[x3d-public] cannot update SVN on X3D sourceforge. Please removesupposed virus.

Joe D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Fri May 26 18:33:10 PDT 2017

> the "SetupFluxStudio.exe"

didn't Tony turn some of Flux over to open source at some time? Then 
hanim got crippled when the realtime interactive chat show didn't need 
skin anymore, but the studio was even better and a model for anything 
that is out there now. Hopefully all intentions of flux aimed at X3D 
can help give us a living interactable gltf object to use in (x)html 
and x3d as we wish. Those must have been the days. Always worldview or 
flux or BSContact and Java3D, then octaga and instant and others I 
have not exploited nearly as much as Flux. Proofs that x3d can be an 
embedded object in (x)html interfacing with the parent DOM in an 
orderly way, and vice-versa. Now contact expands x3d, x3dom along with 
cobweb point toward even greater freedom, and gltf and src present us 
with even more fantasical tricks for reusable functionality.

sorry for divergence, but flux won't run in latest win or any current 
device anyway, I'm sure. I think even XP from middle on would not run 
it anymore. Maybe it was me that forgot to keep a really old box that 
would run the players from win95 and early XP so we could test those 
VRML, X3D Classic, and X3D XML 3.0 and 3.1 (maybe) examples, because 
flux and bscontact were the basis for most all examples developed up 
to some time.
Was the best for example development alongside BSContact, more 
advanced than cosmo and worldview, really fast scenegraph and best dx 
render and lots of script and SAI-like operations really worked and 
could be an active namespace object in many versions of the chaos that 
went on in in every browser developing the html object element.

So, no hestation for cutting flux from current roundup because no 
longer a factor, but for quality and dedication and understanding of 
the problem details, and making fine looking interactive pixels, 
should always be considered and probably actually is being considered 
somewhere at this moment.

Thanks and Best,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michalis Kamburelis" <michalis.kambi at gmail.com>
To: "John Carlson" <yottzumm at gmail.com>
Cc: "X3D Graphics public mailing list" <x3d-public at web3d.org>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 5:00 AM
Subject: Re: [x3d-public] cannot update SVN on X3D sourceforge. Please 
removesupposed virus.

> 2017-04-24 13:19 GMT+02:00  <yottzumm at gmail.com>:
>> Is the file signed (probably the signature has to be up-to-date 
>> too)?  I would have more of a case then, see:
> In this case, I guess that the "SetupFluxStudio.exe" is from
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flux_%28software%29 which is not 
> active
> anymore. So if it's not signed already, then there's probably no 
> chance
> for a new version signed by any original developer.
> Probably it's indeed best to remove it from SVN repository.
> I fear a bit how will this affect other software (including my 
> own...)
> on Windows. If Microsoft is getting such aggressive about exe 
> signing
> (treating it as a virus, and not allowing you to submit it as
> false-positive), then some of my software is in trouble too:)
>> I wonder if there’s an option for SVN?
> I don't believe there is, because there's nothing SVN could do. SVN 
> does this:
> 1. Download data from the Internet, place it in
> "C:/x3d-code/.svn./.../pristine/xxx" file.
> 2. Sometime later: try to move "C:/x3d-code/.svn./.../pristine/xxx" 
> to
> "C:/x3d-code/xxx".
> Between 1. and 2., the virus checker removes the file.
> You can't easily change the way SVN works here, without breaking 
> some
> SVN functionality. It's actually useful that it keeps a "pristine"
> copy, and it's reasonable that the file is copied later (to only
> update your working copy once everything downloaded correctly).
> I can imagine many other software (like other version control
> systems), including my own (when I save downloaded files to a
> temporary location) getting broken by the behavior of such virus
> checker.
> Regards,
> Michalis
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