[x3d-public] X3D in Astrophysics

Frédéric Vogt frederic.vogt at alumni.anu.edu.au
Tue Nov 15 04:00:47 PST 2016

Dear everyone, 

As anticipated in my previous email, the article was accepted, and has appeared on the arXiv pre-print server yesterday: https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.03862 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.03862>

It will be published later this year/early 2017. The associated X3DOM example (incl. the clip planes javascript functions) is now hosted on the associated Github repo & pages: 
http://fpavogt.github.io/x3d-pathway/YSNR.html <http://fpavogt.github.io/x3d-pathway/YSNR.html>
https://github.com/fpavogt/x3d-pathway/tree/master/x3d_to_html/1E0102 <https://github.com/fpavogt/x3d-pathway/tree/master/x3d_to_html/1E0102>


> On Nov 3, 2016, at 08:01, Frédéric Vogt <frederic.vogt at alumni.anu.edu.au <mailto:frederic.vogt at alumni.anu.edu.au>> wrote:
> Dear everyone, 
> Posting this here in case it is of interest, and for information. I’ve been exploring the potential of X3D in the field of Astrophysics, and wrote a first article about it some months back (https://arxiv.org/abs/1510.02796 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1510.02796>). I have recently implemented a new example for demonstration purposes, using a different type of dataset, and exploring additional features of the X3DOM framework (I am admittedly only scratching the surface here !). 
> The example in question (to be described in a dedicated article inside the upcoming “Techniques and Methods for Astrophysical Data Visualization” special issue of PASP) is here: http://www.sc.eso.org/~fvogt/1E0102/1E0102.html <http://www.sc.eso.org/~fvogt/1E0102/1E0102.html>
> This is most likely trivial stuff for most on this list. Note that this is based on the clipplane example from the X3DOM website (http://examples.x3dom.org/clipPlane/clipplane.html <http://examples.x3dom.org/clipPlane/clipplane.html>), for which I fixed a bug in the Javascript functions (in the X3DOM original example, the clipplanes and surrounding rectangles did not move together when both an angle AND spatial shift are applied). I added other changes here and there, including the ability to move clip planes “finely & precisely” using buttons. 
> All of this was done with the aim of adding scientific value to an interactive model, with clipplanes allowing viewers to actually measure distances and angles within the model. The article should come out in the coming weeks on the arXiv, I’ll post the link to this list for completeness. 
> Cordially,
> Frédéric

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