[X3D-Public] ISMAR 2014 - Call for Demonstrations Deadline Extension

Franke, Tobias tobias.franke at igd.fraunhofer.de
Wed Jun 11 01:28:58 PDT 2014

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFD]

**** ISMAR 2014 -- Call for Demonstrations ****
**** Sep 10 - 14, 2014, Technische Universität München, Germany ****

** Scope **
The ISMAR demonstration track is the hands-on part of the conference for
showing your work and engaging with the ISMAR attendees. Your
demonstration can take the shape of a live, interactive demo, a
lab/corporate exhibition, an interactive art exploration or any
combination of these!

This year submitters are asked to provide a 2 page description of their
demonstration that will be included in the proceedings.

We encourage a diverse range of submissions and demonstrations from both
Science & Technology (S&T) and Media professionals, Artists, Social
Scientists, Humanity scholars & Designers (MASH’D) communities. You are
free to demonstrate the work presented in the papers, posters or panel
sessions, as well as any new visionary, engaging or emerging
project not yet presented elsewhere!

The main selection criteria will be the expected general interest of the
demonstration to the Mixed and Augmented Reality community. Virtual 2D
or 3D Schuhplattler are also really welcome to be part of the content of
your demonstration!!

**Extended Deadline**
June 16, 2014, 23:59 US Pacific Time: Demonstrations submission deadline

** Submission guidelines **
To submit your proposal, please visit ISMAR 2014 Demonstrations
Submission System on Easychair.

   - The title of the proposed demonstration with the word DEMO
proceeding. i.e “[DEMO] Augmented Reality Tracking Demo”
   -  A two pages abstract of your demo including:
       - What makes it unique and special
       - Explanation of your demonstration
       - Explanation of the novelty
       - Why will it draw a crowd?
       - Would an AR expert want to see it and why?
       - Keywords
       - Recommended but Optional: URL of your demo video (Video in
QuickTime, MPEG, or
Windows Media Viewer, should not to exceed 50MB. Please do NOT send your
video by email.)

Templates (TEX, DOC) are available here:

** Demonstration Facility Information **
 - Information about the demonstration space:
       - The standard floor space includes one table (1.6m x 1m x 0.8m)
if you have special requirements please make a request to the demo chairs.
       - Standard Power Electricity: 200W (230V/50Hz/Type F Socket)
       - WiFi Network provided

** Demonstration Chairs  **
   Maki Sugimoto, Keio University
   Ross Smith, University of South Australia
   Julian Stadon, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
   Frieder Pankratz, Technische Universität München

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