[x3d-public] [x3d] X3D Specification Relationships diagram

Leonard Daly Leonard.Daly at realism.com
Thu Aug 10 18:31:25 PDT 2017

On 8/10/2017 5:17 PM, John Carlson wrote:
> Leonard wrote:
> >and node name collisions (i.e., Script).
> There has been quite a bit of progress with this and X3DJSONLD and 
> X3DOM. It’s been under the covers because I have not advertised it 
> much. I have several scripts running, but not the full complement of 
> my examples.  It does not run the X3D event model yet, except for 
> initialize().
> Cobweb of course, already handles this, so quit bellyaching.

Cobweb even with Andreas' DOM interface extensions does not integrate 
with the DOM regarding Scripts. A full integration would allow the 

X3D Script function called 'foo'
HTML script function called 'bar'

In the body of bar, I should be able to redefine 'foo'. It is (in a 
fully integrated system) available as window.foo. Similarly for inside 
of 'foo' to change 'bar'.

function bar(event, time) {
     window.foo = bar;            // I would (perhaps) settle for 
window.x3d.foo = bar;


<Script ...>    <!-- X3D Script node -->
     function foo (event, time) {
         window.bar = foo;

I should be able to construct an object with 'foo' as a method. E.g.,

var globalVar = {};
globalVar.x3d = foo;

// should call the X3D script passing it a reference to the current 
value of 'event' and 'time'.
globalVar.x3d(event, time);

Inside 'foo' I should be able to access any DOM element to get it's 
current state or even establish an event listener.

I know there are some things that Cobweb can do, but there has been no 
discussions in the WG for the language that would be necessary to ensure 
HTML/DOM/X3D interaction like I described above.

Unrolling scripts on the server (or at least not in the runtime of the 
browser) is all fine and good, but again there has been no discussion in 
the WG as to how to even approach writing that up.

I will be happy to be (relatively) quiet on these points if someone can 
show me working examples and proposed text to make this work.

*Leonard Daly*
3D Systems & Cloud Consultant
President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/
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