[x3d-public] More on X3D script to X3DOM scripting...conversion program beginning. Help is welcome.
Clement IGONET
clement at igonet.fr
Sun Dec 20 13:49:20 PST 2015
geometry crossSection is missing testing with X3Djson of my own:
"X3D": {
"@profile": "Immersive",
"@version": 3.3,
"Scene": {
"-children": [{
"Transform": {
"@translation": [0, 20, 0],
"-children": [{
"Group": {
"@class": "buildingPart",
"-children": [{
"Shape": {
"-appearance": [{
"Appearance": {
"-material": [{
"Material": {
"@diffuseColor": [null, null, null],
"@transparency": 0.6
"-geometry": [{
"Extrusion": {
"@convex": false,
"@creaseAngle": 0.785,
"@crossSection": [[-39.94663841462567, -39.472313797352705],
[-26.98130996805282, -33.99040391371091], [-24.13471984587026,
-37.8377483755381], [0.5505538701044541, -27.385425271266268],
[-2.2960362520781055, -23.538080809439077], [3.5528168882482545,
-21.058433944731174], [24.424104619198804, -12.21843727668515],
[30.10616537155961, -9.816626861538039], [33.00835295692408,
-13.752927264140247], [57.671387687309995, -3.3117236526628173],
[54.791439085954146, 0.6023377651406799], [68.37945912269265,
6.351115472687708], [41.848349624970105, 42.33379373503747],
[28.28256857382039, 36.59613552028483], [25.22470809249468,
40.74370628361037], [0.561673362108766, 30.30250267213294],
[3.58617536742154, 26.199409879194917], [-2.2293192968918842,
23.73088250728141], [-23.078368042253633, 14.913124824824184],
[-28.81602625779635, 12.477955931293877], [-31.907245218295344,
16.67000466579701], [-56.614757918278684, 6.206562067940691],
[-53.501299972190886, 1.992274348638849], [-66.47774791234822,
-3.500755027797344], [-39.94663841462567, -39.472313797352705]],
"@solid": false,
"@endCap": false,
[0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 0]
And after converting to xml X3D with X3DJSONLD:
<X3D profile='Immersive' version='3.3'
<Transform translation='0 20 0'>
<Group class='buildingPart'>
<Material diffuseColor='' transparency='0.6'>
<Extrusion convex='false' creaseAngle='0.785'
crossSection='' solid='false' endCap='false' spine='0 0 0 0 55 0'>
On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 6:26 AM, John Carlson <yottzumm at gmail.com> wrote:
> Start of a Script Expander for X3D JSON — X3D -> X3DOM scripting. I have no
> clue how initialization, shutdown or event processing will work.
> This code is currently a MESS. This is not an example of how I like to
> present myself and I present it here in order to stimulate someone else to
> help with X3D bits I have little knowledge of. I will continue working on
> this, but some guidance would be welcome.
> John
> https://github.com/coderextreme/X3DJSONLD/blob/master/Script.js
> // X3D JSON Script Expander
> var content = '';
> // read content into buffer
> process.stdin.resume();
> process.stdin.on('data', function(buf) { content += buf.toString(); });
> function Package(package, name) {
> this.initializers = [];
> this.getters = {};
> this.setters = {};
> this.values = {};
> this.types = {};
> this.packages = {};
> if (typeof package === 'undefined' || package.name === "") {
> if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
> this.name = "";
> } else {
> this.name = name;
> }
> } else {
> if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
> this.name = package.name;
> } else {
> this.name = package.name+'.'+name;
> }
> package.packages[name] = this;
> }
> // initialize children packages
> // add package to parent so you can find the package without full path
> }
> Package.prototype.find = function (name) {
> if (typeof this.packages[name] === 'undefined') {
> // there is no package, so global package
> return new Package(undefined, name);
> } else {
> return this.packages[name];
> }
> }
> function processPrototypes(object, clazz, package) {
> var p;
> if (typeof object === "object") {
> for (p in object) {
> var name = object[p]["@name"];
> if (typeof name === 'undefined') {
> name = object[p]["@DEF"];
> }
> if (p.toLowerCase() === 'script') {
> var script = new Package(package, name);
> processPrototypes(object[p], clazz, script);
> } else if (p.toLowerCase() === 'route') {
> processRoutes(object[p], clazz, package);
> } else if (p.toLowerCase() === 'field' && object['@language'] !== 'GLSL') {
> processFields(object[p], package);
> clazz.push('var ' + package.name + ' = function(' +
> package.initializers.join(', ') + ') {');
> clazz.push('var that = this;');
> clazz.push('this.setters = {};');
> clazz.push('this.getters = {};');
> for (var v in package.values) {
> if (package.types[v].indexOf("MF") === 0) {
> clazz.push('var that.' + v + ' = ['+ package.values[v] + '];');
> } else {
> clazz.push('var that.' + v + ' = '+ package.values[v] + ';');
> }
> }
> for (var v in package.getters) {
> clazz.push('this.getters.' + v + ' = function () { return that.' + v + ';
> };');
> }
> processSource(object['#sourceText'], clazz, package);
> clazz.push('}');
> processPrototypes(object[p], clazz, package);
> } else if (p.toLowerCase() === '@use') {
> var name = object["@USE"];
> object["@USE"] = name;
> // object[p] is not an object
> } else if (p.toLowerCase() === '@def') {
> var name = object["@DEF"];
> object["@DEF"] = name;
> // object[p] is not an object
> } else {
> processPrototypes(object[p], clazz, package);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> function processRoutes(routes, clazz, package) {
> clazz.push("this.runRoute = function() {");
> var r;
> for (r in routes) {
> var route = routes[r];
> var fromNode = route["@fromNode"];
> var fromField = route["@fromField"];
> var toNode = route["@toNode"];
> var toField = route["@toField"];
> clazz.push(package.name+'.this.'+toNode+'.setters.'+toField+'('+package.name+'.this.'+fromNode+'.getters.'+fromField+'());');
> }
> clazz.push("};");
> }
> function processFields(fields, package) {
> var f;
> for (f in fields) {
> var object = fields[f];
> var name = object["@name"];
> package.types[name] = object["@type"];
> switch(object['@accessType']) {
> case 'initializeOnly':
> // these should be in order, so it's an array
> package.initializers.push(name);
> package.values[name] = object["@value"];
> break;
> case 'inputOutput':
> // setters should be looked up by name
> package.setters[name] = object;
> package.getters[name] = object;
> package.values[name] = object["@value"];
> break;
> case 'inputOnly':
> // setters should be looked up by name
> package.setters[name] = object;
> package.values[name] = object["@value"];
> break;
> case 'outputOnly':
> break;
> package.getters[name] = object;
> default:
> break;
> }
> }
> }
> function processSource(lines, clazz, package) {
> if (typeof lines !== 'undefined') {
> var functions = lines.join("\n").split("function");
> var f;
> for (var f = 1; f < functions.length; f++) { // skip ecmascript:
> var func = functions[f];
> var sp = func.indexOf('(');
> var name = func.substr(0, sp).trim();
> var funcvar = 'this.' + name; // a non setter function
> if (typeof package.setters[name] !== 'undefined') {
> funcvar = 'this.setters.' + name; // a setter function
> }
> clazz.push(funcvar + ' = function ' + func.substr(sp));
> }
> }
> }
> process.stdin.on('end', function() {
> var object = JSON.parse(content);
> var clazz = [];
> processPrototypes(object, clazz, new Package());
> console.log(clazz.join('\n'));
> //console.log(JSON.stringify(object, null, 2));
> });
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> x3d-public at web3d.org
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