[Korea-chapter] CAD Working Group meeting (17:00 PST, January 9th)

Hyokwang Lee adpc9 at partdb.com
Tue Jan 8 17:33:31 PST 2013

CAD Working group meeting is on January 9th Wed at 5:00pm PST.
(January 10th Thu at 10:00am KST)

Agenda items for CAD WG teleconference are as follows.

- Work in progress (to be discussed if necessary)
  * NURBS component (Vince & Don)
  * CAD working group strategies for NURBS and for B-REPS
  * CADFace spec (Don)

- TC184/SC4 Issues

- Other Issues/News (be welcomed!)

If anyone is not available, please let me know.

I might not be available from 5:00pm to 5:20pm PST for a power outrage 
I think, however, I can make a call. : )

It seems that there is a problem in the wiki page.
A warning message at the top as followes,
'Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in 
/home/spi3der/public_html/x3d/wiki/extensions/AntiBot/AntiBot.php on 
line 56'.

With best regards,
Hyokwang Lee

- Building a set of example models to confirm correct operation
   and encourage the evolution of best practices : Teapot illustrations!
- A cool logo for CAD working group : a good candidate is the Stamp X3D 
model v2.0!

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