Humanoid animation (H-Anim)
This document is ISO/IEC 19774:2005, Humanoid animation (H-Anim). The full title of this International Standard is: Information technology — Computer graphics
and image processing — Humanoid animation (H-Anim).
The Foreword provides background on the standards process for
H-Anim. The Introduction describes the purpose, design criteria,
and functional characteristics of H-Anim. The following clauses define this
International Standard:
- Scope defines the problem area that H-Anim addresses.
- Normative references lists the normative standards
referenced in this International Standard.
- Definitions contains the
glossary of terminology used in this International Standard.
- Concepts describes the overall design of humanoid animation.
- Abstract data types describes the fundamental data types
in H-Anim.
- Object interfaces specifies the details of interfaces to
each H-Anim object.
- Conformance describes the conformance requirements for H-Anim
There are several annexes included in the specification:
- Suggested body dimensions and levels of articulation
specifies values to that ensure interoperability of humanoid objects.
- Feature points for the human body specifies values that
ensure interoperability of human body representations.
- VRML binding specifies a mapping of the abstract H-Anim
objects to VRML nodes.
- X3D binding specifies the location of a mapping of the
abstract H-Anim objects in the form of an X3D component.
- Guidelines for H-Anim in VRML and X3D worlds provides
techniques for using H-Anim figures in VMRL and X3D.
Bibliography lists the informative, non-standard topics referenced
in this International Standard.