Extensible 3D (X3D)
Part 1: Architecture and base components
ISO/IEC 19775-1:2004
This document is ISO/IEC FDIS 19775-1:2004, Extensible 3D (X3D). The full title of this part of
the International Standard is: Information technology — Computer graphics
and image processing — Extensible 3D (X3D)
— Part 1: Architecture and base
The Foreword provides background on the standards process for
X3D. The Introduction describes the purpose, design criteria,
and functional characteristics of X3D. The following clauses define Part 1 of
ISO/IEC 19775:
- Scope defines the problem area that X3D addresses.
- Normative references lists the normative standards referenced
in this part of ISO/IEC 19775.
- Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations contains the glossary of terminology used in this
part of ISO/IEC 19775.
- Concepts describes the workings of the X3D runtime system.
- Field type reference describes the fundamental data types
in X3D.
- Conformance describes the conformance requirements for X3D
- Core component provides a detailed specification of the Core
component of X3D.
- Time component provides a detailed specification of the Time
component of X3D.
- Networking component provides a detailed specification of the
Networking component of X3D.
- Grouping component provides a detailed specification of the
Grouping component of X3D.
- Rendering component provides a detailed specification of the
Rendering component of X3D.
- Shape component provides a detailed specification of the
Shape component of X3D.
- Geometry3D component provides a detailed specification of
the Geometry3D component of X3D.
- Geometry2D component provides a detailed specification of
the Geometry2D component of X3D.
- Text provides a detailed specification of the Text component of X3D.
- Sound component provides a detailed specification of the
Time component of X3D.
- Lighting component provides a detailed specification of the
Lighting component of X3D.
- Texturing component provides a detailed specification of the
Texturing component of X3D.
- Interpolation component provides a detailed specification of
the Interpolation component of X3D.
- Pointing device sensor component provides a detailed
specification of the Pointing device sensor component of X3D.
- Key device sensor component provides a detailed
specification of the Key device sensor component of X3D.
- Environmental sensor component provides a detailed
specification of the Environmental sensor component of X3D.
- Navigation component provides a detailed specification of
the Navigation component of X3D.
- Environmental effects component provides a detailed
specification of the Environmental effects component of X3D.
- Geospatial component provides a detailed specification of
the Geospatial component of X3D.
- Humanoid animation (H-Anim) component provides a detailed
specification of the Humanoid animation (H-Anim) component of X3D.
- NURBS component provides a detailed specification of the
NURBS component of X3D.
- Distributed interactive simulation (DIS) component provides a detailed specification of the DIS
component of X3D.
- Scripting component provides a detailed specification of the
Scripting component of X3D.
- Event utilities component provides a detailed specification of
the Event utilities component of X3D.
There are several annexes included in the specification:
- Core proflie defines a minimal subset of X3D functionality
that contstitutes the Core profile.
- Interchange profile defines the proper subset of X3D
functionality that constitutes the Interchange profile.
- Interactive profile defines the proper subset of X3D
functionality that constitutes the Interactive profile.
- MPEG-4 interactive profile defines the proper subset of X3D
functionality that constitutes the MPEG-4 interactive profile.
- Immersive profile defines the proper subset of X3D
functionality that corresponds to the base profile defined in ISO/IEC 14772-1.
- Full profile defines the proper subset of X3D functionality
that constitutes the Full profile.
- Recommended navigation behaviours specifies some recommended
behaviours that may be adopted by browser implementers.
Bibliography lists the informative, non-standard topics referenced
in this part of ISO/IEC 19775.Component index lists the
available components defined in this part of ISO/IEC 19775 in alphabetical order
with hyperlinks to their respective definitions.
Profile index lists the profiles defined in this part of ISO/IEC
19775 in alphabetical order with hyperlinks to their respective definitions.
Node index lists the nodes defined in this part of ISO/IEC
19775 in alphabetical order with hyperlinks to their respective definitions.