[X3D-Public] Invitation: Web3D Town Hall and X3D Interoperability Demonstration

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Wed Jul 18 09:56:37 PDT 2012

We are happy to announce the annual Web3D Town Hall event, open to all
SIGGRAPH attendees in LA on Tuesday 7 August, 1530-1700 in room LACC 513.
Room capacity:  100 seats (overall maybe 125 people SRO).

Web3D Consortium leaders will describe many ongoing activities and
member benefits, including goal planning for future X3D versions.
We are also inviting public demonstrations showing interoperable X3D content.

1. Welcome to Web3D Consortium! Town Hall Progress Report (10 minutes)
- The big picture is getting bigger!
- Includes summary of Web3D Conference and SIGGRAPH Events
- How you can join Web3D and why it is so important!
- Nicholas Polys President, Anita Havele Executive Director

2.  Round-robin activity updates (4-5 minutes each, 30 minutes total)
- X3D Specification advanced to version 3.3:  medical and volume
	visualization, UNITS definitions, ISO, stable evolution
- Declarative 3D (DEC3D) Community Group at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- Augmented Reality (AR) with X3D working group and other industry efforts
- 3D Portrayal Interoperability Experiment (3DPIE) by Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
- X3DOM Achievements and Next Steps
- CAD Working Group:  CAD model export, elevating NURBS for mobile use
- Korea Chapter Update

3.  Next-Generation X3D Evolution (10 minutes)
- Technical imperatives:  HTML5, plugins optional, mobile, other applications, etc.
- Can we achieve major new features while preserving critical capabilities?
- Opportunities for growth and breakout to the larger Web

4.  Interoperability Demonstrations.  (30 minutes)
We invite presenters to show everyone
cool content, 2-3 minutes each.  Results will be posted publicly
on Web3D website.  Entry requirements:
- submit short one-paragraph summary plus 1-2 screen snapshots
- demonstrate an interoperability capability on the Web
- make one recommendation for next-generation X3D
- Submit proposed interoperability demos to townhall2012 at web3d.org
- (Best way to bribe the judges:  join Web3D Consortium!)

5. Public Discussion (10 minutes). What do you think? Exciting times ahead!

All Web3D events are listed on our Web3D @ SIGGRAPH 2012 calendar.

Feel free to forward this invite.  Looking forward to seeing you there!

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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