[Korea-chapter] [X3D] Korea chapter meeting, February 8th, 5:10pm PST (February 9th, 10:10am Korea)
Don Brutzman
brutzman at nps.edu
Mon Feb 8 18:06:21 PST 2010
Attendees: Myeong Won Lee, Gun Lee, Dick Puk, Don Brutzman
Minutes follow.
Myeong Won Lee wrote:
> The agenda items are as follows:
> 1. New WG proposals update
> 1) Mixed Reality WG, proposed by Gerard Jounghyun Kim (Korea University)
> Finally, Gerard and Gun met with Johannes and Michael on the
> Web3D teleconference line last week.
> Following are the minutes provided by Gun:
> [...]
> >- We all agreed that extending Web3D to support MR/AR topics is
> very interesting and important,
> > and it seems it is about the right time to start up a working
> group to make official progresses in this field.
> >
> >- All of us agreed to participate in the new working group,
> starting up.
> >- Gerard Kim is preparing for a draft version of the charter for
> the new working group,
> > and a draft version of unified proposal that converges both
> proposals from Fraunhofer and Korean parties.
> > He will mail out these documents as soon as they get ready.
> > (At the moment, it seems he might need a week or two to finish.)
> >
> >- Michael introduced x3dom.org which is one of the latest work
> from Fraunhofer IGD that
> >implements X3D with JavaScript and WebGL. It could be one of the
> nice platforms for prototyping our proposals.
> >
> >- We will be discussing further details through e-mails,
> > and if needed, would also try to make another conference call.
> [...]
Thank you for this detailed report. It is great to hear that this work
is continuing.
It would seem that this activity can continue without the need to create
a new working group - that is a bunch of extra work that might slow things
down. I hope we can simply continue these efforts as part of X3D Working
Group activities. Special-focus meetings can continue to be scheduled
to support such work. Please consider this possibility and discuss
further with Johannes. For example, it might be better to first attract
more people and get some momentum before trying to get formal approval
as a separate working group. We will be happy to support in either case,
so a proposal will also be welcome when you decide the time is right for
that step.
> 2) e-Learning WG, proposed by Yong-Sang Cho (KERIS, Korea Education
> and Research
> Information Service) and Kwan-Hee Yoo (Chungbuk National University)
> We suggest that the standardization items be as follows:
> - X3D Textbook
> - X3D Textbook UI
> We will send out a call for participation via the X3D email list
> to join the new WG.
We look forward to reviewing this draft and helping to write it.
May I recommend that you start by describing goals and also
already-existing assets that would help pursue this problem.
This would be a good topic for email discussion, maybe first on the
x3d at web3D.org member list and then decide if it is appropriate for
the public list.
Perhaps our next Korea teleconference might focus on this topic?
> 2. Progress of new proposals
> 1) Units proposal (Myeong Won Lee)
> - Updates for the unit statement: X3D schema expansion, unit X3D
> examples, and the unit browser
Myeong Won Lee has built an extension schema for unit nodes and will post
it soon, along with updated examples and an updated units browser. It will
appear on the X3D Physical Units wiki site:
We still need to begin work on an official draft X3D v3.3 schema. Don will
be working on that when time permits. Placeholder link added to
Myeong Won mentioned that she is also looking at units in the DICOM standard.
Probably we should ask the Web3D Medical working group to look at and comment
on the X3D Physical Units Proposal. Dick, Leonard Daly and Michael Aratow
will be meeting with DICOM next week at the SPIE conference in San Diego.
Of possible related interest is a new OASIS technical committee:
OASIS Quantities and Units of Measure Ontology Standard (QUOMOS) TC
> 2) Projective texture mapping (Kwan-Hee Yoo)
> 3) Mixed reality visualization (Gun Lee)
> 4) CAD translation to X3D (Pranveer Singh Rathore and Soonhung Han)
> 5) H-Anim motion data definition (Myeong Won Lee)
> 6) Mobile X3D functions (Myeong Won Lee)
> 7) Geometric medical data (Kwan Hee Yoo)
> 8) X3D Digital Textbook (Kwan Hee Yoo)
No new information to add.
> 3. SC24 Mobile X3D SG Workshop, June 27 (Sunday), 2 - 6 pm, 2010, Busan,
> Korea
> The first SC24 Mobile X3D SG Workshop will be held the day before
> the SC24 Meeting.
> The SC24 Plenary and WG Meetings will be held June 28 - July 2, 2010
> in Busan, Korea.
> One more comment on this item:
> We suggest that this study group pursues only the advancement of
> standardization technology
> and new proposals for mobile graphics standardization. This is our
> reason for having the
> SG workshop co-located with SC24 meetings. We anticipate, then,
> that there will be much more
> participation in the workshop by people involved in national
> standardization.
This all sounds great. More information is available on the public wiki
> 4. 2010 SIGGRAPH participation plan
> We would like to participate in 2010 SIGGRAPH if we may have time to
> discuss our proposals
> with the X3D WG. We would like to have about 3 hours for a Korea
> chapter meeting
> to present and discuss existing and new proposals. Is this type of
> participation possible?
This can occur
- as part of Web3D Symposium (which has a busy schedule)
- as Birds of a Feather (BOF) during SIGGRAPH itself (which is best approach)
Anita Havele is scheduling SIGGRAPH BOF meetings for Web3D Consortium.
I expect that she will be glad to schedule this BOF for you.
There will likely be a public Web3D Consortium Member Meeting at the
symposium, and they will want to have a short summary from the Korea Chapter
of all your many activities.
> If this is permitted, we would need a seminar room with a capacity
> of about 20 people,
> with Internet access, an LCD projector, electrical outlets, and
> tables and chairs.
This is all OK.
> We would like to know what the attendance fee would be for this type
> of participation.
Attendance is free for SIGGRAPH attendees (which requires a separate
registration). http://www.siggraph.org/s2010
We are also wondering if the Korea chapter members would like to be
part of a Web3D booth on the SIGGRAPH show floor. Once again our
Executive Director Anita Havele can provide details about this opportunity.
This is a good way for companies to show what they are doing. Please
inform the Korea Chapter members about this possibility.
> 5. Next Korean chapter meeting time
> February 22, Monday, at 5:10pm PST (February 23, Tuesday, at 9:10pm
> Korea time)
> OR
> March 8, Monday, at 5:10pm PST (March 9, Tuesday, at 9:10pm Korea time)
Both of these dates sound good, let's do both. If possible, please focus
on the X3D learning topic for one meeting (preferably February 22-23) and
then all the other topics for March 8-9.
all the best, Don
Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270 MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA work +1.831.656.2149
X3D, virtual worlds, underwater robots, XMSF http://web.nps.navy.mil/~brutzman
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