[x3d-public] any clues as to why the JSON display on the left looks different from the XML display on the right? Which is correct? Files with similar results attached. Inline is not working in XML is what I think. In fact, the Inline is not even there! more la

Roy Walmsley roy.walmsley at ntlworld.com
Tue Jun 7 12:14:43 PDT 2016

Hi John,


Following my previous e-mail I have done some debugging, and found three bugs in my code.


I see that your pictures below related to SantaFeExamples.json, whereas you included ArtDecoExamples.json files. I ran both, and got the image attached. These are both loaded from the JSON encoding, although I accidentally loaded the SanteFeExamples from the XML encoding as well and got the same result.


My text might not be correct, as I still have TODOs in my code base.


Of course, my results might not be right. I haven’t manually reviewed the file to understand what the authors intended.






From: John Carlson [mailto:john.carlson3 at sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: 07 June 2016 02:35
To: Don Brutzman; Roy Walmsley; x3d-public at web3d.org
Subject: any clues as to why the JSON display on the left looks different from the XML display on the right? Which is correct? Files with similar results attached. Inline is not working in XML is what I think. In fact, the Inline is not even there! more later








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