[x3d-public] HAnim LOA3 with 390 pr skin w and w/o Ext Proto
Joe D Williams
joedwil at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 18 16:50:42 PDT 2016
Arrached is example hanim LOA3 with all joints and 390 point skin made
up mainly from standard Site and feature points doing a kick.
Two versions are given, one with the animation as part of the hanim
file and one with the animaton given in an External Prototype.
Currently tested mainly in BSContact free.
The only problem I know about is if the browser does not generate the
default texture mapping when it is given a single IndexedFaceSet as
the skin. If so, then the character will move through the texture
instead of the texture being bound to specific vertices. I guess I am
still learning about texture coordinates:)
Also, what another great example of how compact this is relative to a
photo or video.
Thanks for comments and Best Regards,
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