[X3D-Public] Announcement: view3dscene 3.8.0

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 10:58:27 PST 2011


New version of view3dscene, an open-source VRML/X3D browser
developed together with our game engine, is available on


The 3.8.0 release adds 3D sound support, following the X3D Sound
component specification. We support WAV and OggVorbis formats for now,
and the sound is played through OpenAL (on all platforms). Details about
what is implemented are documented on
http://vrmlengine.sourceforge.net/vrml_implementation_sound.php Simple
demos are inside
http://vrmlengine.sourceforge.net/kambi_vrml_test_suite.php , see
x3d/sound* files inside.

Also animating skinned H-Anim humanoids is implemented, and various
other improvements and fixes are done. The details are described in the
latest news post on the main engine page, http://vrmlengine.sourceforge.net/

Enjoy :),

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