[WWW-Vrml] [CfP CLIHC/LA-WEB '09] - 4th. Latin American Conference on Human-computer Interaction

Monica Tentori mtentori at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 22:13:48 PDT 2009

You are cordially invited to participate in CLIHC/LA-WEB 2009, the Joint
Conference encompassing the 4th. Latin American Conference on Human-computer
Interaction (CLIHC) and the 7th Latin American Web Congress, which will be
held November 9-11, 2009, in Mérida, Yucatán.


(November 9-11, 2009) in Merida, Yucatan http://www.clihc.org/2009 

Held in conjunction with LA-Web


Welcome to the Latin- American perspective on HCI


The diversity of Latin America is evident in its people, culture, geography,
history and perspectives. This conference aims at capturing this richness
within the context of those researchers and practitioners from and in Latin
American working in the area of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). The
conference will serve as a venue for the inter-change of ideas, methods,
approaches and techniques of those aiming at designing interactive
experiences for the people of Latin America. It has its origin in two
previous editions of the Latin American Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction (CLIHC): In 2003 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and in 2005 in
Cuernavaca, Mexico and in 2007 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Following the
spirit of these previous editions, we acknowledge that in the HCI field, not
only should we reach for technology that can be used and appreciated by the
widest range of people, but also for means to promote inter-cultural
exchange and cross-fertilization among people with diverse backgrounds and
needs. The workshop is open to all topics and disciplines related to HCI. 


Topics include, but are not limited to: 

· user interface design and evaluation methods 

· universal accessibility 

· cross-cultural and internationalization issues 

· multi-modal interfaces, theoretical & multidisciplinary aspects 

· social and cultural issues in HCI 

· intelligent user interfaces 

· personalization and adaptive interfaces 

· end-user programming, multimedia 

· virtual reality and games 

· online communities and pervasive computing. 


 Type of submissions

CLIHC will accept submissions in the following categories: 

1 Full papers (up to 8 pages submissions) - Full papers are submissions
describing results and original research work not submitted or published
elsewhere. Full papers should properly place the work within the field, cite
related work, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work and
its contribution to the field


2 Short papers (up to 4 pages submissions) - Authors are invited to submit
work in progress whose preliminary results are already interesting to CLIHC
audience. This track will give CLIHC attendees a way to learn about ongoing
research initiatives and will provide presenters with an excellent
opportunity to receive invaluable direct feedback from experts. 


Important dates

All papers categories submissions: May 30th, 2009 

Notification of acceptance: July 10th, 2009 

Camera-ready manuscripts due: August 1st, 2009 

Conference dates: November 9-11, 2009 


Submission and publication

The format of submitted papers must follow the IEEE conference format ,
including no page numbers. Submitted papers must be in PDF or Word format
for Windows. Papers should be submitted through the easychair submission
management system: submit the paper (in either PDF or Word (97 - 2007)
format). Papers written in english and accepted will be published in the
conference proceedings edited by IEEE -both full and short papers. Papers
written in Spanish and Portuguese and accepted will be included in the
conference proceedings edited by (ISBN book from Universidad Autonoma de
Baja California ). Selected papers will also be invited to submit an
extended version to a special issue of an international journal to be


Conference chair: 

Monica Tentori  (mtentori at uabc.mx) | (mtentori at gmail.com)


Local chair:

Edgar Cambranes, UADY, Mexico


Program chairs:

Elizabeth S. Furtado (elizabet at unifor.br) and Alberto L. Moran
(alberto_moran at uabc.mx) | (amoran2k at gmail.com) 


Steering committee:

Alfredo Sanchez, UDLA, Mexico, Oscar Mayora, CreateNet, Italy , Victor M.
Gonzalez, University of Manchester, UK, Christian Sturm, Hewlett Packard,
España , Manuel Perez-Quiñones, Virginia Tech, Cristina Baranauskas ,


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