[X3D-Public] Online graphics survey: volume rendering techniques

Nicholas Polys npolys at vt.edu
Fri Dec 21 16:47:19 EST 2012

Greetings all~

This email is an invitation to participate in an online study we are
conducting. We have processed a set of multi-channel microscopy stacks
(from cellimagelibrary.org) with two different pipelines and X3D
techniques, Segmented Volume rendering and ISOSurface Volume rendering. We
would like your help in comparing these two techniques!

Please visit the following link to the survey and submit your answers.
Viewing the six examples and and answering the questions should take about
25 minutes:


Thanks in advance for your participation!

You are welcome to email me with any questions.


Nicholas F. Polys, Ph.D.

Director of Visual Computing
Virginia Tech Research Computing

Affiliate Professor
Virginia Tech Department of Computer Science
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