[x3d-public] [h-anim] H-Anim WG meeting, November 14th - MINUTES

Joseph D Williams joedwil at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 19 15:05:53 PST 2018

After a look at 7250-1 I made this short list of the landmarks listed in 5 compared to existing HAnim #C and #H Sites.
The measurements in 6 also define many individual and paired measurement points that seem to be the same as many other existing HAnim #C and #H Sites. 

7250-1  notes
5 Landmarks
.2 same as #C29 and #C41 acromion
.3 same as #C24 cervicale
.4 same as #C73 crotch 
.5 l and r Ectocanthus New 
.6 Glabella New 
.7 like anterior point of #C28 (posterior) waist_preferred_post ?
.8 same as #C16 and #C18 rib10
.9  menton same as #C4 supramenton ??
.10 same as #C15 substernale
.11 same as #C9 nuchale
.12 same as #C33 and #C45 olecranon
.13 same as #C2 and #C3 infraorbitale 
.14 Opisthocranion New 
.15 same as #C1 sellion
.16 same as #C31 and #C43 radial_styloid
.17 Suprapatella, sitting New (not needed)
.18 same as #C13 and #C14 thelion
.19 like #C55 and #C65 femoral_medial_epicn
.20 same as #C5 and #C7 tragion
.21 same as #C39 and #C21 ulnar_styloid
.22 same as #H1 skull_tip

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