[x3d-public] Fwd: Re: Topics for Discussion at JSON meeting:SFNode/MFNode field/fieldValue content, ProtoBody, regexes
John Carlson
yottzumm at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 16:24:08 PST 2016
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "John Carlson" <yottzumm at gmail.com>
Date: Feb 6, 2016 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [x3d-public] Topics for Discussion at JSON
meeting:SFNode/MFNode field/fieldValue content, ProtoBody, regexes
To: "Joe D Williams" <joedwil at earthlink.net>
In the X3D JSON proto expander I had been replacing ProtoDeclare with Group
in the instance (I believe i put a group around the contents of the
protobody). This will have to change I suspect. I will try with the
examples in this thread to come up with a good solution. Since we are not
roundtripping the Proto Expander, it will be difficult for me to validate
that I have it right. I will provide expanded JSON and we will have to
hand validate the result. Or someone like me can write test cases that we
can hand validate.
On Feb 6, 2016 5:42 PM, "Joe D Williams" <joedwil at earthlink.net> wrote:
> only be one top level node in the ProtoBody?
> What is a top-level node? I didn't understand the term.
> Isn't there some more X3D established name for this? root or child?
> The type of the first node defines where the proto can appear in a scene
> graph. The rest is just whatever it takes to complete the structure and
> provide the functionality.
> So, isn't is it that any field that has a DEF can be the first node in the
> proto and likewise any field that can have a DEF can be 'replaced' by an
> instance of a proto?
> From HAnim#VRML V2.0 utf8 eMpTyWorlds V3.29.70
> PROTO Humanoid [
> exposedField SFVec3f center 0 0 0
> exposedField MFNode humanoidBody [ ]
> exposedField MFString info [ ]
> exposedField MFNode joints [ ]
> exposedField SFString name ""
> exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0
> exposedField SFVec3f scale 1 1 1
> exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0
> exposedField MFNode segments [ ]
> exposedField MFNode sites [ ]
> exposedField SFVec3f translation 0 0 0
> exposedField SFString version "200x"
> exposedField MFNode viewpoints [ ]
> field SFVec3f bboxCenter 0 0 0
> field SFVec3f bboxSize -1 -1 -1
> ]
> {
> Transform {
> center IS center
> rotation IS rotation
> scale IS scale
> scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation
> translation IS translation
> children [
> Group {
> children IS humanoidBody
> }
> Group {
> children IS viewpoints
> }
> ]
> }
> }
> Thanks,
> Joe
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Roy Walmsley" <
> roy.walmsley at ntlworld.com>
> To: "'Don Brutzman'" <brutzman at nps.edu>
> Cc: <x3d-public at web3d.org>
> Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2016 10:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [x3d-public] Topics for Discussion at JSON
> meeting:SFNode/MFNode field/fieldValue content, ProtoBody, regexes
> Don,
>> Once again thanks for your further deep considerations and insightful
>> comments.
>> When you complete this full set of changes and regenerate all the JSON
>> encodings of the archive examples I will ask John to retest with my schema.
>> Until then, I'll just keep adding full node definitions to the Schema. I
>> completed all nodes beginning with 'G' today.
>> So, going back to the ProtoBody, and the fact that only the first node is
>> used, do we want to consider specifying that there should only be one top
>> level node in the ProtoBody? Yes, there could be other statements, such as
>> ROUTEs, IMPORT's, etc. and comments. But no point in having, for example, a
>> Script node at the top level and not first node. It will simply be ignored.
>> Not sure if I can find a way to validate only the first node. I can't
>> guarantee it will be the first item at the top level. There could be
>> comments or IMPORTs. The easier option is to validate all top level items.
>> I'll give the matter some thought, though.
>> Regards,
>> Roy
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Don Brutzman [mailto:brutzman at nps.edu]
>> Sent: 06 February 2016 18:04
>> To: Roy Walmsley
>> Cc: x3d-public at web3d.org; 'John Carlson'
>> Subject: Re: [x3d-public] Topics for Discussion at JSON meeting:
>> SFNode/MFNode field/fieldValue content, ProtoBody, regexes
>> On 2/6/2016 2:39 AM, Roy Walmsley wrote:
>>> Don,
>>> Thanks for your in-depth considerations.
>> Likewise thank you Roy.
>> The only one I would like to comment further on is that regarding nodes
>>> in ProtoBody. This is my topic 3).
>>> I can see your argument, and, in some ways, agree. However, how would
>>> that be validated? I have a ProtoBody element, to which I need to assign
>>> properties. What properties should I assign. Using your method I would have
>>> to assign every possible containerField name, and assign the nodes that can
>>> go there. Another disadvantage is that comments would be confined to the
>>> -children property, losing some of the ability to be located with most of
>>> the nodes they refer to.
>>> Using a single -children field means it is the only property I have to
>>> assign. Yes, I have to add every concrete node as a possible child. It also
>>> has the advantage that comments can be interspersed.
>> Regarding comments: yes agreed, and as with other X3D encodings, a
>> prototype engine needs to skip over any comments that appear before the
>> first ProtoBody node.
>> Creating a prototype that acts solely as a comment is not an allowed
>> design option.
>> At the moment there is no easy way to validate that a ProtoInstance is
>>> being used in the correct place. Validation would need to be able to find
>>> the first child of the relevant ProtoBody and check that it could be used
>>> in the field that calls up the ProtoInstance.
>>> Let's take a small example excerpt. It's not meant to be meaningful,
>>> only illustrative of principles.
>>> <ProtoDeclare>
>>> <ProtoInterface/>
>>> <ProtoBody>
>>> <MetadataBoolean/>
>>> </ProtoBody>
>>> </ProtoDeclare>
>>> ....
>>> <MetadataSet>
>>> <ProtoInstance name="myProto" containerField="value"/>
>>> </MetadataSet> ....
>>> <MetadataSet>
>>> <ProtoInstance name="myProto" containerField="metadata"/>
>>> </MetadataSet>
>>> How would the JSON encoding handle the ProtoBody? Will you assign it to
>>> a -metadata or a -value field?
>> For a terse element like <MetadataBoolean/> the default containerField
>> value (provided during parsing by the X3D Schema or X3D DTD) is what would
>> be assigned. In this case, default containerField="metadata" for the
>> Metadata* nodes.
>> So, in the current JSON encoding that is deployed, the JSON version of
>> your ProtoDeclare above would use "-metadata" as the key.
>> The JSON encoding of the MetadataSet and the ProtoInstance would
>>> correctly assign the ProtoInstance to the appropriate field in each case.
>>> So there is no loss of information if the ProtoBody assigns the
>>> MetadataBoolean to a generic -children field.
>> Aha. Really critical point, indeed the crux of the matter. What
>> specifically needs to not get lost is the node type of the first node.
>> Hmmm.
>> I've been thinking that if we indeed want to move that initial node in
>> the current JSON encoding, by putting the initial node at the top of the
>> "-children" field, then (instead of containerField) a different way to
>> identify the node-type information may be needed.
>> That now seems overcautious though... the node type isn't indicated by
>> containerField, the node type is actually indicated by the node name.
>> Hmmm.... let's press on a bit further as you suggest.
>> Now, consider a variation.
>>> <ProtoDeclare>
>>> <ProtoInterface/>
>>> <ProtoBody>
>>> <MetadataBoolean/>
>>> <MetadataBoolean/>
>>> </ProtoBody>
>>> </ProtoDeclare>
>>> Now, how would you encode the ProtoBody? According to the strict wording
>>> of the specification is It illegal to use this prototype in a -metadata
>>> field? The first node is still legal! So the wording of the specification
>>> is probably insufficient.
>>> Has that muddied the waters?
>> Well, for sake of discussion, let's call the second MetadataBoolean a
>> MetadataDouble instead. Slightly less muddy:
>> <ProtoDeclare>
>> <ProtoInterface/>
>> <ProtoBody>
>> <MetadataBoolean/>
>> <MetadataDouble/>
>> </ProtoBody>
>> </ProtoDeclare>
>> Using this prototype as an instance would put the MetadataBoolean as an
>> active node in the scene graph, while the MetadataDouble would be just
>> hanging "alongside" it in the scene graph, rather than within the scene
>> graph per se... Indeed any other nodes could also appear alongside, these
>> are not rendered or traversed, and simply sit over on the side unless
>> activated somehow by the first node.
>> Elaborating this notion of "straphanger" nodes along for the ride... From
>> spec, as before:
>> PROTO statement
>>> http://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/comp
>>> onents/core.html#PROTOStatement
>>> (last paragraph)
>>> "The <protoDefinition> consists of a list of nodes the first of which is
>>> used to specify the node type for the prototype. This list may instantiate
>>> other prototypes provided that the definitions of the referenced prototypes
>>> precede this PROTO statement. See PROTO definition semantics for
>>> details."
>> That first specification sentence above puts no restrictions on what the
>> other nodes in the list might be.
>> btw putting a comma somewhere in that sentence couldn't hurt... Dick do
>> you need a full feedback report + Mantis issue + teleconference agenda item
>> to add that comma? :0
>> Anyway, if we continue as spec suggests, we see that the lack of
>> restrictions on those nodes is indeed intentional:
>> ==================================
>> PROTO definition semantics
>> A prototype definition consists of one or more nodes, nested PROTO
>> statements, and ROUTE statements. The first node type determines how
>> instantiations of the prototype can be used in an X3D file. An
>> instantiation is created by filling in the parameters of the prototype
>> declaration and inserting copies of the first node (and its scene graph)
>> wherever the prototype instantiation occurs.
>> EXAMPLE If the first node in the prototype definition is a Material
>> node, instantiations of the prototype can be used wherever a Material node
>> can be used. Any other nodes and accompanying scene graphs are not part of
>> the transformation hierarchy, but may be referenced by ROUTE statements or
>> Script nodes in the prototype definition.
>> ==================================
>> So this allows a prototype author to carry around as many invisible
>> baggage nodes as they want, stashed at the top of the ProtoBody after the
>> first node. It also means that we do not validate the nodes appearing at
>> the top level within a ProtoBody, since any nodes can appear in that list
>> of nodes without constraint.
>> If that first node has contained content, it must be a valid scene
>> subgraph. Otherwise it can't be validly plugged in elsewhere in the scene
>> as a ProtoInstance.
>> In practice, that validation-free-zone (at the top level of the
>> ProtoBody) is a very good place to put Scripts, ROUTEs, and nodes with
>> IS/connect that can hold ProtoInterface field initialization values.
>> Illustrative examples:
>> <ProtoDeclare name="invalid">
>> <ProtoInterface/>
>> <ProtoBody>
>> <MetadataBoolean>
>> <-- contained nodes are strictly validated, so the following nodes
>> fail inside a MetadataBoolean -->
>> <Script/>
>> <ROUTE/>
>> <ROUTE/>
>> </MetadataBoolean>
>> </ProtoBody>
>> </ProtoDeclare>
>> <ProtoDeclare name="valid">
>> <ProtoInterface/>
>> <ProtoBody>
>> <MetadataBoolean/>
>> <-- follow-on sibling nodes are not strictly validated at top level,
>> though their children will be -->
>> <Script/>
>> <ROUTE/>
>> <ROUTE/>
>> <WorldInfo>
>> <IS>
>> <connect/>
>> </IS>
>> </WorldInfo>
>> </ProtoBody>
>> </ProtoDeclare>
>> Hope that is all sensible. The abstract spec does seem pretty well
>> specified on this point.
>> At first the looseness of the ProtoBody top-level node list does appear
>> unfamiliar to many authors, since we are stridently strict about
>> scene-graph structure just about everywhere else. We further remain strict
>> within any of the individual nodes appearing in this list.
>> ... OK back to the point at hand for the JSON encoding. Can we put the
>> first ProtoBody node at the top of the "-children" field, without loss of
>> necessary information?
>> I'm now convinced that you are indeed correct. It is the node name for
>> the first ProtoBody node (e.g. "MetadataBoolean"), and not the
>> containerField, that determines the node type of the ProtoDeclare being
>> created (and corresponding ProtoInstance being instantiated in the scene
>> graph).
>> So yes let's move that first node into the "-children" array in the JSON
>> encoding.
>> Absent other considerations on this issue, I will work to implement and
>> deploy this change in X3dToJson.xslt and the X3D Examples Archives.
>> Again thanks for sustained scrutiny... these certainly can get deep at
>> times! This is the kind of diligence that makes X3D scenes and X3D players
>> reliable.
>> p.s. status update: yesterday's change fixing the "-value" key for JSON
>> encoding of contained SFNode/MFNode content in field/fieldValue tags is
>> complete, fully deployed, and ready for testing.
>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Don Brutzman [mailto:brutzman at nps.edu]
>>> Sent: 06 February 2016 03:04
>>> To: Roy Walmsley; John Carlson
>>> Cc: x3d-public at web3d.org
>>> Subject: Re: [x3d-public] Topics for Discussion at JSON meeting:
>>> SFNode/MFNode field/fieldValue content, ProtoBody, regexes
>>> Summary: Once again the X3D JSON design is looking pretty solid, and our
>>> tool suites are pretty powerful at detecting edge-case issues.
>>> On 2/5/2016 10:37 AM, Don Brutzman wrote:
>>>> [correction: shifted to x3d-public]
>>>> [...]
>>>> On 2/4/2016 10:56 AM, Roy Walmsley wrote:
>>>>> Topics for Discussion for JSON encoding meeting February 5^th 2016 at
>>>>> 1000 PST, 1800 GMT.
>>>>> 1) *Review of progress on JSON Schema development and validation
>>>>> testing on example archive.*
>>> As the screen shot only began to indicate, this is really rocking! as
>>> discussed it will be great to
>>> - autogenerate the X3D JSON Schema from the X3D Object Model
>>> - include it as informative annex in future spec
>>> - Document the various validation features possible/supported
>>> - Generate X3D JSON Schema documentation using XML Spy (feature
>>> request submitted to Altova) or another tool
>>> It was also totally impressive to see that John is applying X3D JSON
>>> with other JavaScript libraries to good effect.
>>> Tweet:
>>> "d3 layout orbit x3d" by John Carlson visualizes multiple example scenes
>>> using new #X3D JSON encoding
>>> https://twitter.com/Web3DConsortium/status/695687691308896256
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0fMd92mu5s
>>> Data-Driven Documents @d3js_org https://d3js.org
>>> Great visualization!
>>> Presumably the availability of an X3D JSON Schema will not only improve
>>> scene quality but further simplify the reliable integration of X3D into a
>>> variety of JavaScript frameworks.
>>> uh... "X3D Anywhere" anybody?!
>>> Further deep-dive issues follow.
>>> 2) *Encoding of node fields in ‘field’ and ‘fieldValue’ elements
>>>>> within Script and Prototypes.*
>>> [...snip/shuffle...]
>>>>> Illustration of 2) above is in X3D Example Archives: Basic, CAD, Cad
>>>>> Geometry Extern Prototypes (see
>>>>> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/CAD/_pages/page02.ht
>>>>> m
>>>>> l)
>>>>> Find the ProtoInstance named ‘IndexedQuadSet’. It has two fieldValue
>>>>> children. The second has the name ‘coord’, and a child Coordinate node.
>>>>> When converted into JSON this Coordinate node is allocated to a field
>>>>> /-coord/, which is the default containerField name for this node. This is
>>>>> incorrect. It should be allocated to the /-value/ field. This is because
>>>>> the element fieldValue has attributes of ‘name’ and ‘value’.
>>>>> A similar issue arises with default values for node fields within the
>>>>> field element.
>>> OK this change is worth close scrutiny to avoid confusion later.
>>> For <field> and <fieldValue>, when the "@value" attribute is used for
>>> simple types, everything works OK.
>>> For <field> and <fieldValue>, with contained SFNode/MFNode content or
>>> contained comments or contained ROUTEs, the key is now "-value" (hyphen
>>> instead of ampersand).
>>> I have applied this correction to field/fieldValue SFNode/MFNode
>>> handling in X3dToJson.xslt conversion stylesheet and will deploy updates to
>>> the example archives.
>>> Example excerpts follow, check out the differences for
>>> ("index","@value") and ("coord","-value") below:
>>> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/CAD/CadGeometryExternP
>>> rototypes.x3d
>>> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/CAD/CadGeometryExternP
>>> rototypes.json (copy attached)
>>> =========================================
>>> <ProtoInstance containerField='geometry' name='IndexedQuadSet'>
>>> <fieldValue name='index' value='0 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 2 7 9 8 2 3 4 7'/>
>>> <fieldValue name='coord'>
>>> <Coordinate point='-1.5 0 0 -1.5 1 -1 -.5 1 -1 -.5 0 0 0.5 0 0 1.5
>>> 0 0 1.5 1 -1 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 2 -1 0.5 2 -1'/>
>>> </fieldValue>
>>> </ProtoInstance>
>>> =========================================
>>> { "ProtoInstance":
>>> {
>>> "@name":"IndexedQuadSet",
>>> "fieldValue": [
>>> {
>>> "@name":"index",
>>> "@value":[0,3,2,1,4,5,6,7,2,7,9,8,2,3,4,7]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"coord",
>>> "-value":[
>>> { "Coordinate":
>>> {
>>> "@point":[-1.5,0,0,-1.5,1,-1,-0.5,1,-1,-0.5,0,0,0.5,0,0,1.5,0,0,1.5,1,-1,0.5,1,-1,-0.5,2,-1,0.5,2,-1]
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> }
>>> }
>>> =========================================
>>> Next issue:
>>> 3) *Encoding of node children in ProtoBody*
>>> [...snip/shuffle...]
>>>>> Taking 3) above: ProtoBody can take any nodes as children. The current
>>>>> converter assigns them to a field named as per the default containerField.
>>>>> I propose that all nodes, irrespective of type, be added to a /-children/
>>>>> field.
>>> Let's think this one through a bit more, please.
>>> The first node in a ProtoBody has special significance, it indicates the
>>> node type of the prototype being declared. This language feature lets X3D
>>> authors define a prototype alternative for any node in X3D - a huge
>>> extensibility feature. From the spec:
>>> PROTO statement
>>> http://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/comp
>>> onents/core.html#PROTOStatement
>>> (last paragraph)
>>> "The <protoDefinition> consists of a list of nodes the first of which is
>>> used to specify the node type for the prototype. This list may instantiate
>>> other prototypes provided that the definitions of the referenced prototypes
>>> precede this PROTO statement. See PROTO definition semantics for
>>> details."
>>> Of note is that this is the only place in the scene graph where nodes
>>> with dissimilar node types can be side by side as peers.
>>> In the XML encoding, the node type for the first ProtoBody child is
>>> defined by it's default (or overridden) containerField value.
>>> In the current JSON encoding, the first node is similarly exposed, and
>>> the type is the key. For example ProtoBody "-geometry" in JSON encoding
>>> example below. Subsequent nodes/ROUTEs/comments all fall under the
>>> "-children" key.
>>> I've provided abridged (but otherwise unmodified) source excerpts for
>>> the examples we discussed during today's teleconference.
>>> [Emotional warning: this pair of examples are wonderfully or horribly
>>> detailed, depending on your linguistic rheostat. Our 3D imaginations
>>> are even bigger than the current Web, so here we go...]
>>> Excerpts follow.
>>> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/CAD/CadGeometryPrototy
>>> pes.x3d
>>> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/CAD/CadGeometryPrototy
>>> pes.json (copy attached) =========================================
>>> <ProtoDeclare appinfo='The IndexedQuadSet node represents a 3D shape
>>> composed of a collection of individual quadrilaterals (quads).
>>> IndexedQuadSet uses the indices in its index field to specify the vertices
>>> of each quad from the coord field. Each quad is formed from a set of four
>>> vertices of the Coordinate node identified by four consecutive indices from
>>> the index field If the index field does not contain a multiple of four
>>> coordinate values the remaining vertices shall be ignored.' documentation='
>>> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/ISO-IEC-19775-Amendment1-PDAM-X3DAbstractSpecification/Part01/components/CADGeometry.html#IndexedQuadSet'
>>> name='IndexedQuadSet'>
>>> <ProtoInterface>
>>> <field accessType='inputOnly' appinfo='range [0..∞) or -1'
>>> name='set_index' type='MFInt32'>
>>> <!-- No specific initialization value -->
>>> </field>
>>> <field accessType='inputOutput' appinfo='[X3DVertexAttributeNode]'
>>> name='attrib' type='MFNode'>
>>> <!-- Specification initialization: NULL node -->
>>> </field>
>>> <field accessType='inputOutput' appinfo='[X3DColorNode]' name='color'
>>> type='SFNode'>
>>> <!-- Specification initialization: NULL node -->
>>> </field>
>>> <field accessType='inputOutput' appinfo='[X3DCoordinateNode]'
>>> name='coord' type='SFNode'>
>>> <!-- Specification initialization: NULL node -->
>>> </field>
>>> <field accessType='inputOutput' appinfo='[FogCoordinate]'
>>> name='fogCoord' type='SFNode'>
>>> <!-- Specification initialization: NULL node -->
>>> </field>
>>> <field accessType='inputOutput' appinfo='[X3DNormalNode]' name='normal'
>>> type='SFNode'>
>>> <!-- Specification initialization: NULL node -->
>>> </field>
>>> <field accessType='inputOutput' appinfo='[X3DTextureCoordinateNode]'
>>> name='texCoord' type='SFNode'>
>>> <!-- Specification initialization: NULL node -->
>>> </field>
>>> <field accessType='initializeOnly' name='ccw' type='SFBool'
>>> value='true'/>
>>> <field accessType='initializeOnly' appinfo='colorPerVertex ignored in
>>> IndexedQuadSet, and always treated as true' name='colorPerVertex'
>>> type='SFBool' value='true'/>
>>> <field accessType='initializeOnly' name='normalPerVertex' type='SFBool'
>>> value='true'/>
>>> <field accessType='initializeOnly' name='solid' type='SFBool'
>>> value='true'/>
>>> <field accessType='initializeOnly' appinfo='range [0..∞) or -1'
>>> name='index' type='MFInt32'>
>>> <!-- No specific initialization value -->
>>> </field>
>>> <field accessType='inputOutput' appinfo='[X3DMetadataObject]'
>>> name='metadata' type='SFNode'>
>>> <!-- Specification initialization: NULL node -->
>>> </field>
>>> </ProtoInterface>
>>> <ProtoBody>
>>> <IndexedFaceSet DEF='RenderedIQS'>
>>> <IS>
>>> <connect nodeField='attrib' protoField='attrib'/>
>>> <connect nodeField='color' protoField='color'/>
>>> <connect nodeField='colorPerVertex' protoField='colorPerVertex'/>
>>> <connect nodeField='coord' protoField='coord'/>
>>> <connect nodeField='fogCoord' protoField='fogCoord'/>
>>> <connect nodeField='normal' protoField='normal'/>
>>> <connect nodeField='texCoord' protoField='texCoord'/>
>>> <connect nodeField='ccw' protoField='ccw'/>
>>> <connect nodeField='normalPerVertex' protoField='normalPerVertex'/>
>>> <connect nodeField='solid' protoField='solid'/>
>>> </IS>
>>> </IndexedFaceSet>
>>> <!-- Initial node in the PROTO body is actual node type, and the only
>>> node rendered. Remaining ProtoBody nodes not rendered -->
>>> <Group DEF='UnrenderedIQS'>
>>> <Script DEF='IndexedQuadSetToIndexedFaceSet' directOutput='true'>
>>> <field accessType='initializeOnly' name='index' type='MFInt32'/>
>>> <field accessType='inputOnly' name='set_index' type='MFInt32'/>
>>> <field accessType='initializeOnly' name='renderedIQS' type='SFNode'>
>>> <IndexedFaceSet USE='RenderedIQS'/>
>>> </field>
>>> <field accessType='initializeOnly' name='localTraceEnabled'
>>> type='SFBool' value='true'/>
>>> <field accessType='initializeOnly' name='coordIndexNew' type='MFInt32'>
>>> <!-- constructed during initialization -->
>>> </field>
>>> <IS>
>>> <connect nodeField='index' protoField='index'/>
>>> <connect nodeField='set_index' protoField='set_index'/>
>>> </IS>
>>> <![CDATA[
>>> ecmascript:
>>> // [...abridged...]
>>> ]]>
>>> </Script>
>>> <Group>
>>> <MetadataString name='metadataHolder'>
>>> <IS>
>>> <connect nodeField='metadata' protoField='metadata'/>
>>> </IS>
>>> </MetadataString>
>>> </Group>
>>> </Group>
>>> </ProtoBody>
>>> </ProtoDeclare>
>>> =========================================
>>> { "ProtoDeclare":
>>> {
>>> "@name":"IndexedQuadSet",
>>> "@appinfo":"The IndexedQuadSet node represents a 3D shape composed of a
>>> collection of individual quadrilaterals (quads). IndexedQuadSet uses the
>>> indices in its index field to specify the vertices of each quad from the
>>> coord field. Each quad is formed from a set of four vertices of the
>>> Coordinate node identified by four consecutive indices from the index field
>>> If the index field does not contain a multiple of four coordinate values
>>> the remaining vertices shall be ignored.",
>>> "@documentation":"
>>> http://www.web3d.org/x3d/specifications/ISO-IEC-19775-Amendment1-PDAM-X3DAbstractSpecification/Part01/components/CADGeometry.html#IndexedQuadSet
>>> ",
>>> "ProtoInterface": {
>>> "field": [
>>> {
>>> "@name":"set_index",
>>> "@accessType":"inputOnly",
>>> "@appinfo":"range [0..∞) or -1",
>>> "@type":"MFInt32",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"No specific initialization value"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"attrib",
>>> "@accessType":"inputOutput",
>>> "@appinfo":"[X3DVertexAttributeNode]",
>>> "@type":"MFNode",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"Specification initialization: NULL node"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"color",
>>> "@accessType":"inputOutput",
>>> "@appinfo":"[X3DColorNode]",
>>> "@type":"SFNode",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"Specification initialization: NULL node"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"coord",
>>> "@accessType":"inputOutput",
>>> "@appinfo":"[X3DCoordinateNode]",
>>> "@type":"SFNode",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"Specification initialization: NULL node"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"fogCoord",
>>> "@accessType":"inputOutput",
>>> "@appinfo":"[FogCoordinate]",
>>> "@type":"SFNode",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"Specification initialization: NULL node"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"normal",
>>> "@accessType":"inputOutput",
>>> "@appinfo":"[X3DNormalNode]",
>>> "@type":"SFNode",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"Specification initialization: NULL node"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"texCoord",
>>> "@accessType":"inputOutput",
>>> "@appinfo":"[X3DTextureCoordinateNode]",
>>> "@type":"SFNode",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"Specification initialization: NULL node"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"ccw",
>>> "@accessType":"initializeOnly",
>>> "@type":"SFBool",
>>> "@value":true
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"colorPerVertex",
>>> "@accessType":"initializeOnly",
>>> "@appinfo":"colorPerVertex ignored in IndexedQuadSet, and always treated
>>> as true",
>>> "@type":"SFBool",
>>> "@value":true
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"normalPerVertex",
>>> "@accessType":"initializeOnly",
>>> "@type":"SFBool",
>>> "@value":true
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"solid",
>>> "@accessType":"initializeOnly",
>>> "@type":"SFBool",
>>> "@value":true
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"index",
>>> "@accessType":"initializeOnly",
>>> "@appinfo":"range [0..∞) or -1",
>>> "@type":"MFInt32",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"No specific initialization value"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"metadata",
>>> "@accessType":"inputOutput",
>>> "@appinfo":"[X3DMetadataObject]",
>>> "@type":"SFNode",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"Specification initialization: NULL node"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> "ProtoBody": {
>>> "-geometry":[
>>> { "IndexedFaceSet":
>>> {
>>> "@DEF":"RenderedIQS",
>>> "IS": {
>>> "connect": [
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"attrib",
>>> "@protoField":"attrib"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"color",
>>> "@protoField":"color"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"colorPerVertex",
>>> "@protoField":"colorPerVertex"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"coord",
>>> "@protoField":"coord"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"fogCoord",
>>> "@protoField":"fogCoord"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"normal",
>>> "@protoField":"normal"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"texCoord",
>>> "@protoField":"texCoord"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"ccw",
>>> "@protoField":"ccw"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"normalPerVertex",
>>> "@protoField":"normalPerVertex"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"solid",
>>> "@protoField":"solid"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ],
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"Initial node in the PROTO body is actual node type, and
>>> the only node rendered. Remaining ProtoBody nodes not rendered"
>>> },
>>> { "Group":
>>> {
>>> "@DEF":"UnrenderedIQS",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "Script":
>>> {
>>> "@DEF":"IndexedQuadSetToIndexedFaceSet",
>>> "@directOutput":true,
>>> "field": [
>>> {
>>> "@name":"index",
>>> "@accessType":"initializeOnly",
>>> "@type":"MFInt32"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"set_index",
>>> "@accessType":"inputOnly",
>>> "@type":"MFInt32"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"renderedIQS",
>>> "@accessType":"initializeOnly",
>>> "@type":"SFNode",
>>> "-value":[
>>> { "IndexedFaceSet":
>>> {
>>> "@USE":"RenderedIQS"
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"localTraceEnabled",
>>> "@accessType":"initializeOnly",
>>> "@type":"SFBool",
>>> "@value":true
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@name":"coordIndexNew",
>>> "@accessType":"initializeOnly",
>>> "@type":"MFInt32",
>>> "-children":[
>>> { "#comment":"constructed during initialization"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> }
>>> ],
>>> "IS": {
>>> "connect": [
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"index",
>>> "@protoField":"index"
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"set_index",
>>> "@protoField":"set_index"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> "#sourceText":[ "ecmascript:","[...abridged...]" ]
>>> }
>>> },
>>> { "Group":
>>> {
>>> "-metadata":[
>>> { "MetadataString":
>>> {
>>> "@name":"metadataHolder",
>>> "IS": {
>>> "connect": [
>>> {
>>> "@nodeField":"metadata",
>>> "@protoField":"metadata"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> }
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> }
>>> }
>>> },
>>> =========================================
>>> Assessment: syntax for these ProtoDeclare encodings are already closely
>>> aligned with each other, and express the semantics of the specification
>>> accurately.
>>> Recommendation: no change, enjoy! 8)
>>> YMMV, further insights and improvements welcome. Please advise.
>>> 4) *Encoding of single value for an MFxxxxx field (non-node) - array
>>>>> or single value*
>>> As discussed, in previous emails and on today's call:
>>> - strict typing of arrays has expressive power and matches the
>>> object-oriented nature of JSON.
>>> - creation of an X3D JSON Schema has the expressive power to isolate
>>> problems and enforce correct typing.
>>> - The appropriate rules exist already within X3dToJson.xslt conversion
>>> stylesheet.
>>> So at this point, I simply have to go through the invalid JSON scenes
>>> identified by John's JSON validation suite and fix either offending .x3d
>>> content or incorrect translation details inside the stylesheet.
>>> 5) *Validation of /url/ fields.*
>>> We discussed how JSON/javascript diagnostics (probably regex i.e.
>>> regular expression based) are hiccuping on the multiple url entries in X3D
>>> url MFString arrays, especially when # character is included in each
>>> ProtoDeclare url.
>>> These are legal constructs for X3D.
>>> Future work: when we finish current X3D XML Schema, X3D Object Model and
>>> X3D JSON work, we will return to the X3D Regular Expressions effort and
>>> document correctly working regexes for X3D urls.
>>> Skeleton page is at
>>> http://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3dRegularExpressions.html
>>> Meanwhile: continuing bugfix attention to any invalid url content
>>> detected in the X3D Examples Archives.
>>> 6)The numeric value -0.
>>> Further investigation in next message. This topic might seem pedantic
>>> (ok ok it is very pedantic) but it is important to get right from a
>>> specification perspective.
>>> Summary. Once again the X3D JSON design is looking pretty solid, and
>>> our tool suites are pretty powerful at detecting edge-case issues.
>>> Thanks again for steady sustained progress. Have fun with X3D JSON!
>> all the best, Don
>> --
>> Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br brutzman at nps.edu
>> Watkins 270, MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA +1.831.656.2149
>> X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics
>> http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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