[X3D-Public] [x3dom-developers] initial X3D JSON conversion support using X3dToJson.xslt

Cecile Muller newsletter at wildpeaks.fr
Thu Oct 16 09:09:58 PDT 2014

Hi Don,

> a.  how is
>        "_type": "Shape",
> different than
>       "Shape": [
> The "_type" doesn't add any information per se.

The main reason is because it results in less deeply nested structures.
The full reply (which was a bit too long for an email) is posted there:

> b. how is
>        translation: _data.translation || [0, 0, 0],
> different than
>        "@translation": [ 0, -2, 0 ],
> Also wondering what the || (inclusive or) operator is doing there.  It
does not appear in the JSON specification.  This appears to be a mix of
JSON Data Interchange Format (ECMA-404) and javascript source.

That part was just Javascript: it's not something that would be in the JSON
file, just an example of an alternative way to make extra node types using
an arbitrary 3D engine's own language; you can ignore that part if you want
the full implementation inside JSON.

> c.  What precisely are
>        "appearance": {
>        "material": {

It's the container field.

See you,
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