[x3d-public] X3D teleconference 5 JUN 2018 minutes: HAnim DIS, X3D Regex, Web3D 2018 and X3Dv4
Joseph D Williams
joedwil at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 6 14:14:49 PDT 2018
➢ Nevertheless we might alternatively specify a unique, non-progressive approach:
➢ 1' Skeleton
With 1 you can do any animation, either with or without “Motion” with geometries as children of Segment(s). Everything is ‘standard’ x3d hierarchy.
➢ 2' Skeleton + skin
Adding skin makes processing more complicated, but it is just the capability to use a single geometry for surface and also individual geometries as children of Segment(s). Really nothing to do with “Motion” of part 2 unless the author also wants to use the part 2 “Motion” stuff.
➢ 3' Skeleton + motion
➢ 4' Skeleton + skin + motion
Maybe a level 3 for the Part 2 Motion additions.
➢ We reviewed different levels possible. Current draft:
> 1. Skeleton
> 2. Skeleton + skin
> 3. Skeleton + skin + motion
I think best as Level 3 adds “Motion”.. Otherwise hear from implementers.
Since skin is harder for browser than “Motion” we might see 1 and 3 from a browser that does not want to do skin but can do “Motion”. In all cases, the animation interfaces are the joints.
➢ This deserves further scrutiny by HAnim group.
I think part 2 should be distinct added feature. An instance might be Octaga that as far as I inow has not done skin but can easily do motion.
All Best,
From: Don Brutzman
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 9:26 AM
To: X3D Graphics Working Group
Cc: Humanoid Animation (H-Anim) Working Group; X3D Graphics public mailing list
Subject: [x3d-public] X3D teleconference 5 JUN 2018 minutes: HAnim DIS,X3D Regex, Web3D 2018 and X3Dv4
Attendees: Anita Havele, Vince Marchetti, Dick Puk, Don Brutzman. Elapsed time 70 minutes - rapid transit!
1. All Web3D members and prospective members are invited to join us this week as we look over lots of progress prior to the annual conference.
Web3D Teleconference Information
2. X3D Eye Candy of the Week, from Virginia Tech (VT):
Environmental Design & New Media: Wing It
3. Humanoid Animation (HAnim) Draft International Standard (DIS) submitted to ISO.
- Volume I, Architecture (extends existing Humanoid)
- Volume II, Motion Data Animation (adds Motion object, BVH-related mocap support)
[h-anim] X3D v4.0 component for Humanoid Animation (HAnim), Don Brutzman email 4 June 2018
We discussed renaming of the github archive from "DIS prep" to "DIS". The two specs are now forwarded by SC24 and registered with JTC 1.
Go-forward plan is to copy over the "DIS Prep" (thus freezing it) as "IS Prep" in github. Will discuss at HAnim teleconference 13 June prior to execution.
We reviewed different levels possible. Current draft:
1. Skeleton
2. Skeleton + skin
3. Skeleton + skin + motion
Nevertheless we might alternatively specify a unique, non-progressive approach:
1' Skeleton
2' Skeleton + skin
3' Skeleton + motion
4' Skeleton + skin + motion
This deserves further scrutiny by HAnim group.
Still awaiting public deployment of DIS specification via Web3D website.
All H-Anim Standards
Next steps: further implementation/examples/evaluation will be ongoing.
We will soon be announcing this accomplishment and supporting assets publicly.
Related opportunities emerging:
Press release: HL7 International @HL7 and Web3D Consortium Formalize Agreement to
Incorporate #X3D Presentation into Electronic Health Record (EHR) Applications,
signing a Statement of Understanding to cooperatively advance their standards.
4. Recent dialog/diagnosis of mysterious validation errors.
Email thread starting last week, special thanks to Frederic Vogt:
[x3d-public] Unexpected behaviour of X3D Validator; X3D regular expressions (regexes)
X3D Validator
Major refresh:
X3D Regular Expressions (regexes)
Vince reports that MFInt32 problem stack-overflow error still remains when running X3D Schematron locally. He will post the abridged example that is still failing, hopefully that will help our test efforts.
MFInt32 regex pattern:
((\+|\-)?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)?( )?(,)?( )?)*
We reviewed the following but didn't see the anti-patterns it refers to:
Runaway Regular Expressions: Catastrophic Backtracking
If this testing isolates any unfixable regex vulnerabilities, we should add them to the X3D Resources: Security considerations.
Several more regexes are still needed: SFImage notably. Anyone feeling creative?!
Don is looking at
a. adding regex checking in X3DJSAIL
b. adding context-sensitive links to an online regex checker (if the pattern can be passed as a url parameter)
c. scratch-pad file includes a bounding-box regex, will add that in an "extras" table of some sort.
d. whether DoctypeChecker.java warning can be more explicit when a Byte Order Mark (BOM) is detected as start of file.
5. Upcoming work on X3D v4. We will list participation activities that are accessible for consortium and community engagement.
X3D Version 4
- First component complete: HAnim update
- Next component: Projective Texture Mapping (PTM)
- Advanced graphics and compression with glTF
- VR/AR/MAR and WebVR are X3D v4.1, proceeding in parallel to quickly follow X3D v4.0
- many more items, let's highlight what is actionable right now
These will be covered at the imminent events of the year, in Poznan Poland:
VR Hackathon, 17-19 June 2018
Web3D 2018 Conference, 20-22 June 2018
Web3D Workshop on X3D Futures: Adoption of HTML5 & VR/AR on the Web
Presenters: Anita Havele and Don Brutzman
Member folder:
Vince will produce a 1-line summary for the website.
Workshop description:
This workshop will discuss many opportunities for involvement. Following the path projected by Web3D 2017's Future of X3D session, multiple Web3D Consortium working groups and community participants continue to build on the architectural stability of the Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics International Standard. Two open-source implementations currently adapt X3D content for HTML5 integration, with excellent results showing compatible event models for user interaction and model animation. Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR), 3D Printing and 3D Scanning are all using X3D on the Web and being explored to good effect. Central to these explorations is an X3D Unified Object Model (X3DUOM) that enables consistent implementation and presentation of content across multiple file encodings (XML, ClassicVRML, JSON, binary) as well as multiple programming language bindings (JavaScript, Java and planned adaptations to C/C++/C# and Python). Second-generation Humanoid Animation (HAnim) is stabilizing motion-capture (mocap) outputs for both general-purpose and human-specific (i.e. medical) usage. Over two decades of progress are steadily evolving to unlock the promise of 3D Graphics within the Web architecture. Quality assurance, validation tools, import/export support, forwards/backwards compatibility,and a large corpus of open-source examples are together ensuring that consistent semantics are emerging for 3D on any platform. This progress report outlines numerous parallel lines of effort and points out individual opportunities to utilize and extend X3D consistently across multiple domains.
All feedback welcome. Have fun with X3D! 8)
all the best, Don
Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br brutzman at nps.edu
Watkins 270, MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA +1.831.656.2149
X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics http://faculty.nps.edu/brutzman
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