[x3d-public] Open Earth View

Clément Igonet clement at igonet.fr
Mon Apr 27 06:39:47 PDT 2015

Hi guys,

    I'm very new in this mailing list.

    I'm actually working on a simple concept of 3d earth web viewer as 
free time, and I need a real team to go further and quicker.

X3D tile
    It relies on X3D tiles, generated using a web service. Currently, 
this web service is available using this kind of URL:

Demos and presentations:
    A very basic presentation of the "osm2x3d" project if here: 
    And a demo here: http://web.osm2x3d.net

    As a demo of the use of X3D tile principle, I've created an other web 
site: http://www.openearthview.net
    An ultra basic presentation is here: 

Next steps
    The architecture aims to provide an easy way to exploit the service.
    There is many easy and little things to have more advanced results.

    Is a near future:
    - use of terrain elevation, using a web service like mapnik
    - indoor building navigation, using 2D map floor (SVG) and indoor 
P.O.I (using OSM data, or an extension)

    In a further future:
    - building texture using a very simple concept of URL to facade 
    - "skybox" or "cubemap" data to have a "360°*180°" view like google 
street map.

    I'm looking for people who could be interested to join the free and 
open Open Earth View project. This implies:
    - full X3D concept;
    - web interface: javascript, using x3dom;
    - server side: currently C++ and PHP, and node.js in the future.

Clement Igonet.

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