[x3d-public] x3d-public unsubscribe notification - another removal occurred unexpectedly
doug sanden
highaspirations at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 18 07:41:18 PST 2017
> Doug: thanks for the explanation. You are again subscribed.
> Is it possible that web3d.org is hiding in one of your spam filters?
I checked my explicit spam filters and don't see any of them (x3d-public, x3d-public-owner, or mailman-bounces) explicitly listed.
maybe/possible its being filtered somehow. but it is supposed to pass through my junk, which I check routinely and Pr(.95) would have noticed if it did.
Today I added both admin addresses and x3d-public to an explicit safe-list:
mailman-bounces at host.realism-sites.com
x3d-public-owner at web3d.org
x3d-public at web3d.org
The last Inbox notice from admin I have on record was Jan 1, 2017:
From: Mailman <mailman-bounces at host.realism-sites.com> on behalf of x3d-public-owner at web3d.org <x3d-public-owner at web3d.org>
Sent: January 1, 2017 6:00 AM
To: highaspirations at hotmail.com
Subject: web3d.org mailing list memberships reminder
From: Don Brutzman <brutzman at nps.edu>
Sent: December 17, 2017 10:23 PM
To: doug sanden; Web3D Webmaster
Cc: Roy Walmsley; X3D Graphics public mailing list
Subject: Re: x3d-public unsubscribe notification - another removal occurred unexpectedly
Doug: thanks for the explanation. You are again subscribed. Is it possible that web3d.org is hiding in one of your spam filters?
Len, might Doug's account be on a web3d.org black list or bounce list? I didn't see his email address in any of the mailman entries.
On 12/17/2017 4:43 PM, doug sanden wrote:
> I tried earlier today, but i didnt get the confirmation email to finish the process. Likely all my symptoms can be explained by not getting emails from your server. For example once per month i used to get an email asking if i wanted to remain subscribed. I dont remember getting one of those in the last month i received x3d-public - last May - and was likely dropped automatically. If so its not x3d-public but rather the associated admin mails i wasnt getting. And without them you cant stay subscribed and cant resubscribe.
> -Doug
> ________________________________________
> From: Don Brutzman [brutzman at nps.edu]
> Sent: December 17, 2017 4:25 PM
> To: doug sanden
> Cc: Roy Walmsley; Web3D Webmaster; X3D Graphics public mailing list
> Subject: Re: x3d-public unsubscribe notification - another removal occurred unexpectedly
> [cc: webmaster, communications team]
> Wow this is really a surprise. Thanks for letting us know.
> Doug, do you want to try re-subscribing or shall we subscribe you to x3d-public?
> http://web3d.org/mailman/listinfo/x3d-public_web3d.org
> On 12/16/2017 9:17 AM, doug sanden wrote:
>> Thanks Don,
>> Wasn't me today.
>> Hypotheses:
>> H1: a hacker
>> H2: an automation script
>> H3: (like H2, except delayed several weeks) I may have tried un-subscribing and re-subscribing a few weeks ago, attempting to start fresh. If an automation script is delayed/just catching up weeks later, that might explain it.
>> Since you intervened a few weeks ago Don, I've been able to send emails to x3d-public, but still haven't been getting them (I check the x3d-public archive daily).
>> -Doug
>> PS still haven't finished DIS, reading old articles today to get the radio and management ideas.
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Don Brutzman <brutzman at nps.edu>
>> Sent: December 16, 2017 10:08 AM
>> To: doug sanden
>> Cc: Roy Walmsley
>> Subject: Re: x3d-public unsubscribe notification
>> Hi Doug. Is everything OK? Your efforts are very important to us. Please advise if you are just switching emails or have other concerns, we're keen to remain responsive to everyone.
>> Thanks for your many efforts, hoping for continuing excellent progress together.
>> On 12/16/2017 9:00 AM, mailman-bounces at web3d.org wrote:
>>> highaspirations at hotmail.com has been removed from x3d-public.
all the best, Don
Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270, MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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