[X3D-Public] Fwd: Available: X3dToX3dom.xslt converter for X3DOM

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Tue Apr 3 09:44:45 PDT 2012

[The following reference points are likely of broad interest.
 Forwarded to X3D public list, with permission from Johannes.]

Thanks Andreas for the excellent documentation and support.  I plan to
continue studying these details and improving the X3dToX3dom.xslt stylesheet.
Further suggestions and improvements are welcome.

On 4/2/2012 6:53 AM, Andreas Aderhold wrote:
> Hello Don,
>>> Fraunhofer team:
>>> - is there a list of supported nodes somewhere for x3dom.js?
>>> this would assist in troubleshooting.
> There is. Have a look at the nodes documentation:
> http://x3dom.org/docs/dev/nodes/index.html
> A list of supported nodes of prior versions can be found here:
> http://www.x3dom.org/download/dumpNodeTypeTree-vx.x.html
> The latest dev version list can be found here:
> http://www.x3dom.org/download/dev/docs/dumpNodeTypeTree.html
> Note that the list links to the X3D specification of the nodes which do not represent the current implementation status in X3DOM. At the moment, there is no list of that sort.
>>> - is it possible for me to put in a prior invocation of WebFonts in
>>> the converter in order for the HTML to properly initialize the X3D text node?
>>> Hints welcome.
> I am not sure if I understand you correctly: You wish to delay X3DOM rendering until another asset (WebFont) has been loaded/displayed by the browser?
> In order to do so you would need a way to determine when the asset completed loading, then display that asset (p tag or something should work). After that, you are ready to render the X3DOM scene. One way to achieve this is to delay the X3DOM rendering until a certain condition has been met. This can be accomplished by overriding the API method x3dom.runtime.ready(). Your implementation of ready() could wait for a signal from elsewhere and then continue program execution. Examples of how to override ready() can be found here:
> http://x3dom.org/x3dom/test/functional/runtime.html
> The trick is to find a way to determine when the webfont has been loaded and displayed by the browser. Maybe using a font loader can help , e.g.:
> https://developers.google.com/webfonts/docs/webfont_loader
> Best,
> Andreas
>>> On 3/26/2012 4:50 AM, Don Brutzman wrote:
>>>> I've written a stylesheet to convert .x3d scenes to X3DOM xhtml encoding.
>>>> Available at
>>>> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/stylesheets/X3dToX3dom.xslt
>>>> Initial conversions are available for inspection in the
>>>> X3D for Web Authors examples archive for each scene.
>>>> Original files in the XML encoding with .x3d extension
>>>> are converted to X3DOM (HTML + X3D) with .xhtml extension.
>>>> http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/
>>>> then pick a chapter
>>>> then pick a scene
>>>> see upper right corner for link for x3dom .xhtml
>>>> Example:
>>>> http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02-GeometryPrimitives/GeometryPrimitiveNodes.x3d
>>>> http://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter02-GeometryPrimitives/GeometryPrimitiveNodes.xhtml
>>>> I also experimented with (and included) the nice Zoom/Unzoom
>>>> functionality
>>>> provided by the well-documented X3DOM tutorial "Styling with CSS" at
>>>> http://x3dom.org/docs/dev/tutorial/styling.html
>>>> Thanks again to the Fraunhofer team for the stellar X3DOM work.
>>>> Comments and improvements on this converter are welcome.

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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