[X3D-Public] Mantis 525: Ecmascript method naming for inputOutput fields

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Tue Jul 3 09:14:40 PDT 2012

On 7/3/2012 8:15 AM, Don Brutzman wrote:
> We are again discussing this topic now on the teleconference line.
> Working towards closure - final comments please.
> 	http://www.web3d.org/membership/login/mantis/view.php?id=525

Attendees:  Herbert Stocker, Len Daly, Dick Puk, Don Brutzman.

a. BitManagement has confirmed that they do support the rationale for this change and can implement it after Web3D and SIGGRAPH Conferences in August.
b. We have asked Fraunhofer to agree with (or improve) wording and confirm that they have implemented the change.
c. We will confirm that Xj3D handles this correctly and fix if needed
d. support at octagavs.com has been informed
e. confirmation from freeWrl team and any other implementers will be gratefully received
f. view3dscene reports that this change helps them implement Javascript
g. X3D Validator and X3D Schematron rules will be modified to detect scripts with old style and recommend new style
h. Browsers might optionally parse script source code when loading and fix old-style references by text insertion of "set_" before any references
i. Dick, Len and Don will determine what other changes might be needed for consistency with other related specification clauses. (Changes to X3D Services are already needed for X3D UNIT statement, we expect to prepare a New Work Item for ISO SC24 meeting in August.)
j. Concise specification changes will be posted for review and approval by Web3D members, then published publicly and provided to ISO for review and ratification.

We further discussed setting the value of one of it's own inputOutput field variables from within a Script.
a. Script authors have direct access to each such variable.
b. Script authors also have direct access to the set_fieldName() method that handles routed inputs to that variable.
c. Automatically invoking such a method could lead to authoring difficulties, and is not a step defined in the specification.
d. The option to invoke the set_fieldName() method from within the same Script is up to an author. Accessing fields and output fields of the Script

It is not fully clear if this point is defined either way in the specification.

Further comment on this point is welcome.

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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