[x3d-public] Flattening Scene Graph
Leonard Daly
Leonard.Daly at realism.com
Wed Apr 26 07:37:16 PDT 2017
You did hit on the difficultly of expressing geometry or complex texture
in a single node. This is certainly the case when you are using a model
in X3D (as opposed to glTF or other model format). What if there was a
requirement that Mesh only supported simple models and textures and
anything complex needed to be referenced by URL (to a non-X3D file). The
external file could also include internal animation of the model (e.g.,
pistons, wheel, walk, run, jump, etc.)
I believe that would work for all non-dynamic models or textures. If the
geometry changes according to user input (real-time geometry changes),
then there might be problems (probably an understatement).
You also brought up accessing various subparts of mesh that are current
existing nodes (e.g., reusing Appearance, Geometry, Coordinate, etc.).
The current standard when modeling (*) is to create a complete model for
each non-repeated instance. The parts that may be reused (texture,
animation) could be represented as the equivalent of CSS classes and
reused between instances of Mesh. For example
.texture-color {diffuse:orange; specular:blue; }
.texture-ball {appearance: hard-surface.shader; }
.texture-plush {appearance: fuzzy-surface.shader; }
<Mesh class='.texture-color .texture-ball' geometry='url(dragon.gltf)'
... />
This does bring up the question of how do the colors and shaders
actually make it into the node. I don't have an answer for that right
now, I'm just beginning to explore the concepts.
Leonard Daly
(*) My experience is mostly with the entertainment industry, including
computer graphics for movies, TV, and games. It also includes
"gamification" of training, architecture, and other fields. The primary
tools used for these operations is Maya, Blender, Unity, and Unreal.
Broadcast (including film) rendering is done with a separate application
(e.g., RenderMan). Compositing is also done separately.
Using Maya or Blender an artist creates a model and animates it.
Textures are also created but not permanently applied to the model. When
the model is imported into the next tool in the chain, the texture is
applied. This allows reuse of textures, shaders, etc. The animation is
connected to various stimuli. Note that nearly all animation is done on
a rigged model -- even simple animation like a spinning wheel or piston.
Animation is reused at the modeling stage when the rig is created. If
the rig is identical, then the animation can be reused -- even if the
surface geometry is completely different.
> 2017-04-26 6:50 GMT+02:00 Leonard Daly <Leonard.Daly at realism.com>:
>> I would like to know what people think of the concept of flattening out
>> portions of the scene graph. Specifically the Shape node and its contents.
>> The current structure for an object is something like:
>> <Transform translation='1 2 3' orientation='.707 .707 0 1' scale='.6 1.2
>> 1.8'>
>> <Shape>
>> <Box size='3 2 1'/>
>> <Appearance>
>> <Material diffuseColor='1 .5 0'/>
>> <ImageTexture url='wrap.jpg'/>
>> </Appearance>
>> </Shape>
>> </Transform>
>> Of course there any many different ways to have a Shape node, but using this
>> as an example...
>> Create a new node called Mesh and put all of the children attributes and
>> parent Transform (if one exists) attributes into the node as such
>> <Mesh
>> translation='1 2 3'
>> orientation='.707 .707 0 1'
>> scale='.6 1.2 1.8'
>> geometry='Box:size (3 2 1)'
>> diffuseColor='orange'
>> texture='url (wrap.jpg)' />
>> This may not be the best choices for various attributes and something more
>> complex would need to be done for the non-primitive geometries (e.g.,
>> IndexedFaceSet, ElevationGrid).
> It looks nice in a simple case, but the inevitable question is how you
> would express the complicated cases. There are some really complex
> things inside Shape and Appearance that would require inventing some
> new syntax to "squeeze" them into a single attribute (if you would go
> that route).
> - You mention one example, non-primitive geometries. Besides simple
> lists (of vertexes, indexes) they also have texture coordinates (that
> may be 2D, 3D, 4D, may be generated or explicit, may be
> MultiTextureCoordinate), shader attributes (that are a list of
> xxxAttribute nodes). Even the vertex coordinates have options (single
> or double precision, normal or Geospatial system).
> - There are also complicated texture setups, using MultiTexture or
> ComposedTexture3D or ComposedCubeMapTexture . Each of them consists of
> a number of other texture nodes. These other texture nodes may contain
> TextureProperties inside.
> - The Appearance.shaders is complicated too, it may contain 5 from the
> nodes inside "Programmable Shaders" component (
> http://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/shaders.html
> ) in various nesting configurations. Some of these nodes also allow
> user-defined fields ("interface declarations", just like the Script
> node).
> And most of these are not features that we want to miss in X3D, I
> think. E.g. I will definitely defend cube maps, 3D textures and
> generated texture coordinates. They are common things in modern
> graphic APIs (and implementations using shaders), they allow some
> really cool things (like easy real-time mirrors,
> https://castle-engine.sourceforge.io/x3d_implementation_cubemaptexturing.php#section_example
> , or volumetric fog).
> - Also, you would need to invent a new syntax for DEF / USE, to enable
> sharing subparts of the Mesh. E.g. sometimes we want to share the
> geometry, but use different appearance. Sometimes we want to share the
> appearance, but not geometry.
> It seems to me a really complicated task... The resulting Mesh
> specification would be surely the largest node ever described in the
> X3D specification:)
> Unless you would introduce Mesh only a shortcut for "common usage" of
> other nodes. This is an easy way, as you don't close any possibility
> then.
> Another alternative that I see is something that sums <Transform> +
> <Shape> + <Appearance> but leaves the rest (like geometry, and all
> appearance children) as children XML elements. This will still raise
> the question of "how to share only a subset of Mesh", but otherwise is
> good. Like this:
> <Mesh translation='1 2 3' orientation='.707 .707 0 1' scale='.6 1.2 1.8'>
> <Box size="3 2 1" />
> <Material diffuseColor='orange' />
> <ImageTexture url='"wrap.jpg"' />
> </Mesh>
> It is a less drastic change than yours. Indeed, it does not look as
> nice as yours, it's not as concise. But it retains all the power of
> the existing nodes' combinations.
> Regards,
> Michalis
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*Leonard Daly*
3D Systems & Cloud Consultant
President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/
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