[Korea-chapter] [h-anim] H-Anim WG meeting, March 17th, 5:00pm PDT (18th, 9:00am KST)

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 18 08:34:22 PDT 2013

> These last two can ultimately affect the human model, but then it 
> would be necessary to provide an interface for the information.

Right, to fully cover the specific domaiin of standards-track 
interactive medical data it will necessary to define best practice 
names and functions for interfaces.
This can be experimented with now using X3D metadata nodes and fields 
and prototyped data processing and behaviors.

* Use medical and industrial 'standards'

Please excuse my attempting to divide Medical and Industrial 
standards. I am trying but not successfully to separate "Medical" 
which may be more of a reactive data base to "Industrial" which is 
motion and interaction and more dynamic data base. See, I really can't 
divide it up. That may be why the past groups stuck to defining 
feature points in realistic commonly recognized medical terms then 
used basic scientific data to establish locations for the feature. As 
we see from entertainment-oriented h-anim applications, the data base 
needs to be more dense, especially in high resolution animation.

All current X3D Medical components will fit right into our current X3D 
Humanoid spacetime. Given we realize that native h-anim spacetime is 
composed of the same set of real xyz locations and temporal 
interactons of 'standard' reference feature points as an actual 
typical human subject, there is no problem fitting any realistic human 
data structures into the World Standard interactive parametric data 
repository named X3D H-Anim. X3D H-Anim WG needs to refine and extend 
the 'standard' interfaces.

Current X3D H-Anim is composed mainly from the 'medical' frame where 
'official' names and 'typical' locations are used to define the
humanoid feature points. The only problem is that the density of the 
internal and external feature points and their characteristics is not 
sufficient to represent open best practice medical or industrial

Thank You and Best Regards,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Myeong Won Lee" <mwlee at suwon.ac.kr>
To: <x3d at web3d.org>; <h-anim at web3d.org>; <korea-chapter at web3d.org>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 7:57 PM
Subject: [h-anim] H-Anim WG meeting, March 17th, 5:00pm PDT (18th, 
9:00am KST)

> The H-Anim WG meeting will be held with agenda items as follows:
> 1. H-Anim WG Wiki
> http://web3d.org/x3d/wiki/index.php/H-Anim
> 2. Inclusion / Exclusion for H-Anim
> In my opinion, representation of a human model, and modeling, 
> rendering, and animation data (visual attributes) should be included 
> in H-Anim,
> but medical and health information (biological data) should not. 
> These last two can ultimately affect the human model, but then it 
> would be necessary to provide an interface for the information.
> Medical and health information should be progressed in or with 
> medical organization, and an interface provided in H-Anim so that 
> health and medical applications can make use of the data.
> 3. Scheduling next meeting
> (1st Wed) April  3rd at 5:00pm PDT (4th, 9:00am KST)
>      -- 
>      Myeong Won Lee
>      Dept. of Information Media, College of IT, U. of Suwon
>      Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, 445-743 Korea
>      Tel) +82-31-220-2313, +82-10-8904-4634
>      E-mail) mwlee at suwon.ac.kr


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