[WWW-Vrml] FreeWRL 1.22.9 released.

John A. Stewart alex.stewart at crc.ca
Sun Aug 29 08:46:52 PDT 2010

FreeWRL 1.22.9 has been released in source, windows, Gentoo, and Apple OSX formats. (other Linux distros in progress)

This is a bug-fix and enhancement release;  please update if you are using an older version of FreeWRL. We have been going through the list of bugs and have been swatting them, as well as finding and removing bugs that never made it to the list.

There are some new nodes; ViewpointGroup, OrthoViewpoint, and ComposedCubeMap. Work on PickingSensor is ongoing. Support for the Windows platform has improved. The OSX Safari Plugin has had some rework. Anchor has had a revisit. Protos and X3D parsing has felt Dougs' magic touch. All in all, we feel that we have enough here for a great release. 

While there is a core of great volunteers on the project, we are always looking for others that may wish to join and participate in a fun, dynamic project. Please join the new FreeWRL mailing list, and feel free to ask questions. 

http://freewrl.sourceforge.net/ is the main project page;

http://freewrl.sourceforge.net/download.html for direct access to the software;

http://freewrl.sourceforge.net/contact.html for mailing list information.

We are looking forward to a productive fall and winter (northern hemisphere seasons!) with the FreeWRL volunteers improving and expanding the codebase and platform support. Again, please feel free to join us, either by using the code, or by working on improvements to the project.


John A. Stewart
alex.stewart at crc.ca

Network Systems and Technologies - 
        Systemes et technologies des reseaux
Communications Research Centre Canada  |  
         Centre de recherches sur les communications Canada

3701 Carling Ave.  |  3701, avenue Carling
PO Box 11490, Station H  |  CP 11490, succursale H
         Ottawa ON K2H 8S2   |  Ottawa (Ontario) K2H 8S2


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