[x3d-public] Nodes for V4

Leonard Daly web3d at realism.com
Sun Aug 28 21:32:31 PDT 2016

catching up....

> Thanks for your continuing efforts.  Feedback:
> a. Not clear what your motivation is.  What functionality does a Macro 
> node provide that isn't already available using Script and Prototype 
> definitions?  Getting clear about differences helps getting clear 
> about goals.

X3D Script is not available in HTML as it is already being used. After 
repeated requests to X3D and X3D-Public mailing lists, no one could 
supply an example of a trivial PROTO (one without a Script node) that 
was not convenience definition. I felt that the ability to define a set 
of nodes at initialization (parse-type) was useful. I added the ability 
to vary the parameters from one instance to the next as important to 
provide variability in the scene.

The Macro node definition (linked in the OP) is part of a much larger 
document that includes the section "Author's Notes" 
(http://tools.realism.com/specification/x3d-v40/authors-notes) where the 
motivation and domain of operation are described. There is also a link 
to the "Author's Notes" section in the sidebar.

> b. Usage examples are often helpful for illustrating goals at this 
> stage of design.

Each node comes with at least one test case. Andreas has collected the 
test scenes and provide me information as to how that can be made part 
of the Github pages. I will be working on that.

> c. Previous efforts on NetworkSensor node, and the difficulties 
> encountered, may be worth considering:
>     http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Networking/
>     http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Networking/NetworkSensorConnectionPrototypes.x3d 
>     http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Networking/NetworkSensorConnectionPrototypes.html 
>     http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/Networking/NetworkSensorConnectionNodes.html 

Communication between users (networking) is a useful area to 
investigate. I was involved in the previous attempt and remember many of 
the difficulties and different approaches that the WG had. In the end we 
were unable to define anything for the specification because the problem 
scope was not sufficiently well-defined and agreed-upon. Things in the 
HTML world have changed considerably since then and it would probably be 
useful to try to get that kind of communication going again. I do not 
know if it is appropriate to put that in X3D or better to handle 
external of X3D in (e.g.) WebRTC.

I do not understand why it was brought up here. It is not a topic I 
brought up.

> d. Then noticed that you have applied a (CC BY-ND) No Derivatives 
> license, which specifically forbids any adaptation.
>     https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/us/
>     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_license
>     "No Derivative Works (ND)"
>     "Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform only verbatim 
> copies of the work, not derivative works and remixes based on it."
> Unfortunately that discourages further consideration.

At this time I am not submitting this for consideration for V4. I did 
not want multiple versions of the document existing. That would make it 
hard to determine the differences between the different documents. I am 
aware of the requirements for consideration and the document will comply 
with those requirements when it is submitted. The CC BY-ND license does 
not discourage consideration as changes can be sent to me for 
incorporation. If there are several people interested in working on the 
document, I will supply other mechanisms for editing/updating.

Leonard Daly

> On 8/26/2016 7:39 PM, Leonard Daly wrote:
>> For the last year I have been working on advancing X3D to be 
>> standardized in HTML5/DOM environment and support mobile and VR. I 
>> have just completed alpha work on the Macro node. This node provides 
>> the static definition capabilities of PROTO in an HTML5 environment. 
>> It can perform string substitution (name/value pairs) on X3D code 
>> stored externally. The node documentation is at 
>> http://tools.realism.com/specification/x3d-v40/abstract-specification/changes-additions-x3d-v33/macro.
>> I will continue to get to at least alpha stage (basic functional 
>> implemented and working) for all nodes I discussed during my 
>> presentations at Web3D2016 & SIGGRAPH. The presentation is online at 
>> http://realism.com/presentations/188?title=Extending-X3DOM-to-Mobile.
>> All of the code is up on Github at https://github.com/DrX3D/x3dv4 
>> with testing code.
>> I am interested in any bugs that are found or new/revised direction 
>> for the nodes. I am completely open to anyone who would like to help 
>> code.
>> -- 
>> *Leonard Daly*
>> 3D Systems Architect
>> Cloud Consultant
>> President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/
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> all the best, Don

*Leonard Daly*
X3D Co-Chair
Cloud Consultant
President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/
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