[Korea-chapter] [h-anim] H-Anim Skin Drawn in Skeleton Space with Joint Bindings
Joe D Williams
joedwil at earthlink.net
Sat Feb 2 10:51:20 PST 2013
> Joe encourages the use of the displacer node in the development of
> the
MPEG4 Facial Animation Parameters (FAP) (Active Appearance Model)
Regardless of all that FAP stuff, the Displacer node is a way to move
geometry vertices associated with joint or segments in addition to the
joint and/or segment movements.
Since dispalcaers were first specified in h-anim 1.1 for use with
segment geometry, then updated to work with deformable skin h-anim2,
there is likely good implementation experience in several X3D tools.
That I know of, BSContact has implemented the Displacer.
Please see
ISO/IEC FCD 19774 — Humanoid animation (H-Anim)
Displacers produce the effect upon either the geometry associated with
a Segment, or to geometry associated with a Joint. For segment
geometry, the weight is 1; for skin geometry associated with a Joint,
the weight is given in the Joint skincorrdweight field.
Maybe we all need to review history and current web3D and mpg4
relationship, but in effect, mpeg4 took the lead in defining the
'standard' facial surface feature names and typical locations along
with detailed definitons of 'standard' names for 'standard'
animations, including speech phenomes and other recognizable behaviors
in high anticipation of wide adoption of mpeg tools and applications.
This was when the h-anim appendix B listing of 'standard' names for
gestures and speech disappeared from the h-anim specs. Since then much
work has been done, both in the open and proprietary in and out of
sight except for paying customers/subscribers. Our X3D H-Anim
character is wide open for discovery of open best practices,
development and documentation of any internal/external feature point
animation open techniques and technology.
Displacer nodes can be used to animate any geometry anywhere on or in
the h-anim character without any limits. An X3D author can create and
document any sort of animation conceivable and call it anything the
author desires and show it anywhere for free. In order for these
animations to be transportable without complex processing and some
guesses, the 'skin' must also be transportable. Transportable skin
means that the same vertex, or set of vertices, serve the same
'standard' feature point in a similar location.
This requirement is similar to the requirements of transporting
skeletal animations where the skeleton must be same or similar with a
predictable fail for missing hierarchy. Same of similar doesn't
necessarily mean the same size, it rellates to the hierarchy. So, the
transportable skin does not need to be the same 'size' but the skin
really Must have the same number of points in typical locations or
else the indexing will not work at all or as expected.
That is why we need various 'standard' X3D h-anim skins drawn in
typical 'human' spacetime -- I mean X3D h-anim typical skeleton space.
Thank You All and Best Regards,
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [h-anim] H-Anim Skin Drawn in Skeleton Space with Joint
>> Myeong asked about the coordinate system origin of the H-Anim
>> character.
>> Joe answers, sole of the feet in the middle of the feet.
> Of course the main idea here is that we build the realistic h-anim
> character example skeleton in 'human' space with 'human' dimensions.
> Thus the specification example typical locations of joints and
> feature
> points are given in the coordinate system of a typical human,
> starting
> from the floor where it stands, with xyz = 0,0,0 at about the center
> of the body left/right/front/back, at the standing surface between
> the
> feet, with +x to the left, +y up, and facing +z , extending to the
> top
> of the skull.
> All the Best,
> Joe
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joe D Williams" <joedwil at earthlink.net>
> To: "Sandy Ressler" <sressler at nist.gov>
> Cc: <h-anim at web3d.org>; <korea-chapter at web3d.org>; <x3d at web3d.org>
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 2:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [h-anim] H-Anim Skin Drawn in Skeleton Space with Joint
> Bindings
> Changed title to focus comments on surface feature points used for
> Skin Drawn in Skeleton Space with Joint Bindings.
> Just to pin down what I am discussing as the "skin drawn in skeleton
> space" please see this part of listing from:
> http://www.hypermultimedia.com/x3d/hanim/JoeH-AnimKick1a.txt
> skin [
> Shape {
> # Skin including most Feature Points and Site objects location
> geometry IndexedFaceSet {
> coord DEF JoeSkinCoord Coordinate { point [
> 0.0 1.77 0.0 #0 skull_tip
> 0.0 1.665 0.09 #1 sellion
> -0.033 1.62 0.087 #2 r_infraorbitale
> 0.033 1.62 0.087 #3 l_infraorbitale
> 0.0 1.55 0.097 #4 supramenton
> -0.077 1.64 -0.01 #5 r_tragion
> -0.0527 1.58 0.015 #6 r_gonion
> 0.077 1.64 -0.01 #7 l_tragion
> 0.0527 1.58 0.015 #8 l_gonion
> 0.0 1.625 -0.0925 #9 nuchale
> -0.03 1.46 0.035 #10 r_clavicale
> 0.0 1.44 0.03 #11 suprasternale
> 0.03 1.46 0.035 #12 l_clavicale
> -0.1135 1.318 0.095 #13 r_thelion
> 0.1135 1.318 0.095 #14 l_thelion
> 0.0 1.25 0.113 #15 substernale
> -0.087 1.19 0.09 #16 r_rib10
> -0.0935 1.03 0.075 #17 r_asis
> 0.087 1.19 0.09 #18 l_rib10
> 0.0935 1.03 0.075 #19 l_asis
> -0.1425 1.065 0.0033 #20 r_iliocristale
> -0.15 0.9 -0.01 #21 r_trochanterion
> 0.1425 1.065 0.0033 #22 l_iliocristale
> 0.15 0.9 -0.01 #23 l_trochanterion
> 0.0 1.53 -0.084 #24 cervicale
> 0.0049 1.1908 -0.1113 #25 rib10_midspine
> -0.0773 1.019 -0.12 #26 r_psis
> 0.0773 1.019 -0.12 #27 l_psis
> 0.005 1.0915 -0.1091 #28 waist_preferred_post
> # right arm
> -0.178 1.4825 -0.0625 #29 r_acromion
> -0.17 1.38 0.007 #30 r_axilla_ant
> -0.1884 0.8676 -0.036 #31 r_radial_styloid
> -0.16 1.38 -0.127 #32 r_axilla_post
> -0.2 1.1388 -0.08 #33 r_olecranon
> -0.244 1.1388 -0.04 #34 r_humeral_lateral_epicn
> -0.165 1.1388 -0.04 #35 r_humeral_medial_epicn
> -0.23 1.133 -0.055 #36 r_radiale Not used in this skin
> -0.1977 0.8169 -0.0177 #37 r_metacarpal_pha2
> -0.1941 0.6772 -0.0423 #38 r_dactylion tip of middle finger
> -0.2117 0.8562 -0.0584 #39 r_ulnar_styloid
> -0.1929 0.7890 -0.1064 #40 r_metacarpal_pha5
> # left arm
> 0.175 1.4825 -0.06 #41 l_acromion
> 0.17 1.38 0.007 #42 l_axilla_ant
> 0.1901 0.8645 -0.0415 #43 l_radial_styloid
> 0.16 1.38 -0.125 #44 l_axilla_post
> 0.2 1.1388 -0.08 #45 l_olecranon
> 0.165 1.1388 -0.04 #46 l_humeral_medial_epicn
> 0.244 1.1388 -0.04 #47 l_humeral_lateral_epicn
> 0.23 1.133 -0.055 #48 l_radiale Not used in this skin
> 0.2009 0.8139 -0.0237 #49 l_metacarpal_pha2
> 0.2056 0.6743 -0.0482 #50 l_dactylion
> 0.2142 0.8529 -0.0648 #51 l_ulnar_styloid
> 0.1929 0.7860 -0.1122 #52 l_metacarpal_pha5
> -0.1 0.4913 -0.03 #53 r_knee_crease
> -0.17 0.466 0.0 #54 r_femoral_lateral_epicn
> -0.05 0.466 0.0 #55 r_femoral_medial_epicn
> -0.165 0.01 0.12 #56 r_metatarsal_pha5
> -0.15 0.07 0.0 #57 r_lateral_malleolus
> -0.085 0.086 0.0125 #58 r_medial_malleolus
> -0.09 0.056 0.0125 #59 r_sphyrion
> -0.115 0.02 0.122 #60 r_metatarsal_pha1
> -0.115 0.04 -0.055 #61 r_calcaneous_post
> -0.110 0.011 0.19 #62 r_digit2
> 0.0993 0.4881 -0.0309 #63 l_knee_crease
> 0.17 0.466 0.0 #64 l_femoral_lateral_epicn
> 0.05 0.4867 0.0 #65 l_femoral_medial_epicn
> 0.165 0.01 0.12 #66 l_metatarsal_pha5
> 0.15 0.07 0.0 #67 l_lateral_malleolus
> 0.085 0.086 0.0125 #68 l_medial_malleolus
> 0.09 0.056 0.0125 #69 l_sphyrion
> 0.115 0.02 0.122 #70 l_metatarsal_pha1
> 0.115 0.04 -0.055 #71 l_calcaneous_post
> 0.110 0.011 0.19 #72 l_digit2
> 0.0 0.875 0.0 #73 crotch
> -0.0646 1.5149 -0.038 #74 r_neck_base
> 0.0646 1.5149 -0.038 #75 l_neck_base
> 0.0 1.07225 0.09 #76 navel
> -0.11 1.427 -0.1375 #77 add r_acromioclavicular back
> -0.235 1.42 -0.0625 #78 add r_shoulder skin outboard
> 0.11 1.427 -0.1375 #79 add l_acromioclavicular back
> 0.235 1.42 -0.0625 #80 add l_shoulder skin outboard
> 0.0 1.41 -0.145 #81 add center top back
> 0.0 0.925 0.08 #82 add center front lower
> -0.087 1.19 -0.09 #83 add back opposite rib10
> 0.087 1.19 -0.09 #84 add back opposite rib10
> 0.172 1.32 -0.03 #85 add mid left top
> -0.172 1.32 -0.03 #86 add mid right top
> 0.15 1.23 -0.015 #87 add mid left mid
> -0.15 1.23 -0.015 #88 add mid right mid
> 0.079 0.92 -0.14 #89 add back of l_hip
> 0.1 0.90 0.077 #90 add front of l_hip
> -0.079 0.92 -0.14 #91 add back of r_hip
> -0.1 0.90 0.075 #92 add front of r_hip
> 0.0 0.87 0.0 #93 add between legs
> 0.171 0.65 0.0 #94 add below l_hip outside
> 0.02 0.65 0.0 #95 add below l_hip inside
> 0.1 0.65 -0.08 #96 add below l_hip back
> 0.1 0.65 0.07 #97 add below l_hip front
> -0.171 0.65 0.0 #98 add below r_hip outside
> -0.02 0.65 0.0 #99 add below r_hip inside
> -0.1 0.65 -0.08 #100 add below r_hip back
> -0.1 0.65 0.07 #101 add below r_hip front
> # left arm
> 0.25 1.27 -0.04 #102 add at left mid arm
> 0.17 1.27 -0.04 #103 add at left mid arm
> 0.2 1.27 -0.09 #104 add at mid left arm
> 0.2 1.27 0.02 #105 add at left mid arm
> 0.244 1.1388 -0.04 #106 add at left elbow outer use
> l_humeral_lateral_epicn
> 0.165 1.1388 -0.04 #107 add at left elbow inner use
> l_humeral_medial_epicn
> 0.2 1.1388 -0.08 #108 add at left elbow back use
> l_olecranon
> 0.2 1.1388 -0.013 #109 add at left elbow front
> 0.225 1.0 -0.01 #110 add below left elbow outside front
> 0.225 1.0 -0.07 #111 add below left elbow outside back
> 0.185 1.0 -0.01 #112 add below left elbow inside front
> 0.185 1.0 -0.07 #113 add below left elbow inside back
> # left wrist and hand (only -x to +x changed from right)
> 0.2 1.1388 -0.04 #114 0 at elbow center not used
> 0.225 0.92 -0.04 #115 1 add above wrist outside front
> 0.175 0.92 -0.04 #116 2 add above wrist inside front
> 0.2 0.92 -0.065 #117 3 add above wrist inside back
> 0.2 0.92 -0.015 #118 4 add above wrist front
> 0.225 0.89 -0.04 #119 5 left wrist outside front
> 0.175 0.89 -0.04 #120 6 left wrist outside front
> 0.2 0.89 -0.065 #121 7 left wrist outside front
> 0.2 0.89 -0.015 #122 8 left wrist outside front
> 0.218 0.86 -0.04 #123 9 below left wrist
> 0.184 0.86 -0.04 #124 10 below left wrist
> 0.2 0.87 -0.07 #125 1 below left wrist
> 0.2 0.87 0.0 #126 2 # left hand metacarples # r_thumb1
> 0.21 0.85 0.0 #127 3
> 0.1854 0.85 0.0 #128 4 # l_index0
> 0.212 0.84 -0.015 #129 5
> 0.183 0.84 -0.015 #130 6 # l_middle0
> 0.213 0.835 -0.04 #131 7
> 0.190 0.835 -0.04 #132 8 # l_ring0
> 0.211 0.835 -0.065 #133 9
> 0.192 0.835 -0.065 #134 20 # l_pinky0
> 0.208 0.84 -0.085 #135 1
> 0.190 0.84 -0.085 #136 2
> 0.2 0.84 -0.095 #137 3 # l_thumb web
> 0.215 0.82 0.0 #138 4
> 0.193 0.815 0.005 #139 5
> 0.198 0.80 0.012 #140 6 # l_thumb 2
> 0.21 0.82 0.03 #141 7
> 0.19 0.82 0.03 #142 8
> 0.2 0.835 0.039 #143 9 # l_thumb 3
> 0.212 0.8 0.05 #144 30
> 0.188 0.8 0.05 #145 1
> 0.2 0.807 0.057 #146 2
> 0.2 0.793 0.035 #147 3 # l_thumb end
> 0.2 0.774 0.076 #148 4 tip
> 0.212 0.78 0.07 #149 5
> 0.188 0.78 0.07 #150 6
> 0.2 0.785 0.075 #151 7
> 0.2 0.77 0.062 #152 8 # l_index1
> 0.215 0.793 -0.015 #153 9
> 0.187 0.793 -0.015 #154 40
> 0.2 0.793 -0.005 #155 1 # l_middle1
> 0.215 0.788 -0.04 #156 2
> 0.187 0.788 -0.04 #157 3 # l_ring1
> 0.215 0.793 -0.065 #158 4
> 0.187 0.793 -0.065 #159 5 # l_pinky1
> 0.21 0.79 -0.085 #160 6
> 0.19 0.79 -0.085 #161 7
> 0.2 0.79 -0.095 #162 8 # l_between fingers
> 0.19 0.77 -0.0275 #163 9
> 0.19 0.77 -0.0525 #164 50
> 0.19 0.78 -0.0775 #165 1 # l_index2
> 0.212 0.745 -0.015 #166 2
> 0.188 0.745 -0.02 #167 3
> 0.2 0.745 -0.0255 #168 4
> 0.2 0.745 -0.0045 #169 5 # l_index3
> 0.211 0.72 -0.015 #170 6
> 0.189 0.72 -0.015 #171 7
> 0.2 0.72 -0.0252 #172 8
> 0.2 0.72 -0.0048 #173 9 # l_indexend
> 0.21 0.695 -0.015 #174 60
> 0.19 0.695 -0.015 #175 1
> 0.2 0.695 -0.025 #176 2
> 0.2 0.695 -0.005 #177 3
> 0.2 0.685 -0.015 #178 4 # l_middle2
> 0.215 0.74 -0.04 #179 5
> 0.185 0.74 -0.04 #180 6
> 0.2 0.74 -0.055 #181 7
> 0.2 0.74 -0.025 #182 8 # l_middle3
> 0.21 0.7142 -0.04 #183 9
> 0.19 0.7142 -0.04 #184 70
> 0.2 0.7142 -0.053 #185 1
> 0.2 0.7142 -0.027 #186 2 # l_middleend
> 0.21 0.68 -0.04 #187 3
> 0.19 0.68 -0.04 #188 4
> 0.2 0.68 -0.05 #189 5
> 0.2 0.68 -0.03 #190 6
> 0.2 0.67 -0.04 #191 7 # l_ring2
> 0.212 0.74 -0.065 #192 8
> 0.188 0.74 -0.065 #193 9
> 0.2 0.74 -0.0756 #194 80
> 0.2 0.74 -0.0542 #195 1 # l_ring3
> 0.21 0.7177 -0.065 #196 2
> 0.19 0.7177 -0.065 #197 3
> 0.2 0.7177 -0.0751 #198 4
> 0.2 0.7177 -0.0549 #199 5 # l_ringend
> 0.21 0.695 -0.065 #200 6
> 0.19 0.695 -0.065 #201 7
> 0.2 0.695 -0.075 #202 8
> 0.2 0.695 -0.055 #203 9
> 0.2 0.685 -0.065 #204 90 # l_pinky2
> 0.211 0.755 -0.085 #205 1
> 0.189 0.755 -0.085 #206 2
> 0.2 0.755 -0.0952 #207 3
> 0.2 0.755 -0.0748 #208 4 # l_pinky3
> 0.21 0.735 -0.085 #209 5
> 0.19 0.735 -0.085 #210 6
> 0.2 0.735 -0.0951 #211 7
> 0.2 0.735 -0.0749 #212 8 # l_pinkyend
> 0.21 0.72 -0.085 #213 9
> 0.19 0.72 -0.085 #214 100
> 0.2 0.72 -0.095 #215 1
> 0.2 0.72 -0.075 #216 2
> 0.2 0.71 -0.085 #217 3
> # right arm
> -0.23 1.23 -0.04 #218 114 add at right mid arm outside
> -0.16 1.23 -0.04 #219 115 add at right mid arm inside
> -0.2 1.235 -0.105 #220 116 add at right mid arm back
> -0.2 1.255 0.02 #221 117 add at right mid arm front
> -0.244 1.1388 -0.04 #222 118 add at right elbow outer use
> r_humeral_lateral_epicn
> -0.165 1.1388 -0.04 #223 119 add at right elbow inner use
> r_humeral_medial_epicn
> -0.2 1.1388 -0.08 #224 120 add at right elbow back use
> r_olecranon
> -0.2 1.1388 0.013 #225 121 add at right elbow front
> -0.225 1.0 -0.01 #226 122 add below right elbow outside front
> -0.225 1.0 -0.07 #227 123 add below right elbow outside back
> -0.185 1.0 -0.01 #228 124 add below right elbow inside front
> -0.185 1.0 -0.07 #229 125 add below right elbow inside back
> # right wrist and hand
> -0.2 1.1388 -0.04 #230 0 at elbow center not used
> -0.225 0.92 -0.04 #231 1 # above right wrist
> -0.175 0.92 -0.04 #232 2
> -0.2 0.92 -0.065 #233 3
> -0.2 0.92 -0.015 #234 4 # right wrist
> -0.225 0.89 -0.04 #235 5
> -0.175 0.89 -0.04 #236 6
> -0.2 0.89 -0.065 #237 7
> -0.2 0.89 -0.015 #238 8 # below right wrist
> -0.218 0.86 -0.04 #239 9
> -0.184 0.86 -0.04 #240 10
> -0.2 0.87 -0.07 #241 1
> -0.2 0.87 0.0 #242 2 # right hand metacarples # r_thumb1
> -0.21 0.85 0.0 #243 3
> -0.1854 0.85 0.0 #244 4 # r_index0
> -0.212 0.84 -0.015 #245 5
> -0.183 0.84 -0.015 #246 6 # r_middle0
> -0.213 0.835 -0.04 #247 7
> -0.190 0.835 -0.04 #248 8 # r_ring0
> -0.211 0.835 -0.065 #249 9
> -0.192 0.835 -0.065 #250 20 # r_pinky0
> -0.208 0.84 -0.085 #251 1
> -0.190 0.84 -0.085 #252 2
> -0.2 0.84 -0.095 #253 3 # r_thumb web
> -0.215 0.82 0.0 #254 4
> -0.193 0.815 0.005 #255 5
> -0.198 0.80 0.012 #256 6 # r_thumb 2
> -0.21 0.82 0.03 #257 7
> -0.19 0.82 0.03 #258 8
> -0.2 0.835 0.039 #259 9 # r_thumb 3
> -0.212 0.8 0.05 #260 30
> -0.188 0.8 0.05 #261 1
> -0.2 0.807 0.057 #262 2
> -0.2 0.793 0.035 #263 3 # r_thumb end
> -0.2 0.774 0.076 #264 4 tip
> -0.212 0.78 0.07 #265 5
> -0.188 0.78 0.07 #266 6
> -0.2 0.785 0.075 #267 7
> -0.2 0.77 0.062 #268 8 # r_index1
> -0.215 0.793 -0.015 #269 9
> -0.187 0.793 -0.015 #270 40
> -0.2 0.793 -0.005 #271 1 # r_middle1
> -0.215 0.788 -0.04 #272 2
> -0.187 0.788 -0.04 #273 3 # r_ring1
> -0.215 0.793 -0.065 #274 4
> -0.187 0.793 -0.065 #275 5 # r_pinky1
> -0.21 0.79 -0.085 #276 6
> -0.19 0.79 -0.085 #277 7
> -0.2 0.79 -0.095 #278 8 # r_between fingers
> -0.19 0.77 -0.0275 #279 9
> -0.19 0.77 -0.0525 #280 50
> -0.19 0.78 -0.0775 #281 1 # r_index2
> -0.212 0.745 -0.015 #282 2
> -0.188 0.745 -0.02 #283 3
> -0.2 0.745 -0.0255 #284 4
> -0.2 0.745 -0.0045 #285 5 # r_index3
> -0.211 0.72 -0.015 #286 6
> -0.189 0.72 -0.015 #287 7
> -0.2 0.72 -0.0252 #288 8
> -0.2 0.72 -0.0048 #289 9 # r_indexend
> -0.21 0.695 -0.015 #290 60
> -0.19 0.695 -0.015 #291 1
> -0.2 0.695 -0.025 #292 2
> -0.2 0.695 -0.005 #293 3
> -0.2 0.685 -0.015 #294 4 # r_middle2
> -0.215 0.74 -0.04 #295 5
> -0.185 0.74 -0.04 #296 6
> -0.2 0.74 -0.055 #297 7
> -0.2 0.74 -0.025 #298 8 # r_middle3
> -0.21 0.7142 -0.04 #299 9
> -0.19 0.7142 -0.04 #300 70
> -0.2 0.7142 -0.053 #301 1
> -0.2 0.7142 -0.027 #302 2 # r_middleend
> -0.21 0.68 -0.04 #303 3
> -0.19 0.68 -0.04 #304 4
> -0.2 0.68 -0.05 #305 5
> -0.2 0.68 -0.03 #306 6
> -0.2 0.67 -0.04 #307 7 # r_ring2
> -0.212 0.74 -0.065 #308 8
> -0.188 0.74 -0.065 #309 9
> -0.2 0.74 -0.0756 #310 80
> -0.2 0.74 -0.0542 #311 1 # r_ring3
> -0.21 0.7177 -0.065 #312 2
> -0.19 0.7177 -0.065 #313 3
> -0.2 0.7177 -0.0751 #314 4
> -0.2 0.7177 -0.0549 #315 5 # r_ringend
> -0.21 0.695 -0.065 #316 6
> -0.19 0.695 -0.065 #317 7
> -0.2 0.695 -0.075 #318 8
> -0.2 0.695 -0.055 #319 9
> -0.2 0.685 -0.065 #320 90 # r_pinky2
> -0.211 0.755 -0.085 #321 1
> -0.189 0.755 -0.085 #322 2
> -0.2 0.755 -0.0952 #323 3
> -0.2 0.755 -0.0748 #324 4 # r_pinky3
> -0.21 0.735 -0.085 #325 5
> -0.19 0.735 -0.085 #326 6
> -0.2 0.735 -0.0951 #327 7
> -0.2 0.735 -0.0749 #328 8 # r_pinkyend
> -0.21 0.72 -0.085 #329 9
> -0.19 0.72 -0.085 #330 100
> -0.2 0.72 -0.095 #331 1
> -0.2 0.72 -0.075 #332 2
> -0.2 0.71 -0.085 #333 3
> # left leg and foot
> 0.115 0.466 0.06 #334 add at l_knee front
> 0.115 0.466 -0.055 #335 add l_knee_crease
> 0.15 0.466 0.0 #336 add l_knee outside
> l_femoral_lateral_epicn
> 0.05 0.466 0.0 #337 add l_knee inside
> l_femoral_medial_epicn
> 0.17 0.3 0.0 #338 add below l_knee outside
> 0.06 0.3 0.0 #339 add below l_knee inside
> 0.1 0.3 -0.05 #340 add below l_knee back
> 0.1 0.3 0.05 #341 add below l_knee front
> 0.15 0.07 0.0 #342 add at l_ankle outside
> 0.085 0.086 0.0125 #343 add at l_ankle inside
> 0.115 0.069 -0.045 #344 add at l_ankle back
> 0.117 0.0975 0.0615 #345 add at l_ankle front
> 0.1375 0.006 -0.03 #346 add at l_subtalar outside
> 0.095 0.006 -0.03 #347 add at l_subtalar inside
> 0.115 0.015 -0.045 #348 add at l_subtalar rear
> 0.115 0.06 0.1 #349 add at l_midtarsal up
> 0.115 0.0 0.07 #350 add at l_midtarsal down
> 0.165 0.0 0.07 #351 add at l_midtarsal outside
> 0.095 0.0 0.07 #352 add at l_midtarsal inside
> 0.115 0.04 0.13 #353 add at l_metatarsal top
> 0.125 0.0 0.12 #354 add at l_metatarsal bottom
> 0.165 0.0 0.12 #355 add at l_metatarsal outside
> 0.087 0.0 0.122 #356 add at l_metatarsal inside
> 0.090 0.012 0.188 #357 add at l_piggy1_tip
> 0.110 0.011 0.19 #358 add at l_piggy2_tip
> 0.128 0.011 0.185 #359 add at l_piggy3_tip
> 0.142 0.011 0.178 #360 add at l_piggy4_tip
> 0.154 0.010 0.168 #361 add at l_piggy5_tip
> # right leg and foot
> -0.115 0.466 0.06 #362 add at r_knee front
> -0.115 0.466 -0.055 #363 add r_knee_crease
> -0.17 0.466 0.0 #364 add r_femoral_lateral_epicn
> -0.05 0.466 0.0 #365 add r_femoral_medial_epicn
> -0.17 0.3 0.0 #366 add below r_knee
> -0.06 0.3 0.0 #367 add below r_knee
> -0.1 0.3 -0.05 #368 add below r_knee
> -0.1 0.3 0.05 #369 add below r_knee
> -0.15 0.07 0.0 #370 add at r_ankle
> -0.085 0.086 0.0125 #371 add at r_ankle
> -0.115 0.069 -0.045 #372 add at r_ankle
> -0.117 0.0975 0.0615 #373 add at r_ankle
> -0.1375 0.006 -0.03 #374 add at r_subtalar outside
> -0.095 0.006 -0.03 #375 add at r_subtalar inside
> -0.095 0.006 -0.03 #376 add at r_subtalar rear
> -0.115 0.06 0.1 #377 add at r_midtarsal up
> -0.115 0.0 0.07 #378 add at r_midtarsal down
> -0.165 0.0 0.07 #379 add at r_midtarsal outside
> -0.095 0.0 0.07 #380 add at r_midtarsal inside
> -0.115 0.04 0.13 #381 add at r_metatarsal top
> -0.125 0.0 0.12 #382 add at r_metatarsal bottom
> -0.165 0.0 0.12 #383 add at r_metatarsal outside
> -0.087 0.0 0.122 #384 add at r_metatarsal inside
> -0.090 0.012 0.188 #385 add at r_piggy1_tip
> -0.110 0.011 0.19 #386 add at r_piggy2_tip
> -0.128 0.011 0.185 #387 add at r_piggy3_tip
> -0.142 0.011 0.178 #388 add at r_piggy4_tip
> -0.154 0.010 0.168 #389 add at r_piggy5_tip
> # h-anim2: we need to know the exact order in which
> # deformable skin vertices are defined.
> ]}
> So, I approximated some and gave simple offsets for convenience
> hooking up others. Not all surface feature points of interest in
> scanning, motion capture, animation, recognition, simulation
> applications are included. We need various 'standard' levels of
> density and grouping for various areas. Lots of research to find,
> then
> work with care to hook them up.
> Document best practices for competent 'standard' skin(s) with
> 'standard' skin vertex to joint and displacer bindings.
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Joe
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sandy Ressler" <sressler at nist.gov>
> To: "Joe D Williams" <JOEDWIL at earthlink.net>
> Cc: ""Myeong Won Lee"" <mwlee at suwon.ac.kr>; <h-anim at web3d.org>;
> <x3d at web3d.org>; <korea-chapter at web3d.org>
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 7:10 AM
> Subject: Re: [h-anim] H-Anim WG meeting, January 27th, 5:30pm PST
> (28th, 10:30am KST)
> Actually the original feature points are based on "anthropometric
> landmarks" that come from the CAESAR project which is in the
> bibliography of the standard: CAESAR—Digitally Defining the Human
> Body, SAE International, 2003.
> http://www.sae.org/technicalcommittees/caesarhome.htm
> Sandy
> On Jan 28, 2013, at 10:02 AM, Joe D Williams wrote:
>>> Question 1: How were the feature points obtained?
>> I used the standard feature point names listed in the specification
>> as
>> a start. The typical xyz locations are given in the VRML examples
>> included in the h-anim standard. I added some in between points in
>> order to fill in some points for simple triangules. In some areas,
>> like face we need more points.
>>> Question 2: Are default points necessary?
>> The idea is that we specify 'standard' feature point names and
>> 'tyupical' locations.
>>> The points are for a specific person and, therefore, cannot be
>>> re-used for other persons.
>> Of course the feature point locations will vary depending upon the
>> dimensions of the character being modelled.
>>> Is the role of the default points to give a guideline to define
>>> feature points?
>> Yes, just like the locations of the joints and length of segments
>> is
>> adjusted for the actual human, the feature points are named
>> locations
>> that may be varied depending upon the character being created.
>> Best Regards,
>> Joe
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: ""Myeong Won Lee"" <mwlee at suwon.ac.kr>
>> To: <h-anim at web3d.org>; <x3d at web3d.org>; <korea-chapter at web3d.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 9:24 PM
>> Subject: [h-anim] H-Anim WG meeting, January 27th, 5:30pm PST
>> (28th,
>> 10:30am KST)
>>> The H-Anim WG teleconference meeting will be held in parallel with
>>> an in-person meeting at Seoul Palace Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
>>> Expected attendees at the in-person meeting are as follows
>>> (including possibly one or two other attendees not listed here):
>>> Richard F. Puk
>>> Anita Havele
>>> Jung-Ju Choi
>>> Ha-Jine Kimn
>>> Myeong Won Lee
>>> Expected attendees on the Web3D teleconference call
>>> (+1.877.929.9843
>>> ID: 831186#) are as follows:
>>> William Glascoe
>>> Don Brutzman
>>> Joe Williams
>>> Roger Nelson
>>> David Bruner
>>> Please join whoever would like to propose and discuss new work
>>> items
>>> for Humanoid Animation.
>>> Agenda items for this meeting are as follows:
>>> 1. Participants for the NWIP for H-Anim revision:
>>> Myeong Won Lee
>>> WIlliam Glascoe
>>> Joe Williams
>>> Don Bruzman
>>> Richard F. Puk
>>> Roger Nelson
>>> David Bruner
>>> Tim Guenzel
>>> Please add anyone who is missing.
>>> 2. Facial Animation, Jung-Ju Choi, Ajou University, Korea
>>> Attached: Jung-Ju's presentation file from the SC24 Plenary
>>> Meeting,
>>> Brussels, August 2012
>>> When to prepare the NWIP for facial animation:
>>> Facial animation is another important topic for H-Anim. Another
>>> NWIP
>>> (another specification part) for the next version of H-Anim should
>>> be considered after defining details and resolving the MPEG-4
>>> restriction.
>>> 3. Review of Joe's comments on Jung-Ju Choi¡?s facial animation
>>> work
>>> On January 25, Joe mentioned:
>>> ------------------------------
>>> My biggest comment is that it is possible that the authors of both
>>> the planar paper and the facial animation paper have overlooked,
>>> or
>>> at least not mentioned, the possibility of using the h-anim
>>> Displacer node for these functions.
>>> Especially for the facial animation technique, I know X3D had
>>> specified the Displacer to work with mpeg4 style facial animation
>>> goals, and for general vertex animation independent of the
>>> joint-skin bindings, but had not completed the work by actually
>>> defining the facial skin reference locations completely. I will
>>> study more.
>>> http://h-anim.org/Specifications/H-Anim1.1/appendices.html#appendixb
>>> This showed a list of facial animations targeted for the
>>> character.
>>> These never made it into the latest version of the standard due to
>>> problems in specifying the actual facial feature points and groups
>>> of vertices to be animated.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> 4. Joe's skin feature points
>>> On January 4, Joe mentioned:
>>> ------------------------------
>>> I would like to discuss various features of the scene and the
>>> files
>>> that are used.
>>> For this step, I would like to be sure that we can all read and
>>> understand the file here.
>>> http://www.hypermultimedia.com/x3d/hanim/JoeH-AnimKick1a.txt
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Question 1: How were the feature points obtained?
>>> Question 2: Are default points necessary?
>>> The points are for a specific person and, therefore, cannot be
>>> re-used for other persons.
>>> Is the role of the default points to give a guideline to define
>>> feature points?
>>> 5. H-Anim Wiki
>>> On January 24, Don mentioned.
>>> -------------------
>>> H-Anim colleagues: we should review and ensure this page is both
>>> up-to-date and clear.
>>> http://www.web3d.org/realtime-3d/working-groups/h-anim
>>> ------------------
>>> 6. H-Anim motion viewer (video demo), VRLAB, U of Suwon
>>> The example viewer using motion capture data can be seen in the
>>> following YouTube video:
>>> http://youtu.be/O1EfDigQoW0
>>> 7. Scheduling next meetings
>>> The next H-Anim WG teleconference will be held as follows:
>>> (1st Wed) March 6th at 5:00pm PST (7th, 10:00am KST)
>>> --
>>> Myeong Won Lee
>>> College of IT, U. of Suwon
>>> Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 445-743 Korea
>>> Tel) +82-31-220-2313, +82-10-8904-4634
>>> E-mail) mwlee at suwon.ac.kr
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> h-anim mailing list
>>> h-anim at web3d.org
>>> http://web3d.org/mailman/listinfo/h-anim_web3d.org
>> _______________________________________________
>> h-anim mailing list
>> h-anim at web3d.org
>> http://web3d.org/mailman/listinfo/h-anim_web3d.org
> Sandy Ressler
> High Performance Computing and Visualization Group
> National Institute of Standards and Technology
> 100 Bureau Drive, STOP 8911
> Gaithersburg MD, 20899
> (301) 975-3549 Fax: (301) 975-3218
> sressler at nist.gov
> _______________________________________________
> h-anim mailing list
> h-anim at web3d.org
> http://web3d.org/mailman/listinfo/h-anim_web3d.org
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