim_r_midtarsal, 
  USE hanim_vl5, USE hanim_skullbase, 
  USE hanim_l_shoulder, USE hanim_l_elbow, 
  USE hanim_l_wrist, USE hanim_r_shoulder, 
  USE hanim_r_elbow, USE hanim_r_wrist
 segments [
  USE hanim_l_middistal, USE hanim_l_hindfoot, 
  USE hanim_l_calf, USE hanim_l_thigh, 
  USE hanim_r_middistal, USE hanim_r_hindfoot, 
  USE hanim_r_calf, USE hanim_r_thigh, 
  USE hanim_pelvis, USE hanim_skull, 
  USE hanim_l_hand, USE hanim_l_forearm, 
  USE hanim_l_upperarm, USE hanim_r_hand, 
  USE hanim_r_forearm, USE hanim_r_upperarm, 
  USE hanim_l5, USE hanim_sacrum, 
 sites [
  USE hanim_l_middistal_tip, USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5, 
  USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1, USE hanim_l_digit2, 
  USE hanim_l_lateral_malleolus, USE hanim_l_medial_malleolus,  
  USE hanim_l_sphyrion, USE hanim_l_calcaneous_post,  
  USE hanim_l_knee_crease, USE hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn,  
  USE hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_r_middistal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5, USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1,  
  USE hanim_r_digit2, USE hanim_r_lateral_malleolus,  
  USE hanim_r_medial_malleolus, USE hanim_r_sphyrion,  
  USE hanim_r_calcaneous_post, USE hanim_r_knee_crease,  
  USE hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn,  
  USE hanim_skull_tip, USE hanim_sellion, USE hanim_r_infraorbitale,
  USE hanim_l_infraorbitale, USE hanim_supramenton,
  USE hanim_r_tragion, USE hanim_r_gonion, USE hanim_l_tragion,
  USE hanim_l_gonion, USE hanim_nuchale, USE hanim_l_hand_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2,  USE hanim_l_dactylion,  
  USE hanim_l_ulnar_styloid, USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5,  
  USE hanim_l_radial_styloid, USE hanim_l_olecranon,  
  USE hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_l_radiale,  
  USE hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_hand_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2, USE hanim_r_dactylion,  
  USE hanim_r_ulnar_styloid, USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5,  
  USE hanim_r_radial_styloid, USE hanim_r_olecranon,  
  USE hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_r_radiale,  
  USE hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_clavicale,  
  USE hanim_suprasternale, USE hanim_l_clavicale,  
  USE hanim_r_thelion, USE hanim_l_thelion, USE hanim_substernale,  
  USE hanim_r_rib10, USE hanim_l_rib10, USE hanim_cervicale,  
  USE hanim_rib10_midspine, USE hanim_waist_preferred_post,  
  USE hanim_r_acromion, USE hanim_r_axilla_ant,  
  USE hanim_r_axilla_post, USE hanim_l_acromion,  
  USE hanim_l_axilla_ant, USE hanim_l_axilla_post,  
  USE hanim_r_neck_base, USE hanim_l_neck_base, USE hanim_navel,
  USE hanim_r_asis, USE hanim_l_asis, USE hanim_r_iliocristale,  
  USE hanim_r_trochanterion, USE hanim_l_iliocristale,  
  USE hanim_l_trochanterion, USE hanim_r_psis, USE hanim_l_psis,  
  USE hanim_crotch
 version "200x"
 name "humanoid"
 info [
  "authorName=Matthew T. Beitler"
  "authorEmail=beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org"
  "copyright=Copyright 1999-2003, Matthew T. Beitler"
  "humanoidVersion=JointCenters 200x, LOA1"
    AUTHOR IS INCLUDED.  This humanoid scene graph is provided
    'as-is' and without warranty of any kind, express, implied
    or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of
    merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."

DEF JointCenters_WorldInfo Group
 children [
   title "HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA1"
   info [ "
     HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, Level-Of-Articulation 1
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author name:
       eMpTy (a.k.a. Matthew T. Beitler)
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author email:
       beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author homepage:
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Compliance Date:
       August 12, 2003
     HANIM 200x Compliance Information:
     Construction Info (joint centers):
      The joint centers of this figure are based on the 
      work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for
      Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of
      Pennsylvania.  The original document which these
      joint centers are based on can be found at:

 headlight TRUE
 speed 1.5
 type ["EXAMINE", "ANY"]
--- H-Anim separator bar ---

cube A.5 Level of articulation two

A.5.1 Definition

LOA Two specifies a body with a simplified spine. Table A.6 specifies the default centres for the joints of LOA Two. Table A.7 specifies the default translations for the sites of LOA Two.

Table A.6 — LOA Two: Default Joint object centres

Joint object Default centre
HumanoidRoot 0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
sacroiliac 0.0000 0.9149 0.0016
l_hip 0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001
l_knee 0.1040 0.4867 0.0308
l_ankle 0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736
l_subtalar 0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368
l_midtarsal 0.1086 0.0001 0.0368
l_metatarsal 0.1086 0.0000 0.0762
r_hip -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029
r_knee -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318
r_ankle -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766
r_subtalar -0.0801 0.0000 -0.0368
r_midtarsal -0.0801 0.0000 0.0368
r_metatarsal -0.0801 0.0039 0.0732
vl5 0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776
vl3 0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796
vl1 0.0048 1.1912 -0.0805
vt10 0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822
vt6 0.0059 1.3866 -0.0800
vt1 0.0065 1.4951 -0.0387
vc4 0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084
vc2 0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103
skullbase 0.0044 1.6209 0.0236
l_sternoclavicular 0.0820 1.4488 -0.0353
l_acromioclavicular 0.0962 1.4269 -0.0424
l_shoulder 0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387
l_elbow 0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682
l_wrist 0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583
l_thumb1 0.1924 0.8472 -0.0534
l_thumb2 0.1951 0.8226 0.0246
l_thumb3 0.1955 0.8159 0.0464
l_index0 0.1983 0.8024 -0.0280
l_index1 0.1983 0.7815 -0.0280
l_index2 0.2017 0.7363 -0.0248
l_index3 0.2028 0.7139 -0.0236
l_middle0 0.1987 0.8029 -0.0530
l_middle1 0.1987 0.7818 -0.0530
l_middle2 0.2013 0.7273 -0.0503
l_middle3 0.2026 0.7011 -0.0494
l_ring0 0.1956 0.8019 -0.0794
l_ring1 0.1956 0.7815 -0.0794
l_ring2 0.1973 0.7287 -0.0777
l_ring3 0.1983 0.7045 -0.0767
l_pinky0 0.1925 0.8066 -0.1036
l_pinky1 0.1925 0.7866 -0.1036
l_pinky2 0.1938 0.7452 -0.1024
l_pinky3 0.1948 0.7277 -0.1017
r_sternoclavicular -0.0694 1.4600 -0.0330
r_acromioclavicular -0.0836 1.4281 -0.0401
r_shoulder -0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325
r_elbow -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620
r_wrist -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521
r_thumb1 -0.1899 0.8502 -0.0473
r_thumb2 -0.1874 0.8256 0.0306
r_thumb3 -0.1864 0.8190 0.0506
r_index0 -0.1961 0.8055 -0.0218
r_index1 -0.1961 0.7846 -0.0218
r_index2 -0.1954 0.7393 -0.0185
r_index3 -0.1945 0.7169 -0.0173
r_middle0 -0.1972 0.8060 -0.0468
r_middle1 -0.1972 0.7849 -0.0468
r_middle2 -0.1950 0.7304 -0.0441
r_middle3 -0.1939 0.7042 -0.0432
r_ring0 -0.1951 0.8049 -0.0732
r_ring1 -0.1951 0.7845 -0.0732
r_ring2 -0.1920 0.7318 -0.0716
r_ring3 -0.1908 0.7077 -0.0706
r_pinky0 -0.1926 0.8096 -0.0975
r_pinky1 -0.1926 0.7896 -0.0975
r_pinky2 -0.1902 0.7483 -0.0963
r_pinky3 -0.1908 0.7540 -0.0960

Table A.7 — LOA Two: Default Site object translations

Site object Default translation
l_forefoot_tip 0.1354 0.0016 0.1476
l_metatarsal_pha5 0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
l_digit2 0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
l_metatarsal_pha1 0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
l_lateral_malleolus 0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
l_medial_malleolus 0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
l_sphyrion 0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
l_calcaneous_post 0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
l_knee_crease 0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
l_femoral_lateral_epicn 0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
l_femoral_medial_epicn 0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
r_forefoot_tip -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450
r_metatarsal_pha5 -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
r_digit2 -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
r_metatarsal_pha1 -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
r_lateral_malleolus -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
r_medial_malleolus -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
r_sphyrion -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
r_calcaneous_post -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
r_knee_crease -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
r_femoral_lateral_epicn -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
r_femoral_medial_epicn -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
r_iliocristale -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
r_trochanterion -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
l_iliocristale 0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
l_trochanterion 0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
r_asis -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
l_asis 0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
r_psis -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
l_psis 0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
crotch 0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
skull_tip 0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
sellion 0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
r_infraorbitale -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
l_infraorbitale 0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
supramenton 0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
r_tragion -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
r_gonion -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
l_tragion 0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
l_gonion 0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
nuchale 0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
l_thumb_distal_tip 0.1982 0.8061 0.0759
l_index_distal_tip 0.2089 0.6858 -0.0245
l_dactylion 0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
l_middle_distal_tip 0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491
l_ring_distal_tip 0.2035 0.6750 -0.0756
l_pinky_distal_tip 0.2014 0.7009 -0.1012
l_metacarpal_pha2 0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
l_ulnar_styloid -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
l_metacarpal_pha5 0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
l_radial_styloid 0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
l_olecranon -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
l_humeral_medial_epicn 0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
l_radiale 0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
l_humeral_lateral_epicn 0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
l_clavicale 0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
l_acromion 0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
l_axilla_ant 0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
l_axilla_post 0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
r_thumb_distal_tip -0.1869 0.8090 0.0820
r_index_distal_tip -0.1980 0.6883 -0.0180
r_dactylion -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
r_middle_distal_tip -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427
r_ring_distal_tip -0.1934 0.6778 -0.0693
r_pinky_distal_tip -0.1938 0.7035 -0.0949
r_metacarpal_pha2 -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
r_ulnar_styloid -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
r_metacarpal_pha5 -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
r_radial_styloid -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
r_olecranon -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
r_humeral_medial_epicn -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
r_radiale -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
r_humeral_lateral_epicn -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
r_clavicale -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
r_acromion -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
r_axilla_ant -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
r_axilla_post -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
r_neck_base -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
l_neck_base 0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
suprasternale 0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
cervicale 0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
r_thelion -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
l_thelion 0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
substernale 0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
r_rib10 -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
l_rib10 0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
rib10_midspine 0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
waist_preferred_post 0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
navel 0.0069 1.0966 0.1017

A.5.2 Examples

A.5.2.1 LOA Two example source in VRML

#VRML V2.0 utf8 eMpTyWorlds V3.29.70

PROTO Humanoid [
 exposedField    SFVec3f    center                0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode     humanoidBody          [ ]
 exposedField    MFString   info                  [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     joints                [ ]
 exposedField    SFString   name                  ""
 exposedField    SFRotation rotation              0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f    scale                 1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation scaleOrientation      0 0 1 0
 exposedField    MFNode     segments              [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     sites                 [ ]
 exposedField    SFVec3f    translation           0 0 0
 exposedField    SFString   version               "200x"
 exposedField    MFNode     viewpoints            [ ]
 field           SFVec3f    bboxCenter            0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f    bboxSize              -1 -1 -1
 Transform {
  center           IS center
  rotation         IS rotation
  scale            IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation      IS translation
  children [
   Group {
    children IS humanoidBody 
   Group {
    children IS viewpoints

PROTO Joint [
 exposedField SFVec3f    center             0 0 0
 exposedField MFNode     children           []
 exposedField SFRotation limitOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    llimit             []
 exposedField SFString   name               ""
 exposedField SFRotation rotation           0 0 1 0
 exposedField SFVec3f    scale              1 1 1
 exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    stiffness          [1 1 1]
 exposedField SFVec3f    translation        0 0 0
 exposedField MFFloat    ulimit             []
 Transform {
  center IS center 
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale 
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

PROTO Segment [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     centerOfMass      0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFNode      coord             NULL
 exposedField    MFNode      displacers        []
 exposedField    SFString    name              ""
 exposedField    SFFloat     mass              0 
 exposedField    SFVec3f     momentsOfInertia  1 1 1
 field           SFVec3f     bboxCenter        0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f     bboxSize          -1 -1 -1
 Group {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  bboxCenter IS bboxCenter
  bboxSize IS bboxSize
  children IS children
  removeChildren IS removeChildren

PROTO Site [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     center            0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFString    name              "" 
 exposedField    SFRotation  rotation          0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     scale             1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation  scaleOrientation  0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     translation       0 0 0
 Transform {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  removeChildren IS removeChildren
  center IS center
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

DEF humanoid Humanoid {
 humanoidBody [
  DEF hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint {
   name           "HumanoidRoot"
   center         0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
   children [
    DEF hanim_sacroiliac Joint {
     name           "sacroiliac"
     center         0.0000 0.9149 0.0016
     children [
      DEF hanim_l_hip Joint {
       name           "l_hip"
       center         0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001
       children [
        DEF hanim_l_knee Joint {
         name           "l_knee"
         center         0.1040 0.4867 0.0308
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_ankle Joint {
           name           "l_ankle"
           center         0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736
           children [
            DEF hanim_l_subtalar Joint {
             name           "l_subtalar"
             center         0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_midtarsal Joint {
               name           "l_midtarsal"
               center         0.1086 0.0001 0.0368
               children [
                DEF hanim_l_metatarsal Joint {
                 name           "l_metatarsal"
                 center         0.1086 0.0000 0.0762
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_l_forefoot Segment {
                   name           "l_forefoot"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_l_forefoot_tip Site {
                     name           "l_forefoot_tip"
                     translation    0.1354 0.0016 0.1476
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #66
                     name           "l_metatarsal_pha5"
                     translation    0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #72
                     name           "l_digit2"
                     translation    0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_l_forefoot Segment
                }     # end hanim_l_metatarsal Joint
                DEF hanim_l_middistal Segment {
                 name           "l_middistal"
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #70
                   name           "l_metatarsal_pha1"
                   translation    0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
                   children [
                }     # end hanim_l_middistal Segment     
              }     # end hanim_l_midtarsal Joint
              DEF hanim_l_midproximal Segment {
               name           "l_midproximal"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_l_midproximal Segment     
            }     # end hanim_l_subtalar Joint
            DEF hanim_l_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "l_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #67
               name           "l_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #68
               name           "l_medial_malleolus"
               translation    0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #69
               name           "l_sphyrion"
               translation    0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #71
               name           "l_calcaneous_post"
               translation    0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
               children [
            }     # end hanim_l_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_l_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_l_calf Segment {
           name           "l_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_l_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_l_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_l_thigh Segment {
         name           "l_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #63
           name           "l_knee_crease"
           translation    0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #64
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #65
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
           children [
        }     # end hanim_l_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_l_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_r_hip Joint {
       name           "r_hip"
       center         -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_knee Joint {
         name           "r_knee"
         center         -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_ankle Joint {
           name           "r_ankle"
           center         -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766
           children [
            DEF hanim_r_subtalar Joint {
             name           "r_subtalar"
             center         -0.0801 0.0000 -0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_midtarsal Joint {
               name           "r_midtarsal"
               center         -0.0801 0.0000 0.0368
               children [
                DEF hanim_r_metatarsal Joint {
                 name           "r_metatarsal"
                 center         -0.0801 0.0039 0.0732
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_forefoot Segment {
                   name           "r_forefoot"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_r_forefoot_tip Site {
                     name           "r_forefoot_tip"
                     translation    -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #56
                     name           "r_metatarsal_pha5"
                     translation    -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #62
                     name           "r_digit2"
                     translation    -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_r_forefoot Segment
                }     # end hanim_r_metatarsal Joint
                DEF hanim_r_middistal Segment {
                 name           "r_middistal"
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #60
                   name           "r_metatarsal_pha1"
                   translation    -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
                   children [
                }     # end hanim_r_middistal Segment
              }     # end hanim_r_midtarsal Joint
              DEF hanim_r_midproximal Segment {
               name           "r_midproximal"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_r_midproximal Segment
            DEF hanim_r_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "r_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #57
               name           "r_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #58
               name           "r_medial_malleolus"
               translation    -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #59
               name           "r_sphyrion"
               translation    -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #61
               name           "r_calcaneous_post"
               translation    -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
               children [
            }     # end hanim_r_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_r_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_r_calf Segment {
           name           "r_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_r_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_r_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_r_thigh Segment {
         name           "r_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #53
           name           "r_knee_crease"
           translation    -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #54
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #55
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
           children [
        }     # end hanim_r_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_r_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_pelvis Segment {
       name           "pelvis"
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #20
         name           "r_iliocristale"
         translation    -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #21
         name           "r_trochanterion"
         translation    -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #22
         name           "l_iliocristale"
         translation    0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #23
         name           "l_trochanterion"
         translation    0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #17
         name           "r_asis"
         translation    -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #19
         name           "l_asis"
         translation    0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #26
         name           "r_psis"
         translation    -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #27
         name           "l_psis"
         translation    0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
         children [
        DEF hanim_crotch Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #73
         name           "crotch"
         translation    0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
         children [
      }     # end hanim_pelvis Segment
    }     # end hanim_sacroiliac Joint
    DEF hanim_vl5 Joint {
     name           "vl5"
     center         0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776
     children [
      DEF hanim_vl3 Joint {
       name         "vl3"
       center       0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796
       children [
        DEF hanim_vl1 Joint {
         name         "vl1"
         center       0.0048 1.1912 -0.0805
         children [
          DEF hanim_vt10 Joint {
           name         "vt10"
           center       0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822
           children [
            DEF hanim_vt6 Joint {
             name         "vt6"
             center       0.0059 1.3866 -0.0800
             children [
              DEF hanim_vt1 Joint {
               name         "vt1"
               center       0.0065 1.4951 -0.0387
               children [
                DEF hanim_vc4 Joint {
                 name         "vc4"
                 center       0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_vc2 Joint {
                   name         "vc2"
                   center       0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_skullbase Joint {
                     name         "skullbase"
                     center       0.0044 1.6209 0.0236
                     children [
                      DEF hanim_skull Segment {
                       name         "skull"
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_skull_tip Site {
                         name         "skull_tip"
                         translation    0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_sellion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #1
                         name         "sellion"
                         translation    0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_r_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #2
                         name         "r_infraorbitale"
                         translation    -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_l_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #3
                         name         "l_infraorbitale"
                         translation    0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_supramenton Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #4
                         name         "supramenton"
                         translation    0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
                           children [
                        DEF hanim_r_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #5
                         name         "r_tragion"
                         translation    -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_r_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #6
                         name         "r_gonion"
                         translation    -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_l_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #7
                         name         "l_tragion"
                         translation    0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_l_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #8
                         name         "l_gonion"
                         translation    0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_nuchale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #9
                         name         "nuchale"
                         translation    0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
                         children [
                      }     # end hanim_skull Segment
                    }     # end hanim_skullbase Joint
                    DEF hanim_c2 Segment {
                     name         "c2"
                     children [
                    }     # end hanim_c2 Segment
                  }     # end hanim_vc2 Joint
                  DEF hanim_c4 Segment {
                   name         "c4"
                   children [
                  }     # end hanim_c4 Segment
                }     # end hanim_vc4 Joint
                DEF hanim_l_sternoclavicular Joint {
                 name         "l_sternoclavicular"
                 center       0.0820 1.4488 -0.0353
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_l_acromioclavicular Joint {
                   name         "l_acromioclavicular"
                   center       0.0962 1.4269 -0.0424
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_l_shoulder Joint {
                     name         "l_shoulder"
                     center       0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387
                     children [
                      DEF hanim_l_elbow Joint {
                       name         "l_elbow"
                       center       0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_l_wrist Joint {
                         name         "l_wrist"
                         center       0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583
                         children [
                          DEF hanim_l_thumb1 Joint {
                           name         "l_thumb1"
                           center       0.1924 0.8472 -0.0534
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_thumb2 Joint {
                             name         "l_thumb2"
                             center       0.1951 0.8226 0.0246
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_l_thumb3 Joint {
                               name         "l_thumb3"
                               center       0.1955 0.8159 0.0464
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_l_thumb_distal Segment {
                                 name         "l_thumb_distal"
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_l_thumb_distal_tip Site {
                                   name         "l_thumb_distal_tip"
                                   translation    0.1982 0.8061 0.0759
                                   children [
                                }      # end hanim_l_thumb_distal Segment
                              }     # end hanim_l_thumb3 Joint
                              DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                               name         "l_index_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_l_thumb_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_l_thumb2 Joint
                            DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                             name         "l_index_proximal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_l_thumb_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_l_thumb1 Joint
                          DEF hanim_l_index0 Joint {
                           name         "l_index0"
                           center       0.1983 0.8024 -0.0280
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_index1 Joint {
                             name         "l_index1"
                             center       0.1983 0.7815 -0.0280
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_l_index2 Joint {
                               name         "l_index2"
                               center       0.2017 0.7363 -0.0248
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_l_index3 Joint {
                                 name         "l_index3"
                                 center       0.2028 0.7139 -0.0236
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_l_index_distal Segment {
                                   name         "l_index_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_l_index_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "l_index_distal_tip"
                                     translation    0.2089 0.6858 -0.0245
                                     children [
                                    DEF hanim_l_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #50
                                     name         "l_dactylion"
                                     translation    0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_l_index_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_l_index3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_l_index_middle Segment {
                                 name         "l_index_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_l_index_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_l_index2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                               name         "l_index_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_l_index_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_l_index1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_l_index_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "l_index_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_l_index_metacarpal Segment 
                          }     # end hanim_l_index0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_l_middle0 Joint {
                           name         "l_middle0"
                           center       0.1987 0.8029 -0.0530
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_middle1 Joint {
                             name         "l_middle1"
                             center       0.1987 0.7818 -0.0530
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_l_middle2 Joint {
                               name         "l_middle2"
                               center       0.2013 0.7273 -0.0503
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_l_middle3 Joint {
                                 name         "l_middle3"
                                 center       0.2026 0.7011 -0.0494
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_l_middle_distal Segment {
                                   name         "l_middle_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_l_middle_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "l_middle_distal_tip"
                                     translation    0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_l_middle_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_l_middle3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_l_middle_middle Segment {
                                 name         "l_middle_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_l_middle_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_l_middle2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_l_middle_proximal Segment {
                               name         "l_middle_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_l_middle_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_l_middle1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_l_middle_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "l_middle_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_l_middle_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_l_middle0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_l_ring0 Joint {
                           name         "l_ring0"
                           center       0.1956 0.8019 -0.0794
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_ring1 Joint {
                             name         "l_ring1"
                             center       0.1956 0.7815 -0.0794
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_l_ring2 Joint {
                               name         "l_ring2"
                               center       0.1973 0.7287 -0.0777
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_l_ring3 Joint {
                                 name         "l_ring3"
                                 center       0.1983 0.7045 -0.0767
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_l_ring_distal Segment {
                                   name         "l_ring_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_l_ring_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "l_ring_distal_tip"
                                     translation    0.2035 0.6750 -0.0756
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_l_ring_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_l_ring3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_l_ring_middle Segment {
                                 name         "l_ring_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_l_ring_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_l_ring2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_l_ring_proximal Segment {
                               name         "l_ring_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_l_ring_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_l_ring1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_l_ring_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "l_ring_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_l_ring_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_l_ring0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_l_pinky0 Joint {
                           name         "l_pinky0"
                           center       0.1925 0.8066 -0.1036
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_pinky1 Joint {
                             name         "l_pinky1"
                             center       0.1925 0.7866 -0.1036
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_l_pinky2 Joint {
                               name         "l_pinky2"
                               center       0.1938 0.7452 -0.1024
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_l_pinky3 Joint {
                                 name         "l_pinky3"
                                 center       0.1948 0.7277 -0.1017
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_l_pinky_distal Segment {
                                   name         "l_pinky_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_l_pinky_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "l_pinky_distal_tip"
                                     translation    0.2014 0.7009 -0.1012
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_l_pinky_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_l_pinky3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_l_pinky_middle Segment {
                                 name         "l_pinky_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_l_pinky_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_l_pinky2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_l_pinky_proximal Segment {
                               name         "l_pinky_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_l_pinky_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_l_pinky1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "l_pinky_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_l_pinky0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_l_hand Segment {
                           name         "l_hand"
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #49
                             name         "l_metacarpal_pha2"
                             translation    0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
                             children [
                            DEF hanim_l_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #51
                             name         "l_ulnar_styloid"
                             translation    -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
                             children [
                            DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #52
                             name         "l_metacarpal_pha5"
                             translation    0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
                             children [
                          }     # end hanim_l_hand Segment
                        }     # end hanim_l_wrist Joint
                        DEF hanim_l_forearm Segment {
                         name         "l_forearm"
                         children [
                          DEF hanim_l_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #43
                           name         "l_radial_styloid"
                           translation    0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_l_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #45
                           name         "l_olecranon"
                           translation    -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #47
                           name         "l_humeral_medial_epicn"
                           translation    0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_l_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #48
                           name         "l_radiale"
                           translation    0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
                           children [
                        }     # end hanim_l_forearm Segment
                      }     # end hanim_l_elbow Joint
                      DEF hanim_l_upperarm Segment {
                       name         "l_upperarm"
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #46
                         name         "l_humeral_lateral_epicn "
                         translation    0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
                         children [
                      }     # end hanim_l_upperarm Segment
                    }     # end hanim_l_shoulder Joint
                    DEF hanim_l_scapula Segment {
                     name         "l_scapula"
                     children [
                    }     # end hanim_l_scapula Segment
                  }     # end hanim_l_acromioclavicular Joint
                  DEF hanim_l_clavicle Segment {
                   name         "l_clavicle"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_l_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #12
                     name         "l_clavicale"
                     translation    0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #41
                     name         "l_acromion"
                     translation    0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #42
                     name         "l_axilla_ant"
                     translation    0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #44
                     name         "l_axilla_post"
                     translation    0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_l_clavicle Segment
                }     # end hanim_l_sternoclavicular Joint
                DEF hanim_r_sternoclavicular Joint {
                 name         "r_sternoclavicular"
                 center       -0.0694 1.4600 -0.0330
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_acromioclavicular Joint {
                   name         "r_acromioclavicular"
                   center       -0.0836 1.4281 -0.0401
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_r_shoulder Joint {
                     name         "r_shoulder"
                     center       -0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325
                     children [
                      DEF hanim_r_elbow Joint {
                       name         "r_elbow"
                       center       -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_r_wrist Joint {
                         name         "r_wrist"
                         center       -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521
                         children [
                          DEF hanim_r_thumb1 Joint {
                           name         "r_thumb1"
                           center       -0.1899 0.8502 -0.0473
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_thumb2 Joint {
                             name         "r_thumb2"
                             center       -0.1874 0.8256 0.0306
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_r_thumb3 Joint {
                               name         "r_thumb3"
                               center       -0.1864 0.8190 0.0506
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_r_thumb_distal Segment {
                                 name         "r_thumb_distal"
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_r_thumb_distal_tip Site {
                                   name         "r_thumb_distal_tip"
                                   translation    -0.1869 0.8090 0.0820
                                   children [
                                }     # end hanim_r_thumb_distal Segment
                              }     # end hanim_r_thumb3 Joint
                              DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                               name         "r_index_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_r_thumb_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_r_thumb2 Joint
                            DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                             name         "r_index_proximal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_r_thumb_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_r_thumb1 Joint
                          DEF hanim_r_index0 Joint {
                           name         "r_index0"
                           center       -0.1961 0.8055 -0.0218
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_index1 Joint {
                             name         "r_index1"
                             center       -0.1961 0.7846 -0.0218
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_r_index2 Joint {
                               name         "r_index2"
                               center       -0.1954 0.7393 -0.0185
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_r_index3 Joint {
                                 name         "r_index3"
                                 center       -0.1945 0.7169 -0.0173
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_r_index_distal Segment {
                                   name         "r_index_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_r_index_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "r_index_distal_tip"
                                     translation    -0.1980 0.6883 -0.0180
                                     children [
                                    DEF hanim_r_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #38
                                     name         "r_dactylion"
                                     translation    -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_r_index_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_r_index3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_r_index_middle Segment {
                                 name         "r_index_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_r_index_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_r_index2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                               name         "r_index_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_r_index_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_r_index1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_r_index_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "r_index_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_r_index_metacarpal Segment  
                          }     # end hanim_r_index0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_r_middle0 Joint {
                           name         "r_middle0"
                           center       -0.1972 0.8060 -0.0468
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_middle1 Joint {
                             name         "r_middle1"
                             center       -0.1972 0.7849 -0.0468
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_r_middle2 Joint {
                               name         "r_middle2"
                               center       -0.1950 0.7304 -0.0441
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_r_middle3 Joint {
                                 name         "r_middle3"
                                 center       -0.1939 0.7042 -0.0432
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_r_middle_distal Segment {
                                   name         "r_middle_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_r_middle_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "r_middle_distal_tip"
                                     translation    -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_r_middle_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_r_middle3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_r_middle_middle Segment {
                                 name         "r_middle_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_r_middle_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_r_middle2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_r_middle_proximal Segment {
                               name         "r_middle_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_r_middle_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_r_middle1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_r_middle_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "r_middle_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_r_middle_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_r_middle0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_r_ring0 Joint {
                           name         "r_ring0"
                           center       -0.1951 0.8049 -0.0732
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_ring1 Joint {
                             name         "r_ring1"
                             center       -0.1951 0.7845 -0.0732
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_r_ring2 Joint {
                               name         "r_ring2"
                               center       -0.1920 0.7318 -0.0716
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_r_ring3 Joint {
                                 name         "r_ring3"
                                 center       -0.1908 0.7077 -0.0706
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_r_ring_distal Segment {
                                   name         "r_ring_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_r_ring_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "r_ring_distal_tip"
                                     translation    -0.1934 0.6778 -0.0693
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_r_ring_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_r_ring3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_r_ring_middle Segment {
                                 name         "r_ring_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_r_ring_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_r_ring2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_r_ring_proximal Segment {
                               name         "r_ring_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_r_ring_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_r_ring1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_r_ring_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "r_ring_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_r_ring_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_r_ring0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_r_pinky0 Joint {
                           name         "r_pinky0"
                           center       -0.1926 0.8096 -0.0975
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_pinky1 Joint {
                             name         "r_pinky1"
                             center       -0.1926 0.7896 -0.0975
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_r_pinky2 Joint {
                               name         "r_pinky2"
                               center       -0.1902 0.7483 -0.0963
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_r_pinky3 Joint {
                                 name         "r_pinky3"
                                 center       -0.1908 0.7540 -0.0960
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_r_pinky_distal Segment {
                                   name         "r_pinky_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_r_pinky_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "r_pinky_distal_tip"
                                     translation    -0.1938 0.7035 -0.0949
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_r_pinky_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_r_pinky3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_r_pinky_middle Segment {
                                 name         "r_pinky_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_r_pinky_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_r_pinky2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_r_pinky_proximal Segment {
                               name         "r_pinky_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_r_pinky_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_r_pinky1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "r_pinky_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_r_pinky0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_r_hand Segment {
                           name         "r_hand"
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #37
                             name         "r_metacarpal_pha2"
                             translation    -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
                             children [
                            DEF hanim_r_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #39
                             name         "r_ulnar_styloid"
                             translation    -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
                             children [
                            DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #40
                             name         "r_metacarpal_pha5"
                             translation    -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
                             children [
                          }     # end hanim_r_hand Segment
                        }     # end hanim_r_wrist Joint
                        DEF hanim_r_forearm Segment {
                         name         "r_forearm"
                         children [
                          DEF hanim_r_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #31
                           name         "r_radial_styloid"
                           translation    -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_r_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #33
                           name         "r_olecranon"
                           translation    -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #35
                           name         "r_humeral_medial_epicn"
                           translation    -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_r_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #36
                           name         "r_radiale"
                           translation    -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
                           children [
                        }     # end hanim_r_forearm Segment
                      }     # end hanim_r_elbow Joint
                      DEF hanim_r_upperarm Segment {
                       name         "r_upperarm"
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #34
                         name         "r_humeral_lateral_epicn"
                         translation    -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
                         children [
                      }     # end hanim_r_upperarm Segment
                    }     # end hanim_r_shoulder Joint
                    DEF hanim_r_scapula Segment {
                     name         "r_scapula"
                     children [
                    }     # end hanim_r_scapula Segment
                  }     # end hanim_r_acromioclavicular Joint
                  DEF hanim_r_clavicle Segment {
                   name         "r_clavicle"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_r_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #10
                     name         "r_clavicale"
                     translation    -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #29
                     name         "r_acromion"
                     translation    -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #30
                     name         "r_axilla_ant"
                     translation    -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #32
                     name         "r_axilla_post"
                     translation    -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_r_clavicle Segment
                }     # end hanim_r_sternoclavicular Joint
                DEF hanim_t1 Segment {
                 name         "t1"
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #74
                   name           "r_neck_base"
                   translation    -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
                   children [
                  DEF hanim_l_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #75
                   name           "l_neck_base"
                   translation    0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
                   children [
                  DEF hanim_suprasternale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #11
                   name         "suprasternale"
                   translation    0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
                   children [
                  DEF hanim_cervicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #24
                   name         "cervicale"
                   translation    0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
                   children [
                }     # end hanim_t1 Segment
              }     # end hanim_vt1 Joint
              DEF hanim_t6 Segment {
               name         "t6"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_t6 Segment
            }     # end hanim_vt6 Joint
            DEF hanim_t10 Segment {
             name         "t10"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #13
               name           "r_thelion"
               translation    -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #14
               name           "l_thelion"
               translation    0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
               children [
              DEF hanim_substernale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #15
               name         "substernale"
               translation    0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
               children [
            }      # end hanim_t10 Segment
          }     # end hanim_vt10 Joint
          DEF hanim_l1 Segment {
           name         "l1"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_l1 Segment
        }     # end hanim_vl1 Joint
        DEF hanim_l3 Segment {
         name         "l3"
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #16
           name           "r_rib10"
           translation    -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #18
           name           "l_rib10"
           translation    0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
           children [
          DEF hanim_rib10_midspine Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #25
           name           "rib10_midspine"
           translation    0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
           children [
        }     # end hanim_l3 Segment
      }     # end hanim_vl3 Joint
      DEF hanim_l5 Segment {
       name           "l5"
       children [
        DEF hanim_waist_preferred_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #28
         name           "waist_preferred_post "
         translation    0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
         children [
        DEF hanim_navel Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #76
         name           "navel"
         translation    0.0069 1.0966 0.1017
         children [
      }     # end hanim_l5 Segment
    }     # end hanim_vl5 Joint
    DEF hanim_sacrum Segment {
     name           "sacrum"
     children [
    }     # end hanim_sacrum Segment
  }     # end hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint
 joints [
  USE hanim_HumanoidRoot, USE hanim_sacroiliac, 
  USE hanim_l_hip, USE hanim_l_knee, USE hanim_l_ankle,
  USE hanim_l_subtalar, USE hanim_l_midtarsal,
  USE hanim_l_metatarsal, USE hanim_r_hip, USE hanim_r_knee,
  USE hanim_r_ankle, USE hanim_r_subtalar, USE hanim_r_midtarsal,
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal, USE hanim_vl5, USE hanim_vl3,
  USE hanim_vl1, USE hanim_vt10, USE hanim_vt6, USE hanim_vt1,
  USE hanim_vc4, USE hanim_vc2, USE hanim_skullbase,
  USE hanim_l_sternoclavicular, USE hanim_l_acromioclavicular,
  USE hanim_l_shoulder, USE hanim_l_elbow, USE hanim_l_wrist,
  USE hanim_l_thumb1, USE hanim_l_thumb2, USE hanim_l_thumb3,
  USE hanim_l_index0, USE hanim_l_index1, USE hanim_l_index2,
  USE hanim_l_index3, USE hanim_l_middle0, USE hanim_l_middle1,
  USE hanim_l_middle2, USE hanim_l_middle3, USE hanim_l_ring0,
  USE hanim_l_ring1, USE hanim_l_ring2, USE hanim_l_ring3,
  USE hanim_l_pinky0, USE hanim_l_pinky1, USE hanim_l_pinky2,
  USE hanim_l_pinky3, USE hanim_r_sternoclavicular,
  USE hanim_r_acromioclavicular, USE hanim_r_shoulder,
  USE hanim_r_elbow, USE hanim_r_wrist, USE hanim_r_thumb1,
  USE hanim_r_thumb2, USE hanim_r_thumb3, USE hanim_r_index0,
  USE hanim_r_index1, USE hanim_r_index2, USE hanim_r_index3,
  USE hanim_r_middle0, USE hanim_r_middle1, USE hanim_r_middle2,
  USE hanim_r_middle3, USE hanim_r_ring0, USE hanim_r_ring1,
  USE hanim_r_ring2, USE hanim_r_ring3, USE hanim_r_pinky0,
  USE hanim_r_pinky1, USE hanim_r_pinky2, USE hanim_r_pinky3
 sites [
  USE hanim_l_forefoot_tip, USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5, 
  USE hanim_l_digit2, USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1, 
  USE hanim_l_lateral_malleolus, USE hanim_l_medial_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_l_sphyrion, USE hanim_l_calcaneous_post, 
  USE hanim_l_knee_crease, USE hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_r_forefoot_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5, USE hanim_r_digit2, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1, USE hanim_r_lateral_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_r_medial_malleolus, USE hanim_r_sphyrion, 
  USE hanim_r_calcaneous_post, USE hanim_r_knee_crease, 
  USE hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_iliocristale, USE hanim_r_trochanterion, 
  USE hanim_l_iliocristale, USE hanim_l_trochanterion, 
  USE hanim_r_asis, USE hanim_l_asis, USE hanim_r_psis, 
  USE hanim_l_psis, USE hanim_crotch, USE hanim_skull_tip, 
  USE hanim_sellion, USE hanim_r_infraorbitale, 
  USE hanim_l_infraorbitale, USE hanim_supramenton, 
  USE hanim_r_tragion, USE hanim_r_gonion, USE hanim_l_tragion,
  USE hanim_l_gonion, USE hanim_nuchale, 
  USE hanim_l_thumb_distal_tip, USE hanim_l_index_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_dactylion, USE hanim_l_middle_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_ring_distal_tip, USE hanim_l_pinky_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2, USE hanim_l_ulnar_styloid, 
  USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5, USE hanim_l_radial_styloid, 
  USE hanim_l_olecranon, USE hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_radiale, USE hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_clavicale, USE hanim_l_acromion, 
  USE hanim_l_axilla_ant, USE hanim_l_axilla_post, 
  USE hanim_r_thumb_distal_tip, USE hanim_r_index_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_dactylion, USE hanim_r_middle_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_ring_distal_tip, USE hanim_r_pinky_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2, USE hanim_r_ulnar_styloid, 
  USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5, USE hanim_r_radial_styloid, 
  USE hanim_r_olecranon, USE hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_radiale, USE hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_clavicale, USE hanim_r_acromion, 
  USE hanim_r_axilla_ant, USE hanim_r_axilla_post, 
  USE hanim_r_neck_base, USE hanim_l_neck_base,
  USE hanim_suprasternale, USE hanim_cervicale, 
  USE hanim_r_thelion, USE hanim_l_thelion, 
  USE hanim_substernale, USE hanim_r_rib10, USE hanim_l_rib10, 
  USE hanim_rib10_midspine, USE hanim_waist_preferred_post, 
  USE hanim_navel,
 segments [
  USE hanim_l_forefoot, USE hanim_l_middistal,
  USE hanim_l_midproximal, USE hanim_l_hindfoot,
  USE hanim_l_calf, USE hanim_l_thigh, USE hanim_r_forefoot,
  USE hanim_r_middistal, USE hanim_r_midproximal,
  USE hanim_r_hindfoot, USE hanim_r_calf, USE hanim_r_thigh,
  USE hanim_pelvis, USE hanim_skull, USE hanim_c2,
  USE hanim_c4, USE hanim_l_thumb_distal,
  USE hanim_l_index_proximal, USE hanim_l_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_index_distal, USE hanim_l_index_middle,
  USE hanim_l_index_proximal, USE hanim_l_index_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_l_middle_distal, USE hanim_l_middle_middle,
  USE hanim_l_middle_proximal, USE hanim_l_middle_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_l_ring_distal, USE hanim_l_ring_middle,
  USE hanim_l_ring_proximal, USE hanim_l_ring_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_l_pinky_distal, USE hanim_l_pinky_middle,
  USE hanim_l_pinky_proximal, USE hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_l_hand, USE hanim_l_forearm,
  USE hanim_l_upperarm, USE hanim_l_scapula,
  USE hanim_l_clavicle, USE hanim_r_thumb_distal,
  USE hanim_r_index_proximal, USE hanim_r_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_index_distal, USE hanim_r_index_middle,
  USE hanim_r_index_proximal, USE hanim_r_index_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_r_middle_distal, USE hanim_r_middle_middle,
  USE hanim_r_middle_proximal, USE hanim_r_middle_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_r_ring_distal, USE hanim_r_ring_middle,
  USE hanim_r_ring_proximal, USE hanim_r_ring_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_r_pinky_distal, USE hanim_r_pinky_middle,
  USE hanim_r_pinky_proximal, USE hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_r_hand, USE hanim_r_forearm,
  USE hanim_r_upperarm, USE hanim_r_scapula,
  USE hanim_r_clavicle, USE hanim_t1, USE hanim_t6,
  USE hanim_t10, USE hanim_l1, USE hanim_l3, USE hanim_l5,
  USE hanim_sacrum
 version "200x"
 name "humanoid"
 info [
  "authorName=Matthew T. Beitler"
  "authorEmail=beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org"
  "copyright=Copyright 1999-2003, Matthew T. Beitler"
  "humanoidVersion=JointCenters 200x, LOA2"
    AUTHOR IS INCLUDED.  This humanoid scene graph is provided
    'as-is' and without warranty of any kind, express, implied
    or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of
    merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."

DEF JointCenters_WorldInfo Group
 children [
   title "HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA2"
   info [ "
     HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, Level-Of-Articulation 2
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author name:
       eMpTy (a.k.a. Matthew T. Beitler)
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author email:
       beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author homepage:
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Compliance Date:
       August 12, 2003
     HANIM 200x Compliance Information:
     Construction Info (joint centers):
      The joint centers of this figure are based on the 
      work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for
      Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of
      Pennsylvania.  The original document which these
      joint centers are based on can be found at:

 headlight TRUE
 speed 1.5
 type ["EXAMINE", "ANY"]

A.5.2.2 LOA Two example with diamonds at Joint centres

#VRML V2.0 utf8 eMpTyWorlds V3.29.70

PROTO Humanoid [
 exposedField    SFVec3f    center                0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode     humanoidBody          [ ]
 exposedField    MFString   info                  [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     joints                [ ]
 exposedField    SFString   name                  ""
 exposedField    SFRotation rotation              0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f    scale                 1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation scaleOrientation      0 0 1 0
 exposedField    MFNode     segments              [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     sites                 [ ]
 exposedField    SFVec3f    translation           0 0 0
 exposedField    SFString   version               "200x"
 exposedField    MFNode     viewpoints            [ ]
 field           SFVec3f    bboxCenter            0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f    bboxSize              -1 -1 -1
 Transform {
  center           IS center
  rotation         IS rotation
  scale            IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation      IS translation
  children [
   Group {
    children IS humanoidBody 
   Group {
    children IS viewpoints

PROTO Joint [
 exposedField SFVec3f    center             0 0 0
 exposedField MFNode     children           []
 exposedField SFRotation limitOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    llimit             []
 exposedField SFString   name               ""
 exposedField SFRotation rotation           0 0 1 0
 exposedField SFVec3f    scale              1 1 1
 exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    stiffness          [1 1 1]
 exposedField SFVec3f    translation        0 0 0
 exposedField MFFloat    ulimit             []
 Group {
  children [
   Transform {
    center IS center 
    children IS children
    rotation IS rotation
    scale IS scale 
    scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
    translation IS translation
   Transform {
    translation IS center
    children [
     Shape { 
       IndexedFaceSet {
        coord Coordinate {
         point [ 
          0 0.01 0, -0.01 0 0, 0 0 0.01, 
          0.01 0 0, 0 0 -0.01, 0 -0.01 0 
        coordIndex [ 
         0, 1, 2, -1, 0, 2, 3, -1, 0, 3, 4, -1, 0, 4, 1, -1,
         5, 2, 1, -1, 5, 3, 2, -1, 5, 4, 3, -1, 5, 1, 4, -1 
        creaseAngle 0.5
       Appearance { 
         Material { diffuseColor 1 1 0 } 

PROTO Segment [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     centerOfMass      0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFNode      coord             NULL
 exposedField    MFNode      displacers        []
 exposedField    SFString    name              ""
 exposedField    SFFloat     mass              0 
 exposedField    SFVec3f     momentsOfInertia  1 1 1
 field           SFVec3f     bboxCenter        0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f     bboxSize          -1 -1 -1
 Group {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  bboxCenter IS bboxCenter
  bboxSize IS bboxSize
  children IS children
  removeChildren IS removeChildren

PROTO Site [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     center            0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFString    name              "" 
 exposedField    SFRotation  rotation          0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     scale             1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation  scaleOrientation  0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     translation       0 0 0
 Transform {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  removeChildren IS removeChildren
  center IS center
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

DEF humanoid Humanoid {
 humanoidBody [
  DEF hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint {
   name           "HumanoidRoot"
   center         0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
   children [
    DEF hanim_sacroiliac Joint {
     name           "sacroiliac"
     center         0.0000 0.9149 0.0016
     children [
      DEF hanim_l_hip Joint {
       name           "l_hip"
       center         0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001
       children [
        DEF hanim_l_knee Joint {
         name           "l_knee"
         center         0.1040 0.4867 0.0308
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_ankle Joint {
           name           "l_ankle"
           center         0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736
           children [
            DEF hanim_l_subtalar Joint {
             name           "l_subtalar"
             center         0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_midtarsal Joint {
               name           "l_midtarsal"
               center         0.1086 0.0001 0.0368
               children [
                DEF hanim_l_metatarsal Joint {
                 name           "l_metatarsal"
                 center         0.1086 0.0000 0.0762
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_l_forefoot Segment {
                   name           "l_forefoot"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_l_forefoot_tip Site {
                     name           "l_forefoot_tip"
                     translation    0.1354 0.0016 0.1476
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #66
                     name           "l_metatarsal_pha5"
                     translation    0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #72
                     name           "l_digit2"
                     translation    0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_l_forefoot Segment
                }     # end hanim_l_metatarsal Joint
                DEF hanim_l_middistal Segment {
                 name           "l_middistal"
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #70
                   name           "l_metatarsal_pha1"
                   translation    0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
                   children [
                }     # end hanim_l_middistal Segment     
              }     # end hanim_l_midtarsal Joint
              DEF hanim_l_midproximal Segment {
               name           "l_midproximal"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_l_midproximal Segment     
            }     # end hanim_l_subtalar Joint
            DEF hanim_l_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "l_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #67
               name           "l_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #68
               name           "l_medial_malleolus"
               translation    0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #69
               name           "l_sphyrion"
               translation    0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #71
               name           "l_calcaneous_post"
               translation    0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
               children [
            }     # end hanim_l_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_l_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_l_calf Segment {
           name           "l_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_l_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_l_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_l_thigh Segment {
         name           "l_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #63
           name           "l_knee_crease"
           translation    0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #64
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #65
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
           children [
        }     # end hanim_l_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_l_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_r_hip Joint {
       name           "r_hip"
       center         -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_knee Joint {
         name           "r_knee"
         center         -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_ankle Joint {
           name           "r_ankle"
           center         -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766
           children [
            DEF hanim_r_subtalar Joint {
             name           "r_subtalar"
             center         -0.0801 0.0000 -0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_midtarsal Joint {
               name           "r_midtarsal"
               center         -0.0801 0.0000 0.0368
               children [
                DEF hanim_r_metatarsal Joint {
                 name           "r_metatarsal"
                 center         -0.0801 0.0039 0.0732
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_forefoot Segment {
                   name           "r_forefoot"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_r_forefoot_tip Site {
                     name           "r_forefoot_tip"
                     translation    -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #56
                     name           "r_metatarsal_pha5"
                     translation    -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #62
                     name           "r_digit2"
                     translation    -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_r_forefoot Segment
                }     # end hanim_r_metatarsal Joint
                DEF hanim_r_middistal Segment {
                 name           "r_middistal"
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #60
                   name           "r_metatarsal_pha1"
                   translation    -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
                   children [
                }     # end hanim_r_middistal Segment
              }     # end hanim_r_midtarsal Joint
              DEF hanim_r_midproximal Segment {
               name           "r_midproximal"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_r_midproximal Segment
            DEF hanim_r_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "r_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #57
               name           "r_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #58
               name           "r_medial_malleolus"
               translation    -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #59
               name           "r_sphyrion"
               translation    -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #61
               name           "r_calcaneous_post"
               translation    -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
               children [
            }     # end hanim_r_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_r_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_r_calf Segment {
           name           "r_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_r_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_r_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_r_thigh Segment {
         name           "r_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #53
           name           "r_knee_crease"
           translation    -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #54
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #55
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
           children [
        }     # end hanim_r_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_r_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_pelvis Segment {
       name           "pelvis"
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #20
         name           "r_iliocristale"
         translation    -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #21
         name           "r_trochanterion"
         translation    -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #22
         name           "l_iliocristale"
         translation    0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #23
         name           "l_trochanterion"
         translation    0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #17
         name           "r_asis"
         translation    -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #19
         name           "l_asis"
         translation    0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #26
         name           "r_psis"
         translation    -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #27
         name           "l_psis"
         translation    0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
         children [
        DEF hanim_crotch Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #73
         name           "crotch"
         translation    0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
         children [
      }     # end hanim_pelvis Segment
    }     # end hanim_sacroiliac Joint
    DEF hanim_vl5 Joint {
     name           "vl5"
     center         0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776
     children [
      DEF hanim_vl3 Joint {
       name         "vl3"
       center       0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796
       children [
        DEF hanim_vl1 Joint {
         name         "vl1"
         center       0.0048 1.1912 -0.0805
         children [
          DEF hanim_vt10 Joint {
           name         "vt10"
           center       0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822
           children [
            DEF hanim_vt6 Joint {
             name         "vt6"
             center       0.0059 1.3866 -0.0800
             children [
              DEF hanim_vt1 Joint {
               name         "vt1"
               center       0.0065 1.4951 -0.0387
               children [
                DEF hanim_vc4 Joint {
                 name         "vc4"
                 center       0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_vc2 Joint {
                   name         "vc2"
                   center       0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_skullbase Joint {
                     name         "skullbase"
                     center       0.0044 1.6209 0.0236
                     children [
                      DEF hanim_skull Segment {
                       name         "skull"
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_skull_tip Site {
                         name         "skull_tip"
                         translation    0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_sellion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #1
                         name         "sellion"
                         translation    0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_r_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #2
                         name         "r_infraorbitale"
                         translation    -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_l_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #3
                         name         "l_infraorbitale"
                         translation    0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_supramenton Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #4
                         name         "supramenton"
                         translation    0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
                           children [
                        DEF hanim_r_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #5
                         name         "r_tragion"
                         translation    -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_r_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #6
                         name         "r_gonion"
                         translation    -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_l_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #7
                         name         "l_tragion"
                         translation    0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_l_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #8
                         name         "l_gonion"
                         translation    0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_nuchale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #9
                         name         "nuchale"
                         translation    0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
                         children [
                      }     # end hanim_skull Segment
                    }     # end hanim_skullbase Joint
                    DEF hanim_c2 Segment {
                     name         "c2"
                     children [
                    }     # end hanim_c2 Segment
                  }     # end hanim_vc2 Joint
                  DEF hanim_c4 Segment {
                   name         "c4"
                   children [
                  }     # end hanim_c4 Segment
                }     # end hanim_vc4 Joint
                DEF hanim_l_sternoclavicular Joint {
                 name         "l_sternoclavicular"
                 center       0.0820 1.4488 -0.0353
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_l_acromioclavicular Joint {
                   name         "l_acromioclavicular"
                   center       0.0962 1.4269 -0.0424
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_l_shoulder Joint {
                     name         "l_shoulder"
                     center       0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387
                     children [
                      DEF hanim_l_elbow Joint {
                       name         "l_elbow"
                       center       0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_l_wrist Joint {
                         name         "l_wrist"
                         center       0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583
                         children [
                          DEF hanim_l_thumb1 Joint {
                           name         "l_thumb1"
                           center       0.1924 0.8472 -0.0534
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_thumb2 Joint {
                             name         "l_thumb2"
                             center       0.1951 0.8226 0.0246
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_l_thumb3 Joint {
                               name         "l_thumb3"
                               center       0.1955 0.8159 0.0464
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_l_thumb_distal Segment {
                                 name         "l_thumb_distal"
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_l_thumb_distal_tip Site {
                                   name         "l_thumb_distal_tip"
                                   translation    0.1982 0.8061 0.0759
                                   children [
                                }      # end hanim_l_thumb_distal Segment
                              }     # end hanim_l_thumb3 Joint
                              DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                               name         "l_index_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_l_thumb_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_l_thumb2 Joint
                            DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                             name         "l_index_proximal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_l_thumb_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_l_thumb1 Joint
                          DEF hanim_l_index0 Joint {
                           name         "l_index0"
                           center       0.1983 0.8024 -0.0280
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_index1 Joint {
                             name         "l_index1"
                             center       0.1983 0.7815 -0.0280
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_l_index2 Joint {
                               name         "l_index2"
                               center       0.2017 0.7363 -0.0248
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_l_index3 Joint {
                                 name         "l_index3"
                                 center       0.2028 0.7139 -0.0236
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_l_index_distal Segment {
                                   name         "l_index_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_l_index_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "l_index_distal_tip"
                                     translation    0.2089 0.6858 -0.0245
                                     children [
                                    DEF hanim_l_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #50
                                     name         "l_dactylion"
                                     translation    0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_l_index_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_l_index3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_l_index_middle Segment {
                                 name         "l_index_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_l_index_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_l_index2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                               name         "l_index_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_l_index_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_l_index1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_l_index_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "l_index_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_l_index_metacarpal Segment 
                          }     # end hanim_l_index0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_l_middle0 Joint {
                           name         "l_middle0"
                           center       0.1987 0.8029 -0.0530
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_middle1 Joint {
                             name         "l_middle1"
                             center       0.1987 0.7818 -0.0530
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_l_middle2 Joint {
                               name         "l_middle2"
                               center       0.2013 0.7273 -0.0503
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_l_middle3 Joint {
                                 name         "l_middle3"
                                 center       0.2026 0.7011 -0.0494
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_l_middle_distal Segment {
                                   name         "l_middle_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_l_middle_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "l_middle_distal_tip"
                                     translation    0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_l_middle_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_l_middle3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_l_middle_middle Segment {
                                 name         "l_middle_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_l_middle_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_l_middle2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_l_middle_proximal Segment {
                               name         "l_middle_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_l_middle_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_l_middle1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_l_middle_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "l_middle_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_l_middle_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_l_middle0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_l_ring0 Joint {
                           name         "l_ring0"
                           center       0.1956 0.8019 -0.0794
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_ring1 Joint {
                             name         "l_ring1"
                             center       0.1956 0.7815 -0.0794
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_l_ring2 Joint {
                               name         "l_ring2"
                               center       0.1973 0.7287 -0.0777
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_l_ring3 Joint {
                                 name         "l_ring3"
                                 center       0.1983 0.7045 -0.0767
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_l_ring_distal Segment {
                                   name         "l_ring_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_l_ring_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "l_ring_distal_tip"
                                     translation    0.2035 0.6750 -0.0756
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_l_ring_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_l_ring3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_l_ring_middle Segment {
                                 name         "l_ring_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_l_ring_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_l_ring2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_l_ring_proximal Segment {
                               name         "l_ring_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_l_ring_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_l_ring1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_l_ring_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "l_ring_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_l_ring_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_l_ring0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_l_pinky0 Joint {
                           name         "l_pinky0"
                           center       0.1925 0.8066 -0.1036
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_pinky1 Joint {
                             name         "l_pinky1"
                             center       0.1925 0.7866 -0.1036
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_l_pinky2 Joint {
                               name         "l_pinky2"
                               center       0.1938 0.7452 -0.1024
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_l_pinky3 Joint {
                                 name         "l_pinky3"
                                 center       0.1948 0.7277 -0.1017
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_l_pinky_distal Segment {
                                   name         "l_pinky_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_l_pinky_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "l_pinky_distal_tip"
                                     translation    0.2014 0.7009 -0.1012
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_l_pinky_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_l_pinky3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_l_pinky_middle Segment {
                                 name         "l_pinky_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_l_pinky_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_l_pinky2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_l_pinky_proximal Segment {
                               name         "l_pinky_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_l_pinky_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_l_pinky1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "l_pinky_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_l_pinky0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_l_hand Segment {
                           name         "l_hand"
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #49
                             name         "l_metacarpal_pha2"
                             translation    0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
                             children [
                            DEF hanim_l_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #51
                             name         "l_ulnar_styloid"
                             translation    -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
                             children [
                            DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #52
                             name         "l_metacarpal_pha5"
                             translation    0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
                             children [
                          }     # end hanim_l_hand Segment
                        }     # end hanim_l_wrist Joint
                        DEF hanim_l_forearm Segment {
                         name         "l_forearm"
                         children [
                          DEF hanim_l_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #43
                           name         "l_radial_styloid"
                           translation    0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_l_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #45
                           name         "l_olecranon"
                           translation    -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #47
                           name         "l_humeral_medial_epicn"
                           translation    0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_l_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #48
                           name         "l_radiale"
                           translation    0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
                           children [
                        }     # end hanim_l_forearm Segment
                      }     # end hanim_l_elbow Joint
                      DEF hanim_l_upperarm Segment {
                       name         "l_upperarm"
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #46
                         name         "l_humeral_lateral_epicn "
                         translation    0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
                         children [
                      }     # end hanim_l_upperarm Segment
                    }     # end hanim_l_shoulder Joint
                    DEF hanim_l_scapula Segment {
                     name         "l_scapula"
                     children [
                    }     # end hanim_l_scapula Segment
                  }     # end hanim_l_acromioclavicular Joint
                  DEF hanim_l_clavicle Segment {
                   name         "l_clavicle"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_l_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #12
                     name         "l_clavicale"
                     translation    0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #41
                     name         "l_acromion"
                     translation    0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #42
                     name         "l_axilla_ant"
                     translation    0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #44
                     name         "l_axilla_post"
                     translation    0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_l_clavicle Segment
                }     # end hanim_l_sternoclavicular Joint
                DEF hanim_r_sternoclavicular Joint {
                 name         "r_sternoclavicular"
                 center       -0.0694 1.4600 -0.0330
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_acromioclavicular Joint {
                   name         "r_acromioclavicular"
                   center       -0.0836 1.4281 -0.0401
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_r_shoulder Joint {
                     name         "r_shoulder"
                     center       -0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325
                     children [
                      DEF hanim_r_elbow Joint {
                       name         "r_elbow"
                       center       -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_r_wrist Joint {
                         name         "r_wrist"
                         center       -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521
                         children [
                          DEF hanim_r_thumb1 Joint {
                           name         "r_thumb1"
                           center       -0.1899 0.8502 -0.0473
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_thumb2 Joint {
                             name         "r_thumb2"
                             center       -0.1874 0.8256 0.0306
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_r_thumb3 Joint {
                               name         "r_thumb3"
                               center       -0.1864 0.8190 0.0506
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_r_thumb_distal Segment {
                                 name         "r_thumb_distal"
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_r_thumb_distal_tip Site {
                                   name         "r_thumb_distal_tip"
                                   translation    -0.1869 0.8090 0.0820
                                   children [
                                }     # end hanim_r_thumb_distal Segment
                              }     # end hanim_r_thumb3 Joint
                              DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                               name         "r_index_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_r_thumb_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_r_thumb2 Joint
                            DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                             name         "r_index_proximal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_r_thumb_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_r_thumb1 Joint
                          DEF hanim_r_index0 Joint {
                           name         "r_index0"
                           center       -0.1961 0.8055 -0.0218
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_index1 Joint {
                             name         "r_index1"
                             center       -0.1961 0.7846 -0.0218
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_r_index2 Joint {
                               name         "r_index2"
                               center       -0.1954 0.7393 -0.0185
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_r_index3 Joint {
                                 name         "r_index3"
                                 center       -0.1945 0.7169 -0.0173
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_r_index_distal Segment {
                                   name         "r_index_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_r_index_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "r_index_distal_tip"
                                     translation    -0.1980 0.6883 -0.0180
                                     children [
                                    DEF hanim_r_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #38
                                     name         "r_dactylion"
                                     translation    -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_r_index_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_r_index3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_r_index_middle Segment {
                                 name         "r_index_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_r_index_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_r_index2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                               name         "r_index_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_r_index_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_r_index1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_r_index_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "r_index_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_r_index_metacarpal Segment  
                          }     # end hanim_r_index0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_r_middle0 Joint {
                           name         "r_middle0"
                           center       -0.1972 0.8060 -0.0468
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_middle1 Joint {
                             name         "r_middle1"
                             center       -0.1972 0.7849 -0.0468
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_r_middle2 Joint {
                               name         "r_middle2"
                               center       -0.1950 0.7304 -0.0441
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_r_middle3 Joint {
                                 name         "r_middle3"
                                 center       -0.1939 0.7042 -0.0432
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_r_middle_distal Segment {
                                   name         "r_middle_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_r_middle_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "r_middle_distal_tip"
                                     translation    -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_r_middle_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_r_middle3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_r_middle_middle Segment {
                                 name         "r_middle_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_r_middle_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_r_middle2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_r_middle_proximal Segment {
                               name         "r_middle_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_r_middle_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_r_middle1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_r_middle_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "r_middle_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_r_middle_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_r_middle0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_r_ring0 Joint {
                           name         "r_ring0"
                           center       -0.1951 0.8049 -0.0732
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_ring1 Joint {
                             name         "r_ring1"
                             center       -0.1951 0.7845 -0.0732
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_r_ring2 Joint {
                               name         "r_ring2"
                               center       -0.1920 0.7318 -0.0716
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_r_ring3 Joint {
                                 name         "r_ring3"
                                 center       -0.1908 0.7077 -0.0706
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_r_ring_distal Segment {
                                   name         "r_ring_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_r_ring_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "r_ring_distal_tip"
                                     translation    -0.1934 0.6778 -0.0693
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_r_ring_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_r_ring3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_r_ring_middle Segment {
                                 name         "r_ring_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_r_ring_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_r_ring2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_r_ring_proximal Segment {
                               name         "r_ring_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_r_ring_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_r_ring1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_r_ring_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "r_ring_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_r_ring_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_r_ring0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_r_pinky0 Joint {
                           name         "r_pinky0"
                           center       -0.1926 0.8096 -0.0975
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_pinky1 Joint {
                             name         "r_pinky1"
                             center       -0.1926 0.7896 -0.0975
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_r_pinky2 Joint {
                               name         "r_pinky2"
                               center       -0.1902 0.7483 -0.0963
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_r_pinky3 Joint {
                                 name         "r_pinky3"
                                 center       -0.1908 0.7540 -0.0960
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_r_pinky_distal Segment {
                                   name         "r_pinky_distal"
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_r_pinky_distal_tip Site {
                                     name         "r_pinky_distal_tip"
                                     translation    -0.1938 0.7035 -0.0949
                                     children [
                                  }     # end hanim_r_pinky_distal Segment
                                }     # end hanim_r_pinky3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_r_pinky_middle Segment {
                                 name         "r_pinky_middle"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_r_pinky_middle Segment
                              }     # end hanim_r_pinky2 Joint
                              DEF hanim_r_pinky_proximal Segment {
                               name         "r_pinky_proximal"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_r_pinky_proximal Segment
                            }     # end hanim_r_pinky1 Joint
                            DEF hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal Segment {
                             name         "r_pinky_metacarpal"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal Segment
                          }     # end hanim_r_pinky0 Joint
                          DEF hanim_r_hand Segment {
                           name         "r_hand"
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #37
                             name         "r_metacarpal_pha2"
                             translation    -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
                             children [
                            DEF hanim_r_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #39
                             name         "r_ulnar_styloid"
                             translation    -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
                             children [
                            DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #40
                             name         "r_metacarpal_pha5"
                             translation    -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
                             children [
                          }     # end hanim_r_hand Segment
                        }     # end hanim_r_wrist Joint
                        DEF hanim_r_forearm Segment {
                         name         "r_forearm"
                         children [
                          DEF hanim_r_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #31
                           name         "r_radial_styloid"
                           translation    -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_r_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #33
                           name         "r_olecranon"
                           translation    -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #35
                           name         "r_humeral_medial_epicn"
                           translation    -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
                           children [
                          DEF hanim_r_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #36
                           name         "r_radiale"
                           translation    -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
                           children [
                        }     # end hanim_r_forearm Segment
                      }     # end hanim_r_elbow Joint
                      DEF hanim_r_upperarm Segment {
                       name         "r_upperarm"
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #34
                         name         "r_humeral_lateral_epicn"
                         translation    -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
                         children [
                      }     # end hanim_r_upperarm Segment
                    }     # end hanim_r_shoulder Joint
                    DEF hanim_r_scapula Segment {
                     name         "r_scapula"
                     children [
                    }     # end hanim_r_scapula Segment
                  }     # end hanim_r_acromioclavicular Joint
                  DEF hanim_r_clavicle Segment {
                   name         "r_clavicle"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_r_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #10
                     name         "r_clavicale"
                     translation    -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #29
                     name         "r_acromion"
                     translation    -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #30
                     name         "r_axilla_ant"
                     translation    -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #32
                     name         "r_axilla_post"
                     translation    -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_r_clavicle Segment
                }     # end hanim_r_sternoclavicular Joint
                DEF hanim_t1 Segment {
                 name         "t1"
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #74
                   name           "r_neck_base"
                   translation    -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
                   children [
                  DEF hanim_l_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #75
                   name           "l_neck_base"
                   translation    0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
                   children [
                  DEF hanim_suprasternale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #11
                   name         "suprasternale"
                   translation    0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
                   children [
                  DEF hanim_cervicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #24
                   name         "cervicale"
                   translation    0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
                   children [
                }     # end hanim_t1 Segment
              }     # end hanim_vt1 Joint
              DEF hanim_t6 Segment {
               name         "t6"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_t6 Segment
            }     # end hanim_vt6 Joint
            DEF hanim_t10 Segment {
             name         "t10"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #13
               name           "r_thelion"
               translation    -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #14
               name           "l_thelion"
               translation    0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
               children [
              DEF hanim_substernale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #15
               name         "substernale"
               translation    0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
               children [
            }      # end hanim_t10 Segment
          }     # end hanim_vt10 Joint
          DEF hanim_l1 Segment {
           name         "l1"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_l1 Segment
        }     # end hanim_vl1 Joint
        DEF hanim_l3 Segment {
         name         "l3"
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #16
           name           "r_rib10"
           translation    -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #18
           name           "l_rib10"
           translation    0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
           children [
          DEF hanim_rib10_midspine Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #25
           name           "rib10_midspine"
           translation    0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
           children [
        }     # end hanim_l3 Segment
      }     # end hanim_vl3 Joint
      DEF hanim_l5 Segment {
       name           "l5"
       children [
        DEF hanim_waist_preferred_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #28
         name           "waist_preferred_post "
         translation    0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
         children [
        DEF hanim_navel Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #76
         name           "navel"
         translation    0.0069 1.0966 0.1017
         children [
      }     # end hanim_l5 Segment
    }     # end hanim_vl5 Joint
    DEF hanim_sacrum Segment {
     name           "sacrum"
     children [
    }     # end hanim_sacrum Segment
  }     # end hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint
 joints [
  USE hanim_HumanoidRoot, USE hanim_sacroiliac, 
  USE hanim_l_hip, USE hanim_l_knee, USE hanim_l_ankle,
  USE hanim_l_subtalar, USE hanim_l_midtarsal,
  USE hanim_l_metatarsal, USE hanim_r_hip, USE hanim_r_knee,
  USE hanim_r_ankle, USE hanim_r_subtalar, USE hanim_r_midtarsal,
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal, USE hanim_vl5, USE hanim_vl3,
  USE hanim_vl1, USE hanim_vt10, USE hanim_vt6, USE hanim_vt1,
  USE hanim_vc4, USE hanim_vc2, USE hanim_skullbase,
  USE hanim_l_sternoclavicular, USE hanim_l_acromioclavicular,
  USE hanim_l_shoulder, USE hanim_l_elbow, USE hanim_l_wrist,
  USE hanim_l_thumb1, USE hanim_l_thumb2, USE hanim_l_thumb3,
  USE hanim_l_index0, USE hanim_l_index1, USE hanim_l_index2,
  USE hanim_l_index3, USE hanim_l_middle0, USE hanim_l_middle1,
  USE hanim_l_middle2, USE hanim_l_middle3, USE hanim_l_ring0,
  USE hanim_l_ring1, USE hanim_l_ring2, USE hanim_l_ring3,
  USE hanim_l_pinky0, USE hanim_l_pinky1, USE hanim_l_pinky2,
  USE hanim_l_pinky3, USE hanim_r_sternoclavicular,
  USE hanim_r_acromioclavicular, USE hanim_r_shoulder,
  USE hanim_r_elbow, USE hanim_r_wrist, USE hanim_r_thumb1,
  USE hanim_r_thumb2, USE hanim_r_thumb3, USE hanim_r_index0,
  USE hanim_r_index1, USE hanim_r_index2, USE hanim_r_index3,
  USE hanim_r_middle0, USE hanim_r_middle1, USE hanim_r_middle2,
  USE hanim_r_middle3, USE hanim_r_ring0, USE hanim_r_ring1,
  USE hanim_r_ring2, USE hanim_r_ring3, USE hanim_r_pinky0,
  USE hanim_r_pinky1, USE hanim_r_pinky2, USE hanim_r_pinky3
 sites [
  USE hanim_l_forefoot_tip, USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5, 
  USE hanim_l_digit2, USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1, 
  USE hanim_l_lateral_malleolus, USE hanim_l_medial_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_l_sphyrion, USE hanim_l_calcaneous_post, 
  USE hanim_l_knee_crease, USE hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_r_forefoot_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5, USE hanim_r_digit2, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1, USE hanim_r_lateral_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_r_medial_malleolus, USE hanim_r_sphyrion, 
  USE hanim_r_calcaneous_post, USE hanim_r_knee_crease, 
  USE hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_iliocristale, USE hanim_r_trochanterion, 
  USE hanim_l_iliocristale, USE hanim_l_trochanterion, 
  USE hanim_r_asis, USE hanim_l_asis, USE hanim_r_psis, 
  USE hanim_l_psis, USE hanim_crotch, USE hanim_skull_tip, 
  USE hanim_sellion, USE hanim_r_infraorbitale, 
  USE hanim_l_infraorbitale, USE hanim_supramenton, 
  USE hanim_r_tragion, USE hanim_r_gonion, USE hanim_l_tragion,
  USE hanim_l_gonion, USE hanim_nuchale, 
  USE hanim_l_thumb_distal_tip, USE hanim_l_index_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_dactylion, USE hanim_l_middle_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_ring_distal_tip, USE hanim_l_pinky_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2, USE hanim_l_ulnar_styloid, 
  USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5, USE hanim_l_radial_styloid, 
  USE hanim_l_olecranon, USE hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_radiale, USE hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_clavicale, USE hanim_l_acromion, 
  USE hanim_l_axilla_ant, USE hanim_l_axilla_post, 
  USE hanim_r_thumb_distal_tip, USE hanim_r_index_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_dactylion, USE hanim_r_middle_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_ring_distal_tip, USE hanim_r_pinky_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2, USE hanim_r_ulnar_styloid, 
  USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5, USE hanim_r_radial_styloid, 
  USE hanim_r_olecranon, USE hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_radiale, USE hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_clavicale, USE hanim_r_acromion, 
  USE hanim_r_axilla_ant, USE hanim_r_axilla_post, 
  USE hanim_r_neck_base, USE hanim_l_neck_base,
  USE hanim_suprasternale, USE hanim_cervicale, 
  USE hanim_r_thelion, USE hanim_l_thelion, 
  USE hanim_substernale, USE hanim_r_rib10, USE hanim_l_rib10, 
  USE hanim_rib10_midspine, USE hanim_waist_preferred_post, 
  USE hanim_navel,
 segments [
  USE hanim_l_forefoot, USE hanim_l_middistal,
  USE hanim_l_midproximal, USE hanim_l_hindfoot,
  USE hanim_l_calf, USE hanim_l_thigh, USE hanim_r_forefoot,
  USE hanim_r_middistal, USE hanim_r_midproximal,
  USE hanim_r_hindfoot, USE hanim_r_calf, USE hanim_r_thigh,
  USE hanim_pelvis, USE hanim_skull, USE hanim_c2,
  USE hanim_c4, USE hanim_l_thumb_distal,
  USE hanim_l_index_proximal, USE hanim_l_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_index_distal, USE hanim_l_index_middle,
  USE hanim_l_index_proximal, USE hanim_l_index_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_l_middle_distal, USE hanim_l_middle_middle,
  USE hanim_l_middle_proximal, USE hanim_l_middle_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_l_ring_distal, USE hanim_l_ring_middle,
  USE hanim_l_ring_proximal, USE hanim_l_ring_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_l_pinky_distal, USE hanim_l_pinky_middle,
  USE hanim_l_pinky_proximal, USE hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_l_hand, USE hanim_l_forearm,
  USE hanim_l_upperarm, USE hanim_l_scapula,
  USE hanim_l_clavicle, USE hanim_r_thumb_distal,
  USE hanim_r_index_proximal, USE hanim_r_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_index_distal, USE hanim_r_index_middle,
  USE hanim_r_index_proximal, USE hanim_r_index_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_r_middle_distal, USE hanim_r_middle_middle,
  USE hanim_r_middle_proximal, USE hanim_r_middle_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_r_ring_distal, USE hanim_r_ring_middle,
  USE hanim_r_ring_proximal, USE hanim_r_ring_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_r_pinky_distal, USE hanim_r_pinky_middle,
  USE hanim_r_pinky_proximal, USE hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal,
  USE hanim_r_hand, USE hanim_r_forearm,
  USE hanim_r_upperarm, USE hanim_r_scapula,
  USE hanim_r_clavicle, USE hanim_t1, USE hanim_t6,
  USE hanim_t10, USE hanim_l1, USE hanim_l3, USE hanim_l5,
  USE hanim_sacrum
 version "200x"
 name "humanoid"
 info [
  "authorName=Matthew T. Beitler"
  "authorEmail=beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org"
  "copyright=Copyright 1999-2003, Matthew T. Beitler"
  "humanoidVersion=JointCenters 200x, LOA2"
    AUTHOR IS INCLUDED.  This humanoid scene graph is provided
    'as-is' and without warranty of any kind, express, implied
    or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of
    merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."

DEF JointCenters_WorldInfo Group
 children [
   title "HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA2"
   info [ "
     HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, Level-Of-Articulation 2
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author name:
       eMpTy (a.k.a. Matthew T. Beitler)
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author email:
       beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author homepage:
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Compliance Date:
      August 12, 2003
     HANIM 200x Compliance Information:
     Construction Info (joint centers):
      The joint centers of this figure are based on the 
      work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for
      Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of
      Pennsylvania.  The original document which these
      joint centers are based on can be found at:

 headlight TRUE
 speed 1.5
 type ["EXAMINE", "ANY"]
--- H-Anim separator bar ---

cube A.6 Level of articulation three

A.6.1 Definition

LOA Three supports the full hierarchy of H-Anim. Table A.8 specifies the default centres for the joints of LOA Three. Table A.9 specifies the default translations for the sites of LOA Three.

Table A.8 — LOA Three: Default Joint object centres

Joint object Default centre
HumanoidRoot 0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
sacroiliac 0.0000 0.9149 0.0016
l_hip 0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001
l_knee 0.1040 0.4867 0.0308
l_ankle 0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736
l_subtalar 0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368
l_midtarsal 0.1086 0.0001 0.0368
l_metatarsal 0.1086 0.0000 0.0762
r_hip -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029
r_knee -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318
r_ankle -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766
r_subtalar -0.0801 0.0000 -0.0368
r_midtarsal -0.0801 0.0000 0.0368
r_metatarsal -0.0801 0.0039 0.0732
vl5 0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776
vl4 0.0035 1.0925 -0.0787
vl3 0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796
vl2 0.0045 1.1546 -0.0800
vl1 0.0048 1.1912 -0.0805
vt12 0.0051 1.2278 -0.0808
vt11 0.0053 1.2679 -0.0810
vt10 0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822
vt9 0.0057 1.3126 -0.0838
vt8 0.0057 1.3382 -0.0845
vt7 0.0058 1.3625 -0.0833
vt6 0.0059 1.3866 -0.0800
vt5 0.0060 1.4102 -0.0745
vt4 0.0061 1.4320 -0.0675
vt3 0.0062 1.4583 -0.0570
vt2 0.0063 1.4761 -0.0484
vt1 0.0065 1.4951 -0.0387
vc7 0.0066 1.5132 -0.0301
vc6 0.0066 1.5357 -0.0143
vc5 0.0066 1.5520 -0.0082
vc4 0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084
vc3 0.0066 1.5800 -0.0103
vc2 0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103
vc1 0.0066 1.6144 -0.0034
skullbase 0.0044 1.6209 0.0236
l_eyeball_joint 0.0336 1.6332 0.0502
r_eyeball_joint -0.0236 1.6331 0.0510
l_sternoclavicular 0.0820 1.4488 -0.0353
l_acromioclavicular 0.0962 1.4269 -0.0424
l_shoulder 0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387
l_elbow 0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682
l_wrist 0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583
l_thumb1 0.1924 0.8472 -0.0534
l_thumb2 0.1951 0.8226 0.0246
l_thumb3 0.1955 0.8159 0.0464
l_index0 0.1983 0.8024 -0.0280
l_index1 0.1983 0.7815 -0.0280
l_index2 0.2017 0.7363 -0.0248
l_index3 0.2028 0.7139 -0.0236
l_middle0 0.1987 0.8029 -0.0530
l_middle1 0.1987 0.7818 -0.0530
l_middle2 0.2013 0.7273 -0.0503
l_middle3 0.2026 0.7011 -0.0494
l_ring0 0.1956 0.8019 -0.0794
l_ring1 0.1956 0.7815 -0.0794
l_ring2 0.1973 0.7287 -0.0777
l_ring3 0.1983 0.7045 -0.0767
l_pinky0 0.1925 0.8066 -0.1036
l_pinky1 0.1925 0.7866 -0.1036
l_pinky2 0.1938 0.7452 -0.1024
l_pinky3 0.1948 0.7277 -0.1017
r_sternoclavicular -0.0694 1.4600 -0.0330
r_acromioclavicular -0.0836 1.4281 -0.0401
r_shoulder -0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325
r_elbow -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620
r_wrist -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521
r_thumb1 -0.1899 0.8502 -0.0473
r_thumb2 -0.1874 0.8256 0.0306
r_thumb3 -0.1864 0.8190 0.0506
r_index0 -0.1961 0.8055 -0.0218
r_index1 -0.1961 0.7846 -0.0218
r_index2 -0.1954 0.7393 -0.0185
r_index3 -0.1945 0.7169 -0.0173
r_middle0 -0.1972 0.8060 -0.0468
r_middle1 -0.1972 0.7849 -0.0468
r_middle2 -0.1950 0.7304 -0.0441
r_middle3 -0.1939 0.7042 -0.0432
r_ring0 -0.1951 0.8049 -0.0732
r_ring1 -0.1951 0.7845 -0.0732
r_ring2 -0.1920 0.7318 -0.0716
r_ring3 -0.1908 0.7077 -0.0706
r_pinky0 -0.1926 0.8096 -0.0975
r_pinky1 -0.1926 0.7896 -0.0975
r_pinky2 -0.1902 0.7483 -0.0963
r_pinky3 -0.1908 0.7540 -0.0960

Table A.9 — LOA Three: Default Site object translations

Site object Default translation
l_forefoot_tip 0.1354 0.0016 0.1476
l_metatarsal_pha5 0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
l_digit2 0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
l_metatarsal_pha1 0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
l_lateral_malleolus 0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
l_medial_malleolus 0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
l_sphyrion 0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
l_calcaneous_post 0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
l_knee_crease 0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
l_femoral_lateral_epicn 0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
l_femoral_medial_epicn 0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
r_forefoot_tip -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450
r_metatarsal_pha5 -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
r_digit2 -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
r_metatarsal_pha1 -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
r_lateral_malleolus -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
r_medial_malleolus -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
r_sphyrion -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
r_calcaneous_post -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
r_knee_crease -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
r_femoral_lateral_epicn -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
r_femoral_medial_epicn -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
r_iliocristale -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
r_trochanterion -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
l_iliocristale 0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
l_trochanterion 0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
r_asis -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
l_asis 0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
r_psis -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
l_psis 0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
crotch 0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
skull_tip 0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
sellion 0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
r_infraorbitale -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
l_infraorbitale 0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
supramenton 0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
r_tragion -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
r_gonion -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
l_tragion 0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
l_gonion 0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
nuchale 0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
r_neck_base -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
l_neck_base 0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
l_thumb_distal_tip 0.1982 0.8061 0.0759
l_index_distal_tip 0.2089 0.6858 -0.0245
l_dactylion 0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
l_middle_distal_tip 0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491
l_ring_distal_tip 0.2035 0.6750 -0.0756
l_pinky_distal_tip 0.2014 0.7009 -0.1012
l_metacarpal_pha2 0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
l_ulnar_styloid -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
l_metacarpal_pha5 0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
l_radial_styloid 0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
l_olecranon -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
l_humeral_medial_epicn 0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
l_radiale 0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
l_humeral_lateral_epicn 0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
l_clavicale 0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
l_acromion 0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
l_axilla_ant 0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
l_axilla_post 0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
r_thumb_distal_tip -0.1869 0.8090 0.0820
r_index_distal_tip -0.1980 0.6883 -0.0180
r_dactylion -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
r_middle_distal_tip -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427
r_ring_distal_tip -0.1934 0.6778 -0.0693
r_pinky_distal_tip -0.1938 0.7035 -0.0949
r_metacarpal_pha2 -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
r_ulnar_styloid -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
r_metacarpal_pha5 -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
r_radial_styloid -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
r_olecranon -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
r_humeral_medial_epicn -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
r_radiale -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
r_humeral_lateral_epicn -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
r_clavicale -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
r_acromion -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
r_axilla_ant -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
r_axilla_post -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
suprasternale 0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
cervicale 0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
r_thelion -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
l_thelion 0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
substernale 0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
r_rib10 -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
l_rib10 0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
rib10_midspine 0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
waist_preferred_post 0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
navel 0.0069 1.0966 0.1017

A.6.2 Examples

A.6.2.1 LOA Three example source in VRML

#VRML V2.0 utf8 eMpTyWorlds V3.29.70

PROTO Humanoid [
 exposedField    SFVec3f    center                0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode     humanoidBody          [ ]
 exposedField    MFString   info                  [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     joints                [ ]
 exposedField    SFString   name                  ""
 exposedField    SFRotation rotation              0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f    scale                 1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation scaleOrientation      0 0 1 0
 exposedField    MFNode     segments              [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     sites                 [ ]
 exposedField    SFVec3f    translation           0 0 0
 exposedField    SFString   version               "200x"
 exposedField    MFNode     viewpoints            [ ]
 field           SFVec3f    bboxCenter            0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f    bboxSize              -1 -1 -1
 Transform {
  center           IS center
  rotation         IS rotation
  scale            IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation      IS translation
  children [
   Group {
    children IS humanoidBody 
   Group {
    children IS viewpoints

PROTO Joint [
 exposedField SFVec3f    center             0 0 0
 exposedField MFNode     children           []
 exposedField SFRotation limitOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    llimit             []
 exposedField SFString   name               ""
 exposedField SFRotation rotation           0 0 1 0
 exposedField SFVec3f    scale              1 1 1
 exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    stiffness          [1 1 1]
 exposedField SFVec3f    translation        0 0 0
 exposedField MFFloat    ulimit             []
 Transform {
  center IS center 
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale 
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

PROTO Segment [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     centerOfMass      0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFNode      coord             NULL
 exposedField    MFNode      displacers        []
 exposedField    SFString    name              ""
 exposedField    SFFloat     mass              0 
 exposedField    SFVec3f     momentsOfInertia  1 1 1
 field           SFVec3f     bboxCenter        0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f     bboxSize          -1 -1 -1
 Group {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  bboxCenter IS bboxCenter
  bboxSize IS bboxSize
  children IS children
  removeChildren IS removeChildren

PROTO Site [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     center            0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFString    name              "" 
 exposedField    SFRotation  rotation          0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     scale             1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation  scaleOrientation  0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     translation       0 0 0
 Transform {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  removeChildren IS removeChildren
  center IS center
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

DEF humanoid Humanoid {
 humanoidBody [
  DEF hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint {
   name           "HumanoidRoot"
   center         0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
   children [
    DEF hanim_sacroiliac Joint {
     name           "sacroiliac"
     center         0.0000 0.9149 0.0016
     children [
      DEF hanim_l_hip Joint {
       name           "l_hip"
       center         0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001
       children [
        DEF hanim_l_knee Joint {
         name           "l_knee"
         center         0.1040 0.4867 0.0308
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_ankle Joint {
           name           "l_ankle"
           center         0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736
           children [
            DEF hanim_l_subtalar Joint {
             name           "l_subtalar"
             center         0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_midtarsal Joint {
               name           "l_midtarsal"
               center         0.1086 0.0001 0.0368
               children [
                DEF hanim_l_metatarsal Joint {
                 name           "l_metatarsal"
                 center         0.1086 0.0000 0.0762
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_l_forefoot Segment {
                   name           "l_forefoot"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_l_forefoot_tip Site {
                     name           "l_forefoot_tip"
                     translation    0.1354 0.0016 0.1476
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #66
                     name           "l_metatarsal_pha5"
                     translation    0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #72
                     name           "l_digit2"
                     translation    0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_l_forefoot Segment
                }     # end hanim_l_metatarsal Joint
                DEF hanim_l_middistal Segment {
                 name           "l_middistal"
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #70
                   name           "l_metatarsal_pha1"
                   translation    0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
                   children [
                }     # end hanim_l_middistal Segment     
              }     # end hanim_l_midtarsal Joint
              DEF hanim_l_midproximal Segment {
               name           "l_midproximal"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_l_midproximal Segment     
            }     # end hanim_l_subtalar Joint
            DEF hanim_l_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "l_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #67
               name           "l_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #68
               name           "l_medial_malleolus"
               translation    0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #69
               name           "l_sphyrion"
               translation    0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #71
               name           "l_calcaneous_post"
               translation    0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
               children [
            }     # end hanim_l_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_l_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_l_calf Segment {
           name           "l_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_l_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_l_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_l_thigh Segment {
         name           "l_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #63
           name           "l_knee_crease"
           translation    0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #64
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #65
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
           children [
        }     # end hanim_l_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_l_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_r_hip Joint {
       name           "r_hip"
       center         -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_knee Joint {
         name           "r_knee"
         center         -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_ankle Joint {
           name           "r_ankle"
           center         -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766
           children [
            DEF hanim_r_subtalar Joint {
             name           "r_subtalar"
             center         -0.0801 0.0000 -0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_midtarsal Joint {
               name           "r_midtarsal"
               center         -0.0801 0.0000 0.0368
               children [
                DEF hanim_r_metatarsal Joint {
                 name           "r_metatarsal"
                 center         -0.0801 0.0039 0.0732
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_forefoot Segment {
                   name           "r_forefoot"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_r_forefoot_tip Site {
                     name           "r_forefoot_tip"
                     translation    -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #56
                     name           "r_metatarsal_pha5"
                     translation    -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #62
                     name           "r_digit2"
                     translation    -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_r_forefoot Segment
                }     # end hanim_r_metatarsal Joint
                DEF hanim_r_middistal Segment {
                 name           "r_middistal"
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #60
                   name           "r_metatarsal_pha1"
                   translation    -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
                   children [
                }     # end hanim_r_middistal Segment
              }     # end hanim_r_midtarsal Joint
              DEF hanim_r_midproximal Segment {
               name           "r_midproximal"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_r_midproximal Segment
            DEF hanim_r_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "r_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #57
               name           "r_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #58
               name           "r_medial_malleolus"
               translation    -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #59
               name           "r_sphyrion"
               translation    -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #61
               name           "r_calcaneous_post"
               translation    -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
               children [
            }     # end hanim_r_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_r_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_r_calf Segment {
           name           "r_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_r_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_r_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_r_thigh Segment {
         name           "r_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #53
           name           "r_knee_crease"
           translation    -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #54
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #55
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
           children [
        }     # end hanim_r_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_r_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_pelvis Segment {
       name           "pelvis"
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #20
         name           "r_iliocristale"
         translation    -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #21
         name           "r_trochanterion"
         translation    -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #22
         name           "l_iliocristale"
         translation    0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #23
         name           "l_trochanterion"
         translation    0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #17
         name           "r_asis"
         translation    -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #19
         name           "l_asis"
         translation    0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #26
         name           "r_psis"
         translation    -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #27
         name           "l_psis"
         translation    0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
         children [
        DEF hanim_crotch Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #73
         name           "crotch"
         translation    0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
         children [
      }     # end hanim_pelvis Segment
    }     # end hanim_sacroiliac Joint
    DEF hanim_vl5 Joint {
     name           "vl5"
     center         0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776
     children [
      DEF hanim_vl4 Joint {
       name           "vl4"
       center         0.0035 1.0925 -0.0787
       children [
        DEF hanim_vl3 Joint {
         name           "vl3"
         center         0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796
         children [
          DEF hanim_vl2 Joint {
           name           "vl2"
           center         0.0045 1.1546 -0.0800
           children [
            DEF hanim_vl1 Joint {
             name           "vl1"
             center         0.0048 1.1912 -0.0805
             children [
              DEF hanim_vt12 Joint {
               name           "vt12"
               center         0.0051 1.2278 -0.0808
               children [
                DEF hanim_vt11 Joint {
                 name           "vt11"
                 center         0.0053 1.2679 -0.0810
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_vt10 Joint {
                   name           "vt10"
                   center         0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_vt9 Joint {
                     name           "vt9"
                     center         0.0057 1.3126 -0.0838
                     children [
                      DEF hanim_vt8 Joint {
                       name           "vt8"
                       center         0.0057 1.3382 -0.0845
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_vt7 Joint {
                         name           "vt7"
                         center         0.0058 1.3625 -0.0833
                         children [
                          DEF hanim_vt6 Joint {
                           name           "vt6"
                           center         0.0059 1.3866 -0.0800
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_vt5 Joint {
                             name           "vt5"
                             center         0.0060 1.4102 -0.0745
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_vt4 Joint {
                               name           "vt4"
                               center         0.0061 1.4320 -0.0675
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_vt3 Joint {
                                 name           "vt3"
                                 center         0.0062 1.4583 -0.0570
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_vt2 Joint {
                                   name           "vt2"
                                   center         0.0063 1.4761 -0.0484
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_vt1 Joint {
                                     name           "vt1"
                                     center         0.0065 1.4951 -0.0387
                                     children [
                                      DEF hanim_vc7 Joint {
                                       name           "vc7"
                                       center         0.0066 1.5132 -0.0301
                                       children [
                                        DEF hanim_vc6 Joint {
                                         name           "vc6"
                                         center         0.0066 1.5357 -0.0143
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_vc5 Joint {
                                           name           "vc5"
                                           center         0.0066 1.5520 -0.0082
                                           children [
                                            DEF hanim_vc4 Joint {
                                             name           "vc4"
                                             center         0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084
                                             children [
                                              DEF hanim_vc3 Joint {
                                               name           "vc3"
                                               center         0.0066 1.5800 -0.0103
                                               children [
                                                DEF hanim_vc2 Joint {
                                                 name           "vc2"
                                                 center         0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_vc1 Joint {
                                                   name           "vc1"
                                                   center         0.0066 1.6144 -0.0034
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_skullbase Joint {
                                                     name           "skullbase"
                                                     center         0.0044 1.6209 0.0236
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_eyeball_joint Joint {
                                                       name           "l_eyeball_joint"
                                                       center         0.0336 1.6332 0.0502
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_eyeball Segment {
                                                         name           "l_eyeball"
                                                         children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_l_eyeball_joint Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_eyeball_joint Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_r_eyeball_joint Joint {
                                                       name           "r_eyeball_joint"
                                                       center         -0.0236 1.6331 0.0510
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_eyeball Segment {
                                                         name           "r_eyeball"
                                                         children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_r_eyeball_joint Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_eyeball_joint Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_skull Segment {
                                                       name           "skull"
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_skull_tip Site {
                                                         name           "skull_tip"
                                                         translation    0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_sellion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #1
                                                         name           "sellion"
                                                         translation    0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #2
                                                         name           "r_infraorbitale"
                                                         translation    -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #3
                                                         name           "l_infraorbitale"
                                                         translation    0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_supramenton Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #4
                                                         name           "supramenton"
                                                         translation    0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #5
                                                         name           "r_tragion"
                                                         translation    -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #6
                                                         name           "r_gonion"
                                                         translation    -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #7
                                                         name           "l_tragion"
                                                         translation    0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #8
                                                         name           "l_gonion"
                                                         translation    0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_nuchale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #9
                                                         name           "nuchale"
                                                         translation    0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
                                                         children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_skull Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_skullbase Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_c1 Segment {
                                                     name           "c1"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_c1 Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_vc1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_c2 Segment {
                                                   name           "c2"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_c2 Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_vc2 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_c3 Segment {
                                                 name           "c3"
                                                 children [
                                                }     # end hanim_c3 Segment
                                              }     # end hanim_vc3 Joint
                                              DEF hanim_c4 Segment {
                                               name           "c4"
                                               children [
                                              }     # end hanim_c4 Segment
                                            }     # end hanim_vc4 Joint
                                            DEF hanim_c5 Segment {
                                             name           "c5"
                                             children [
                                            }     # end hanim_c5 Segment
                                          }     # end hanim_vc5 Joint
                                          DEF hanim_c6 Segment {
                                           name           "c6"
                                           children [
                                          }     # end hanim_c6 Segment
                                        }     # end hanim_vc6 Joint
                                        DEF hanim_c7 Segment {
                                         name           "c7"
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #74
                                           name           "r_neck_base"
                                           translation    -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #75
                                           name           "l_neck_base"
                                           translation    0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
                                           children [
                                        }     # end hanim_c7 Segment
                                      }     # end hanim_vc7 Joint
                                      DEF hanim_l_sternoclavicular Joint {
                                       name           "l_sternoclavicular"
                                       center         0.0820 1.4488 -0.0353
                                       children [
                                        DEF hanim_l_acromioclavicular Joint {
                                         name           "l_acromioclavicular"
                                         center         0.0962 1.4269 -0.0424
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_shoulder Joint {
                                           name           "l_shoulder"
                                           center         0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387
                                           children [
                                            DEF hanim_l_elbow Joint {
                                             name           "l_elbow"
                                             center         0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682
                                             children [
                                              DEF hanim_l_wrist Joint {
                                               name           "l_wrist"
                                               center         0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583
                                               children [
                                                DEF hanim_l_thumb1 Joint {
                                                 name           "l_thumb1"
                                                 center         0.1924 0.8472 -0.0534
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_thumb2 Joint {
                                                   name           "l_thumb2"
                                                   center         0.1951 0.8226 0.0246
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_l_thumb3 Joint {
                                                     name           "l_thumb3"
                                                     center         0.1955 0.8159 0.0464
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_thumb_distal Segment {
                                                       name           "l_thumb_distal"
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_thumb_distal_tip Site {
                                                         name           "l_thumb_distal_tip"
                                                         translation    0.1982 0.8061 0.0759
                                                         children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_thumb_distal Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_thumb3 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "l_index_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_thumb_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_thumb2 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                                                   name           "l_index_proximal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_thumb_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_l_thumb1 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_l_index0 Joint {
                                                 name           "l_index0"
                                                 center         0.1983 0.8024 -0.0280
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_index1 Joint {
                                                   name           "l_index1"
                                                   center         0.1983 0.7815 -0.0280
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_l_index2 Joint {
                                                     name           "l_index2"
                                                     center         0.2017 0.7363 -0.0248
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_index3 Joint {
                                                       name           "l_index3"
                                                       center         0.2028 0.7139 -0.0236
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_index_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "l_index_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_l_index_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "l_index_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    0.2089 0.6858 -0.0245
                                                           children [
                                                          DEF hanim_l_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #50
                                                           name           "l_dactylion"
                                                           translation    0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_l_index_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_index3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_l_index_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "l_index_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_index_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_index2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "l_index_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_index_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_index1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_l_index_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "l_index_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_index_metacarpal Segment 
                                                }     # end hanim_l_index0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_l_middle0 Joint {
                                                 name           "l_middle0"
                                                 center         0.1987 0.8029 -0.0530
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_middle1 Joint {
                                                   name           "l_middle1"
                                                   center         0.1987 0.7818 -0.0530
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_l_middle2 Joint {
                                                     name           "l_middle2"
                                                     center         0.2013 0.7273 -0.0503
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_middle3 Joint {
                                                       name           "l_middle3"
                                                       center         0.2026 0.7011 -0.0494
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_middle_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "l_middle_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_l_middle_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "l_middle_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_l_middle_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_middle3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_l_middle_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "l_middle_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_middle_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_middle2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_l_middle_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "l_middle_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_middle_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_middle1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_l_middle_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "l_middle_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_middle_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_l_middle0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_l_ring0 Joint {
                                                 name           "l_ring0"
                                                 center         0.1956 0.8019 -0.0794
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_ring1 Joint {
                                                   name           "l_ring1"
                                                   center         0.1956 0.7815 -0.0794
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_l_ring2 Joint {
                                                     name           "l_ring2"
                                                     center         0.1973 0.7287 -0.0777
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_ring3 Joint {
                                                       name           "l_ring3"
                                                       center         0.1983 0.7045 -0.0767
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_ring_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "l_ring_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_l_ring_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "l_ring_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    0.2035 0.6750 -0.0756
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_l_ring_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_ring3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_l_ring_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "l_ring_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_ring_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_ring2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_l_ring_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "l_ring_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_ring_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_ring1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_l_ring_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "l_ring_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_ring_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_l_ring0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_l_pinky0 Joint {
                                                 name           "l_pinky0"
                                                 center         0.1925 0.8066 -0.1036
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_pinky1 Joint {
                                                   name           "l_pinky1"
                                                   center         0.1925 0.7866 -0.1036
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_l_pinky2 Joint {
                                                     name           "l_pinky2"
                                                     center         0.1938 0.7452 -0.1024
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_pinky3 Joint {
                                                       name           "l_pinky3"
                                                       center         0.1948 0.7277 -0.1017
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_pinky_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "l_pinky_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_l_pinky_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "l_pinky_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    0.2014 0.7009 -0.1012
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_l_pinky_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_pinky3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_l_pinky_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "l_pinky_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_pinky_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_pinky2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_l_pinky_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "l_pinky_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_pinky_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_pinky1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "l_pinky_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_l_pinky0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_l_hand Segment {
                                                 name           "l_hand"
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #49
                                                   name           "l_metacarpal_pha2"
                                                   translation    0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
                                                   children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #51
                                                   name           "l_ulnar_styloid"
                                                   translation    -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
                                                   children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #52
                                                   name           "l_metacarpal_pha5"
                                                   translation    0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
                                                   children [
                                                }     # end hanim_l_hand Segment
                                              }     # end hanim_l_wrist Joint
                                              DEF hanim_l_forearm Segment {
                                               name           "l_forearm"
                                               children [
                                                DEF hanim_l_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #43
                                                 name           "l_radial_styloid"
                                                 translation    0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_l_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #45
                                                 name           "l_olecranon"
                                                 translation    -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #47
                                                 name           "l_humeral_medial_epicn"
                                                 translation    0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_l_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #48
                                                 name           "l_radiale"
                                                 translation    0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
                                                 children [
                                              }     # end hanim_l_forearm Segment
                                            }     # end hanim_l_elbow Joint
                                            DEF hanim_l_upperarm Segment {
                                             name           "l_upperarm"
                                             children [
                                              DEF hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #46
                                               name           "l_humeral_lateral_epicn "
                                               translation    0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
                                               children [
                                            }     # end hanim_l_upperarm Segment
                                          }     # end hanim_l_shoulder Joint
                                          DEF hanim_l_scapula Segment {
                                           name           "l_scapula"
                                           children [
                                          }     # end hanim_l_scapula Segment
                                        }     # end hanim_l_acromioclavicular Joint
                                        DEF hanim_l_clavicle Segment {
                                         name           "l_clavicle"
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #12
                                           name           "l_clavicale"
                                           translation    0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #41
                                           name           "l_acromion"
                                           translation    0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #42
                                           name           "l_axilla_ant"
                                           translation    0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #44
                                           name           "l_axilla_post"
                                           translation    0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
                                           children [
                                        }     # end hanim_l_clavicle Segment
                                      }     # end hanim_l_sternoclavicular Joint
                                      DEF hanim_r_sternoclavicular Joint {
                                       name           "r_sternoclavicular"
                                       center         -0.0694 1.4600 -0.0330
                                       children [
                                        DEF hanim_r_acromioclavicular Joint {
                                         name           "r_acromioclavicular"
                                         center         -0.0836 1.4281 -0.0401
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_shoulder Joint {
                                           name           "r_shoulder"
                                           center         -0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325
                                           children [
                                            DEF hanim_r_elbow Joint {
                                             name           "r_elbow"
                                             center         -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620
                                             children [
                                              DEF hanim_r_wrist Joint {
                                               name           "r_wrist"
                                               center         -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521
                                               children [
                                                DEF hanim_r_thumb1 Joint {
                                                 name           "r_thumb1"
                                                 center         -0.1899 0.8502 -0.0473
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_thumb2 Joint {
                                                   name           "r_thumb2"
                                                   center         -0.1874 0.8256 0.0306
                                                  children [
                                                    DEF hanim_r_thumb3 Joint {
                                                     name           "r_thumb3"
                                                     center         -0.1864 0.8190 0.0506
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_r_thumb_distal Segment {
                                                       name           "r_thumb_distal"
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_thumb_distal_tip Site {
                                                         name           "r_thumb_distal_tip"
                                                         translation    -0.1869 0.8090 0.0820
                                                         children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_thumb_distal Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_thumb3 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "r_index_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_thumb_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_thumb2 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                                                   name           "r_index_proximal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_thumb_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_r_thumb1 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_r_index0 Joint {
                                                 name           "r_index0"
                                                 center         -0.1961 0.8055 -0.0218
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_index1 Joint {
                                                   name           "r_index1"
                                                   center         -0.1961 0.7846 -0.0218
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_r_index2 Joint {
                                                     name           "r_index2"
                                                     center         -0.1954 0.7393 -0.0185
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_r_index3 Joint {
                                                       name           "r_index3"
                                                       center         -0.1945 0.7169 -0.0173
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_index_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "r_index_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_r_index_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "r_index_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    -0.1980 0.6883 -0.0180
                                                           children [
                                                          DEF hanim_r_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #38
                                                           name           "r_dactylion"
                                                           translation    -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_r_index_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_index3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_r_index_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "r_index_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_index_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_index2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "r_index_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_index_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_index1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_r_index_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "r_index_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_index_metacarpal Segment  
                                                }     # end hanim_r_index0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_r_middle0 Joint {
                                                 name           "r_middle0"
                                                 center         -0.1972 0.8060 -0.0468
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_middle1 Joint {
                                                   name           "r_middle1"
                                                   center         -0.1972 0.7849 -0.0468
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_r_middle2 Joint {
                                                     name           "r_middle2"
                                                     center         -0.1950 0.7304 -0.0441
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_r_middle3 Joint {
                                                       name           "r_middle3"
                                                       center         -0.1939 0.7042 -0.0432
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_middle_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "r_middle_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_r_middle_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "r_middle_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_r_middle_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_middle3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_r_middle_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "r_middle_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_middle_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_middle2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_r_middle_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "r_middle_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_middle_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_middle1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_r_middle_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "r_middle_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_middle_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_r_middle0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_r_ring0 Joint {
                                                 name           "r_ring0"
                                                 center         -0.1951 0.8049 -0.0732
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_ring1 Joint {
                                                   name           "r_ring1"
                                                   center         -0.1951 0.7845 -0.0732
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_r_ring2 Joint {
                                                     name           "r_ring2"
                                                     center         -0.1920 0.7318 -0.0716
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_r_ring3 Joint {
                                                       name           "r_ring3"
                                                       center         -0.1908 0.7077 -0.0706
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_ring_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "r_ring_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_r_ring_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "r_ring_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    -0.1934 0.6778 -0.0693
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_r_ring_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_ring3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_r_ring_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "r_ring_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_ring_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_ring2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_r_ring_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "r_ring_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_ring_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_ring1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_r_ring_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "r_ring_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_ring_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_r_ring0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_r_pinky0 Joint {
                                                 name           "r_pinky0"
                                                 center         -0.1926 0.8096 -0.0975
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_pinky1 Joint {
                                                   name           "r_pinky1"
                                                   center         -0.1926 0.7896 -0.0975
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_r_pinky2 Joint {
                                                     name           "r_pinky2"
                                                     center         -0.1902 0.7483 -0.0963
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_r_pinky3 Joint {
                                                       name           "r_pinky3"
                                                       center         -0.1908 0.7540 -0.0960
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_pinky_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "r_pinky_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_r_pinky_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "r_pinky_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    -0.1938 0.7035 -0.0949
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_r_pinky_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_pinky3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_r_pinky_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "r_pinky_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_pinky_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_pinky2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_r_pinky_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "r_pinky_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_pinky_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_pinky1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "r_pinky_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_r_pinky0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_r_hand Segment {
                                                 name           "r_hand"
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #37
                                                   name           "r_metacarpal_pha2"
                                                   translation    -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
                                                   children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #39
                                                   name           "r_ulnar_styloid"
                                                   translation    -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
                                                   children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #40
                                                   name           "r_metacarpal_pha5"
                                                   translation    -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
                                                   children [
                                                }     # end hanim_r_hand Segment
                                              }     # end hanim_r_wrist Joint
                                              DEF hanim_r_forearm Segment {
                                               name           "r_forearm"
                                               children [
                                                DEF hanim_r_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #31
                                                 name           "r_radial_styloid"
                                                 translation    -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_r_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #33
                                                 name           "r_olecranon"
                                                 translation    -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #35
                                                 name           "r_humeral_medial_epicn"
                                                 translation    -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_r_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #36
                                                 name           "r_radiale"
                                                 translation    -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
                                                 children [
                                              }     # end hanim_r_forearm Segment
                                            }     # end hanim_r_elbow Joint
                                            DEF hanim_r_upperarm Segment {
                                             name           "r_upperarm"
                                             children [
                                              DEF hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #34
                                               name           "r_humeral_lateral_epicn"
                                               translation    -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
                                               children [
                                            }     # end hanim_r_upperarm Segment
                                          }     # end hanim_r_shoulder Joint
                                          DEF hanim_r_scapula Segment {
                                           name           "r_scapula"
                                           children [
                                          }     # end hanim_r_scapula Segment
                                        }     # end hanim_r_acromioclavicular Joint
                                        DEF hanim_r_clavicle Segment {
                                         name           "r_clavicle"
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #10
                                           name           "r_clavicale"
                                           translation    -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #29
                                           name           "r_acromion"
                                           translation    -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #30
                                           name           "r_axilla_ant"
                                           translation    -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #32
                                           name           "r_axilla_post"
                                           translation    -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
                                           children [
                                        }     # end hanim_r_clavicle Segment
                                      }     # end hanim_r_sternoclavicular Joint
                                      DEF hanim_t1 Segment {
                                       name           "t1"
                                       children [
                                        DEF hanim_suprasternale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #11
                                         name           "suprasternale"
                                         translation    0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
                                         children [
                                        DEF hanim_cervicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #24
                                         name           "cervicale"
                                         translation    0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
                                         children [
                                      }     # end hanim_t1 Segment
                                    }     # end hanim_vt1 Joint
                                    DEF hanim_t2 Segment {
                                     name           "t2"
                                     children [
                                    }     # end hanim_t2 Segment
                                  }     # end hanim_vt2 Joint
                                  DEF hanim_t3 Segment {
                                   name           "t3"
                                   children [
                                  }     # end hanim_t3 Segment
                                }     # end hanim_vt3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_t4 Segment {
                                 name           "t4"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_t4 Segment
                              }     # end hanim_vt4 Joint
                              DEF hanim_t5 Segment {
                               name           "t5"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_t5 Segment
                            }     # end hanim_vt5 Joint
                            DEF hanim_t6 Segment {
                             name           "t6"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_t6 Segment
                          }     # end hanim_vt6 Joint
                          DEF hanim_t7 Segment {
                           name           "t7"
                           children [
                          }     # end hanim_t7 Segment
                        }     # end hanim_vt7 Joint
                        DEF hanim_t8 Segment {
                         name           "t8"
                         children [
                        }     # end hanim_t8 Segment
                      }     # end hanim_vt8 Joint
                      DEF hanim_t9 Segment {
                       name           "t9"
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_r_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #13
                         name           "r_thelion"
                         translation    -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_l_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #14
                         name           "l_thelion"
                         translation    0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
                         children [
                      }      # end hanim_t9 Segment
                    }     # end hanim_vt9 Joint
                    DEF hanim_t10 Segment {
                     name           "t10"
                     children [
                      DEF hanim_substernale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #15
                       name           "substernale"
                       translation    0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
                       children [
                    }      # end hanim_t10 Segment
                  }     # end hanim_vt10 Joint
                  DEF hanim_t11 Segment {
                   name           "t11"
                   children [
                  }     # end hanim_t11 Segment
                }     # end hanim_vt11 Joint
                DEF hanim_t12 Segment {
                 name           "t12"
                 children [
                }     # end hanim_t12 Segment
              }     # end hanim_vt12 Joint
              DEF hanim_l1 Segment {
               name           "l1"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_l1 Segment
            }     # end hanim_vl1 Joint
            DEF hanim_l2 Segment {
             name           "l2"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #16
               name           "r_rib10"
               translation    -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #18
               name           "l_rib10"
               translation    0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
               children [
              DEF hanim_rib10_midspine Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #25
               name           "rib10_midspine"
               translation    0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
               children [
            }     # end hanim_l2 Segment
          }     # end hanim_vl2 Joint
          DEF hanim_l3 Segment {
           name           "l3"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_l3 Segment
        }     # end hanim_vl3 Joint
        DEF hanim_l4 Segment {
         name           "l4"
         children [
        }     # end hanim_l4 Segment
      }     # end hanim_vl4 Joint
      DEF hanim_l5 Segment {
       name           "l5"
       children [
        DEF hanim_waist_preferred_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #28
         name           "waist_preferred_post "
         translation    0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
         children [
        DEF hanim_navel Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #76
         name           "navel"
         translation    0.0069 1.0966 0.1017
         children [
      }     # end hanim_l5 Segment
    }     # end hanim_vl5 Joint
    DEF hanim_sacrum Segment {
     name           "sacrum"
     children [
    }     # end hanim_sacrum Segment
  }     # end hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint
 joints [
  USE hanim_HumanoidRoot, USE hanim_sacroiliac, USE hanim_l_hip, 
  USE hanim_l_knee, USE hanim_l_ankle, USE hanim_l_subtalar, 
  USE hanim_l_midtarsal, USE hanim_l_metatarsal, USE hanim_r_hip, 
  USE hanim_r_knee, USE hanim_r_ankle, USE hanim_r_subtalar, 
  USE hanim_r_midtarsal, USE hanim_r_metatarsal, USE hanim_vl5, 
  USE hanim_vl4, USE hanim_vl3, USE hanim_vl2, USE hanim_vl1, 
  USE hanim_vt12, USE hanim_vt11, USE hanim_vt10, USE hanim_vt9, 
  USE hanim_vt8, USE hanim_vt7, USE hanim_vt6, USE hanim_vt5, 
  USE hanim_vt4, USE hanim_vt3, USE hanim_vt2, USE hanim_vt1, 
  USE hanim_vc7, USE hanim_vc6, USE hanim_vc5, USE hanim_vc4, 
  USE hanim_vc3, USE hanim_vc2, USE hanim_vc1, USE hanim_skullbase, 
  USE hanim_l_eyeball_joint, USE hanim_r_eyeball_joint, 
  USE hanim_l_sternoclavicular, USE hanim_l_acromioclavicular, 
  USE hanim_l_shoulder, USE hanim_l_elbow, USE hanim_l_wrist, 
  USE hanim_l_thumb1, USE hanim_l_thumb2, USE hanim_l_thumb3, 
  USE hanim_l_index0, USE hanim_l_index1, USE hanim_l_index2, 
  USE hanim_l_index3, USE hanim_l_middle0, USE hanim_l_middle1, 
  USE hanim_l_middle2, USE hanim_l_middle3, USE hanim_l_ring0, 
  USE hanim_l_ring1, USE hanim_l_ring2, USE hanim_l_ring3, 
  USE hanim_l_pinky0, USE hanim_l_pinky1, USE hanim_l_pinky2, 
  USE hanim_l_pinky3, USE hanim_r_sternoclavicular, 
  USE hanim_r_acromioclavicular, USE hanim_r_shoulder, 
  USE hanim_r_elbow, USE hanim_r_wrist, USE hanim_r_thumb1, 
  USE hanim_r_thumb2, USE hanim_r_thumb3, USE hanim_r_index0, 
  USE hanim_r_index1, USE hanim_r_index2, USE hanim_r_index3, 
  USE hanim_r_middle0, USE hanim_r_middle1, USE hanim_r_middle2, 
  USE hanim_r_middle3, USE hanim_r_ring0, USE hanim_r_ring1, 
  USE hanim_r_ring2, USE hanim_r_ring3, USE hanim_r_pinky0, 
  USE hanim_r_pinky1, USE hanim_r_pinky2, USE hanim_r_pinky3 
 sites [
  USE hanim_l_forefoot_tip, USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5, 
  USE hanim_l_digit2, USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1, 
  USE hanim_l_lateral_malleolus, USE hanim_l_medial_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_l_sphyrion, USE hanim_l_calcaneous_post, 
  USE hanim_l_knee_crease, USE hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_r_forefoot_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5, USE hanim_r_digit2, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1, USE hanim_r_lateral_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_r_medial_malleolus, USE hanim_r_sphyrion, 
  USE hanim_r_calcaneous_post, USE hanim_r_knee_crease, 
  USE hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_iliocristale, USE hanim_r_trochanterion, 
  USE hanim_l_iliocristale, USE hanim_l_trochanterion,  USE hanim_r_asis, 
  USE hanim_l_asis, USE hanim_r_psis, USE hanim_l_psis, 
  USE hanim_crotch, USE hanim_skull_tip, USE hanim_sellion, 
  USE hanim_r_infraorbitale, USE hanim_l_infraorbitale, 
  USE hanim_supramenton, USE hanim_r_tragion,
  USE hanim_r_gonion, USE hanim_l_tragion, USE hanim_l_gonion, 
  USE hanim_nuchale, USE hanim_r_neck_base,
  USE hanim_l_neck_base, USE hanim_l_thumb_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_index_distal_tip, USE hanim_l_dactylion, 
  USE hanim_l_middle_distal_tip, USE hanim_l_ring_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_pinky_distal_tip, USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2, 
  USE hanim_l_ulnar_styloid, USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5, 
  USE hanim_l_radial_styloid, USE hanim_l_olecranon, 
  USE hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_l_radiale, 
  USE hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_l_clavicale, 
  USE hanim_l_acromion, USE hanim_l_axilla_ant, 
  USE hanim_l_axilla_post, USE hanim_r_thumb_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_index_distal_tip, USE hanim_r_dactylion, 
  USE hanim_r_middle_distal_tip, USE hanim_r_ring_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_pinky_distal_tip, USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2, 
  USE hanim_r_ulnar_styloid, USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5, 
  USE hanim_r_radial_styloid, USE hanim_r_olecranon, 
  USE hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_r_radiale, 
  USE hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_clavicale, 
  USE hanim_r_acromion, USE hanim_r_axilla_ant, 
  USE hanim_r_axilla_post, USE hanim_suprasternale, 
  USE hanim_cervicale, USE hanim_r_thelion, 
  USE hanim_l_thelion, USE hanim_substernale, 
  USE hanim_r_rib10, USE hanim_l_rib10,
  USE hanim_rib10_midspine, USE hanim_waist_preferred_post, 
  USE hanim_navel
 segments [
  USE hanim_l_forefoot, USE hanim_l_middistal, USE hanim_l_midproximal,
  USE hanim_l_hindfoot, USE hanim_l_calf, USE hanim_l_thigh,
  USE hanim_r_forefoot, USE hanim_r_middistal, USE hanim_r_midproximal,
  USE hanim_r_hindfoot, USE hanim_r_calf, USE hanim_r_thigh,
  USE hanim_pelvis, USE hanim_l_eyeball, USE hanim_r_eyeball,
  USE hanim_skull, USE hanim_c1, USE hanim_c2, USE hanim_c3,
  USE hanim_c4, USE hanim_c5, USE hanim_c6, USE hanim_c7,
  USE hanim_l_thumb_distal, USE hanim_l_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_index_proximal, USE hanim_l_index_distal,
  USE hanim_l_index_middle, USE hanim_l_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_index_metacarpal, USE hanim_l_middle_distal,
  USE hanim_l_middle_middle, USE hanim_l_middle_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_middle_metacarpal, USE hanim_l_ring_distal,
  USE hanim_l_ring_middle, USE hanim_l_ring_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_ring_metacarpal, USE hanim_l_pinky_distal,
  USE hanim_l_pinky_middle, USE hanim_l_pinky_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal, USE hanim_l_hand, USE hanim_l_forearm,
  USE hanim_l_upperarm, USE hanim_l_scapula, USE hanim_l_clavicle,
  USE hanim_r_thumb_distal, USE hanim_r_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_index_proximal, USE hanim_r_index_distal,
  USE hanim_r_index_middle, USE hanim_r_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_index_metacarpal, USE hanim_r_middle_distal,
  USE hanim_r_middle_middle, USE hanim_r_middle_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_middle_metacarpal, USE hanim_r_ring_distal,
  USE hanim_r_ring_middle, USE hanim_r_ring_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_ring_metacarpal, USE hanim_r_pinky_distal,
  USE hanim_r_pinky_middle, USE hanim_r_pinky_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal, USE hanim_r_hand, USE hanim_r_forearm,
  USE hanim_r_upperarm, USE hanim_r_scapula, USE hanim_r_clavicle,
  USE hanim_t1, USE hanim_t2, USE hanim_t3, USE hanim_t4,
  USE hanim_t5, USE hanim_t6, USE hanim_t7, USE hanim_t8,
  USE hanim_t9, USE hanim_t10, USE hanim_t11, USE hanim_t12,
  USE hanim_l1, USE hanim_l2, USE hanim_l3, USE hanim_l4,
  USE hanim_l5, USE hanim_sacrum
 version "200x"
 name "humanoid"
 info [
  "authorName=Matthew T. Beitler"
  "authorEmail=beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org"
  "copyright=Copyright 1999-2003, Matthew T. Beitler"
  "humanoidVersion=JointCenters 200x, LOA3"
    AUTHOR IS INCLUDED.  This humanoid scene graph is provided
    'as-is' and without warranty of any kind, express, implied
    or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of
    merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."

DEF JointCenters_WorldInfo Group
 children [
   title "HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA3"
   info [ "
     HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, Level-Of-Articulation 3
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author name:
       eMpTy (a.k.a. Matthew T. Beitler)
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author email:
       beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author homepage:
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Compliance Date:
       August 12, 2003
     HANIM 200x Compliance Information:
     Construction Info (joint centers):
      The joint centers of this figure are based on the 
      work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for
      Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of
      Pennsylvania.  The original document which these
      joint centers are based on can be found at:

 headlight TRUE
 speed 1.5
 type ["EXAMINE", "ANY"]

A.6.2.2 LOA Three example with diamonds at Joint centres

#VRML V2.0 utf8 eMpTyWorlds V3.29.70

PROTO Humanoid [
 exposedField    SFVec3f    center                0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode     humanoidBody          [ ]
 exposedField    MFString   info                  [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     joints                [ ]
 exposedField    SFString   name                  ""
 exposedField    SFRotation rotation              0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f    scale                 1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation scaleOrientation      0 0 1 0
 exposedField    MFNode     segments              [ ]
 exposedField    MFNode     sites                 [ ]
 exposedField    SFVec3f    translation           0 0 0
 exposedField    SFString   version               "200x"
 exposedField    MFNode     viewpoints            [ ]
 field           SFVec3f    bboxCenter            0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f    bboxSize              -1 -1 -1
 Transform {
  center           IS center
  rotation         IS rotation
  scale            IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation      IS translation
  children [
   Group {
    children IS humanoidBody 
   Group {
    children IS viewpoints

PROTO Joint [
 exposedField SFVec3f    center             0 0 0
 exposedField MFNode     children           []
 exposedField SFRotation limitOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    llimit             []
 exposedField SFString   name               ""
 exposedField SFRotation rotation           0 0 1 0
 exposedField SFVec3f    scale              1 1 1
 exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation   0 0 1 0
 exposedField MFFloat    stiffness          [1 1 1]
 exposedField SFVec3f    translation        0 0 0
 exposedField MFFloat    ulimit             []
 Group {
  children [
   Transform {
    center IS center 
    children IS children
    rotation IS rotation
    scale IS scale 
    scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
    translation IS translation
   Transform {
    translation IS center
    children [
     Shape { 
       IndexedFaceSet {
        coord Coordinate {
         point [ 
          0 0.01 0, -0.01 0 0, 0 0 0.01, 
          0.01 0 0, 0 0 -0.01, 0 -0.01 0 
        coordIndex [ 
         0, 1, 2, -1, 0, 2, 3, -1, 0, 3, 4, -1, 0, 4, 1, -1,
         5, 2, 1, -1, 5, 3, 2, -1, 5, 4, 3, -1, 5, 1, 4, -1 
        creaseAngle 0.5
       Appearance { 
         Material { diffuseColor 1 1 0 } 

PROTO Segment [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     centerOfMass      0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFNode      coord             NULL
 exposedField    MFNode      displacers        []
 exposedField    SFString    name              ""
 exposedField    SFFloat     mass              0 
 exposedField    SFVec3f     momentsOfInertia  1 1 1
 field           SFVec3f     bboxCenter        0 0 0
 field           SFVec3f     bboxSize          -1 -1 -1
 Group {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  bboxCenter IS bboxCenter
  bboxSize IS bboxSize
  children IS children
  removeChildren IS removeChildren

PROTO Site [
 eventIn         MFNode      addChildren
 eventIn         MFNode      removeChildren
 exposedField    SFVec3f     center            0 0 0
 exposedField    MFNode      children          []
 exposedField    SFString    name              "" 
 exposedField    SFRotation  rotation          0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     scale             1 1 1
 exposedField    SFRotation  scaleOrientation  0 0 1 0
 exposedField    SFVec3f     translation       0 0 0
 Transform {
  addChildren IS addChildren
  removeChildren IS removeChildren
  center IS center
  children IS children
  rotation IS rotation
  scale IS scale
  scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
  translation IS translation

DEF humanoid Humanoid {
 humanoidBody [
  DEF hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint {
   name           "HumanoidRoot"
   center         0.0000 0.8240 0.0277
   children [
    DEF hanim_sacroiliac Joint {
     name           "sacroiliac"
     center         0.0000 0.9149 0.0016
     children [
      DEF hanim_l_hip Joint {
       name           "l_hip"
       center         0.0961 0.9124 -0.0001
       children [
        DEF hanim_l_knee Joint {
         name           "l_knee"
         center         0.1040 0.4867 0.0308
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_ankle Joint {
           name           "l_ankle"
           center         0.1101 0.0656 -0.0736
           children [
            DEF hanim_l_subtalar Joint {
             name           "l_subtalar"
             center         0.1086 0.0001 -0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_midtarsal Joint {
               name           "l_midtarsal"
               center         0.1086 0.0001 0.0368
               children [
                DEF hanim_l_metatarsal Joint {
                 name           "l_metatarsal"
                 center         0.1086 0.0000 0.0762
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_l_forefoot Segment {
                   name           "l_forefoot"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_l_forefoot_tip Site {
                     name           "l_forefoot_tip"
                     translation    0.1354 0.0016 0.1476
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #66
                     name           "l_metatarsal_pha5"
                     translation    0.1825 0.0070 0.0928
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_l_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #72
                     name           "l_digit2"
                     translation    0.1195 0.0079 0.1433
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_l_forefoot Segment
                }     # end hanim_l_metatarsal Joint
                DEF hanim_l_middistal Segment {
                 name           "l_middistal"
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #70
                   name           "l_metatarsal_pha1"
                   translation    0.0816 0.0232 0.0106
                   children [
                }     # end hanim_l_middistal Segment     
              }     # end hanim_l_midtarsal Joint
              DEF hanim_l_midproximal Segment {
               name           "l_midproximal"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_l_midproximal Segment     
            }     # end hanim_l_subtalar Joint
            DEF hanim_l_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "l_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_l_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #67
               name           "l_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    0.1308 0.0597 -0.1032
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #68
               name           "l_medial_malleolus"
               translation    0.0890 0.0716 -0.0881
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #69
               name           "l_sphyrion"
               translation    0.0890 0.0575 -0.0943
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #71
               name           "l_calcaneous_post"
               translation    0.0974 0.0259 -0.1171
               children [
            }     # end hanim_l_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_l_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_l_calf Segment {
           name           "l_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_l_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_l_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_l_thigh Segment {
         name           "l_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_l_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #63
           name           "l_knee_crease"
           translation    0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #64
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.1598 0.4967 0.0297
           children [
          DEF hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #65
           name           "l_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    0.0398 0.4946 0.0303
           children [
        }     # end hanim_l_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_l_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_r_hip Joint {
       name           "r_hip"
       center         -0.0950 0.9171 0.0029
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_knee Joint {
         name           "r_knee"
         center         -0.0867 0.4913 0.0318
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_ankle Joint {
           name           "r_ankle"
           center         -0.0801 0.0712 -0.0766
           children [
            DEF hanim_r_subtalar Joint {
             name           "r_subtalar"
             center         -0.0801 0.0000 -0.0368
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_midtarsal Joint {
               name           "r_midtarsal"
               center         -0.0801 0.0000 0.0368
               children [
                DEF hanim_r_metatarsal Joint {
                 name           "r_metatarsal"
                 center         -0.0801 0.0039 0.0732
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_forefoot Segment {
                   name           "r_forefoot"
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_r_forefoot_tip Site {
                     name           "r_forefoot_tip"
                     translation    -0.1043 -0.0227 0.1450
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #56
                     name           "r_metatarsal_pha5"
                     translation    -0.1523 0.0166 0.0895
                     children [
                    DEF hanim_r_digit2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #62
                     name           "r_digit2"
                     translation    -0.0883 0.0134 0.1383
                     children [
                  }     # end hanim_r_forefoot Segment
                }     # end hanim_r_metatarsal Joint
                DEF hanim_r_middistal Segment {
                 name           "r_middistal"
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #60
                   name           "r_metatarsal_pha1"
                   translation    -0.0521 0.0260 0.0127
                   children [
                }     # end hanim_r_middistal Segment
              }     # end hanim_r_midtarsal Joint
              DEF hanim_r_midproximal Segment {
               name           "r_midproximal"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_r_midproximal Segment
            DEF hanim_r_hindfoot Segment {
             name           "r_hindfoot"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_lateral_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #57
               name           "r_lateral_malleolus"
               translation    -0.1006 0.0658 -0.1075
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_medial_malleolus Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #58
               name           "r_medial_malleolus"
               translation    -0.0591 0.0760 -0.0928
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_sphyrion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #59
               name           "r_sphyrion"
               translation    -0.0603 0.0610 -0.1002
               children [
              DEF hanim_r_calcaneous_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #61
               name           "r_calcaneous_post"
               translation    -0.0692 0.0297 -0.1221
               children [
            }     # end hanim_r_hindfoot Segment
          }     # end hanim_r_ankle Joint
          DEF hanim_r_calf Segment {
           name           "r_calf"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_r_calf Segment
        }     # end hanim_r_knee Joint
        DEF hanim_r_thigh Segment {
         name           "r_thigh"
         children [
          DEF hanim_r_knee_crease Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #53
           name           "r_knee_crease"
           translation    -0.0825 0.4932 -0.0326
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #54
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.1421 0.4992 0.0310
           children [
          DEF hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #55
           name           "r_femoral_lateral_epicn"
           translation    -0.0221 0.5014 0.0289
           children [
        }     # end hanim_r_thigh Segment
      }     # end hanim_r_hip Joint
      DEF hanim_pelvis Segment {
       name           "pelvis"
       children [
        DEF hanim_r_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #20
         name           "r_iliocristale"
         translation    -0.1525 1.0628 0.0035
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #21
         name           "r_trochanterion"
         translation    -0.1689 0.8419 0.0352
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_iliocristale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #22
         name           "l_iliocristale"
         translation    0.1612 1.0537 0.0008
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_trochanterion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #23
         name           "l_trochanterion"
         translation    0.1677 0.8336 0.0303
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #17
         name           "r_asis"
         translation    -0.0887 1.0021 0.1112
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_asis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #19
         name           "l_asis"
         translation    0.0925 0.9983 0.1052
         children [
        DEF hanim_r_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #26
         name           "r_psis"
         translation    -0.0716 1.0190 -0.1138
         children [
        DEF hanim_l_psis Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #27
         name           "l_psis"
         translation    0.0774 1.0190 -0.1151
         children [
        DEF hanim_crotch Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #73
         name           "crotch"
         translation    0.0034 0.8266 0.0257
         children [
      }     # end hanim_pelvis Segment
    }     # end hanim_sacroiliac Joint
    DEF hanim_vl5 Joint {
     name           "vl5"
     center         0.0028 1.0568 -0.0776
     children [
      DEF hanim_vl4 Joint {
       name           "vl4"
       center         0.0035 1.0925 -0.0787
       children [
        DEF hanim_vl3 Joint {
         name           "vl3"
         center         0.0041 1.1276 -0.0796
         children [
          DEF hanim_vl2 Joint {
           name           "vl2"
           center         0.0045 1.1546 -0.0800
           children [
            DEF hanim_vl1 Joint {
             name           "vl1"
             center         0.0048 1.1912 -0.0805
             children [
              DEF hanim_vt12 Joint {
               name           "vt12"
               center         0.0051 1.2278 -0.0808
               children [
                DEF hanim_vt11 Joint {
                 name           "vt11"
                 center         0.0053 1.2679 -0.0810
                 children [
                  DEF hanim_vt10 Joint {
                   name           "vt10"
                   center         0.0056 1.2848 -0.0822
                   children [
                    DEF hanim_vt9 Joint {
                     name           "vt9"
                     center         0.0057 1.3126 -0.0838
                     children [
                      DEF hanim_vt8 Joint {
                       name           "vt8"
                       center         0.0057 1.3382 -0.0845
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_vt7 Joint {
                         name           "vt7"
                         center         0.0058 1.3625 -0.0833
                         children [
                          DEF hanim_vt6 Joint {
                           name           "vt6"
                           center         0.0059 1.3866 -0.0800
                           children [
                            DEF hanim_vt5 Joint {
                             name           "vt5"
                             center         0.0060 1.4102 -0.0745
                             children [
                              DEF hanim_vt4 Joint {
                               name           "vt4"
                               center         0.0061 1.4320 -0.0675
                               children [
                                DEF hanim_vt3 Joint {
                                 name           "vt3"
                                 center         0.0062 1.4583 -0.0570
                                 children [
                                  DEF hanim_vt2 Joint {
                                   name           "vt2"
                                   center         0.0063 1.4761 -0.0484
                                   children [
                                    DEF hanim_vt1 Joint {
                                     name           "vt1"
                                     center         0.0065 1.4951 -0.0387
                                     children [
                                      DEF hanim_vc7 Joint {
                                       name           "vc7"
                                       center         0.0066 1.5132 -0.0301
                                       children [
                                        DEF hanim_vc6 Joint {
                                         name           "vc6"
                                         center         0.0066 1.5357 -0.0143
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_vc5 Joint {
                                           name           "vc5"
                                           center         0.0066 1.5520 -0.0082
                                           children [
                                            DEF hanim_vc4 Joint {
                                             name           "vc4"
                                             center         0.0066 1.5662 -0.0084
                                             children [
                                              DEF hanim_vc3 Joint {
                                               name           "vc3"
                                               center         0.0066 1.5800 -0.0103
                                               children [
                                                DEF hanim_vc2 Joint {
                                                 name           "vc2"
                                                 center         0.0066 1.5928 -0.0103
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_vc1 Joint {
                                                   name           "vc1"
                                                   center         0.0066 1.6144 -0.0034
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_skullbase Joint {
                                                     name           "skullbase"
                                                     center         0.0044 1.6209 0.0236
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_eyeball_joint Joint {
                                                       name           "l_eyeball_joint"
                                                       center         0.0336 1.6332 0.0502
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_eyeball Segment {
                                                         name           "l_eyeball"
                                                         children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_l_eyeball_joint Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_eyeball_joint Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_r_eyeball_joint Joint {
                                                       name           "r_eyeball_joint"
                                                       center         -0.0236 1.6331 0.0510
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_eyeball Segment {
                                                         name           "r_eyeball"
                                                         children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_r_eyeball_joint Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_eyeball_joint Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_skull Segment {
                                                       name           "skull"
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_skull_tip Site {
                                                         name           "skull_tip"
                                                         translation    0.0050 1.7504 0.0055
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_sellion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #1
                                                         name           "sellion"
                                                         translation    0.0058 1.6316 0.0852
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #2
                                                         name           "r_infraorbitale"
                                                         translation    -0.0237 1.6171 0.0752
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_infraorbitale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #3
                                                         name           "l_infraorbitale"
                                                         translation    0.0341 1.6171 0.0752
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_supramenton Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #4
                                                         name           "supramenton"
                                                         translation    0.0061 1.5410 0.0805
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #5
                                                         name           "r_tragion"
                                                         translation    -0.0646 1.6347 0.0302
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #6
                                                         name           "r_gonion"
                                                         translation    -0.0520 1.5529 0.0347
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_tragion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #7
                                                         name           "l_tragion"
                                                         translation    0.0739 1.6348 0.0282
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_gonion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #8
                                                         name           "l_gonion"
                                                         translation    0.0631 1.5530 0.0330
                                                         children [
                                                        DEF hanim_nuchale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #9
                                                         name           "nuchale"
                                                         translation    0.0039 1.5972 -0.0796
                                                         children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_skull Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_skullbase Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_c1 Segment {
                                                     name           "c1"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_c1 Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_vc1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_c2 Segment {
                                                   name           "c2"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_c2 Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_vc2 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_c3 Segment {
                                                 name           "c3"
                                                 children [
                                                }     # end hanim_c3 Segment
                                              }     # end hanim_vc3 Joint
                                              DEF hanim_c4 Segment {
                                               name           "c4"
                                               children [
                                              }     # end hanim_c4 Segment
                                            }     # end hanim_vc4 Joint
                                            DEF hanim_c5 Segment {
                                             name           "c5"
                                             children [
                                            }     # end hanim_c5 Segment
                                          }     # end hanim_vc5 Joint
                                          DEF hanim_c6 Segment {
                                           name           "c6"
                                           children [
                                          }     # end hanim_c6 Segment
                                        }     # end hanim_vc6 Joint
                                        DEF hanim_c7 Segment {
                                         name           "c7"
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #74
                                           name           "r_neck_base"
                                           translation    -0.0419 1.5149 -0.0220
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_neck_base Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #75
                                           name           "l_neck_base"
                                           translation    0.0646 1.5141 -0.0380
                                           children [
                                        }     # end hanim_c7 Segment
                                      }     # end hanim_vc7 Joint
                                      DEF hanim_l_sternoclavicular Joint {
                                       name           "l_sternoclavicular"
                                       center         0.0820 1.4488 -0.0353
                                       children [
                                        DEF hanim_l_acromioclavicular Joint {
                                         name           "l_acromioclavicular"
                                         center         0.0962 1.4269 -0.0424
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_shoulder Joint {
                                           name           "l_shoulder"
                                           center         0.2029 1.4376 -0.0387
                                           children [
                                            DEF hanim_l_elbow Joint {
                                             name           "l_elbow"
                                             center         0.2014 1.1357 -0.0682
                                             children [
                                              DEF hanim_l_wrist Joint {
                                               name           "l_wrist"
                                               center         0.1984 0.8663 -0.0583
                                               children [
                                                DEF hanim_l_thumb1 Joint {
                                                 name           "l_thumb1"
                                                 center         0.1924 0.8472 -0.0534
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_thumb2 Joint {
                                                   name           "l_thumb2"
                                                   center         0.1951 0.8226 0.0246
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_l_thumb3 Joint {
                                                     name           "l_thumb3"
                                                     center         0.1955 0.8159 0.0464
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_thumb_distal Segment {
                                                       name           "l_thumb_distal"
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_thumb_distal_tip Site {
                                                         name           "l_thumb_distal_tip"
                                                         translation    0.1982 0.8061 0.0759
                                                         children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_thumb_distal Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_thumb3 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "l_index_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_thumb_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_thumb2 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                                                   name           "l_index_proximal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_thumb_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_l_thumb1 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_l_index0 Joint {
                                                 name           "l_index0"
                                                 center         0.1983 0.8024 -0.0280
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_index1 Joint {
                                                   name           "l_index1"
                                                   center         0.1983 0.7815 -0.0280
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_l_index2 Joint {
                                                     name           "l_index2"
                                                     center         0.2017 0.7363 -0.0248
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_index3 Joint {
                                                       name           "l_index3"
                                                       center         0.2028 0.7139 -0.0236
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_index_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "l_index_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_l_index_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "l_index_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    0.2089 0.6858 -0.0245
                                                           children [
                                                          DEF hanim_l_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #50
                                                           name           "l_dactylion"
                                                           translation    0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_l_index_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_index3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_l_index_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "l_index_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_index_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_index2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_l_index_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "l_index_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_index_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_index1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_l_index_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "l_index_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_index_metacarpal Segment 
                                                }     # end hanim_l_index0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_l_middle0 Joint {
                                                 name           "l_middle0"
                                                 center         0.1987 0.8029 -0.0530
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_middle1 Joint {
                                                   name           "l_middle1"
                                                   center         0.1987 0.7818 -0.0530
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_l_middle2 Joint {
                                                     name           "l_middle2"
                                                     center         0.2013 0.7273 -0.0503
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_middle3 Joint {
                                                       name           "l_middle3"
                                                       center         0.2026 0.7011 -0.0494
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_middle_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "l_middle_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_l_middle_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "l_middle_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    0.2080 0.6731 -0.0491
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_l_middle_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_middle3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_l_middle_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "l_middle_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_middle_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_middle2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_l_middle_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "l_middle_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_middle_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_middle1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_l_middle_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "l_middle_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_middle_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_l_middle0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_l_ring0 Joint {
                                                 name           "l_ring0"
                                                 center         0.1956 0.8019 -0.0794
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_ring1 Joint {
                                                   name           "l_ring1"
                                                   center         0.1956 0.7815 -0.0794
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_l_ring2 Joint {
                                                     name           "l_ring2"
                                                     center         0.1973 0.7287 -0.0777
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_ring3 Joint {
                                                       name           "l_ring3"
                                                       center         0.1983 0.7045 -0.0767
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_ring_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "l_ring_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_l_ring_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "l_ring_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    0.2035 0.6750 -0.0756
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_l_ring_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_ring3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_l_ring_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "l_ring_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_ring_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_ring2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_l_ring_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "l_ring_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_ring_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_ring1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_l_ring_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "l_ring_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_ring_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_l_ring0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_l_pinky0 Joint {
                                                 name           "l_pinky0"
                                                 center         0.1925 0.8066 -0.1036
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_pinky1 Joint {
                                                   name           "l_pinky1"
                                                   center         0.1925 0.7866 -0.1036
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_l_pinky2 Joint {
                                                     name           "l_pinky2"
                                                     center         0.1938 0.7452 -0.1024
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_l_pinky3 Joint {
                                                       name           "l_pinky3"
                                                       center         0.1948 0.7277 -0.1017
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_l_pinky_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "l_pinky_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_l_pinky_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "l_pinky_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    0.2014 0.7009 -0.1012
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_l_pinky_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_pinky3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_l_pinky_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "l_pinky_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_l_pinky_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_pinky2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_l_pinky_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "l_pinky_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_l_pinky_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_pinky1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "l_pinky_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_l_pinky0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_l_hand Segment {
                                                 name           "l_hand"
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #49
                                                   name           "l_metacarpal_pha2"
                                                   translation    0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237
                                                   children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #51
                                                   name           "l_ulnar_styloid"
                                                   translation    -0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648
                                                   children [
                                                  DEF hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #52
                                                   name           "l_metacarpal_pha5"
                                                   translation    0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122
                                                   children [
                                                }     # end hanim_l_hand Segment
                                              }     # end hanim_l_wrist Joint
                                              DEF hanim_l_forearm Segment {
                                               name           "l_forearm"
                                               children [
                                                DEF hanim_l_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #43
                                                 name           "l_radial_styloid"
                                                 translation    0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_l_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #45
                                                 name           "l_olecranon"
                                                 translation    -0.1962 1.1375 -0.1123
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #47
                                                 name           "l_humeral_medial_epicn"
                                                 translation    0.1735 1.1272 -0.1113
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_l_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #48
                                                 name           "l_radiale"
                                                 translation    0.2182 1.1212 -0.1167
                                                 children [
                                              }     # end hanim_l_forearm Segment
                                            }     # end hanim_l_elbow Joint
                                            DEF hanim_l_upperarm Segment {
                                             name           "l_upperarm"
                                             children [
                                              DEF hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #46
                                               name           "l_humeral_lateral_epicn "
                                               translation    0.2280 1.1482 -0.1100
                                               children [
                                            }     # end hanim_l_upperarm Segment
                                          }     # end hanim_l_shoulder Joint
                                          DEF hanim_l_scapula Segment {
                                           name           "l_scapula"
                                           children [
                                          }     # end hanim_l_scapula Segment
                                        }     # end hanim_l_acromioclavicular Joint
                                        DEF hanim_l_clavicle Segment {
                                         name           "l_clavicle"
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #12
                                           name           "l_clavicale"
                                           translation    0.0271 1.4943 0.0394
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #41
                                           name           "l_acromion"
                                           translation    0.2032 1.4760 -0.0490
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #42
                                           name           "l_axilla_ant"
                                           translation    0.1777 1.4065 -0.0075
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_l_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #44
                                           name           "l_axilla_post"
                                           translation    0.1706 1.4072 -0.0875
                                           children [
                                        }     # end hanim_l_clavicle Segment
                                      }     # end hanim_l_sternoclavicular Joint
                                      DEF hanim_r_sternoclavicular Joint {
                                       name           "r_sternoclavicular"
                                       center         -0.0694 1.4600 -0.0330
                                       children [
                                        DEF hanim_r_acromioclavicular Joint {
                                         name           "r_acromioclavicular"
                                         center         -0.0836 1.4281 -0.0401
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_shoulder Joint {
                                           name           "r_shoulder"
                                           center         -0.1907 1.4407 -0.0325
                                           children [
                                            DEF hanim_r_elbow Joint {
                                             name           "r_elbow"
                                             center         -0.1949 1.1388 -0.0620
                                             children [
                                              DEF hanim_r_wrist Joint {
                                               name           "r_wrist"
                                               center         -0.1959 0.8694 -0.0521
                                               children [
                                                DEF hanim_r_thumb1 Joint {
                                                 name           "r_thumb1"
                                                 center         -0.1899 0.8502 -0.0473
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_thumb2 Joint {
                                                   name           "r_thumb2"
                                                   center         -0.1874 0.8256 0.0306
                                                  children [
                                                    DEF hanim_r_thumb3 Joint {
                                                     name           "r_thumb3"
                                                     center         -0.1864 0.8190 0.0506
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_r_thumb_distal Segment {
                                                       name           "r_thumb_distal"
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_thumb_distal_tip Site {
                                                         name           "r_thumb_distal_tip"
                                                         translation    -0.1869 0.8090 0.0820
                                                         children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_thumb_distal Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_thumb3 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "r_index_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_thumb_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_thumb2 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                                                   name           "r_index_proximal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_thumb_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_r_thumb1 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_r_index0 Joint {
                                                 name           "r_index0"
                                                 center         -0.1961 0.8055 -0.0218
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_index1 Joint {
                                                   name           "r_index1"
                                                   center         -0.1961 0.7846 -0.0218
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_r_index2 Joint {
                                                     name           "r_index2"
                                                     center         -0.1954 0.7393 -0.0185
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_r_index3 Joint {
                                                       name           "r_index3"
                                                       center         -0.1945 0.7169 -0.0173
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_index_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "r_index_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_r_index_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "r_index_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    -0.1980 0.6883 -0.0180
                                                           children [
                                                          DEF hanim_r_dactylion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #38
                                                           name           "r_dactylion"
                                                           translation    -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_r_index_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_index3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_r_index_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "r_index_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_index_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_index2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_r_index_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "r_index_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_index_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_index1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_r_index_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "r_index_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_index_metacarpal Segment  
                                                }     # end hanim_r_index0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_r_middle0 Joint {
                                                 name           "r_middle0"
                                                 center         -0.1972 0.8060 -0.0468
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_middle1 Joint {
                                                   name           "r_middle1"
                                                   center         -0.1972 0.7849 -0.0468
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_r_middle2 Joint {
                                                     name           "r_middle2"
                                                     center         -0.1950 0.7304 -0.0441
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_r_middle3 Joint {
                                                       name           "r_middle3"
                                                       center         -0.1939 0.7042 -0.0432
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_middle_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "r_middle_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_r_middle_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "r_middle_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    -0.1969 0.6758 -0.0427
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_r_middle_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_middle3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_r_middle_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "r_middle_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_middle_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_middle2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_r_middle_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "r_middle_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_middle_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_middle1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_r_middle_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "r_middle_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_middle_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_r_middle0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_r_ring0 Joint {
                                                 name           "r_ring0"
                                                 center         -0.1951 0.8049 -0.0732
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_ring1 Joint {
                                                   name           "r_ring1"
                                                   center         -0.1951 0.7845 -0.0732
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_r_ring2 Joint {
                                                     name           "r_ring2"
                                                     center         -0.1920 0.7318 -0.0716
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_r_ring3 Joint {
                                                       name           "r_ring3"
                                                       center         -0.1908 0.7077 -0.0706
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_ring_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "r_ring_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_r_ring_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "r_ring_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    -0.1934 0.6778 -0.0693
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_r_ring_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_ring3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_r_ring_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "r_ring_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_ring_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_ring2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_r_ring_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "r_ring_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_ring_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_ring1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_r_ring_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "r_ring_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_ring_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_r_ring0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_r_pinky0 Joint {
                                                 name           "r_pinky0"
                                                 center         -0.1926 0.8096 -0.0975
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_pinky1 Joint {
                                                   name           "r_pinky1"
                                                   center         -0.1926 0.7896 -0.0975
                                                   children [
                                                    DEF hanim_r_pinky2 Joint {
                                                     name           "r_pinky2"
                                                     center         -0.1902 0.7483 -0.0963
                                                     children [
                                                      DEF hanim_r_pinky3 Joint {
                                                       name           "r_pinky3"
                                                       center         -0.1908 0.7540 -0.0960
                                                       children [
                                                        DEF hanim_r_pinky_distal Segment {
                                                         name           "r_pinky_distal"
                                                         children [
                                                          DEF hanim_r_pinky_distal_tip Site {
                                                           name           "r_pinky_distal_tip"
                                                           translation    -0.1938 0.7035 -0.0949
                                                           children [
                                                        }     # end hanim_r_pinky_distal Segment
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_pinky3 Joint
                                                      DEF hanim_r_pinky_middle Segment {
                                                       name           "r_pinky_middle"
                                                       children [
                                                      }     # end hanim_r_pinky_middle Segment
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_pinky2 Joint
                                                    DEF hanim_r_pinky_proximal Segment {
                                                     name           "r_pinky_proximal"
                                                     children [
                                                    }     # end hanim_r_pinky_proximal Segment
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_pinky1 Joint
                                                  DEF hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal Segment {
                                                   name           "r_pinky_metacarpal"
                                                   children [
                                                  }     # end hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal Segment
                                                }     # end hanim_r_pinky0 Joint
                                                DEF hanim_r_hand Segment {
                                                 name           "r_hand"
                                                 children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #37
                                                   name           "r_metacarpal_pha2"
                                                   translation    -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177
                                                   children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_ulnar_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #39
                                                   name           "r_ulnar_styloid"
                                                   translation    -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584
                                                   children [
                                                  DEF hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #40
                                                   name           "r_metacarpal_pha5"
                                                   translation    -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064
                                                   children [
                                                }     # end hanim_r_hand Segment
                                              }     # end hanim_r_wrist Joint
                                              DEF hanim_r_forearm Segment {
                                               name           "r_forearm"
                                               children [
                                                DEF hanim_r_radial_styloid Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #31
                                                 name           "r_radial_styloid"
                                                 translation    -0.1884 0.8676 -0.0360
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_r_olecranon Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #33
                                                 name           "r_olecranon"
                                                 translation    -0.1907 1.1405 -0.1065
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #35
                                                 name           "r_humeral_medial_epicn"
                                                 translation    -0.1680 1.1298 -0.1062
                                                 children [
                                                DEF hanim_r_radiale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #36
                                                 name           "r_radiale"
                                                 translation    -0.2130 1.1305 -0.1091
                                                 children [
                                              }     # end hanim_r_forearm Segment
                                            }     # end hanim_r_elbow Joint
                                            DEF hanim_r_upperarm Segment {
                                             name           "r_upperarm"
                                             children [
                                              DEF hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #34
                                               name           "r_humeral_lateral_epicn"
                                               translation    -0.2224 1.1517 -0.1033
                                               children [
                                            }     # end hanim_r_upperarm Segment
                                          }     # end hanim_r_shoulder Joint
                                          DEF hanim_r_scapula Segment {
                                           name           "r_scapula"
                                           children [
                                          }     # end hanim_r_scapula Segment
                                        }     # end hanim_r_acromioclavicular Joint
                                        DEF hanim_r_clavicle Segment {
                                         name           "r_clavicle"
                                         children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_clavicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #10
                                           name           "r_clavicale"
                                           translation    -0.0115 1.4943 0.0400
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_acromion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #29
                                           name           "r_acromion"
                                           translation    -0.1905 1.4791 -0.0431
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_axilla_ant Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #30
                                           name           "r_axilla_ant"
                                           translation    -0.1626 1.4072 -0.0031
                                           children [
                                          DEF hanim_r_axilla_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #32
                                           name           "r_axilla_post"
                                           translation    -0.1603 1.4098 -0.0826
                                           children [
                                        }     # end hanim_r_clavicle Segment
                                      }     # end hanim_r_sternoclavicular Joint
                                      DEF hanim_t1 Segment {
                                       name           "t1"
                                       children [
                                        DEF hanim_suprasternale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #11
                                         name           "suprasternale"
                                         translation    0.0084 1.4714 0.0551
                                         children [
                                        DEF hanim_cervicale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #24
                                         name           "cervicale"
                                         translation    0.0064 1.520 -0.0815
                                         children [
                                      }     # end hanim_t1 Segment
                                    }     # end hanim_vt1 Joint
                                    DEF hanim_t2 Segment {
                                     name           "t2"
                                     children [
                                    }     # end hanim_t2 Segment
                                  }     # end hanim_vt2 Joint
                                  DEF hanim_t3 Segment {
                                   name           "t3"
                                   children [
                                  }     # end hanim_t3 Segment
                                }     # end hanim_vt3 Joint
                                DEF hanim_t4 Segment {
                                 name           "t4"
                                 children [
                                }     # end hanim_t4 Segment
                              }     # end hanim_vt4 Joint
                              DEF hanim_t5 Segment {
                               name           "t5"
                               children [
                              }     # end hanim_t5 Segment
                            }     # end hanim_vt5 Joint
                            DEF hanim_t6 Segment {
                             name           "t6"
                             children [
                            }     # end hanim_t6 Segment
                          }     # end hanim_vt6 Joint
                          DEF hanim_t7 Segment {
                           name           "t7"
                           children [
                          }     # end hanim_t7 Segment
                        }     # end hanim_vt7 Joint
                        DEF hanim_t8 Segment {
                         name           "t8"
                         children [
                        }     # end hanim_t8 Segment
                      }     # end hanim_vt8 Joint
                      DEF hanim_t9 Segment {
                       name           "t9"
                       children [
                        DEF hanim_r_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #13
                         name           "r_thelion"
                         translation    -0.0736 1.3385 0.1217
                         children [
                        DEF hanim_l_thelion Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #14
                         name           "l_thelion"
                         translation    0.0918 1.3382 0.1192
                         children [
                      }      # end hanim_t9 Segment
                    }     # end hanim_vt9 Joint
                    DEF hanim_t10 Segment {
                     name           "t10"
                     children [
                      DEF hanim_substernale Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #15
                       name           "substernale"
                       translation    0.0085 1.2995 0.1147
                       children [
                    }      # end hanim_t10 Segment
                  }     # end hanim_vt10 Joint
                  DEF hanim_t11 Segment {
                   name           "t11"
                   children [
                  }     # end hanim_t11 Segment
                }     # end hanim_vt11 Joint
                DEF hanim_t12 Segment {
                 name           "t12"
                 children [
                }     # end hanim_t12 Segment
              }     # end hanim_vt12 Joint
              DEF hanim_l1 Segment {
               name           "l1"
               children [
              }     # end hanim_l1 Segment
            }     # end hanim_vl1 Joint
            DEF hanim_l2 Segment {
             name           "l2"
             children [
              DEF hanim_r_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #16
               name           "r_rib10"
               translation    -0.0711 1.1941 0.1016
               children [
              DEF hanim_l_rib10 Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #18
               name           "l_rib10"
               translation    0.0871 1.1925 0.0992
               children [
              DEF hanim_rib10_midspine Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #25
               name           "rib10_midspine"
               translation    0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113
               children [
            }     # end hanim_l2 Segment
          }     # end hanim_vl2 Joint
          DEF hanim_l3 Segment {
           name           "l3"
           children [
          }     # end hanim_l3 Segment
        }     # end hanim_vl3 Joint
        DEF hanim_l4 Segment {
         name           "l4"
         children [
        }     # end hanim_l4 Segment
      }     # end hanim_vl4 Joint
      DEF hanim_l5 Segment {
       name           "l5"
       children [
        DEF hanim_waist_preferred_post Site {     # CAESAR Feature Point #28
         name           "waist_preferred_post "
         translation    0.2900 1.0915 -0.1091
         children [
        DEF hanim_navel Site {     # HANIM addition to CAESAR Feature Point #76
         name           "navel"
         translation    0.0069 1.0966 0.1017
         children [
      }     # end hanim_l5 Segment
    }     # end hanim_vl5 Joint
    DEF hanim_sacrum Segment {
     name           "sacrum"
     children [
    }     # end hanim_sacrum Segment
  }     # end hanim_HumanoidRoot Joint
 joints [
  USE hanim_HumanoidRoot, USE hanim_sacroiliac, USE hanim_l_hip, 
  USE hanim_l_knee, USE hanim_l_ankle, USE hanim_l_subtalar, 
  USE hanim_l_midtarsal, USE hanim_l_metatarsal, USE hanim_r_hip, 
  USE hanim_r_knee, USE hanim_r_ankle, USE hanim_r_subtalar, 
  USE hanim_r_midtarsal, USE hanim_r_metatarsal, USE hanim_vl5, 
  USE hanim_vl4, USE hanim_vl3, USE hanim_vl2, USE hanim_vl1, 
  USE hanim_vt12, USE hanim_vt11, USE hanim_vt10, USE hanim_vt9, 
  USE hanim_vt8, USE hanim_vt7, USE hanim_vt6, USE hanim_vt5, 
  USE hanim_vt4, USE hanim_vt3, USE hanim_vt2, USE hanim_vt1, 
  USE hanim_vc7, USE hanim_vc6, USE hanim_vc5, USE hanim_vc4, 
  USE hanim_vc3, USE hanim_vc2, USE hanim_vc1, USE hanim_skullbase, 
  USE hanim_l_eyeball_joint, USE hanim_r_eyeball_joint, 
  USE hanim_l_sternoclavicular, USE hanim_l_acromioclavicular, 
  USE hanim_l_shoulder, USE hanim_l_elbow, USE hanim_l_wrist, 
  USE hanim_l_thumb1, USE hanim_l_thumb2, USE hanim_l_thumb3, 
  USE hanim_l_index0, USE hanim_l_index1, USE hanim_l_index2, 
  USE hanim_l_index3, USE hanim_l_middle0, USE hanim_l_middle1, 
  USE hanim_l_middle2, USE hanim_l_middle3, USE hanim_l_ring0, 
  USE hanim_l_ring1, USE hanim_l_ring2, USE hanim_l_ring3, 
  USE hanim_l_pinky0, USE hanim_l_pinky1, USE hanim_l_pinky2, 
  USE hanim_l_pinky3, USE hanim_r_sternoclavicular, 
  USE hanim_r_acromioclavicular, USE hanim_r_shoulder, 
  USE hanim_r_elbow, USE hanim_r_wrist, USE hanim_r_thumb1, 
  USE hanim_r_thumb2, USE hanim_r_thumb3, USE hanim_r_index0, 
  USE hanim_r_index1, USE hanim_r_index2, USE hanim_r_index3, 
  USE hanim_r_middle0, USE hanim_r_middle1, USE hanim_r_middle2, 
  USE hanim_r_middle3, USE hanim_r_ring0, USE hanim_r_ring1, 
  USE hanim_r_ring2, USE hanim_r_ring3, USE hanim_r_pinky0, 
  USE hanim_r_pinky1, USE hanim_r_pinky2, USE hanim_r_pinky3 
 sites [
  USE hanim_l_forefoot_tip, USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha5, 
  USE hanim_l_digit2, USE hanim_l_metatarsal_pha1, 
  USE hanim_l_lateral_malleolus, USE hanim_l_medial_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_l_sphyrion, USE hanim_l_calcaneous_post, 
  USE hanim_l_knee_crease, USE hanim_l_femoral_lateral_epicn, 
  USE hanim_l_femoral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_r_forefoot_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha5, USE hanim_r_digit2, 
  USE hanim_r_metatarsal_pha1, USE hanim_r_lateral_malleolus, 
  USE hanim_r_medial_malleolus, USE hanim_r_sphyrion, 
  USE hanim_r_calcaneous_post, USE hanim_r_knee_crease, 
  USE hanim_r_femoral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_femoral_medial_epicn, 
  USE hanim_r_iliocristale, USE hanim_r_trochanterion, 
  USE hanim_l_iliocristale, USE hanim_l_trochanterion,  USE hanim_r_asis, 
  USE hanim_l_asis, USE hanim_r_psis, USE hanim_l_psis, 
  USE hanim_crotch, USE hanim_skull_tip, USE hanim_sellion, 
  USE hanim_r_infraorbitale, USE hanim_l_infraorbitale, 
  USE hanim_supramenton, USE hanim_r_tragion,
  USE hanim_r_gonion, USE hanim_l_tragion, USE hanim_l_gonion, 
  USE hanim_nuchale, USE hanim_r_neck_base,
  USE hanim_l_neck_base, USE hanim_l_thumb_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_index_distal_tip, USE hanim_l_dactylion, 
  USE hanim_l_middle_distal_tip, USE hanim_l_ring_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_l_pinky_distal_tip, USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha2, 
  USE hanim_l_ulnar_styloid, USE hanim_l_metacarpal_pha5, 
  USE hanim_l_radial_styloid, USE hanim_l_olecranon, 
  USE hanim_l_humeral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_l_radiale, 
  USE hanim_l_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_l_clavicale, 
  USE hanim_l_acromion, USE hanim_l_axilla_ant, 
  USE hanim_l_axilla_post, USE hanim_r_thumb_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_index_distal_tip, USE hanim_r_dactylion, 
  USE hanim_r_middle_distal_tip, USE hanim_r_ring_distal_tip, 
  USE hanim_r_pinky_distal_tip, USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha2, 
  USE hanim_r_ulnar_styloid, USE hanim_r_metacarpal_pha5, 
  USE hanim_r_radial_styloid, USE hanim_r_olecranon, 
  USE hanim_r_humeral_medial_epicn, USE hanim_r_radiale, 
  USE hanim_r_humeral_lateral_epicn, USE hanim_r_clavicale, 
  USE hanim_r_acromion, USE hanim_r_axilla_ant, 
  USE hanim_r_axilla_post, USE hanim_suprasternale, 
  USE hanim_cervicale, USE hanim_r_thelion, 
  USE hanim_l_thelion, USE hanim_substernale, 
  USE hanim_r_rib10, USE hanim_l_rib10,
  USE hanim_rib10_midspine, USE hanim_waist_preferred_post, 
  USE hanim_navel
 segments [
  USE hanim_l_forefoot, USE hanim_l_middistal, USE hanim_l_midproximal,
  USE hanim_l_hindfoot, USE hanim_l_calf, USE hanim_l_thigh,
  USE hanim_r_forefoot, USE hanim_r_middistal, USE hanim_r_midproximal,
  USE hanim_r_hindfoot, USE hanim_r_calf, USE hanim_r_thigh,
  USE hanim_pelvis, USE hanim_l_eyeball, USE hanim_r_eyeball,
  USE hanim_skull, USE hanim_c1, USE hanim_c2, USE hanim_c3,
  USE hanim_c4, USE hanim_c5, USE hanim_c6, USE hanim_c7,
  USE hanim_l_thumb_distal, USE hanim_l_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_index_proximal, USE hanim_l_index_distal,
  USE hanim_l_index_middle, USE hanim_l_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_index_metacarpal, USE hanim_l_middle_distal,
  USE hanim_l_middle_middle, USE hanim_l_middle_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_middle_metacarpal, USE hanim_l_ring_distal,
  USE hanim_l_ring_middle, USE hanim_l_ring_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_ring_metacarpal, USE hanim_l_pinky_distal,
  USE hanim_l_pinky_middle, USE hanim_l_pinky_proximal,
  USE hanim_l_pinky_metacarpal, USE hanim_l_hand, USE hanim_l_forearm,
  USE hanim_l_upperarm, USE hanim_l_scapula, USE hanim_l_clavicle,
  USE hanim_r_thumb_distal, USE hanim_r_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_index_proximal, USE hanim_r_index_distal,
  USE hanim_r_index_middle, USE hanim_r_index_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_index_metacarpal, USE hanim_r_middle_distal,
  USE hanim_r_middle_middle, USE hanim_r_middle_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_middle_metacarpal, USE hanim_r_ring_distal,
  USE hanim_r_ring_middle, USE hanim_r_ring_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_ring_metacarpal, USE hanim_r_pinky_distal,
  USE hanim_r_pinky_middle, USE hanim_r_pinky_proximal,
  USE hanim_r_pinky_metacarpal, USE hanim_r_hand, USE hanim_r_forearm,
  USE hanim_r_upperarm, USE hanim_r_scapula, USE hanim_r_clavicle,
  USE hanim_t1, USE hanim_t2, USE hanim_t3, USE hanim_t4,
  USE hanim_t5, USE hanim_t6, USE hanim_t7, USE hanim_t8,
  USE hanim_t9, USE hanim_t10, USE hanim_t11, USE hanim_t12,
  USE hanim_l1, USE hanim_l2, USE hanim_l3, USE hanim_l4,
  USE hanim_l5, USE hanim_sacrum
 version "200x"
 name "humanoid"
 info [
  "authorName=Matthew T. Beitler"
  "authorEmail=beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org"
  "copyright=Copyright 1999-2003, Matthew T. Beitler"
  "humanoidVersion=JointCenters 200x, LOA3"
    AUTHOR IS INCLUDED.  This humanoid scene graph is provided
    'as-is' and without warranty of any kind, express, implied
    or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of
    merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose."

DEF JointCenters_WorldInfo Group
 children [
   title "HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, LOA3"
   info [ "
     HANIM 200x Default Joint Centers, Level-Of-Articulation 3
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author name:
       eMpTy (a.k.a. Matthew T. Beitler)
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author email:
       beitler@cis.upenn.edu or beitler@acm.org
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Author homepage:
     HANIM 200x (VRML97) Compliance Date:
       August 12, 2003
     HANIM 200x Compliance Information:
     Construction Info (joint centers):
      The joint centers of this figure are based on the 
      work of Norman Badler, director of the Center for
      Human Modeling and Simulation at the University of
      Pennsylvania.  The original document which these
      joint centers are based on can be found at:

 headlight TRUE
 speed 1.5
 type ["EXAMINE", "ANY"]
--- H-Anim separator bar ---