[x3d-public] Summersim '15 Computer Graphics for Simulation Paper track Call for papers

John Richardson richards at spawar.navy.mil
Thu Jan 22 17:03:22 PST 2015



First, the Computer Graphics Paper track at Summersim’15 info 



The theme of the paper track is interoperability between Computer Graphics and Simulation. However, general graphics and simulation visualization are also primary themes. Topics include but are not restricted to;

- 3D visualization of simulations

- Open Source in simulation visualizations

- Scenegraph's / X3D / Web3D / COLLADA / FBX / GML / OSG / OpenSG

- 3D modeling and animation tools for virtual environments [Blender, Maya,... GIS tools / Terrain,...]

- Game engines and simulation

- DEVS and Computer Graphics

- GPGPU's and simulations [CUDA, OpenCL,...]

- General Computer Graphics

- General Simulation Methodology

- Sensors, CG and simulations

- Ocean modeling, atmospheric and weather modelling, visualization

- Business Information Modelling









Summer Simulation Multiconference 2015: http://scs.org/summersim July 26-29, 2015 Palmer House Hilton Hotel; Chicago, IL, USA


"Complexity and the Role of Modeling & Simulation"




Important Dates:


Special Sessions Proposals (workshops, tutorials, etc): January 10, 2015  (SPECTS - February 20, 2015


Paper Submission:  February 10, 2015    (SPECTS - February 20, 2015)


Notification of Acceptance: March 31, 2015    (SPECTS - March 31, 2015)


Work in Progress: March 31, 2015


Camera-ready Papers Due: April 12, 2015    (SPECTS - April 12, 2015)




Aims and Scope:


The Summer Simulation Conference 2015 (SummerSim’15) is SCS’s premier international conference in cooperation with ACM SIGSIM. The conference focuses on modeling and simulation, tools, theory, methodologies and applications and provides a forum for the latest R&D results in academia and industry. This year’s focus is on hybrid, discrete and continuous systems, and the role of M&S in addressing complexity. We encourage you to take this opportunity to experience the tutorials, tracks, and workshops that will be available.



Organizing Committee:



◦General Chair: Saurabh Mittal, Dunip Technologies, LLC, Colorado, USA (smittal at duniptech.com) ◦General Co-Chair: Floriano De Rango, University of Exeter, UK (derango at deis.unical.it) ◦Awards Chair: Andreas Tolk, SimIS Inc., Virginia, USA (andreas.tolk at simisinc.com) ◦Program Chair: José Luis Risco Martín, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain (jlrisco at ucm.es) ◦Proceedings Chair: Deniz Cetinkaya, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, Turkey (dcetinkaya at thk.edu.tr) ◦Publicity Chair: Justyna Zander, HumanoidWay, USA (justyna.zander at gmail.com) ◦Sponsorship Chair: Umut Durak, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany (umut.durak at dlr.de) ◦Tutorial Chair: Pending confirmation ◦PhD Colloquium Chair: Miroslav Velev, Aries Design Automation, USA (mvelev at gmail.com)



Steering Committee:


◦Abdolreza Abhari, Ryerson University, Canada (aabhari at scs.ryerson.ca) ◦Francesco Longo, University of Calabria, Italy (f.longo at unical.it) ◦Pere Vila, University of Girona, Spain (pere.vila at udg.edu) ◦Pieter J. Mosterman, MathWorks, Inc., USA (Pieter.Mosterman at mathworks.com) ◦Justyna Zander, HumanoidWay, USA (justyna.zander at gmail.com)



Advisory Committee:


◦Tuncer Ören, SITE, University of Ottawa, Canada (Oren.Tuncer at sympatico.ca) ◦Mohammad Obaidat, Monmouth University, USA (obaidat at monmouth.edu) ◦Agostino Bruzzone, University of Genoa, Italy (agostino at itim.unige.it) ◦François Cellier, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (FCellier at Inf.ETHZ.CH) ◦Bernard P. Zeigler, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA (zeigler at ece.arizona.edu) ◦Jerzy Rozenblit, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA (jr at ece.arizona.edu)




A selected group of the best papers of SummerSim 2015 will be invited to be published in a Special Issue devoted to SummerSim 2015. At the moment, the committee is looking for appropriate venues of journal publications. All authors are encouraged to submit extended versions of their papers to the Special Issue according to the guidelines found on the webpage.



Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference, present their work to their peers, transfer copyright, and pay a conference registration fee at the time their camera-ready paper is submitted. All papers will be included in the conference proceedings and archived in both the SCS digital library and the ACM Digital Library, and will be indexed in DBLP and SCOPUS.



SummerSim'15 Includes the Following Events (please see individual Call for Papers to see specific track information):



•International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2015)

Chairs: Franco Davoli, Univ. of Genoa, Italy, and Jose Marzo, Univ. of Girona, Spain SPECTS Call for Papers: Visit http://scs.org/summersim SPECTS Submit Paper: http://www.softconf.com/scs/SPECTS15/



•47th Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2015 (SCSC 2015)

Chair:  Dr. Saurabh Mittal, Dunip Technologies, LLC, USA Co Chair: Il-Chul Moon, KAIST, Korea


SCSC Tracks (Please also see individual track Call for Papers at http://scs.org/summersim):


◾M&S for Intelligent, Adaptive and Autonomous Systems (MSIAAS’15)

Chair: Dr. Saurabh Mittal and Marco Lutzenberger ◾M&S for Sustainability (MSS’15)

Chair: Dr. Bjorn Johansson

◾Agent-Directed Simulation (ADS’15)

Chairs: Dr. Tuncer Ören, Dr. Levent Yilmaz ◾Emergency Management Simulation (EMS ’15)

Chair: Prof. Dr. Francesco Longo

◾Computer Graphics for Simulation (CGS'15)

Chair: John F. Richardson

◾Modeling & Simulation for Environmental Systems (MSES'15)

Chair: Ali Elkamel, Suad Al-Adwani

◾Grand Challenges for Modeling & Simulation (GCMS'15)

Chair: Ali Elkamel, Chandramouli R. Madhuranthakam, Hedia Fgaier ◾Modeling and Simulation for Energy Systems Integration and Smart Grid (MSEnSySG'15) *JUST ADDED!*

Chair: Vladimir Koritarov, Saurabh Mittal, Prakash R. Thimmapuram ◾Simulation for Design Automation Flow (SDAF'15) *JUST ADDED!*

Chair: Alberto A. Del Barrio

◾Modeling, Simulation and Test for Cyber-Physical Systems (MSTCPS'15) *JUST ADDED!*

Chair: Miroslav Velev

◾Modeling & Simulation in Medicine (MSM'15) *JUST ADDED!*

Chair: Jacob Barhak

◾Modeling & Simulation for Cyber-Security Assessment (MSCSA'15) *JUST ADDED!*

Chair: Adam Bryant

◾Poster Session & Student Colloquium *JUST ADDED!*

Chair: Miroslav Velev



Further, topics relevant to the scope of the conference also include (but are not restricted to) the following:

•Modeling and Simulation for Defense and Security •Modeling and Simulation of Inventory and Materials Management •Modeling and Simulation for Transportation •Modeling and Simulation of Complex Social Systems



SCSC Call for Papers: Visit http://scs.org/summersim SCSC Submit Paper: http://www.softconf.com/scs/SCSC15/



If you have any questions about SummerSim'15, please contact SCS (scs at scs.org)











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