[X3D-Public] Fwd: [Mycolleagues] Announcement of Fellowships for Attending WWW 2011
Don Brutzman
brutzman at nps.edu
Tue Jan 11 06:53:54 PST 2011
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Mycolleagues] Announcement of Fellowships for Attending WWW 2011
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2011 23:56:20 -0800
From: Arun Kumar <kkarun at in.ibm.com>
To: <mycolleagues at mailman.ufsc.br>
thanks and regards
Arun Kumar
----- Forwarded by Arun Kumar/India/IBM on 01/11/2011 01:22 PM -----
Announcement of Fellowships to attend the WWW 2011 conference
(NOTE: Deadline has been extended to January 15, 2011)
• NIXI Fellowship for candidates from Developing Region»
• Google Sponsorship Program for Women»
1. NIXI Fellowship for candidates from Developing Regions
(i) Why this fellowship?
This program aims to encourage faculty and students from under-represented parts
of the world, e.g. developing countries, poor regions of developed countries, etc.
to pursue a career related to the web and its technologies.
(ii)What does the fellowship provide for?
Each Fellowship will provide free conference registration.
-Awardees may get the option to take paid accommodation in one of the low-cost accommodations
arranged by the conference (university guest house/ hostel etc.).
-Awardees will be responsible for their own travel arrangements, including visa and health
insurance, if necessary.
(iii) What are the characteristics of preferred candidates?
Preference will be given to those
-who have not attended a WWW conference in the past,
-who are from a region that does not already have considerable presence at WWW, and
-who have a demonstrated interest in web and its technologies.
(iv) What is the selection process?
A selection committee will review the received applications and take a decision regarding the grant.
Results are expected by 31st of January 2011.
(v) What is the application process?
Each applicant must have a nominator (senior faculty member or department head in the case of
faculty, faculty advisor in the case of students), who should email the information requested
below about the nominee and himself/herself as a simple text file attachment to
fellowship at www2011india.com with subject [Application for NIXI fellowship] on or before
January 15, 2011.
-Nominator's Name
-University/College and Position
-Professional Organization Affiliations (e.g., ACM, IEEE, etc.)
-In 100 words or less, justification for "why the applicant deserves to receive this fellowship".
The applicant should provide the following information
-Applicant's name, address and email-id.
-Specifics of the program they are enrolled in (major/specialization, graduate/undergraduate, -full-time/part-time)
along with all courses taken (and respective final grades).
-In 100 words or less, write about "why I am interested in research related to web and its technologies and how I would benefit from attending the WWW 2011 conference."
-Any fellowships, awards or honors earned.
-Professional Organization Affiliations (e.g., ACM, IEEE, Local Chapters, etc.).
-List of publications (if any).
-Sufficient details of significant projects in which the applicant has participated.
-List of conferences attended, if any.
-Total estimated costs for attending WWW 2011.
Recipients of this fellowship would be expected to submit a short report within a week of
closing of the Conference. An awardee may be asked to serve as a scribe/observer of a session and
contribute a blog entry that will become part of the conference archives.
2. Google Sponsorship Program for Women
(i) Why?
This Program aims to encourage women research students to pursue a career related to the web and its technologies.
(ii) What does the fellowship provide for?
The fellowship will provide full support, including registration, accommodation and travel, to attend the conference.
Awardees will be responsible for making their own visa and health insurance arrangements,if necessary.
(iii) What are the characteristics of preferred candidates?
Preference will be given to those women Ph. D. and Master’s candidates
-who have not attended WWW conference in the past, and
-who have a demonstrated interest in web and its technologies.
(iv) What is the selection process?
A selection committee will review the received applications and take a decision regarding the grant of sponsorship. Results are expected by 31st of January 2011.
(v) What is the application process?
Each applicant must have a nominator (senior faculty member or department head in the case of faculty, faculty advisor in the case of students), who should email the information requested below about the nominee and himself/herself as a simple text file attachment to fellowship at www2011india.com with subject [Application for Google Sponsorship for Women] on or before January 15, 2011.
-Nominator's Name
-University/College and Position
-Professional Organization Affiliations (e.g., ACM, IEEE, etc.)
-In 100 words or less, justification for "why the applicant deserves to receive this fellowship".
The applicant should provide the following information
-Applicant's name, address and email-id.
-Specifics of the program they are enrolled in (major/specialization, graduate/undergraduate, full-time/part-time) along with all courses taken (and respective final grades).
-In 100 words or less, write about "why I am interested in research related to web and its technologies and how I would benefit from attending the WWW 2011 conference."
-Any fellowships, awards or honors earned.
-Professional Organization Affiliations (e.g., ACM, IEEE, Local Chapters, etc.).
-List of publications (if any).
-Sufficient details of significant projects in which the applicant has participated.
-List of conferences attended, if any.
-Total estimated costs for attending WWW 2011.
Recipients of this fellowship would be expected to submit a short report within a week of closing of the Conference.
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