[x3d-public] Interesting Example
Don Brutzman
brutzman at nps.edu
Fri Jun 17 07:17:06 PDT 2016
Yes, interesting. Test report follows.
On 6/17/2016 3:32 AM, Roy Walmsley wrote:
> Hi,
> I have come across an interesting example, relating to the use of Scripts/Prototypes.
> It is on the Cobweb site at http://titania.create3000.de/cobweb/. Scroll down to examples, navigate to Page 3 of the Examples list, and choose “Gears”.
> This example is also available on Holger’s GitHub site at https://github.com/create3000/Library/tree/master/Examples/Gears. There are four files, of which two are XML encoded X3D. The file Rotor.x3d supplies a prototype declaration that is used within gears.x3d.
> Try opening the file gears.x3d in different browsers!
Success: InstantReality, Octaga
Partial success: BS Contact Geo (animates OK but problem with red gear geometry), FreeWrl (problems with geometry)
Load errors: Xj3D (dislikes Full profile), view3dscene, H3DViewer
X3D Validator reports the following issues with these 2 scenes:
--------- Commence validation checks for Rotor.x3d ---------
Performing well-formed XML check...
Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/Rotor.x3d...
Well-formed XML check: pass
Performing DOCTYPE check...
[X3dDoctypeChecker] success: valid XML declaration found; success: final X3D 3.3 DOCTYPE found.
Performing DTD validation...
Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/Rotor.x3d...
XML DTD validation: pass
Performing X3D schema validation...
Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/Rotor.x3d...
Referenced entity at "nbres:/org/web3d/x3d/externals/schemas/x3d-3.3-Web3dExtensionsPublic.xsd".
XML schema validation: pass
Performing X3D regular expression (regex) values check...
Performing X3dToClassicVrml.xslt conversion check...
Performing X3D Schematron check...
<X3D profile='Full'> is defined, but nodes in scene have actual profile='Immersive' [/X3D, info]
Missing X3D filename in meta tag, should appear as <meta name='title' content='FileName.x3d'/> [/X3D/head, warning]
url for X3D file should appear in <meta name='identifier' content='http://someAddress/somePath/FileName.x3d'/> [/X3D/head, warning]
Missing X3D scene description in meta tag, should appear as <meta name='description' content='topic sentence plus good summary'/> [/X3D/head, info]
<ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='angle' value=''/> field declaration is missing initialization value [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field[4], error]
<ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='loop' value=''/> SFBool field must have value='true' or value='false' [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field[5], error]
<ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='startTime' value=''/> field declaration is missing initialization value [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field[6], error]
<ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='pauseTime' value=''/> field declaration is missing initialization value [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field[7], error]
<ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='resumeTime' value=''/> field declaration is missing initialization value [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field[8], error]
<ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='stopTime' value=''/> field declaration is missing initialization value [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field[9], error]
<Script DEF='Rotor'/> contained source block must start with 'ecmascript:' rather than 'vrmlscript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script, error]
<Script DEF='Rotor'/> contained CDATA source block must start with 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script, error]
<Script DEF='Rotor'> <field name='axis' accessType='inputOutput'/> does not send output event via assignment statement axis=___; [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[3], warning]
<Script DEF='Rotor'> <field name='angle' accessType='inputOutput'/> does not send output event via assignment statement angle=___; [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[4], warning]
--------- Validation checks complete for Rotor.x3d ---------
--------- Commence validation checks for gears.x3d ---------
Performing well-formed XML check...
Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/gears.x3d...
Well-formed XML check: pass
Performing DOCTYPE check...
[X3dDoctypeChecker] success: valid XML declaration found; success: final X3D 3.0 DOCTYPE found.
Performing DTD validation...
Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/gears.x3d...
XML DTD validation: pass
Performing X3D schema validation...
Checking file:/C:/Users/don/Desktop/gears.x3d...
XML schema validation: pass
Performing X3D regular expression (regex) values check...
Performing X3dToClassicVrml.xslt conversion check...
Performing X3D Schematron check...
<X3D profile='Full'> is defined, but nodes in scene have actual profile='Immersive' [/X3D, info]
url for X3D file should appear in <meta name='identifier' content='http://someAddress/somePath/FileName.x3d'/> [/X3D/head, warning]
Missing X3D scene description in meta tag, should appear as <meta name='description' content='topic sentence plus good summary'/> [/X3D/head, info]
<ExternProtoDeclare name="Rotor"/> url array address(es) missing #Rotor appended [/X3D/Scene/ExternProtoDeclare, warning]
<ExternProtoDeclare name="Rotor"/> url array address(es) missing online http references [/X3D/Scene/ExternProtoDeclare, info]
<ProtoInterface name='' DEF=''> <field name='creaseAngle' value=''/> field declaration is missing initialization value [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoInterface/field[6], error]
<Coordinate DEF=''/> contains no point data [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/IndexedFaceSet/Coordinate, warning]
<Script DEF=''/> contained source block must start with 'ecmascript:' rather than 'vrmlscript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script, error]
<Script DEF=''/> contained CDATA source block must start with 'ecmascript:'[/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script, error]
<Script DEF=''> <field name='teeth' accessType='inputOutput'/> must define function set_teeth (newValue) [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[1], error]
<Script DEF=''> <field name='teeth' accessType='inputOutput'/> does not send output event via assignment statement teeth=___; [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[1], warning]
<Script DEF=''> <field name='toothDepth' accessType='inputOutput'/> must define function set_toothDepth (newValue) [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[2], error]
<Script DEF=''> <field name='toothDepth' accessType='inputOutput'/> does not send output event via assignment statement toothDepth=___; [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[2], warning]
<Script DEF=''> <field name='innerRadius' accessType='inputOutput'/> must define function set_innerRadius (newValue) [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[3], error]
<Script DEF=''> <field name='innerRadius' accessType='inputOutput'/> does not send output event via assignment statement innerRadius=___; [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[3], warning]
<Script DEF=''> <field name='outerRadius' accessType='inputOutput'/> must define function set_outerRadius (newValue) [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[4], error]
<Script DEF=''> <field name='outerRadius' accessType='inputOutput'/> does not send output event via assignment statement outerRadius=___; [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[4], warning]
<Script DEF=''> <field name='width' accessType='inputOutput'/> must define function set_width (newValue) [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[5], error]
<Script DEF=''> <field name='width' accessType='inputOutput'/> does not send output event via assignment statement width=___; [/X3D/Scene/ProtoDeclare/ProtoBody/Script/field[5], warning]
--------- Validation checks complete for gears.x3d ---------
> I don’t know how you would get on with this one, John, in your prototype expander.
wondering why?
all the best, Don
Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270, MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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