[x3d-public] Minutes of the X3D WG Meeting 1st June 2016
Roy Walmsley
roy.walmsley at ntlworld.com
Mon Jun 13 02:49:28 PDT 2016
Minutes of the X3D WG Meeting held 0800 PDT, 1600 BST (1500 UTC) 1st June
Attendees: Leonard Daly, Roy Walmsley, Don Brutzman, Vince Marchetti, Anita
Havele, Dick Puk
Minutes of last meeting: Approved.
A. Summary and Technical Reports
Siggraph / Web3D 2016 Conference
For the FF Video the submission date is unclear, specified in different
locations as 27th May and 27th June. It was decided to submit to meet the
first deadline. Then if the longer deadline is valid we have another month
to resubmit.
It was reported that the Siggraph program video has been
released, available at https://t.co/5m1f2Hj7pX.
Also note that early registration deadline if Friday 3rd
It was agreed we need to reach out to Fraunhofer for more
participation in regular meetings. Should aim for once a month, at a regular
An X3D player showcase video lasting 60 seconds should be generated,
compiled from the best YouTube clips from authors. The video could be
publicized both on web site and at conference. It would be consistent with
FF video message of many players with wide content. It would be made
available to members by putting on YouTube, with the flag set to public but
not advertised. Then the link would be sent to members.
B. Discussion topics
C. Specification work, GitHub, and Mantis issues
Extrusion edge cases
1) http://www.web3d.org/wiki/index.php/Extrusion_Edge_Cases
Reviewed the example above in different players. Submitted Coin3D snapshot.
Submitted ExtrusionEdgeCases.x3d example that combined the three cases in
the wiki page into a single scene. This was updated with the addition of
metadata/comments, viewpoints, and some tidying up to simplify and improve
the presentation. This example will be added to the example archive.
D. Schedule review
Schedule topics:
June 8th Public V4.0 discussion
June 15th
June 22nd
June 29th
Topics for discussion not yet assigned are:
Draft MAR charter if not forthcoming.
Animate node
External expert invitations:
- Kristian Sons to discuss suggested X3D v4.0 strategies, cascading
stylesheet (CSS) strategies, and consider XML3D synergies
MIME page
(http://www.web3d.org/wiki/index.php/X3D_MIME-Type) - review and update,
particularly TODO: Deployment Action Items
E. Next meeting
Open meeting June 8th 2016 at 0800 PDT 1600 BST (1500 UTC)
WG meeting June 15th 2016 at 0800 PDT 1600 BST (1500 UTC)
Roy Walmsley
X3D WG co-chair
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