[x3d-public] Proposed new Profile
Greg Couch
gregc at cgl.ucsf.edu
Tue Jan 23 20:10:23 PST 2018
On 1/22/2018 8:43 AM, Leonard Daly wrote:
> The existing X3D profiles were designed for run-time environments.
> Since those original definitions, the marketplace has changed. There
> is need of an open, standardized formats for models that supports
> conversion to and from existing formats such as FBX, OBJ, glTF, and
> others. There are some tools that do that conversion, but tend to be
> expensive or limited in capability. To address this hole in the 3D
> eco-system, I am proposing new profiles to handle the archive storage
> for models. The first proposal is for static models. These are models
> without articulation, joints, sliders, etc. The profile supports the
> way models are built in the industrial/professional world of games,
> entertainment, CAD, and medical -- at least to the best of my
> understanding.
> The collection of nodes handles output functionality from Maya and
> Blender plus other tools. It includes some advanced structures such as
> NURBS, CAD, and Volume; and does not include simple structures as
> simple geometry (Box, Sphere, etc.). I looked at what the tools output
> and could not find instances where simple structures were exported.
> This allows important features of the model (e.g., a NURBS surface) to
> exist and triangulation to happen later in the process.
> The details are at
> http://realism.com/blog/proposed-x3d-profile-static-model. The post
> includes a list of included nodes sorted by their profile.
> --
> *Leonard Daly*
> 3D Systems & Cloud Consultant
> President, Daly Realism - /Creating the Future/
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For reference, UCSF Chimera, a free molecular modeling program that
exports X3D, uses the Interchange profile for static scenes with the
following extra component levels listed in the header, depending on what
is exported: Geometry2D: 2, Navigation: 3, Rendering: 5, Shape: 3, and
Text: 1. So please include Box, Sphere, OrthoViewpoint, ColorRGBA,
ClipPlane, and Text in static scenes. And we would like to add,
available in X3D 3.3: <unit category='length' name='ångström'
conversionFactor='1e-10'/>. So please include units in the profile
description too.
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