[x3d-public] geo / bubbles shader scene

doug sanden highaspirations at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 11 13:12:51 PST 2016

Q. is this what the geo.x3d/ bubbles ProgrammableShader sample is supposed to look like?
freewrl wasn't showing the sphere, so I hacked the shaders until I got something, then tinkered to get it close to the original scene.
1. I changed from ComposedShader to ProgramShader (not sure that was necessary)
2. dropped the cube SFInt32 field
3. substituted fw_ names for things like modelviewmatrix ie fw_ModelViewMatrix
4. explicitly multiplied projection * modelview rather than assuming it's already in context ie fw_ProjectionMatrix * fw_ModelViewMatrix
5. avoided mat3 and used the original mat4
6. replaced 'uniform samplerCube cube;' with 'uniform samplerCube fw_Texture_unit0;' 
   and textureCube(cube,... with textureCube(fw_Texture_unit0,...
Resulting freewrl-compatible scene:

I don't know if there's something in the specs saying what the common matrices and texture units are supposed to be called. 
If so freewrlians didn't get the memo. Hence the fw_ names.
Q. where is that -names for modelviewmatrix etc- in any specs?

From: x3d-public <x3d-public-bounces at web3d.org> on behalf of doug sanden <highaspirations at hotmail.com>
Sent: January 10, 2016 8:54 AM
To: John Carlson; X3D Graphics public mailing list
Subject: Re: [x3d-public] fill in what shading languages are available

> Could someone fill in what shading languages are available for those
>  X3D players which support programmable shaders on this
>  page: http://www.web3d.org/wiki/index.php/Player_support_for_X3D_components

 _                      FreeWRL
 _ Shaders      partial^
GLSL                yes
HLSL                no
Cg                    no

^ and a subset of Level 1
ComposedShader    yes
ProgramShader        yes
PackagedShader       no

On behalf of the freewrl opensource community, I report my best knowledge today FreeWRL supports GLSL shading language only, Composed and Program shaders only.
Or more correctly aspires to. Your Geo.x3d example
of cubemap shading in a ComposedShader isn't working right now in freewrl, and I'm looking into that.
Other samples of ProgramShaders and ComposedShaders do work in freewrl:


> Player support for X3D components - Web3D.org
> www.web3d.org
> The Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics standard has many capabilities. X3D
>  components are modular collections of nodes that make it easier for
>  software to gradually ...
> Thanks,
> John
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