[X3D-Public] Tabletop / Achsen nur drehen

Michalis Kamburelis michalis.kambi at gmail.com
Sat May 4 12:52:06 PDT 2013

Martin Huwa wrote:
> but there are some specific rotation modes in x3dom.js but not axis locking?

(Remember to do "reply all" to reply also to the x3d-public mailing list. :)

X3DOM is something more specific than just X3D. It seems (reading 
http://x3dom.org/docs/dev/nodes/index.html ) that indeed X3DOM doesn't 
support CylinderSensor. Anyway, you can use Transform node to do 
rotations, and I guess it's up to your scripts to keep the particular 
rotation axis locked. "Transform.rotation" field is just 4 floating 
point values: axis + angle, so just keep the axis constant and you're 
good :)

If this doesn't help, I think we may need more information about what 
you're trying to do.

I'm also not an expert on X3DOM, so I'll leave others to eventually 
clarify CylinderSensor support X3DDOM.


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