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Humanoid animation

Annex C


VRML binding

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cube C.1 General

C.1.1 Introduction

This annex specifies the functionality of this International Standard as a set of VRML prototypes that can be instantiated as nodes within a VRML world. VRML is specified in ISO/IEC 14772-1.

C.1.2 Topics

Table C.1 lists the topics of this annex.

Table C.1 — Topics

cube C.2 Humanoid

PROTO Humanoid [
   field           SFVec3f     bboxCenter            0 0 0
   field           SFVec3f     bboxSize              -1 -1 -1
   exposedField    SFVec3f     center                0 0 0
   exposedField    MFString    info                  [ ]
   exposedField    MFNode      joints                [ ]
   exposedField    SFString    name                  ""
   exposedField    SFRotation  rotation              0 0 1 0
   exposedField    SFVec3f     scale                 1 1 1
   exposedField    SFRotation  scaleOrientation      0 0 1 0
   exposedField    MFNode      segments              [ ]
   exposedField    MFNode      sites                 [ ]
   exposedField    MFNode      skeleton              [ ]
   exposedField    MFNode      skin                  [ ]
   exposedField    SFNode      skinCoord             NULL
   exposedField    SFNode      skinNormal            NULL
   exposedField    SFVec3f     translation           0 0 0
   exposedField    SFString    version               "2.0"
   exposedField    MFNode      viewpoints            [ ]

The name field provides a name for the Humanoid node, by which it can be identified by an application at runtime. That name shall also be used as the DEF name of the Humanoid node itself, but with a distinguishing prefix in front of it. That prefix can be anything, but shall be the same for all the Humanoid nodes in a particular humanoid. The name field shall be present, so that the humanoid can be identified at runtime.

The geometry of an H-Anim figure can be described in two ways. The first way is within the scene graph of the joint hierarchy, which is described in the skeleton field of the Humanoid node. Geometry defined within Segment nodes of this joint hierarchy describe the body as separate geometric pieces. This method, while computationally efficient, has certain visual anomalies (such as seams or creases) that detract from the appearance of the H-Anim figure. The second way of describing the geometry of an H-Anim figure is as a continuous piece of geometry, within the skin field of the Humanoid node. For this method, point and normal vector data sets are first defined in the skinCoord and skinNormal fields (in the form of Coordinate and Normal nodes, respectively). This data is defined in this manner to allow it to be referenced by two different entities within the definition of the Humanoid node. The first entitiy is one or more IndexedFaceSet nodes that define the surface of the geometry of the humanoid within the skin field.  In most cases, this surface will be a single IndexedFaceSet node. However, the surface can also be defined as multiple IndexedFaceSet nodes. It is possible that depending on the implementation of the IndexedFaceSet nodes and the configuration of the H-Anim figure, multiple IndexedFaceSet nodes may provide better performance by isolating the continuous mesh changes to localized surfaces.

cube C.3 Joint

PROTO Joint [
    exposedField     SFVec3f      center              0 0 0
    exposedField     MFNode       children            [ ]
    exposedField     MFFloat      llimit              [ ]
    exposedField     SFRotation   limitOrientation    0 0 1 0
    exposedField     SFString     name                ""
    exposedField     SFRotation   rotation            0 0 1 0
    exposedField     SFVec3f      scale               1 1 1
    exposedField     SFRotation   scaleOrientation    0 0 1 0
    exposedField     MFInt32      skinCoordIndex      [ ]
    exposedField     MFFloat      skinCoordWeight     [ ]
    exposedField     MFFloat      stiffness           [ 0 0 0 ]
    exposedField     SFVec3f      translation         0 0 0
    exposedField     MFFloat      ulimit              [ ]

The name field is used for identifying the joints at runtime.  Each Joint object shall have a name that matches the name field for that Joint object, but with a distinguishing prefix in front of it. That prefix can be anything, but shall be the same for all the Joint nodes in a particular humanoid. The distinguishing prefix is useful in the case of static routing to the Joint nodes of multiple humanoids in the same representation. If only a single humanoid is stored in a VRML file, the prefix shall be “hanim_” (for Humanoid Animation).

EXAMPLE The left shoulder would have a name of "hanim_l_shoulder". 

The name is used for static routing, which typically connects OrientationInterpolator nodes in the humanoid representation to the joints. The name field shall be present, so that applications are able to identify the Joint node at runtime.

cube C.4 Segment

PROTO Segment [
    field            SFVec3f      bboxCenter        0 0 0
    field            SFVec3f      bboxSize          -1 -1 -1
    exposedField     SFVec3f      centerOfMass      0 0 0
    exposedField     MFNode       children          [ ]
    exposedField     SFNode       coord             NULL
    exposedField     MFNode       displacers        [ ]
    exposedField     SFFloat      mass              -1
    exposedField     MFFloat      momentsOfInertia  [ 0 0 0
                                                      0 0 0
                                                      0 0 0 ]

    exposedField     SFString     name              ""
    eventIn          MFNode       addChildren
    eventIn          MFNode       removeChildren

The name field shall be present, so that the Segment node can be identified at runtime. The name field is used for identifying the Segment nodes at runtime. Each Segment node shall have a name that matches the name field for that Segment node, but with a distinguishing prefix in front of it. That prefix can be anything, but shall be the same for all the Segment nodes in a particular humanoid. The distinguishing prefix is useful in the case of static routing to the Segment nodes of multiple humanoids in the same file. If only a single humanoid is stored in a file, the prefix shall be “hanim_” (for Humanoid Animation).

EXAMPLE The left thigh would have a name of “hanim_l_thigh”.

The name is used for static routing and the name field, which shall be present, is used by applications to identify the Segment node at runtime.

cube C.5 Site

PROTO Site [
    exposedField     SFVec3f      center            0 0 0
    exposedField     MFNode       children          [ ]
    exposedField     SFString     name              ""
    exposedField     SFRotation   rotation          0 0 1 0
    exposedField     SFVec3f      scale             1 1 1
    exposedField     SFRotation   scaleOrientation  0 0 1 0
    exposedField     SFVec3f      translation       0 0 0
    eventIn          MFNode       addChildren
    eventIn          MFNode       removeChildren

The name field shall be present, so that the Site node can be identified at runtime. The name field is used for identifying the Site objects at runtime. If used as an end effector, the Site node shall have a name consisting of the name of the Segment node to which it is attached, with a “_tip” suffix appended.

EXAMPLE The end effector Site node on the right index finger would be named “r_index_distal_tip”, and the Site node would be a child of the “r_index_distal” Segment object.

Site nodes that are used to define camera locations shall have a “_view” suffix appended. Site nodes that are not end effectors and not camera locations shall have a “_pt” suffix. Site nodes that are required by an application but are not defined in this International Standard shall be prefixed with “x_”. Each Site node shall have a name that matches the name field for that Site node, but with a distinguishing prefix in front of it. That prefix can be anything, but shall be the same for all the Site nodes in a particular humanoid. The distinguishing prefix is useful in the case of static routing to the Site nodes of multiple humanoids in the same file. If only a single humanoid is stored in a file, the prefix shall be “hanim_”.

EXAMPLE The right index finger would have a name of "hanim_r_index_distal_tip".  

The name is used for static routing and the name field, which shall be present, is used by applications to identify the Site node at runtime.

cube C.6 Displacer

PROTO displacer [
    exposedField MFInt32  coordIndex     [ ]
    exposedField MFVec3f  displacements  [ ]
    exposedField SFString name           ""
    exposedField SFFloat  weight         0.0

The name field provides a name for the Displacer node, by which it can be identified by an application at runtime. That name shall also be used as the DEF name of the Displacer node itself, but with a distinguishing prefix in front of it. That prefix can be anything, but shall be the same for all the Displacer nodes in a particular humanoid. The name field shall be present, so that the Displacer node can be identified at runtime.  Displacer nodes that are used to identify features shall have a name with a “_feature” suffix. Displacer nodes that are used to move a feature shall be given a name with an “_action” suffix, usually with an additional pre-suffix to indicate the kind of motion (such as “l_eyebrow_raiser_action”). Displacer nodes that correspond to a particular configuration of the vertices shall have a “_config” suffix.

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