[Korea-chapter] [X3D] H-Anim WG meeting, August 21, 5:00pm PDT (22nd, 9:00am KST)

Myeong Won Lee myeongwonlee at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 21:58:46 PDT 2013

Gun Lee attended at the meeting. See below.

>Attendees: Myeong Won Lee, Kwan Hee Yoo, Joe Williiams, William Glascoe,
Dick Puk, Don Brutzman,

>(at end) Gerry Kim.

Attendees: Myeong Won Lee, Kwan Hee Yoo, Joe Williiams, William Glascoe,
Dick Puk, Don Brutzman,

(at end) Gun Lee (from New Zealand)

The materials of the two new proposals (H-Anim Facial Animation, and H-Anim
Hands and Feet Animation), presented at the H-Anim WG meeting in Anaheim as
well as this meeting, have been upload to the H-Anim Wiki. Login to Member
wiki is necessary before downloading the files.





On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) <
brutzman at nps.navy.mil> wrote:

>  (good meeting but limited minutes today, sorry)
> Attendees:  Myeong Won Lee, Kwan Hee Yoo, Joe Williiams, William Glascoe,
> Dick Puk, Don Brutzman, (at end) Gerry Kim.
> 1.  the plan listed here sounds great.
> Joe and I may send avatars to meetings on off days.  8)
> 2.  thanks for the wonderful model updates.  astounding progress:  Chul
> passed all validaton tests!!  Wow!!  Very impressive.  8)
> from discussion, here are some translator comments:
> - please use .x3d (not .X3D) as filename suffix
> - please use X3D version="3.3"
> - do not use rotation='0 0 0 0' since that is not a legal value
> - please do not use DEF="hanim_etc." rather use character name DEF="Chul"
> etc.  this will let authors copy them into one file.
> I will work on adding these to the model archive and provide further
> translator comments.  Again thank you.
> 3. not sure yet about the resolution problem... will think about it.
> wondering if some 3DS Max values or settings are not getting translated
> into X3D properly, perhaps a misunderstanding exists.
> creaseAngle discussion..
> - it is an authoring choice.  yes, sometimes tools offer this as a
> feature.  it is hard to come up with a single rule that is always correct.
> - here is tooltip:
> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/X3dTooltips.html#IndexedFaceSet
> *creaseAngle* *[creaseAngle accessType initializeOnly<http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/X3dTooltips.html#accessType>,
> type SFFloat <http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/X3dTooltips.html#type>CDATA "0"] [0,∞)
> *
> creaseAngle defines angle (in radians) for determining whether adjacent
> polygons are drawn with sharp edges or smooth shading. If angle between
> normals of two adjacent polygons is less than creaseAngle, smooth shading
> is rendered across the shared line segment.
> *Hint:* creaseAngle=0 means render all edges sharply, creaseAngle=3.14159
> means render all edges smoothly.
> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/X3dTooltipsKorean.html#IndexedFaceSet
> *creaseAngle* *[creaseAngle accessType initializeOnly<http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/X3dTooltipsKorean.html#accessType>,
> type SFFloat<http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/X3dTooltipsKorean.html#type>CDATA "0"] [0,infinity)
> *
> creaseAngle은 인접한 폴리곤이 날카로운 변두리 혹은 유연한 음영이 그려질때 각(라디안)을 정의 한다. 만약 두 인접한
> 폴리곤의 법선이 creaseAngle 보다 작다면, 유연한 음영은 공통의 라인 구분을 지나면서 표현한다 .
> Interchange profile  *Hint:* only 0 and 긫 radians supported.
> *Hint:* creaseAngle=0 은 모든 변두리를 예리하게 표현하는것을 의미하고, creaseAngle=3.14는 모든
> 변두리를 유연하게 표현하는것을 의미한다 .
> creaseAngle has nothing to do with the geometry, it changes how the
> geometry is drawn.
> example use in an H-Anim model:  Jin might have creaseAngle='0' for
> showing every crease and fold in the Shape nodes for the shorts, then use
> creaseAngle='3.14159' for showing smooth legs.
> Further discussion available in our _X3D for Web Authors_ book, slides and
> videos.
> http://x3dgraphics.com/slidesets/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter06-GeometryPointsLinesPolygons.pdf
> 4.  human behaviors:  we had a spirited discussion about names, confusion,
> roll/pitch/yaw, etc.
> Joes extension of some basic behaviors in the original NPS interface for
> Nancy are good.  Even if some are confusable, they are valid X3D and legal
> authoring choices.
> Maybe we can improve them to avoid confusion... Joe I'm happy to help.
> William mentioned medical animations - this is a promising direction to
> explore.
> Congratulations everyone, we have begun working on the future challenges!
> 5.  Preparations for ISO Sydney meeting are well along and nearly complete.
> Kwan Hee Yoo has a wonderful slideset.  He presented highlights to us.
> After the meeting, Myeong Won Lee will ensure that all presentation
> slidesets are on wiki.
> - lots of interesting discussion
> - small note: your presentation .pdf slide 11 appears to be missing an
> image.  perhaps slide 16 is missing an image too??
> - of interest: slide 12 shows a foot with all bones labeled similarly to
> H-Anim specification, with annotations both in English and Korean... Kwan
> Hee Yoo is searching for Unicode translations in many different languages.
> that will let us automate skeleton annotations for any language, both in
> tools and in H-Anim models themselves if desired.
> We communicated that full-fidelity models are very important, we are
> striving for anatomical correctness.  Any subset models for animation must
> be strict subsets and not different.  Then the H-Anim Level Of Articulation
> (LOA) models can be added cumulatively.
> It was not clear from this slideset what joints are missing from H-Anim
> 1.1 so please list the changes if possible.
> Thanks from everyone for the great work.
> 6.  We agreed to follow schedule listed below.
> Corrections to minutes are welcome.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* X3d [x3d-bounces at web3d.org] on behalf of Myeong Won Lee [
> mwlee at suwon.ac.kr]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 20, 2013 8:55 PM
> *To:* h-anim at web3d.org
> *Cc:* korea-chapter at web3d.org; x3d at web3d.org
> *Subject:* [X3D] H-Anim WG meeting, August 21, 5:00pm PDT (22nd, 9:00am
> KST)
>    The H-Anim WG meeting will be held with agenda items as follows:
> (Please add your agenda items that you would like to discuss)
> 1. Regular meeting times
>     On August 7, Joe mentioned:
>     >Let's meet every Wednesday.
>     >Once a month is not enough for what we need to do.
>     Based on Joe's request, the regular H-Anim meeting will be held every
> Wednesday at 5pm PDT.
>     I may or may not be able to attend each week, due to the inflexibility
> of my work schedule.  If I have no other meetings (e.g. Korea Chapter, CAD,
> AR, e-Learning) to attend in a given week, I will attend the H-Anim WG
> meeting.
>     However, I encourage any H-Anim WG member to give prior notice and
> hold an H-Anim WG meeting whenever they feel it is necessary to speed up
> the progression of agenda items.
> 2. Th e 10  H-Anim game characters
>     - updated and uploaded to the H-Anim Wiki
>     http://web3d.org/wiki/index.php/H-Anim#Resources
> http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/documents/navega.php?PHPSESSID=fe89f0184573c6c3409ecbd4a9b3697f&dir=.%2FH-Anim%20WG
> http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/documents/accion.php?PHPSESSID=fe89f0184573c6c3409ecbd4a9b3697f&dir=.%2FH-Anim%20WG%2FAll10Characters
>        All characters have been scaled with (scale 0.0225 0.0225 0.0225).
>        All characters display properly in both BS Contact and Octaga.
>        However, I still don't fully understand why we have to manually
> insert this scaling into the x3d files.
>     - personalitiies requested by Don ==> under consideration.  These will
> be fabricated as the characters were generated as generic avatars for a VR
> edutainment game with no distinct personality traits at the time of
> generation.
> 3. Resolution problem in wrl and x3d
>     - resolution comparison between max, wrl, and x3d
>     - Ideally, general graphics tools should generate wrl files with high
> resolution
>     - or, wrl and x3d browsers should display them in high resolution
>     - or, the wrl-to-x3d converter should insert the creaseAngle value?
>     Should the wrl-to-x3d H-Anim conversion include a value for
> creaseAngle?
>     How should this value be determined?
> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Conformance/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/_pages/page21.html
>     <IndexedFaceSet colorPerVertex='false' creaseAngle='6.27'
> colorIndex='0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Conformance/Geometry/IndexedFaceSet/_pages/page20.html
>     <IndexedFaceSet colorPerVertex='false' creaseAngle='1.5' colorIndex='0
> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
> 4. H-Anim behaviours
>    - Questions about pitch, yaw, and roll among the behaviours
> 5. H-Anim presentations at the SC24 Sydney Meeting, August 26-30, 2013
>     1) H-Anim specification revision (NWIPs and WD Outlines) and current
> status of H-Anim developments, Myeong Won Lee
>     2) H-Anim facial animation, Jung-Ju Choi
>     3) H-Anim hands and feet animation, Kwan-Hee Yoo  (Kwan-Hee Yoo will
> talk about this topic)
> 6. Scheduling next meeting
>    We will skip next week’s meeting due to the SC24 Sydney meeting.
>    Therefore, the next H-Anim WG meeting meeting will be held on (1st Wed)
> September 4th at 5:00pm PDT (5th, 9:00am KST)
> Sincerely,
> Myeong
> _______________________________________________
> Korea-chapter mailing list
> Korea-chapter at web3d.org
> http://web3d.org/mailman/listinfo/korea-chapter_web3d.org

Myeong Won Lee
Dept. of Information Media, College of IT, U. of Suwon
Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 445-743 Korea
Tel) +82-31-220-2313, +82-10-8904-4634
E-mail) mwlee at suwon.ac.kr
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