[x3d-public] announce: X3D XML schema/DTD updates - various default MFString values in DTD now quoted to match XML Schema

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Mon Jul 24 23:58:03 PDT 2017

X3D XML Schema/DTD updates in preparation for SIGGRAPH 2017 releases.

X3D DTD update activity:

24 July 2017 seelig walmsley brutzman
- Layout size is MFFloat with default array value "1 1"
- (v3.2+) Add quotes to default MFString values for
   forceOutput %MFString; ""NONE"" (BallJoint, DoubleAxisHingeJoint, MotorJoint, SingleAxisHingeJoint, SliderJoint, UniversalJoint)
   appliedParameters %MFString; ""BOUNCE"" (CollisionCollection, Contact)
   objectType %MFString; ""ALL"" (LinePickSensor, PickableGroup, PointPickSensor, PrimitivePickSensor, VolumePickSensor, )

15 June 2017 seelig walmsley brutzman puk
- (v3.2+) fixed inconsistencies in anchorPoint default value, all now equal 0 0 0
- (v3.2+) fixed default ScreenFontStyle pointSize 12

Special thanks to Holger Seelig for identifying these discrepancies.

For Web3D members, these changes are typically examined and resolved in the Mantis issue tracker.


Tooltips updated to match.


These updates are checked with latest version of Java jdk1.8.0_131 and documentation generated using recent release of XMLSpy.  Looking good.  Schema/DTD bugfixes and documentation are now published and deployed, references follow.  No changes to existing X3D scene content are needed.

TODO: corresponding JSON Schema updates, various refinements remain under consideration.

Thanks for all ongoing reports and suggestions.  Have fun with high-quality X3D!  8)

X3D Schema assets can be found on the X3D Specifications: XML Schema and DOCTYPE Validation page.


Full documentation updates have been autogenerated for the XML Schema and DOCTYPE, available for X3D versions 3.0 through 3.3 plus experimental 4.0.  Recommended X3D version is 3.3.


Corresponding updated assets: lists of all X3D elements and attributes, with default values, autogenerated from X3D XML Schema.


Additional updated assets: X3D JSON Schema (manual) and X3D Object Model (autogenerated) by Roy Walmsley.

      http://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3-JSONSchema.json (experimental)

      http://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3DObjectModel-3.3.xml  (experimental)

X3D Schematron Validation and Quality Assurance (QA) rules are also regularly updated in concert with these changes.


The X3D Working Group also maintains the X3D Graphics Standards: Specification Relationships diagram up to date, showing the roadmap for all major planned work.


Please note that X3D version 4.0 Schema and DTD are experimental and support specification development.

All versions of these assets are maintained under open-source version control at


Changes are tested through validation regression testing of 3800+ open-source X3D scenes.

       X3D Resources: Examples

       X3D Resources: Quality Assurance (QA)

Corresponding updates are also regularly released in the following public assets:

       X3D Tooltips

       X3D Validator

       X3D-Edit Authoring Tool

You can comment on the X3D Specifications in multiple ways.  All feedback gets considered.

       mailto:x3d-public at web3d.org

Feedback is always welcome.  Thanks for all test reports and idea contributions.

Want to help support this work building the future Web?  The value of membership in the Web3D Consortium continues to steadily grow.  Your engagement can definitely help, there are lots of cool challenges to pursue.  Please consider joining as a company, institution or individual to participate.




all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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