[x3d-public] [x3dom-users] simple X3D -> JSON -> X3DOM, D3.js
Michael Aratow
maratow at noegenesis.com
Fri Feb 20 18:04:43 PST 2015
I think there is enough general interest and, as Don has surmised,
communication mismatches, that a synchronous communication methodology
(ie teleconference!!) be organized with the people who have provided
such great comments and suggestions (eg John, Cecile, Don, Leonard,
Johannes, Yvonne, Kristian and others).
On 2/20/15 2:33 PM, Don Brutzman wrote:
> As before, your insights are much appreciated. Thanks John.
> It is looking like there may be some terminology mismatches? That
> might be an important cause of misunderstanding. Hoping to get clearer.
> When talking about "name" values, please clarify. Are your referring
> to element and attribute names, or DEF/USE ID/IDREF names?
> In general, we have been trying to create a JSON representation for
> X3D that is round-trippable with any other encoding.
> Not a goal is to create something incorrect or unusable. This isn't a
> marketing activity. So no need for a BogusJSON or whatever, there is
> simply no need for something broken.
> The X3dToJson.xslt is trying to take an XML-based .x3d scene and
> produce a usable JSON representation. If information is lost, and the
> result can't be written back out as the original scene, then an
> encoding fails the round-trip test.
> Multiple approaches exist for converting XML to JSON. Some were
> explored and compared on the earlier email threads. First one that
> pops up on today's search is
> http://www.utilities-online.info/xmltojson/
> When given the HelloWorld.x3d scene, it replies with
> {
> "X3D": {
> "-profile": "Immersive",
> "-version": "3.3",
> "-xmlns:xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
> "-xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation": "
> http://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3.xsd ",
> "head": {
> "meta": [
> {
> "-name": "title",
> "-content": "HelloWorld.x3d"
> },
> {
> "-name": "description",
> "-content": "Simple X3D scene example: Hello World!"
> },
> {
> "-name": "created",
> "-content": "30 October 2000"
> },
> {
> "-name": "modified",
> "-content": "23 November 2014"
> },
> {
> "-name": "creator",
> "-content": "Don Brutzman"
> },
> {
> "-name": "Image",
> "-content": "HelloWorld.tall.png"
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_world "
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": "
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello#\"Hello,_World\"_computer_program "
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": "
> http://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Computer_Programming/Hello_world
> "
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": " http://www.HelloWorldExample.net "
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": " http://www.web3D.org "
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": "
> http://www.web3d.org/realtime-3d/news/internationalization-x3d "
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": "
> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HelloWorld.x3d "
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": "
> http://X3dGraphics.com/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes "
> },
> {
> "-name": "identifier",
> "-content": "
> http://X3dGraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter01-TechnicalOverview/HelloWorld.x3d
> "
> },
> {
> "-name": "license",
> "-content": "
> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/license.html "
> },
> {
> "-name": "generator",
> "-content": "X3D-Edit 3.3, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit"
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": "HelloWorld.wrl"
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": "HelloWorld.x3dv"
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": "HelloWorld.x3db"
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": "HelloWorld.xhtml"
> },
> {
> "-name": "reference",
> "-content": "HelloWorld.json"
> }
> ]
> },
> "Scene": {
> "Group": {
> "Viewpoint": {
> "-DEF": "ViewUpClose",
> "-centerOfRotation": "0 -1 0",
> "-description": "Hello world!",
> "-position": "0 -1 7"
> },
> "Transform": [
> {
> "-rotation": "0 1 0 3",
> "Shape": {
> "Appearance": {
> "Material": {
> "-DEF": "MaterialLightBlue",
> "-diffuseColor": "0.1 0.5 1"
> },
> "ImageTexture": {
> "-DEF": "ImageCloudlessEarth",
> "-url": " \"earth-topo.png\" \"earth-topo.jpg\"
> \"earth-topo-small.gif\"
> \"http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/earth-topo.png\"
> \"http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/earth-topo.jpg\"
> \"http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/earth-topo-small.gif\"
> "
> }
> }
> }
> },
> {
> "-translation": "0 -2 0",
> "Shape": {
> "Text": {
> "-DEF": "TextMessage",
> "-string": "\"Hello\" \"world!\"",
> "FontStyle": { "-justify": "\"MIDDLE\" \"MIDDLE\"" }
> },
> "Appearance": {
> "Material": { "-USE": "MaterialLightBlue" }
> }
> }
> }
> ]
> }
> }
> }
> }
> This varies from the current HelloWorld.json by including
> X3D/head/meta* tags, using a different attribute prefix (- vice @),
> and dropping comments and inclusion/exclusion of default attribute
> values.
> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/HelloWorld.json
> So is the XML -> JSON conversion from
> http://www.utilities-online.info/xmltojson producing illegal JSON too?
> Looking forward to continued scrutiny and improved understanding.
> On 2/20/2015 11:15 AM, John Carlson wrote:
>>>> On Feb 19, 2015 12:21 AM, "John Carlson" <yottzumm at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com> <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:yottzumm at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>>> How does the X3D JSON encoding handle two Shapes or
>>>> Transforms or Groups of the same type at the same depth in the tree
>>>> with the same parent? Do you modify the tree structure
>>>> significantly? I'm not that familiar with the schema. I just know
>>>> you're going to have to do something else in JavaScript, even if
>>>> your JSON parses and works. You can't use the JSON directly as
>>>> Javascript. JSON != JavaScript. We desire a *JavaScript* and
>>>> JSON encoding.
>>> This is a crucial point and I'm really glad you are raising it.
>> You're right it's a crucial point. It's so crucial I brought it up
>> with Douglas Crockford. He said the standard did not need to be
>> changed. What's important is how the standard is *used*. Say I'm in
>> Java, and I'm reading in a A JSON object. What happens if I see a
>> name in and object twice? What do I do? Do I instantly change my
>> attribute to a list? How? Must I use a list for every single
>> attribute because that's what is allowed by JSON? No, is the
>> answer. JSON doesn't specify a set of name/list pairs, it specifies
>> name/value pairs. JSON objects are meant to be associative arrays or
>> struct or record as is mentioned in the standard. I asked Douglas to
>> change the standard so names appeared only once in an object. He
>> demurred. The thing is, it's the *use* that matters, and you're
>> going to pull a lot of programmer's hair out and stick their fingers
>> in electrical sockets if you continue to use names more than once in
>> a JSON object. It violates the spirit of the
>> standard if not the letter.
>>> If we think about use cases for Javascript applications loading X3D
>>> models, I think they are most interested in reusing geometry for
>>> their own nefarious/magnificent purposes. Javascript programmers
>>> are likely less interested in X3D event models, Scripts, protos and
>>> whatnot. Library loaders might convert such things to match their
>>> paradigm, or might also ignore non-geometry nodes completely.
>> I guess what matters ultimately is that JSON parsers must reject
>> names appearing in objects more that once. Also, please do not call
>> your encoding JSON because it
>> just *isn't*. If we must, programmers will move away from your JSON
>> encoding, and use their own, as I have already done. All I'm
>> actually doing is to asking you to make an X3D JSON standard which
>> makes good sense, and if not, don't call it JSON. FJSON or Fake JSON
>> might be more appropriate.
>>> Rephrase, Let JSON be JSON (a subset that is good for data objects)
>>> and Javascript be Javascript (a full-blown programming language).
>>> Not trying to downplay or avoid anything, just looking at what the
>>> most common uses of an X3D scene encoded as JSON might be.
>>> Such an idea actually brings us full circle to the design premise of
>>> all the scene encodings (XML .x3d, Classic VRML .x3dv, binary .x3db)
>>> which is to completely/compatibly represent an X3D scene, period.
>>> If we achieve that with JSON, making common geometry constructs easy
>>> for programmers to access, then great they will do so. If we also
>>> try to tell them "For Advanced Graphics Using X3D JSON You Must
>>> Program Your Javascript Application This Way" they will laugh.
>>> Viva la difference, programming styles and practices will always
>>> vary and evolve. Whatever works.
>> Yes, whatever works. Names or field slots appearing in an object
>> more than once in a struct or record don't work in programmers'
>> minds. You will force every value to be a list in their minds.
>> Which may be what you intend. If so, then explicitly do that in your
>> JSON output (my restructuring in my previous message). Don't force
>> the programmer into cognitive overload. Please only have names
>> appearing once in your objects, I beg you desperately, if you want
>> your X3D JSON standard to be relevant. If not, then call it X3DON
>> not *JS*ON
> all the best, Don
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