[x3d-public] DigitalHeritage 2018 Call for Venue

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Thu Jul 13 10:59:43 PDT 2017

Of potential interest.


> DigitalHeritage International Congress
> Call For Venue (closed)
> Ballot in progress
> Among the various proposals received, Digital Heritage is now evaluating the venue for the 2018 edition of its Congress, that will be announced within the end of July 2017.
> > Background
> The DigitalHeritage International Congress is an event that periodically proposes a common and integrated occasion for unifying the major world conferences, workshops and exhibitions in the field of the ICT technologies applied to the tangible and intangible heritage.
> The Congress is structured around a scientific core, made by keynote presentations and scientific contributions in different tracks developed in parallel sessions. Connected to this central core are organized an exhibition of scientific and commercial application in the field (the DigitalHeritage Expo), tutorials and workshops, that aim to stimulate the exchange and networking between scholars and professionals.
> In the first two editions the Congress has been organized in cities of great cultural significance and has been supported by UNESCO, the European Commission, the French Ministry of Culture, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competition, the Italian and French National Research Councils (CNR and CNRS).
> The main federated events in these years have been: “International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia” (VSMM), “Eurographics Symposium on Graphics and Cultural Heritage” (GCH), UNESCO’s “Memory of the World”, “ArcheoVirtual Exhibition on Virtual Archaeology and Museums”, “Digital Art Week” (DAW), “Int'l Mtg on Archaeology, Graphic Informatics, Heritage & Innovation” (ARQUEOLOGICA 2.0).
> In addition there have been special sessions of “Computers Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology” (CAA), CIPA Heritage Documentation, “International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology (Space2Place) and the ICOMOS “Digital Interpretation Panel”.
> Finally, the conference was a common stage for all major European projects in the field who organized here their workshops, tutorials and meetings.
all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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