[x3d-public] Open Street Map to GeoJSON to X3D JSON

clement at igonet.fr clement at igonet.fr
Sat Dec 19 15:59:04 PST 2015

Well, I must admit that I have not yet tested my generated X3D output with geo coordinates... Only geojson has been validated relying on osmbuilding project. So there must be things to fix to have a correct X3D output with geocoordinates.


Le 19 décembre 2015 19:36:10 UTC+01:00, Andreas Plesch <andreasplesch at gmail.com> a écrit :
>Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2015 02:55:17 +0100
>> From: Clement IGONET <clement at igonet.fr>
>> For those who could be interested, I've coded a little converter
>> focused on Open Street Map buildings.
>> This converts OSM data to GeoJSON and then, to X3D JSON.
>> Source code here:
>> https://git.framasoft.org/pizaninja/OpenEarthView/tree/master/osm2x3d
>> also available as npm package: osm2x3d
>Hey, this looks great. I was wondering if it would be possible to use
>GeoCoordinates in the x3d output but after looking into the code I
>that it is hard to use those with 2d geometries. So this leads to a
>general x3d question:
>While there is a Coordinate SFNode for 3d geometries, there is not an
>equivalent 2DCoordinate SFNode for 2d geometries. Instead Polyline2D,
>Polypoint2D and TriangleSet2D use MFVec2f fields such as linesegments,
>point [should be plural?] and vertices to specify 2d coordinates.
>If instead a 2DCoordinate SFNode would used, there could also be an
>equivalent Geo2DCoordinate. The Y=0 equivalent would 0 elevation (eg.
>third component would be zero).
>The cross-section of the Extrusion node is related. How do you deal
>with a
>building foot print given in geographic coordinates that you would like
>extrude vertically ? This is the typical KML, GeoJSON, OSM setup.
>Currently one has to produce local coordinates for the cross-section
>print) of the building first, then use Extrusion and GeoLocation.
>Is it necessary to have a GeoExtrusion node ?
>On the other hand it is not too hard to programmatically construct a
>IndexedFaceSet with the necessary connectivity between the vertices to
>produce an extrusion.
>And instead of the 2D geometries one could use the 3d equivalents:
>PointSet and TriangleSet.
>So I guess it comes to down to a question of design and convenience.
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clement at igonet.fr
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