[X3D-Public] Navigation > TURNTABLE
doug sanden
highaspirations at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 24 12:55:41 PDT 2014
I see 3 categories of navigation concerns:
1. navigation motion constraints (or conversely motion freedoms) in the scene file
2. input devices available to the browser at runtime
3. mappings between each input device and the allowed motion freedoms
By making the scene file about constraints/freedoms rather than devices or mappings, it makes it easier for scene designers to worry about what freedoms to allow, and let the browser worry about devices and mappings.
Its clear that some of the 'freewrl navigation modes' are more about devices and mappings than freedoms/constraints.
freewrl 'nav modes':
EXFLY - fly constraints, but with a 3D pointing device mapped to FLY freedoms
TILT - touchscreen drag mapped to a subset of fly freedoms. If FLY is in NavigationInfo, TILT should be is allowed/TILT is just a mapping between touchscreen drag and FLY P=pitch.
Likewise TURNTABLE/ROTATE and YAWPITCHZOOM/SPHERICAL can be thought of as named sets of motion constraints/freedoms.
Lets say there are 8 to 13 possible degrees of freedom of motion for an avatar, depending how you count them:
3 YPR rotations yaw pitch roll
1 A point about which rotation constraints are done (ie v=viewpoint 0,0,0 or w=world 0,0,0)
1 S rotation speed effect ie f(time), f(drag), f(time*drag)
3 XYZ translations
1 B coordinate system to which translation constraints are relative (V-Viewpoint-local W-world G-geometry (collision/gravity))
1 T translation speed effect ie f(time), f(drag), f(time*drag)
1 D distance between avatar position and another point C
1 C other point V,W
1 F focal length f / field-of-view fov
Then in the scene file, NavigationInfo modes='"WALK" "FLY" "ANY" .. is specifying constraints in named sets. Then with _ as constrained to no motion:
If there was such a thing as an unnamed constraint set, it might look like:
mode='"YP_WSXZWT__" "ANY"'
Or something like that. This would allow scripting of avatar motion constrains in the scene file.
> From: highaspirations at hotmail.com
> To: x3d-public at web3d.org
> Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 07:32:14 -0600
> Subject: Re: [X3D-Public] Navigation> TURNTABLE
> Herbert,
> Very nice nav behavior. I like your ROTATE name too, although it may be not be specific enough now to differentiate from what might be a growing list of nav modes some of which do some sort of rotation.
> I have the same question also about our YAWPITCHZOOM nav mode, which is useful for spherical panoramas, but likely others have something similar under a friendlier name. Maybe SPHERE or SPHERICAL or PANORAMA? Should we rename?
> Except for our own testing, I suspect scene authors are only specifying NONE,EXAMINE,WALK,FLY.ANY in scene files. The others users would typically choose through the browser interface at runtime, and as such renaming won't impact very many current scenes. But for named choices on the UI, it might be nice to coordinate the names as well for the sake of users.
> For now, just coordinating on the TURNTABLE/ROTATE and YAWPITCHZOOM/PANORAMA/SPHERICAL names would help.
> So I'd say yes, rename to TURNTABLE which seems more descriptive/specific (while still supporting scene files with ROTATE), and please let me know if there's a better name for YAWPITCHZOOM.
> -Doug
> more...
> Here's freewrl's nav modes:
> [ANY:]
> EXFLY (for 3D pointing device)
> FLY (uses keyboard keys to do 6DOF motions)
> YAWPITCHZOOM - for spherical panoramas, NONE + 2 rotations + right button drag for zoom
> TILT - mobile device pitch button (yaw is in walk)
> TPLANE - mobile device translate up/down left/right (for/back is in walk)
> RPLANE - mobile device rotate about Z
> more..
> If we synchronize names, one idea is to internally have a lookup table to go from previous names -also perhaps from other browsers equivalents- to new coordinated names, so scenes already authored run as expected, although when "ANY" the user may see only new names/choices on the UI.
> Other options:
> a. users alter their old scenes when switching browsers
> b. user enters lookup table for nav modes in UI / program settings for each browser
> c. x3d specs add scriptable navigation modes for scene authors to customize/articulate the exact navigation behavior they want
> c.i browser developers provide a non-scene way to script navigation names and behaviors
> d. browser developers submit their most popular nav modes to specs, for coordination and inclusion in specs and uniform behaviour across x3d browsers
> e. browser developers coordinate informally to share nav mode behavior and names, and decide among themselves
> This last one e. I think makes sense in the sort run, and could lead to d if necessary. We have a good start on e.
> When doing mobile for devices with only single finger touches and drags available, I found I needed more nav buttons. Some mobile have 2 finger drags - good for some rotation and zoom, and some have tilt sensors good for more sophisticated mapping to motion.
> ________________________________
>> Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 11:26:39 +0200
>> From: herbert.stocker at bitmanagement.de
>> To: x3d-public at web3d.org
>> Subject: Re: [X3D-Public] Navigation> TURNTABLE
>> Hi,
>> BS Contact also has such a navigation mode now. (Maybe it's not yet in
>> BS Contact Geo or BS Contact Stereo,
>> but it will be there with the next updates). We called it ROTATE, in
>> lack of a better idea, but TURNTABLE seams
>> a more reasonable name to me.
>> Like TURNTABLE, our ROTATE mode is also similar to EXAMINE while
>> keeping the viewer upright.
>> We use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. In both modi, EXAMINE and
>> ROTATE, we made it so that using
>> the wheel keeps the point under the cursor to stay there, similar to
>> Google Maps. In other words, you are
>> zooming towards the object you are pointing to.
>> Pressing Ctrl while doing a drag temporarily turns both modi into a
>> slide operation, where one can grab the
>> object and move it sidewards, for example to correct if it's off-center.
>> Now my question is, should we rename our mode from ROTATE to TURNTABLE,
>> in order to be consistent with
>> these two implementations?
>> best regards,
>> i. A. Herbert Stocker
>> On 23.04.2014 19:33, doug sanden wrote:
>> In the latest release, Freewrlians implemented a TURNTABLE navigation mode as someone mentioned X3Dom doing. Similar to Examine, but keeps the viewer upright and allows right-mouse-button-drag to move in/out. press 't'
>> -Doug
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>> Herbert Stocker
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