[x3d-public] Need help tracking down JSON validation errors in files. Possible problem with schema or JSON files

Don Brutzman brutzman at nps.edu
Tue Sep 5 21:44:34 PDT 2017

John, might we pick one or two issues and work through them one at a time?  Please suggest which.  Thanks.

On 9/5/2017 12:38 PM, John Carlson wrote:
> I forgot to send this.  Oops!
> I need help tracking down errors in this JSON schema and x3d resources files.   Atttached are the schema, the errors from serializing (search for File: ), and the possible bad filenames themselves.
> The most likely problem is a @USE and other properties together where the properties go to a missing schema item down the tree (ProtoInstance is likely), so hunt from the bottom most error up, or old schema problems that were never fixed in the files.   So we can filter the files that don’t pass the old schema
> The best way to find an error in the file is to go to the deepest errors, and figure out if I am missing a property from the schema or object model (this is how I found out that Appearance -material didn’t have a ProtoInstance property in either the object model or the schema).  There is one patch to the json schema already, which is not in X3DUOM.  I am expecting a patch to X3DUOM.   When X3DUOM is patched, I will produce a new schema.  The current schema uses an older X3DUOM, minus allowedElements (I don’t validate profiles yet).
> Version 3.0 errors will be handled later.
> This will be a good test of X3DUOM.
> Please apply the schema to your own files for testing with your own JSON validators, they may be better than mine at finding errors in the schema that I am transmitting.  Plus you’re probably more familiar with them.  If a file that I don’t pass passes your validator, send me the file or filename.
> I am already seeing issues with MetadataString and @USE and @name, but many of those are version 3.0 schema, which I haven’t modified. So only look at version 3.3 for now.
> I have requested that Ajv point out the most relevant errors, but I’m waiting on them.   We may all want to wait, or preferably try to get the autogenerated JSON schema out sooner despite inconveniences in Ajv.
> If we don’t look at this soon, I will request that Don replace the JSON schema in SVN, and we can see what problems it causes.
> Not many errors were found out of 7415 files.   Only 192
> John

all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br       brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270,  MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA   +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman

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